603 resultados para Garnet


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Surface mineralogical compositions and their association to modern processes are well known from the east Atlantic and south-west Indian sectors of the Southern Ocean, but data from the interface of these areas - the Prydz Bay-Kerguelen region - is still missing. The objective of our study was to provide mineralogical data of reference samples from this region and to relate these mineralogical assemblages to hinterland geology, weathering, transport and depositional processes. Clay mineral assemblages were analysed by means of X-ray diffraction technique. Heavy mineral assemblages were determined by counting of gravity-separated grains under a polarizing microscope. Results show that by use of clay mineral assemblages four mineralogical provinces can be subdivided: i) continental shelf, ii) continental slope, iii) deep sea, iv) Kerguelen Plateau. Heavy mineral assemblages in the fine sand fraction are relatively uniform except for samples taken from the East Antarctic shelf. Our findings show that mineralogical studies on sediment cores from the study area have the potential to provide insights into past shifts in ice-supported transport and activity and provenance of different water masses (e.g. Antarctic slope current and deep western boundary current) in the Prydz Bay-Kerguelen region.


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Recycling of oceanic crust into the deep mantle via subduction is a widely accepted mechanism for creating compositional heterogeneity in the upper mantle and for explaining the distinct geochemistry of mantle plumes. The oxygen isotope ratios (d18O) of some ocean island basalts (OIB) span values both above and below that of unmetasomatised upper mantle (5.5 ± 0.4 per mil) and provide support for this hypothesis, as it is widely assumed that most variations in d18O are produced by near-surface low-temperature processes. Here we show a significant linear relationship between d18O and stable iron isotope ratios (d57Fe) in a suite of pristine eclogite xenoliths. The d18O values of both bulk samples and garnets range from values within error of normal mantle to significantly lighter values. The observed range and correlation between d18O and d57Fe is unlikely to be inherited from oceanic crust, as d57Fe values determined for samples of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust do not differ significantly from the mantle value and show no correlation with d18O. It is proposed that the correlated d57Fe and d18O variations in this particular eclogite suite are predominantly related to isotopic fractionation by disequilibrium partial melting although modification by melt percolation processes cannot be ruled out. Fractionation of Fe and O isotopes by removal of partial melt enriched in isotopically heavy Fe and O is supported by negative correlations between bulk sample d57Fe and Cr content and bulk sample and garnet d18O and Sc contents, as Cr and Sc are elements that become enriched in garnet- and pyroxene-bearing melt residues. Melt extraction could take place either during subduction, where the eclogites represent the residues of melted oceanic lithosphere, or could take place during long-term residence within the lithospheric mantle, in which case the protoliths of the eclogites could be of either crustal or mantle origin. This modification of both d57Fe and d18O by melting processes and specifically the production of low-d18O signatures in mafic rocks implies that some of the isotopically light d18O values observed in OIB and eclogite xenoliths may not necessarily reflect near-surface processes or components.


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Analyses of rock clasts and of heavy minerals in upper Miocene coarse detrital units drilled along the East Sardinia passive-type continental margin (Sites 654, 653, 652, and 656) reveal that the stretched basement contains quite complex rock suites. Taking also into account previous sampling data, in moving from west to east across the margin, the nature of the basement changes drastically. To the west there are mostly Hercynian basement rocks with their cover, referable to the alpine foreland of the Corsica-Sardinia block. To the east, along the lower margin, where crustal thinning is quite severe, the basement contains rock suites referable to a pre-upper Tortonian orogenized zone with units constituting parts of the Alpine and Apenninic chains (presumably with thickened continental crust prior to stretching). Largest thinning and ocean forming occurred then, in a rather short time, mostly at the expense of unstable crust just thickened by orogenetic/tectogenetic processes.


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Distribution patterns and petrographical and mineral chemistry data are described for the most representative basement lithologies occuring as clast in the c. 824 m thick Tertiary sedimentary sequence at the CRP-3 drillsite. These are granule to bolder grain size clasts of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Within the basement clast assemblage, granitoid pebbles are the predominant lithology. They consist of dominant grey biotic-bearing monzogranite, pink biotite-hornblende monzogranite, and biotite-bearing leucomomonzgranite. Minor lithologies include: actinolite-bearing leucotonalite, microgranite, biotite-hornblende quartz-monzonitic porphyr, and foliated biotic leucomonzogranite. Metamorphic clasts include rocks of both granitic and sedimentary derivation. They include mylonitic biotic orthogneiss, with or without garnet, muscovite-bearing quartzite, sillimanite-biotite paragneiss, biotite meta-sandstone, biotite-spotted schist, biotite-clacite-clinoamphibole meta-feldspathic arenite, biotite-calcite-clinozoisite meta-siltstone, biotite±clinoamphibole meta-marl, and graphite-bearing marble. As in previous CRP drillcores, the ubiquitous occurence of biotite±hornblende monzogranite pebbles is indicative of a local provenance, closely mirroring the dominance of these lithologies in the on-shore basement, where the Cambro-Ordovician Granite Harbour Intrusive Complex forms the most extensively exposed rock unit.


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Large serpentinite seamounts are common in the forearc regions between the trench axis and the active volcanic fronts of the Mariana and Izu-Bonin intraoceanic arcs. The seamounts apparently form both as mud volcanoes, composed of unconsolidated serpentine mud flows that have entrained metamorphosed ultramafic and mafic rocks, and as horst blocks, possibly diapirically emplaced, of serpentinized ultramafics partially draped with unconsolidated serpentine slump deposits and mud flows. The clayand silt-sized serpentine recovered from three sites on Conical Seamount on the Mariana forearc region and from two sites on Torishima Forearc Seamount on the Izu-Bonin forearc region is composed predominantly of chrysotile, brucite, chlorite, and clays. A variety of accessory minerals attest to the presence of unusual pore fluids in some of the samples. Aragonite, unstable at the depths at which the serpentine deposits were drilled, is present in many of the surficial cores from Conical Seamount. Sjogrenite minerals, commonly found as weathering products of serpentine resulting from interaction with groundwater, are found in most of the samples. The presence of aragonite and carbonate-hydroxide hydrate minerals argues for interaction of the serpentine deposits with fluids other than seawater. There are numerous examples of sedimentary serpentinite deposits exposed on land that are very similar to the deposits recovered from the serpentine seamounts drilled on ODP Leg 125. We suggest that Conical Seamount may be a type locality for the study of in situ formation of many of these sedimentary serpentinite bodies. Further, we suggest that both the deposits drilled on Conical Seamount and on Torishima Forearc Seamount demonstrate that serpentinization can continue in situ within the seamounts through interaction of the serpentine deposits with both seawater and subduction-related fluids.


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The interpretation of 19 bore cores from the sea floor west of Rote Kliff (Isle of Sylt, North-Frisian Islands) gave information about the thickness of Holocene sand and the sediments below it; especially regarding their resistance to erosion in the area seaward of the beach-barrier. At the Same time, additional knowledge was obtained about the development of Sylt.


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An example of cordierite-bearing gneiss that is part of a high-grade gneiss-migmatite sequence is described from the Hatch Plain in the Read Mountains of the Shackleton Range, Antarctica, for the first time. The cordierite-bearing rocks constitute the more melanosomic portions of the metatectic and migmatitic rocks that are associated with relict granulite facies rocks such as enderbitic granulite and enderbitic garnet granulite. The predominant mineral assemblage in the cordierite-bearing rocks is chemically homogeneous cordierite (XMg 0.61) and biotite (XMg 0.47), strongly zoned garnet (XMg 0.18-0.11), sillimanite, K-feldspar (Or81-94Ab5-18An0.6), plagioclase (An28), and quartz. Inclusions of sillimanite and biotite relics in both garnet and cordierite indicate that garnet and cordierite were produced by the coupled, discontinuous reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + H2O. Various garnet-biotite and garnet-cordierite geothermometers and sillimanite-quartz-plagioclase-garnet-cordierite geobarometers yield a continuous clockwise path in the P-T diagram. The P-T conditions for equilibrium between garnet core and cordierite and between garnet core and biotite during peak metamorphism and migmatization were estimated to be 690 °C at 5-6 kb. This was followed by cooling and unloading with continuously changing conditions down to 515 °C at 2-3 kb. This low-pressure re-equilibration correlates with the pressure conditions evaluated by SCHULZE (1989) for the widespread granitic gneisses of the Read Group in the Shackleton Range. The associated relict enderbitic granulites representing low-pressure type granulite (8 kb; 790 °C) are comparable to similar low-pressure granulites from the East Antarctic craton. They were either formed by under-accretion processes after collision (WELLS 1979, p. 217) or they are a product of remetamorphism at P-T conditions intermediate between granulite and amphibolite facies. A model of a multiple imbrication zone with crustal thickening (CUTHBERT et al. 1983) is discussed for the formation of the relict granulites of the central and eastern Read Mountains which show higher pressure conditions (8-12 kb, SCHULZE & OLESCH 1990), indicating a Proterozoic crustal thickness of at least 40 km.


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In the Shackleton Range of East Antarctica, garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks occur as lenses in supracrustal high-grade gneisses. In the presence of olivine, garnet is an unmistakable indicator of eclogite facies metamorphic conditions. The eclogite facies assemblages are only present in ultramafic rocks, particularly in pyroxenites, whereas other lithologies - including metabasites - lack such assemblages. We conclude that under high-temperature conditions, pyroxenites preserve high-pressure assemblages better than isofacial metabasites, provided the pressure is high enough to stabilize garnet-olivine assemblages (i.e. >=18-20 kbar). The Shackleton Range ultramafic rocks experienced a clockwise P-T path and peak conditions of 800-850 °C and 23-25 kbar. These conditions correspond to ~70 km depth of burial and a metamorphic gradient of 11-12 °C/km that is typical of a convergent plate-margin setting. The age of metamorphism is defined by two garnet-whole-rock Sm-Nd isochrons that give ages of 525 ± 5 and 520 ± 14 Ma corresponding to the time of the Pan-African orogeny. These results are evidence of a Pan-African suture zone within the northern Shackleton Range. This suture marks the site of a palaeo-subduction zone that likely continues to the Herbert Mountains, where ophiolitic rocks of Neoproterozoic age testify to an ocean basin that was closed during Pan-African collision. The garnet-bearing ultramafic rocks in the Shackleton Range are the first known example of eclogite facies metamorphism in Antarctica that is related to the collision of East and West Gondwana and the first example of Pan-African eclogite facies ultramafic rocks worldwide. Eclogites in the Lanterman Range of the Transantarctic Mountains formed during subduction of the palaeo-Pacific beneath the East Antarctic craton.


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Bottom sediments of the Markov Deep contain rather large (>0.1 mm) grains of native minerals and intermetallides of noble and nonferrous metals that can be concentrated in placers. Intermetallides of Pt and Fe are likely to be derivates of the gold-hematite-barite assemblage that forms at late (low-depth) stages of hydrothermal massive sulfide formation. Mineral association of native forms of lead, tin, and copper with Zn-bearing copper may be related to hydrothermal transformation of ultrabasic and basic rocks accompanied by massive sulfide copper mineralization. The association of these minerals of native elements in bottom sediments can also serve as a prospecting guide for sulfide mineralization both at the Sierra Leone site, in particular, and on the seafloor, in general.