67 resultados para Early Medieval Ages


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(expanded by Eberhard Grüger, Göttingen) The site "Höllerer See" is a lake in the northern foreland of the Alps, about 30 km north of the city of Salzburg/Austria, situated in the south-western part of Oberösterreich/Austria. A 2 m long piston core from this locality, consisting entirely of calcareous gyttja, was studied by pollen analysis. The three lowermost samples (1.98, 1.95 and 1.92 m) were deposited during the Preboreal when Pinus and Betula were still the dominating forest trees. High pollen values of thermophilous woody species (mainly Corylus and Quercus, but also Ulmus, Tilia, Fraxinus) prove the Boreal age of the next younger sample (1.91 m). The following two pollen spectra attest that Alnus (1.89 m) and - later (1.88 m) - Fagus had become important members of the local (Alnus) and the regional (Fagus) vegetation. From this level up to the top of the profile these two tree taxa contribute - together with Betula - always 50 to 80 % to the arboreal pollen sum. The upper 1.89 m of sediment of the Höllerer See core evidently date from the Subboreal and the Subatlantic. As Preboreal sediment was stated at the base of the profile it must be concluded that most of the Boreal and the Atlantic is - for whatever reason - not represented by sediment in this core. As no radiocarbon dates are available age estimates of the distinguished pollen zones can be achieved only by correlating major changes of the former vegetation with historical events which probably influenced the then contemporary vegetation. The pollen grains of the Triticum and Hordeum type found in samples of zone 2.1 might indicate the growing of cereals in the region during the Late Bronze Age. The first pollen grains of Secale date from the boundary Hallstatt/Latène Age (zone 2.2). The cereal curves become continuous in Bavarian times (Bajuwarenzeit, Middle Ages, zone 3.3). The Plantago laceolata curve, continuous since 1.7 m depth (zone 2.1), points to animal breeding since the Early Subatlantic (Hallstattzeit). This curve reaches its absolute maximum in Roman time (zone 3.1). Roman time forest clearance caused a drastic decrease of tree pollen curves (start of zone 3.1). Values of anthropogenic indicators as high as in zone 3.1 are found again - after a distinct decrease in zone 3.2 - not till the Bavarians settled in the region (6th century). Maximal Fagus values and the simultaneous total lack of anthropogenic indicators mark the Migration Period (zone 3.2). The Younger Subatlantic (zone 4) is characterized by a decrease of deciduous forests due to medieval forest clearance. At the same time the conifers Pinus and Picea gained in importance. The lake was probably used for retting hemp in Medieval times. The distinction of the pollen grains of Cannabis and Humulus might not be certain in all cases. It is known that hemp as well as hop was cultivated in the study area. Markers were added to the samples at the beginning of pollen preparation (13500 Lycopodium spores, sample volume 0.5 cm**3) and counted together with the pollen grains. Therefore pollen concentrations can be calculated: Concentration = C * F / V (with C = number of grains of a particular pollen type, V = volume of the untreated pollen sample, F = marker added/marker counted). F ranges from 39 to 1688. Factors that large are not suited to produce reliably interpretable pollen concentrations. Consequently no use was made of the pollen concentrations in this thesis, although a concentration diagram is added.


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Limestone from Unit VI (857.1-859.15 meters below seafloor) collected at Site 1118 contains a planktonic foraminiferal fauna indicating a latest Miocene to early Pliocene age. Globorotalia tumida is recorded in Sample 180-1118A-68R-4, 46-48 cm, indicating an early Pliocene (N18) age at this level (J. Resig, pers. comm., 2000). Based on their known range in the western Papuan Basin, the presence of (rare) Lepidocyclina and common Amphistegina in some samples suggests that abundant shallow-water bioclastic debris present in these limestones may be reworked from older, possibly middle or early late Miocene sediments. Four samples were selected for whole-rock strontium isotopic analysis to further investigate this possibility. A petrographic examination of samples analyzed was also conducted.


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Recent observations on postglacial emergence and past glacier extent for one of the least accessible areas in the Arctic, northern Novaya Zemlya are here united. The postglacial marine limit formed 5 to 6 ka is registered on the east and west coasts of the north island at 10 ± 1 and 18 ± 2 m aht, respectively. This modest and late isostatic response along with deglacial ages of >9.2 ka on adjacent marine cores from the northern Barents Sea indicate either early (>13 ka) deglaciation or modest ice sheet loading (<1500 m thick ice sheet) of Novaya Zemlya. Older and higher (up to 50 m aht) raised beaches were identified beneath a discontinuous glacial drift. Shells from the drift and underlying sublittoral sediments yield minimum limiting 14C ages of 26 to 30 ka on an earlier deglacial event(s). The only moraines identified are within 4 km of present glacier margins and reflect at least three neoglacial advances in the past 2.4 ka.


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Pliocene and Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal biogeography and paleoceanography have been examined in Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sites of the Panama Basin (Pacific Ocean) and Colombian and Venezuelan Basins (Atlantic Ocean) to determine the timing of the isolation of Atlantic and Pacific tropical planktonic faunas resulting from the development of the Central American isthmus. Previous studies have suggested a late Miocene to middle Pliocene occurrence of this event. The Panama Basin (DSDP site 157) and the Colombian Basin (DSDP site 154A) share two early Pliocene biogeographic events: (1) great abundance of sinistral coiling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma at 4.3 m.y. ago at site 157 and 0.7 m.y. later at site 154A, and (2) a sinistral-to-dextral change in the coiling-direction preference in Pulleniatina 3.5 m.y. ago at both locations. Identification of these events farther to the east in the Venezuelan Basin (DSDP site 148) is complicated by insufficient lower Pliocene core recovery, but abundant sinistral N. pachydcrma appear to have extended far to the east in the Caribbean 3.6 m.y. ago; perhaps the early Pliocene abundance of this form is not indicative of cool water. The coiling-direction history and stratigraphic ranges of Pulleniatina became different in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans during the early Pliocene; this is inferred to result from geographic isolation of the assemblages. Saito (1976) used the temporary disappearance of this genus from Atlantic waters at 3.5 m.y. ago to mark the closure of the Isthmus of Panama, but I show that in the Colombian Basin (site 154A) its disappearance was closer to 3.1 m.y. ago. This suggests the possibility of surface-water communication between the Atlantic and Pacific until that time.


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Fifty-seven white mica clasts were separated from five samples taken from near the bases of turbidites ranging in age from early Albian to middle Eocene. Twenty two (39%) of the micas have ages between 260 and 340 Ma and five (9%) have older ages (~400-600 Ma). The former age range is characteristic of the North American Alleghenian orogeny and the Iberian Variscan orogeny. The latter range is characteristic of the North American Acadian orogeny and older basement rocks in the Grand Banks and Newfoundland areas. Both age ranges are present in the middle Eocene sample, but only the younger range occurs in the middle Albian sample. This difference could be a sampling artifact. If this is not the case, then the most likely explanation is that the Acadian-aged micas within the Meguma Zone underlying the Grand Banks were totally reset by Alleghenian reactivation of the zone, a feature which occurs extensively in Nova Scotia. The addition of Acadian-aged micas in the middle Eocene sample may reflect a change in sediment provenance as drainage systems unrelated to rift topography developed. With the exception of one clast dated at 186 Ma, the 12 other micas obtained from the upper Paleocene sample yielded ages between 55 and 74 Ma, with 7 falling within ±2 m.y. of the 57-Ma age of the sample indicated by the biostratigraphic age-depth plot for Site 1276. This, together with the volcaniclastic content of the sample, indicates an input from near-contemporaneous volcanism. The nearest known occurrences of near-contemporaneous late Paleocene volcanism that could have produced white micas are in Greenland and Portugal, some 2000 and 1500 km distant, respectively, from Site 1276 during the Paleocene. However, ages of volcanism in these areas indicate that they could probably not be sources of micas younger than 60 m.y., which suggests some as-yet unknown volcanic source in the North Atlantic area. Accumulation in the Grand Banks area of airborne-transported volcaniclastic material from eruptions of slightly different ages, followed by a single resedimentation event, could account for the spread of dates obtained from the sample. White micas from the lowermost Albian sample show a spread of ages between 37 and 284 Ma that is completely different from the age distribution pattern of the middle Albian and middle Eocene samples. The sample location is between, and at least 25 m above and below, two igneous sills dated at 98 and 105 Ma. The sills have narrow thermal aureoles and ages older than the youngest detrital micas in the sample. It is unlikely, therefore, that the spread of mica ages in the sample is due to partial resetting of ages caused by thermal effects associated with the intrusion of the sills. The resetting may have been associated with a longer lived thermal event.