192 resultados para Glacial epoch


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To understand the validity of d18O proxy records as indicators of past temperature change, a series of experiments was conducted using an atmospheric general circulation model fitted with water isotope tracers (Community Atmosphere Model version 3.0, IsoCAM). A pre-industrial simulation was performed as the control experiment, as well as a simulation with all the boundary conditions set to Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) values. Results from the pre-industrial and LGM simulations were compared to experiments in which the influence of individual boundary conditions (greenhouse gases, ice sheet albedo and topography, sea surface temperature (SST), and orbital parameters) were changed each at a time to assess their individual impact. The experiments were designed in order to analyze the spatial variations of the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation (d18Oprecip) in response to individual climate factors. The change in topography (due to the change in land ice cover) played a significant role in reducing the surface temperature and d18Oprecip over North America. Exposed shelf areas and the ice sheet albedo reduced the Northern Hemisphere surface temperature and d18Oprecip further. A global mean cooling of 4.1 °C was simulated with combined LGM boundary conditions compared to the control simulation, which was in agreement with previous experiments using the fully coupled Community Climate System Model (CCSM3). Large reductions in d18Oprecip over the LGM ice sheets were strongly linked to the temperature decrease over them. The SST and ice sheet topography changes were responsible for most of the changes in the climate and hence the d18Oprecip distribution among the simulations.


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Organic geochemical and visual kerogen analyses were carried out on approximately 50 samples from Leg 81 (Rockall Plateau, North Atlantic). The sediments are from four sites (Sites 552-555), Pleistocene to Paleocene in age, and represent significantly different depositional environments and sources of organic matter. The Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles show differences in sedimentary organic matter based on Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic phosphorus, and pyrolysis/mass-spectrometry analyses. Glacial samples contain more organic carbon, with a larger proportion of reworked organic matter. This probably reflects increased erosion of continental and shelf areas as a result of low sea level stands. Inter glacial samples contain a larger proportion of marine organic matter as determined by organic phosphorus and pyrolysis analyses. This immature, highly oxidized marine organic matter may be associated with the skeletal organic matrix of calcareous organisms. In addition, Rock-Eval data indicate no significant inorganic-carbonate contribution to the S3 pyrolysis peak. The Pliocene-Miocene sediments consist of pelagic, biogenic carbonates. The organic matter is similar to that of the Pleistocene interglacial periods; a mixture of oxidized marine organic matter and reworked, terrestrial detritus. The Paleocene-Oligocene organic matter reflects variations in source and depositional factors associated with the isolation of Rockall from Greenland. Paleocene sediments contain primarily terrestrial organic matter with evidence of in situ thermal stress resulting from interbedded lava flows. Late Paleocene and early Eocene organic matter suggests a highly oxidized marine environment, with major periods of deposition of terrestrially derived organic matter. These fluctuations in organic-matter type are probably the result of episodic shallowing and deepening of Rockall Basins. The final stage of Eocene/Oligocene sedimentation records the accelerating subsidence of Rockall and its isolation from terrestrial sources (Rockall and Greenland). This is shown by the increasingly marine character of the organic matter. The petroleum potential of sediments containing more than 0.5% organic carbon is poor because of their thermal immaturity and their highly oxidized and terrestrial organic-matter composition.


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This chapter summarizes the principal results of drilling at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 595, where the Ngendei Seismic Experiment and the emplacement of DARPA's Marine Seismic System (MSS) were carried out. Background and objectives for this work are presented in the introductory chapter to this volume. Interpretation of the seismic experiment and drilling results are presented in subsequent parts of this volume. The chapter also provides a detailed operational summary of the successful deployment of the MSS during Leg 91.


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The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is key to the mixing and ventilation of the world's oceans. This current flows from west to east between about 45° and 70° S connecting the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, and is driven by westerly winds and buoyancy forcing. High levels of productivity in the current regulate atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Reconstructions of the current during the last glacial period suggest that flow speeds were faster or similar to present, and it is uncertain whether the strength and position of the westerly winds changed. Here we reconstruct Antarctic Circumpolar Current bottom speeds through the constricting Drake Passage and Scotia Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum and Holocene based on the mean grain size of sortable silt from a suite of sediment cores. We find essentially no change in bottom flow speeds through the region, and, given that the momentum imparted by winds, and modulated by sea-ice cover, is balanced by the interaction of these flows with the seabed, this argues against substantial changes in wind stress. However, glacial flow speeds in the sea-ice zone south of 56° S were significantly slower than present, whereas flow in the north was faster, but not significantly so. We suggest that slower flow over the rough topography south of 56° S may have reduced diapycnal mixing in this region during the last glacial period, possibly reducing the diapycnal contribution to the Southern Ocean overturning circulation.


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Originally, we had planned to piston core at Site 595 in order to meet the sedimentologic and biostratigraphic objectives outlined in the introductory chapter. However, consultation with our colleagues, Thomas Jordan and John Orcutt on board Melville, indicated that coring near the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) array around Hole 595B could alter the programmed signal to noise ratio above which teleseisms trigger recording in the OBSs. They requested that we core no closer than about 8 km from three OBSs nearest Hole 595B, and selected a target for us about that distance to the west. Since a new beacon was required at this distance, a new site number, 596, was designated. Briefly, we planned to obtain oriented hydraulic piston cores to the top of the cherts, then core through the cherts using the extended core barrel (XCB) to basement. With improved recovery, we hoped to reach the sediment/basalt contact, and thus obtain a reliable biostratigraphic determination of the basement age. We planned to obtain at least one core in basement, perhaps more, with time permitting. We planned no geophysical program for the hole.


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By incorporating recently available remote sensing data, we investigated the mass balance for all individual tributary glacial basins of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica. On the basis of the ice flow information derived from SAR interferometry and ICESat laser altimetry, we have determined the spatial configuration of eight tributary drainage basins of the Lambert-Amery glacial system. By combining the coherence information from SAR interferometry and the texture information from SAR and MODIS images, we have interpreted and refined the grounding line position. We calculated ice volume flux of each tributary glacial basin based on the ice velocity field derived from Radarsat three-pass interferometry together with ice thickness data interpolated from Australian and Russian airborne radio echo sounding (RES) surveys and inferred from ICESat laser altimetry data. Our analysis reveals that three tributary basins have a significant net positive imbalance, while five other subbasins are slightly positive or close to zero balance. Overall, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the grounded ice in Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system has a positive mass imbalance of 22.9 ± 4.4 Gt/a. The net basal melting for the entire Amery Ice Shelf is estimated to be 27.0 ± 7.0 Gt/a. The melting rate decreases rapidly from the grounding zone to the ice shelf front. Significant basal refreezing is detected in the downstream section of the ice shelf. The mass balance estimates for both the grounded ice sheet and the ice shelf mass differ substantially from other recent estimates.


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The area in study is characterized by a regional stratigraphic hiatus from Early Miocene to Quaternary. Deposits from Late Eocene to Early Miocene occur on the bottom surface or under a thin sedimentary cover. Ferromanganese nodules, mostly of Oligocene age, formed on surface layers of Tertiary or Quaternary sediments. A detailed micropaleontological study of a block of dense ancient clay coated with a ferromanganese crust was carried out. Composition of found radiolarian and diatomaceous complexes proved that the crust formed in Quaternary on an eroded surface of Late Oligocene clay. In Quaternary Neogene sediments were eroded and washed away by bottom currents. It is likely that the erosion began 0.9-0.7 Ma at the beginning of the "Glacial Pleistocene". The erosion could be initiated by loosening and resuspension of surface sediments resulting from seismic activity generated by strong earthquakes in the Central America subduction zone. The same vibration maintained residual nodules at the seafloor surface. Thus, for the area in study a common reason and a common Quaternary interval for formation of the following features is supposed: a regional stratigraphic hiatus, formation of residual nodule fields, and position of ancient nodules on the surface of Quaternary sediments.


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Maestrichtian to Holocene calcareous nannofossils from two closely spaced sites on the upper continental rise some 100 miles (161 km) southeast of Atlantic City, New Jersey, were zoned in order to help date a major canyon-cutting event in the late Miocene and to delineate and correlate other hiatuses with seismic stratigraphy. Mid-middle Eocene through middle Miocene sediments (Zones CP14 to CN6) were not recovered in these holes, but nearly all other zones are accounted for. The Eocene section is described in a companion chapter (Applegate and Wise, 1987, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.93.118.1987). Nannofossils are generally sparse and moderately preserved in the clastic sediments of Site 604. Sedimentation rates are extremely high for the upper Pleistocene (201 m/m.y. minimum) above a hiatus calculated to span 0.44 to 1.1 Ma. The associated disconformity is correlated with local seismic reflection Horizon Pr . Sedimentation rates continue to be high (93 m/m.y.) down to a second hiatus in the upper Pliocene dated from about 2.4 to 2.9 (or possibly 3.3) Ma. The disconformity associated with this hiatus is correlated with local seismic reflection Horizon P2 and regional Reflector Blue, which can be interpreted to mark either the onset of Northern Hemisphere continental glaciation or circulation changes associated with the closure of the Central American Seaway. Sedimentation rates in the pre-glacial lower Pliocene are only about a third those in the glacial upper Pliocene. A prominent disconformity in the upper Miocene marks a major lithologic boundary that separates Messinian(?) glauconitic claystones above from lower Tortonian conglomeratic debris flows and turbidites below. The debris flows recovered are assigned to nannofossil Zones CN8a and CN7, but drilling difficulties prevented penetration of the bottom of this sequence some 100 m below the terminal depth of the hole. Correlation of the lower bounding seismic reflector (M2/Merlin?) to a drift sequence drilled on the lower rise at DSDP Site 603, however, predicts that the debris flows began close to the beginning of the late Miocene (upper Zone CN6 time) at about 10.5 Ma. The debris flows represent a major canyon-cutting event that we correlate with the beginning of the particularly severe late Miocene glaciations believed to be associated with the formation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The existence of these spectacular debris flows strongly suggest that the late Miocene glacio-eustatic low stand occurred during Vail Cycle TM3.1 (lower Tortonian) rather than during Vail Cycle TM3.2 (Messinian) as originally published. Beneath a set of coalesced regional disconformities centered upon seismic reflection Horizon Au, coccoliths are abundant and in general are moderately preserved at Site 605 in a 619-m carbonate section extending from the middle Eocene Zone CP13b to the upper Maestrichtian Lithraphidites quadratus Zone. Sedimentation rates are 37 m/m.y. in the Eocene down to a condensed interval near the base (Zone CP9). A disconformity is suspected near the Eocene/Paleocene boundary. Sedimentation rates for the upper Paleocene Zone CP8 are similar to those of the Eocene, but Zones CP7 and CP6 lie within another condensed interval. The highest Paleocene rates are 67 m/m.y. down through Zones CP5 and CP4 to a major disconformity that separates the upper Paleocene from the Danian. This hiatus spans about 2.6 m.y. (upper Zone CP3 to lower Zone CP2) and corresponds to the major sea-level drop at the base of Vail Cycle TE2.1. As the most prominent break in this Paleogene section, it may correspond to seismic reflection Horizon A* of the North American Basin. Sedimentation rates from this point to the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary drop to 11 m/m.y., still high for a Paleocene DSDP section. No major break in deposition could be detected at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary.


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The Pliocene-Holocene sediments recovered on ODP Leg 114 from Holes 699A, 701C, and 704B are the subject of a detailed investigation to interpret changes in the Oceanographic environment of the South Atlantic in the vicinity of the Polar Front Zone (PFZ). The cores sample sediments at shallow (Hole 704B, 2532 m), intermediate (Hole 699A, 3716 m), and basinal (Hole 701C, 4647 m) depths. Sites 699 and 704 come under the influence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and Circumpolar Deep Water. It is possible that the upper reaches of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) may also affect Hole 699A. Site 701 is influenced by AABW. Closely spaced samples were analyzed for grain-size distribution, sand fraction components, biosiliceous microfossils, organic carbon, and water content. PFZ migrations are traced using changes in bulk sedimentaccumulation rates and the abundance of the diatoms Actiniscus ssp. and Genus et species indet. 1 Fenner (1991), as well as changes in sediment grain size and composition. Diatomaceous sediments of Gilbert age in Hole 699A indicate that the PFZ was positioned over this site, but during the Gauss it migrated north, bringing in less productive Antarctic Surface Water. All cores document a very gradual southerly movement of the PFZ throughout the Matuyama (with some sharp fluctuations of the northen PFZ border over Site 704 between 1.45 and 1.83 m.y.). This regressive shift culminated in the late Matuyama. The latest Matuyama to earliest Brunhes record in Hole 699A has been removed by a hiatus lasting from 1.0 to 0.6 m.y., which was probably caused by intensification of the deep-reaching ACC. The corresponding interval in Hole 704B, the shallowest core, contains evidence of winnowing. Sharp fluctuations of large amplitude and high frequency in the lithology of the sediments from Hole 704B in the eastern South Atlantic, starting at about 0.75 m.y. and characterizing the whole Brunhes Epoch, record the rapid movement of the northern border of the PFZ over the site. These reflect strong glacial/interglacial alternations in climate. To a lesser extent, lithologic fluctuations in Hole 701C reflect the same phenomenon, whereas in Hole 699A the lithology does not vary as dramatically.


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The global aerosol/climate model ECHAM5-HAM is used in order to investigate the dust cycle for four interglacial and one glacial climate conditions. The 20-year time-slices are the pre-industrial control (CTRL), mid-Holocene (6000 years BP), last glacial inception (115000 years BP), Eemian (126000 years BP) and Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (21000 years BP) time intervals. The study is focused on the Antarctic region. The model is able to reproduce the magnitude order of dust deposition globally for the pre-industial and LGM climates. Correlation coefficient of the natural logarithm of the observed and modeled values is 0.78 for the CTRL and 0.81 for the LGM. For the pre-industrial simulation the model overestimates observed values in Antarctica by a factor of about 2-3 due to overestimation of the Australian dust source and too high wet deposition in the Antarctica interior. In the LGM, the model underestimates dust deposition in eastern Antarctica by a factor of about 4-5 due to underestimation of the South American dust source. More records are needed to validate dust deposition for the past interglacial time-slices. The modeled results show that dust deposition in Antarctica in the past interglacial time-slices is higher than in the CTRL simulation. The largest increase of dust deposition in Antarctica is simulated for the LGM, showing about 10-fold increase compared to CTRL.


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The stratigraphy and pollen analysis of the deposits show that this is a lake basin which during the Late-glacial period was partially filled by lake clays and muds. One of the main interests of the pollen diagrams lies in the division of zone i into three suh-zones showing a minor climatic oscillation which seems to be comparable with the Boiling oscillation of northern Europe. During Post-glacial time the greater part of the deposits has been muds but on one side a fen developed which in early zone VI was sufficiently dry to support birch and pine wood. Later in zone VI the water table must have risen slightly because the fen peats were gradually covered by a rather oxidized mud suggesting that the fen became replaced by a shallow swamp with a widely fluctuating water table. In the Atlantic period the basin was reflooded and the more central deposits were covered by a layer of mud. Later in the central region, swamp and eventually Sphagnum bog communities developed. The whole area is now covered by a sihy soil and forms a flat meadowland.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1119 is located at water depth 395 m near the subtropical front (STF; here represented by the Southland Front), just downslope from the shelf edge of eastern South Island, New Zealand. The upper 86.19 metres composite depth (mcd) of Site 1119 sediment was deposited at an average sedimentation rate of 34 cm/kyr during Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1-8 (0-252 ka), and is underlain across a ~25 kyr intra-MIS 8 unconformity by MIS 8.5-11 (277-367 ka) and older sediment deposited at ~14 cm/kyr. A time scale is assigned to Site 1119 using radiocarbon dates for the period back to ~39 ka, and, prior to then, by matching its climatic record with that of the Vostok ice core, which it closely resembles. Four palaeoceanographic proxy measures for surface water masses vary together with the sandy-muddy, glacial-interglacial (G/I) cyclicity at the site. Interglacial intervals are characterised by heavy delta13C, high colour reflectance (a proxy for carbonate content), low Q-ray (a proxy for clay content) and light delta18O; conversely, glacial intervals exhibit light delta13C, low reflectance, high Q-ray and heavy delta18O signatures. Early interglacial intervals are represented by silty clays with 10-105-cm-thick beds of sharp-based (Chondrites-burrowed), shelly, graded, fine sand. The sands are rich in foraminifera, and were deposited distant from the shoreline under the influence of longitudinal flow in relatively deep water. Glacial intervals comprise mostly micaceous silty clay, though with some thin (2-10 cm thick) sands present also at peak cold periods, and contain the cold-water scallop Zygochlamys delicatula. Interglacial sandy intervals are characterised by relatively low sedimentation rates of 5-32 cm/kyr; cold climate intervals MIS 10, 6 and 2 have successively higher sedimentation rates of 45, 69 and 140 cm/kyr. Counter-intuitively,and forced by the bathymetric control of a laterally-moving shoreline during G/I and I/G transitions, the 1119 core records a southeasterly (seaward) movement of the STF during early glacial periods, accompanied by the incursion of subtropical water (STW) above the site, and northwesterly (landward) movement during late glacial and interglacial times, resulting in a dominant influence then of subantarctic surface water (SAW). The history of passage of these different water masses at the site is clearly delineated by their characteristic delta13C values. The intervals of thin, graded sands-muds which occur within MIS 2-3, 6, 7.4 and 10 indicate the onset at times of peak cold of intermittent bottom currents caused by strengthened and expanded frontal flows along the STF, which at such times lay near Site 1119 in close proximity to seaward-encroaching subantarctic waters within the Bounty gyre. In common with other nearby Southern Hemisphere records, the cold period which represents the last glacial maximum lasted between ~23-18 ka at Site 1119, during which time the STF and Subantarctic Front (SAF) probably merged into a single intense frontal zone around the head of the adjacent Bounty Trough.