42 resultados para ELAN
We measured the concentrations of redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, V, Mo, U, Cd and Re) in sediments from ODP Leg 169S Hole 1033B in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, to determine changes in redox conditions associated with the onset of laminated sediments at ~12.5 kyr. The most striking result is a large peak in authigenic Re along with detrital levels of Mo at the glacial terrigenous clay-diatomaceous sediment transition. In contrast, the underlying glacial terrigenous clay, which extends throughout the bottom section of the core, is chemically similar to detrital concentrations, either Cowichan River particulates or average shale values. These data suggest a period of oxic bottom waters but reducing pore-waters. This could be due to the dramatic transformation of Saanich Inlet during the late deglaciation from an open bay to an inlet, which restricted circulation and slowed bottom water oxygen renewal. A peak and gradual increase in authigenic Mn in younger sediments subsequent to the Re peak suggests that increasingly oxic conditions followed the authigenic enrichment in Re. These conditions could be connected to the Younger Dryas cooling period, which was coincident with an increase in well oxygenated upwelled waters on the west coast of North America that form the bottom waters of Saanich Inlet. Metal concentrations in a gray clay bed (~11 kyr) are similar to their concentrations in the glacial terrigenous clay, implying that they have a common source. Authigenic enrichments of Re with little authigenic Mo and Cd suggest that before the deposition of this bed, bottom waters were oxic and pore-water oxygen was consumed in the top centimeter or less. Laminations above the clay layer suggest anoxic conditions, which are also indicated by higher authigenic Mo and Cd and slightly lower Re/Mo ratios in these sediments. The basin remained mostly anoxic after the gray clay was emplaced, as seen by continuous authigenic enrichment of the redox-sensitive trace metals. These results are consistent with increased stratification of the water column, brought about by an influx of fresh water to the basin by a large flood.
The biogenic-related elements Ca, Sr, Ba, P, Cd, scavenged Al, and Ti were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) for Core NS93-5 from the west slope of the South China Sea. Terrestrial input as estimated from the accumulation of Ti was higher during glacials than during interglacials. Carbonate accumulation rates are inversely related to those of terrestrial input, suggesting higher production of calcareous phytoplankton during interglacials. The accumulation patterns of authigenic Sr, Ba, P, and Cd match that of carbonate, further indicating higher calcareous phytoplankton production during interglacials. Scavenged Al and excess SiO2, which is related to biogenic opal, exhibit higher accumulation rates during glacials and correspond with changes in terrestrial input. This indicates that terrestrial input driven is important to siliceous phytoplankton production but not for calcareous phytoplankton production. As calcareous phytoplankton is the dominant component of the biogenic sediments in the South China Sea, particularly during interglacials, previous inference of higher productivity in the South China Sea during glacials based on only the biogenic opal proxy needs to be reconsidered.
Holocene laminated sediments in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, are interrupted by frequent, non-laminated, massive layers. These layers may be debris flows released by earthquakes or bioturbated sediments deposited during periods of relatively high bottom water oxygen concentration and/or low surface productivity, or both. We determined the organic carbon content and the concentration of a suite of redox-sensitive metals in bulk sediments at approximately 1-cm resolution across a laminated-massive-laminated interval (ODP Leg 169S Sample 1033B-4H-4,54-74), to determine the redox conditions under which the massive layer was deposited. Our results indicate that this massive interval was deposited under anoxic bottom waters. Manganese/Al ratios are consistently low throughout the massive section, while Mo/Al, Cd/Al, Re/Al, and U/Al ratios are enriched relative to their metal/Al ratios in detrital material (represented by Cowichan River suspended sediments). The concentration of organic carbon in the lower portion of the massive layer is higher than in the upper portion, which has a concentration similar to that in the overlying and underlying laminated sediments. Well-defined peaks in Mo/Al, Cd/Al, and Re/Al and a broad peak in U/Al occur in the lower portion of the massive layer. The positions of the Cd/Al, Re/Al, and Mo/Al peaks, as well as the increase in organic carbon content with depth in the massive layer, are best explained by a process of diagenetic redistribution of metals that occurred after the massive layer was emplaced.
The gabbronoritic cumulates drilled at DSDP Site 334 (Mid-Atlantic Ridge off the FAMOUS area) are neither crystallization products of the associated basalts, nor from any MORB composition documented along ocean ridges. Their parent melts are richer in SiO2 than MORB at a given MgO content, as attested by the crystallization sequence starting with an olivine+calcic and sub-calcic pyroxene assemblages. These melts are issued from a source highly depleted in incompatible elements, likely residual peridotite left after MORB extraction. To understand the role of water in the genesis of these lithologies whose occurrence in a mid-ocean ridge setting is rather puzzling, we performed a geochemical study on clinopyroxene separates following an analytical protocol able to remove the effects of water rock interactions post-dating their crystallization. Accordingly, the measured isotopic signatures can be used to trace magma sources. We find that Site 334 clinopyroxenes depart from the global mantle correlation: normal MORB values for the 143Nd/ 144Nd ratio (0.51307-0.51315) are associated to highly radiogenic 87Sr / 86Sr (0.7034-0.7067) ratios. This indicates that the parent melts of Site 334 cumulates are issued from a MORB source but that seawater contamination occurred at some stage of their genesis. The extent of contamination, traced by the Sr isotopic signature, is variable within all cumulates but more developed for gabbronorites sensus stricto, suggesting that seawater introduction was a continuous process during all the magmatic evolution of the system, from partial melting to fractional crystallization. Simple masse balance calculations are consistent with a contaminating agent having the characters of a highly hydrated (possibly water saturated) silica-rich melt depleted in almost all incompatible major, minor and trace elements relative to MORB. Mixing in various proportions of contaminated melts similar to the parent melts of Site 334 cumulates with MORB can account for part of the variability in the Sr isotopic signature of oceanic basalts, among other to the short wavelength isotopic "noise" superimposed on regional trends. We conclude that seawater introduction into residual peridotite at shallow depth beneath mid-ocean ridges can lead mantle rocks and their melts to follow complex P-T-fH2O paths that mimic petrogenetic contexts classically attributed to subduction zone environments, like the production of boninitic-andesitic magmas.
Late Miocene-Recent micropaleontological and geochemical records from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1143 in the southern South China Sea (SCS) indicate that increase and decrease in abundance of siliceous plankton may be controlled mainly by the input of nutrients derived from land and provided by upwelling. A high export production event - a "biogenic bloom" event - occurred in the southern SCS between 12 and 6 Ma. During this period, high ratios of smectite/(illite + chlorite), smectite/quartz and Al/K indicate a high weathering intensity of the Asian continent, possibly due to the intensification of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM), which may have increased the net flux of nutrients to the ocean, both directly through terrestrial input and indirectly through upwelling activity. A drop in Ba/Ti, Al/Ti and Ca/Ti values around 6 Ma may indicate a lowering of productivity, possibly due to the large consumption of sea surface nutrients by the "biogenic bloom". Alternatively, it may indicate a shift in terrigenous input source area. At about 5.4 Ma, a decrease in weathering intensity, as indicated by a sudden decrease in the values of smectite/(illite + chlorite), smectite/quartz and Al/K, might have led to a sudden decrease of terrestrial nutrient input to the SCS. We suggest that the biogenic bloom ended when nutrients in surface waters were exhausted, because of a decrease in supply as well as a decrease in upwelling intensity due to weakening of the EASM. As a result, radiolarians were absent in the studied area between ~6 and 3.2 Ma. At ~3.2 Ma, radiolarians began to recover, possibly because the start of Northern Hemispheric glaciation and the rapid uplift of the Tibet Plateau led to intensification of the East Asian monsoon. After the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition at 0.9 Ma, the abundance and mass accumulation rates of radiolarians increased, probably as a result of increased upwelling activity driven by the increasing intensity of the summer monsoon.