45 resultados para Food Red 17


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A 0.25 m**2 United States Naval Electronics Laboratory box corer was used to take replicate samples from an oligotrophic bottom under the North Pacific Central Water Mass (~28°N, 155°W). The bottom is a red clay with manganese nodules at a depth of 5500-5800 m. Macrofaunal density ranges from 84 to 160 individuals per m**2 and is therefore much the same as in Northwest Atlantic Gyre waters. Of the macrofaunal taxa, polychaetes dominate (55 %), followed by tanaids (18 %), bivalves (7 %), and isopods (6 %). Meiofaunal taxa were only partially retained by the 297 µm screen used in washing. Even then, they are 1.5-3.9 times as abundant as the macrofaunal taxa, with nematodes being numerically dominant by far. Foraminifera seem to comprise an important portion of the community, but could not be assessed accurately because of the inability to discriminate living and dead tests. Remains of what are probably xenophyophoridans are also very important, but offer the same problem. Faunal diversity is extremely high, with deposit feeders comprising the overwhelming majority. Most species are rare, being encountered only once. The distributions of only three species show any significant deviation from randomness. The polychaete fauna from box cores collected from 90 miles to the north was not significantly different from that of the principal study locality. Concordance appeared at several taxonomic levels, from species through macrofaunal/meiofaunal relationships. As a result, the variation in total animal abundance shows aggregation among cores. We discuss Sokolova's concept of a deep-sea oligotrophic zone dominated by suspension feeders, and reconcile it with our present findings. The high diversity of the fauna combined with the low food level contradict theories that relate diversity directly with productivity.


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New results of geothermal studies at 18°N in the Red Sea rift zone are discussed. It was established that the thermal field of the African plate in this area has a higher than ordinary level, and averages 3.0-3.5 UTF. Heat flow of the Arabian plate is characterized by negative anomalies and is local in character in comparison to adjoining areas of the rift.


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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Polonium-210 and Lead-210 have been measured in the water column and on suspended particulate matter during the POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XXII/2. The data have been submitted to Pangaea following a Polonium-Lead intercalibration exercise organized by GEOTRACES, where the AWI lab results range within the data standard deviation from 10 participating labs. Polonium-210 and Lead-210 in the ocean can be used to identify the sources and sinks of suspended matter. In seawater, Polonium-210 (210Po) and Lead-210 (210Pb) are produced by stepwise radioactive decay of Uranium-238. 210Po (138 days half life) and 210Pb (22.3 years half life) have high affinities for suspended particles. Those radionuclides are present in dissolved form and adsorbed onto particles. Following adsorption onto particle surfaces, 210Po especially is transported into the interior of cells where it bonds to proteins. In this way, 210Po also accumulates in the food chain. 210Po is therefore considered to be a good tracer for POC, and traces particle export over a timescale of month. 210Pb (22.3 years half life) adsorbs preferably onto structural components of cells, biogenic silica and lithogenic particles, and is therefore a better tracer more rapidly sinking matter. Our goal during ARK XXII/2 was to trace pathways of particulate and dissolved matter leaving the Siberian Shelf. The pathways of particulate and dissolved matter will be followed by the combined use of 210Po and 234Th as a tracer pair (and perhaps 210Pb) for particle flux (Cai, P.; Rutgers van der Loeff, MM (2008) doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.708354). This information gathered from the water column will be complemented with the results of the 210Po-210Pb study in sea ice (Camara-Mor, P, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar-SCIC, Barcelona, Spain) to provide a more thorough picture of particle transport from the shelf to the open sea and from surface to depth.


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A 0.25 m US Naval Electronics Lab box corer was used to take replicate samples from an oligotrophic bottom under the North Pacific Central Water Mass (approx. 28 degrees N, 155 degrees W). The bottom is a red clay with manganese nodules at a depth of 5500-5800 m. Macrofaunal density ranges from 84 to 160 individuals per m super(2) and is therefore much the same as in Northwest Atlantic Gyre waters. Of the macrofaunal taxa, polychaetes dominate (55 per cent), followed by tanaids (18 per cent), bivalves (7 per cent), and isopods (6 per cent). Meiofaunal taxa were only partially retained by the 297 micrometer screen used in washing. Even then, they are 1.5-3.9 times as abundant as the microfaunal taxa, with nematodes being numerically dominant by far. Foraminifera seem to comprise an important portion of the community, but could not be assessed accurately because of the inability to discriminate living and dead tests. Remains of what are probably xenophyophoridans are also very important, but offer the same problem. Faunal diversity is extremely high, with deposit feeders comprising the overwhelming majority. Most spp are rare, being encountered only once. The distributions of only 3 spp show any significant deviation from randomness. The polychaete fauna from box cores collected from 90 m to the north was not significantly different from that of the principal study locality. Concordance appeared at several taxonomic levels, from spp through microfaunal/ meiofaunal relationships. As a result, the variation in total animal abundance shows aggregation among cores. The authors discuss Sokolova's concept of a deep-sea oligotrophic zone dominated by suspension feeders, and reconcile it with our present findings. The high diversity of the fauna combined with the low food level contradict theories that relate diversity directly with productivity.


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Hypotheses of origin of ocean deep red clays are under discussion. On an example of the Pacific Ocean grain size, mineralogy and chemical composition of clays are considered. It is shown that they formed from atmospheric dust and andesite pyroclastics. Accumulation of the clays occurred through deposition particle-by-particle and by pellet transport.


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This study explores the giant oyster Hyotissa hyotis as a novel environmental archive in tropical reef environments of the Indo-Pacific. The species is a typical accessory component in coral reefs, can reach sizes of tens of centimetres, and dates back to the Late Pleistocene. Here, a 70.2-mm-long oxygen and carbon isotope transect through the shell of a specimen collected at Safaga Bay, northern Red Sea, in May 1996, is presented. The transect runs perpendicularly to the foliate and vesicular layers of the inner ostracum near the ligament area of the oyster. The measured d18O and d13C records show sinusoidal fluctuations, which are independent of shell microstructure. The d13C fluctuations exhibit the same wavelength as the d18O fluctuations but are phase shifted. The d18O record reflects the sea surface temperature variations from 1957 until 1996, possibly additionally influenced by the local evaporation. Due to locally enhanced evaporation in the semi-enclosed Safaga Bay, the d18Oseawater value is estimated at 2.17 per mil, i.e., 0.3-0.8 per mil higher than published open surface water d18O values (1.36-1.85 per mil) from the region. The mean water temperature deviates by only 0.4°C from the expected value, and the minimum and maximum values are 0.5°C lower and 2.9°C higher, respectively. When comparing the mean monthly values, however, the sea surface temperature discrepancy between reconstructed and global grid datasets is always <1.0°C. The d13C signal is weakly negatively correlated with regional chlorophyll a concentration and with the sunshine duration, which may reflect changes in the bivalve's respiration. The study emphasises the palaeogeographic context in isotope studies based on fossils, because coastal embayments might not reflect open-water oceanographic conditions.


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The main features of geological structures of ocean rift zones based on results of studies of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology with use of manned submersibles "Pisces" are under consideration in the book. Multiyear experience of geological exploration in rift zones with the use of these submersibles is summarized. Methodology of underwater operations is described. The main structural features of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts as well as the rift zone of the Reykjanes Ridge are considered.


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Station 678E (29°22'S. latitude, 80WW. longitude) is roughly midway between San Felix and Juan Fernandez Islands, and approximately 700 km west of the coast of Chile. The sample at Station 678E was collected in a Riedl Dredge with a finer net sewn into the cod end of the 500 JJ mesh bag. The change in depth during the dredging operation indicated a rather rapid shelving. The bottom was a red clay with some volcanic ash. Manganese nodules were present (rock dredge sample).