469 resultados para Genista pumila
The biostratigraphic distribution and abundance of Eocene to Pleistocene silicoflagellates is documented from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 Holes 747A, 748A, 748B, 749B, and 751A on the Central Kerguelen Plateau. Well-preserved silicoflagellates are reported here from the middle Eocene Dictyocha grandis Zone to the Pleistocene Distephanus speculum speculum Zone. Assemblage diversity and abundance is variable, with many intervals either barren of silicoflagellates or containing only limited numbers.
Reinvestigation of the Odderade Interstadial in its type locality led to an augmentation of the flora list and correction of some misinterpretations (e.g. Omorica, Frangula). The Eemian, stadials FW 1 and 3, and the interstadials Amersfoort/Broerup and Odderade have been manifested by pollen analyses. FW 1 and FW 3 are probably not completely free from forested areas. The new pollen diagrams considered with older data from Odderade, and in comparison with other regions in Central Europe, fit essentially with the classification and development of Vegetation during the Early Weichselian in Oerel by Behre & Lade (1986).
A palynological investigation of a Holocene profile from Lake Voulkaria, western Greece, was carried out as a contribution to the environmental history of the coastal area of northwestern Acarnania and the Classical city of Palairos. It shows that deciduous oaks dominated the natural vegetation of the area throughout the Holocene. Until ca. 7000 B.C. Pistacia occurred abundantly, while other evergreen woody taxa were rare. At ca. 6300 B.C. an expansion of Carpinus orientalis/Ostrya can be observed. Around ca. 5300 B.C. spreading of Erica indicates a change to a drier climate and/or first human impact. Since ca. 3500 B.C. an increase of evergreen shrubs now clearly indicates land-use. The foundation of the Classical city of Palairos led to a temporary expansion of Phillyrea maquis. Within this period, molluscs of brackish water indicate the use of the lake as a harbour after the construction of a connection to the sea. The deciduous Quercus woodland recovered when human impact decreased in the area, and lasted until modern times.