46 resultados para Guarnieri, Camargo, 1907-1993, Sonatinas n.3 e n.6 para piano
The concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) in seawater display systematic variations related to weathering inputs, particle scavenging and water mass histories. Here we investigate the REE concentrations of water column profiles in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, a key region of the global circulation and primary production. The data reveal a pronounced contrast between the vertical profiles in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and those to the south of the ACC in the Weddell Gyre (WG). The ACC profiles exhibit the typical increase of REE concentrations with water depth and a change in the shape of the profiles from near linear for the light REEs to more convex for the heavy REEs. In contrast, the WG profiles exhibit high REE concentrations throughout the water column with only the near surface samples showing slightly reduced concentrations indicative of particle scavenging. Seawater normalised REE patterns reveal the strong remineralisation signal in the ACC with the light REEs preferentially removed in surface waters and the mirror image pattern of their preferential release in deep waters. In the WG the patterns are relatively homogenous reflecting the prevalence of well-mixed Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) that follows shoaling isopycnals in the region. In the WG particle scavenging of REEs is comparatively small and limited to the summer months by light limitation and winter sea ice cover. Considering the surface water depletion compared to LCDW and that the surface waters of the WG are replaced every few years, the removal rate is estimated to be on the order of 1 nmol/m3/yr for La and Nd. The negative cerium anomalies observed in deep waters are some of the strongest found globally with only the deepest waters in parts of the Pacific having stronger anomalies. These deep waters have been isolated from fresh continental REE inputs during their long journey through the abyssal Indo-Pacific ocean and suggests that the high REE concentrations found in the ACC and WG reflect contributions from old deep waters.
A composite record (LO09-14) of three sediment cores from the subpolar North Atlantic (Reykjanes Ridge) was investigated in order to assess surface ocean variability during the last 11 kyr. The core site is today partly under the influence of the Irminger Current (IC), a branch of the North Atlantic Drift continuing northwestward around Iceland. However, it is also proximal to the Sub-Arctic Front (SAF) that may cause extra dynamic hydrographic conditions. We used statistical methods applied to the fossil assemblages of diatoms to reconstruct quantitative sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Our investigations give evidence for different regional signatures of Holocene surface oceanographic changes in the North Atlantic. Core LO09-14 reveal relatively low and highly variable SSTs during the early Holocene, indicating a weak IC and increased advection of subpolar water over the site. A mid-Holocene thermal optimum with a strong IC occurs from 7.5 to 5 kyr and is followed by cooler and more stable late Holocene surface conditions. Several intervals throughout the Holocene are dominated by the diatom species Rhizosolenia borealis, which we suggest indicates proximity to a strongly defined convergence front, most likely the SAF. Several coolings, reflecting southeastward advection of cold and ice-bearing waters, occur at 10.4, 9.8, 8.3, 7.9, 6.4, 4.7, 4.3 and 2.8 kyr. The cooling events recorded in the LO09-14 SSTs correlate well with both other surface records from the area and the NADW reductions observed at ODP Site 980 indicating a surface-deepwater linkage through the Holocene.
Geoelectrical soundings were carried out in 29 different places in order to find permafrost and to measure its thickness. In most places above timber Iine a permafrost thickness of 10-50 m was recorded. Permafrost was found at sites with thin snow cover during winter. Here, deflation phenomena on the summits of fjells indicate the occurence of permafrost, Vegetation type might be a good indicator of permafrost, too. It seems obvious that permafrost exists extensively on fjell summits of northern Finland.
Drake Passage is a major route for many water masses from the strong Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the ANTXXIV-3 expedition (in 2008) the vertical distributions of dissolved and size-fractionated particulate 231Pa and thorium isotopes (230Th, 232Th and 234Th) were investigated in order to better define the scavenging regimes and the effects of the oceanic circulation on the fate of particulate material and on the Pa-Th distributions in the water column. The reversible scavenging-model applied to both 230Th and 234Th, in the upper 1500 m depth, gives estimates of the particle dynamics (settling velocities S~ 500-1300 m/y, adsorption and desorption rate constants of 0.1-0.4 1/y and 1-6 1/y respectively). Particulate 234Th/230Th activity ratio shows a depth dependence, with decreasing ratio with increasing depth in agreement with previous studies, but no relationship with particle size was found. 231Pa and thorium isotope fractionation and partition coefficients were investigated with particle size vs depth and latitude and appear to vary horizontally following a North-South gradient. This suggests that both radionuclides are mostly bound to the fine suspended particles. At Drake Passage, the 230Thxs distribution is controlled by a southward upwelling of deep water (clearly visible on the vertical section of total 230Thxs, defined as dissolved + particulate concentrations) and reversible-scavenging processes (linear increase of 230Thxs with increasing depth) with North of the Southern ACC Front, higher settling velocities and less adsorption/desorption cycles, than South of it. Distributions of dissolved and total 231Paxs also reflect the influence of the North-South upwelling but somehow this effect appears to be limited to the upper 1500 m depth of the water column. Below this depth, 231Paxs vertical profiles exhibit contrasted concentrations, with some high dissolved activities in the deep water of the stations in the northern part of the ACC and not South of the ACC. These N-S differences in dissolved 231Paxs were attributed to the different origins and scavenging history of the deep Pacific waters flowing across Drake Passage. Here at North, radionuclides-rich deep water originates from the Central Pacific, while at South, deep water derives from the Southern Pacific in which the observed low radionuclides concentrations are attributed to high opal abundance. South of the Drake Passage, high dissolved and particulate activities of 230Th and 232Th confirmed the intrusion of 230Th-rich Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) close to the Antarctic Peninsula.
The distribution of dissolved zinc (Zn) was investigated in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in the austral autumn of 2008 as part of the IPY GEOTRACES expedition ZERO & DRAKE. Research focused on transects across the major frontal systems along the Zero Meridian and across the Drake Passage. There was a strong gradient in surface zinc concentrations observed across the Antarctic Polar Front along both transects and high zinc levels were found in surface waters throughout the Southern Ocean. Vertical profiles for dissolved Zinc showed the presence of local minima and maxima in the upper 200 m consistent with significant uptake by phytoplankton and release by zooplankton grazing, respectively. Highest deep water zinc concentrations were found in the centre of the Weddell Gyre associated with Central Intermediate Water (CIW), a water mass which is depleted in O2, elevated in CO2 and is regionally a CFC minimum. Our data suggests that the remineralization of sinking particles is a key control on the distribution of Zn in the Southern Ocean. Disappearance ratios of zinc to phosphate (Zn:P) in the upper water column increased southwards along both transects and based on laboratory studies they suggest slower growth rates of phytoplankton due to iron or light limitation. Zinc and silicate were strongly correlated throughout the study region but the disappearance ratio (Zn:Si) was relatively uniform overall except for the region close to the ice edge on the Zero Meridian.
Air-sea gas exchange plays a key role in the cycling of greenhouse and other biogeochemically important gases. Although air-sea gas transfer is expected to change as a consequence of the rapid decline in summer Arctic sea ice cover, little is known about the effect of sea ice cover on gas exchange fluxes, especially in the marginal ice zone. During the Polarstern expedition ARK-XXVI/3 (TransArc, August/September 2011) to the central Arctic Ocean, we compared 222Rn/226Ra ratios in the upper 50 m of 14 ice-covered and 4 ice-free stations. At three of the ice-free stations, we find 222Rn-based gas transfer coefficients in good agreement with expectation based on published relationships between gas transfer and wind speed over open water when accounting for wind history from wind reanalysis data. We hypothesize that the low gas transfer rate at the fourth station results from reduced fetch due to the proximity of the ice edge, or lateral exchange across the front at the ice edge by restratification. No significant radon deficit could be observed at the ice-covered stations. At these stations, the average gas transfer velocity was less than 0.1 m/d (97.5% confidence), compared to 0.5-2.2 m/d expected for open water. Our results show that air-sea gas exchange in an ice-covered ocean is reduced by at least an order of magnitude compared to open water. In contrast to previous studies, we show that in partially ice-covered regions, gas exchange is lower than expected based on a linear scaling to percent ice cover.