59 resultados para EDDIES


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Within the generally oligotroph Arctic marine environment river outlets are favoured by many planktonic and benthic organisms due to their high input of organic carbon. The retention of pelagic larvae within nursery grounds and/or the ability to return to their parental grounds prior to settlement is one important factor for the persistence of benthic communities in such river influenced areas. The southern Kara Sea is strongly controlled by high freshwater inputs from the Ob and Yenisei Rivers, which create a pronounced bi-layered pycnocline with a warm fresh/brackish water layer on top and a cold high saline marine layer below. The dispersal of five meroplanktonic species and settled juveniles (the brittle star Ophiocten sericeum, and the polychaetes Micronephtys minuta, Nereimyra aphroditoides, Phyllodoce groenlandica and Prionospio cirrifera) in relation to the adult distribution patterns was investigated. For all apart from P. cirrifera the highest densities of larvae were found in the upper brackish water layer. To assess size-at-settlement, the body sizes of larvae and newly settled juveniles were estimated and compared. Dispersal patterns ranged from virtually no adaption to river run-off as in the common, stenohaline O. sericeum and M. minuta (7 ind./m**3, 459 µm) to local retention as in N. aphroditoides (7 ind./m**3, 541 µm) and P. groenlandica (0.5 ind./m**3, 1121 µm) retained by horizontal eddies created by the outflow. Adults of P. cirrifera, which were exclusively restricted to the estuary of the Yenisei River, showed a well adapted reproductive behaviour to ensure a high retention potential of their progenies. The larvae (1.5 ind./m**3, 1513 µm) were only present in the lower water layers, most probably taking advantage of the prevailing near bottom counter current retaining them within their hatching areas.


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Knowledge of habitat use by top marine predators in response to environmental conditions is crucial in the current context of global changes occurring in the Southern Ocean. We examined the at-sea locations of male Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Dumont d'Urville during their first, long incubation trip. Compared with the chick-rearing period, penguins performed longer trips, going to oceanic waters as far as 320 km from the colony. We observed 3 strategies: (1) five individuals covered large distances to the north, targeting open-ocean areas and following the currents of two persistent eddies; (2) five individuals foraged to the north-west, close to the Antarctic shelf slope at the limit of the pack ice; and (3) three individuals covered much shorter distances (northwards or eastwards). The foraging range also seemed to be limited by the body condition of the penguins before their departure to sea.


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The Cariaco Basin is a 1400-m-deep depression approximately 160 km long by 70 km wide located off the central Venezuelan coast . It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a sill ~100-m-deep, and two slightly deeper channels that breech it; Canal Centinela (146-m-deep) and Canal de la Tortuge (135-m-deep). High surface production rates and restricted circulation result in anoxic waters below ca. 275 m. The depth of the oxycline varies between 250 and 320 m and is independent of density. Rather, fluctuations in oxycline depth appear to be due to lateral intrusions of Caribbean Sea water that are linked to eddies along the continental shelf. A mooring with five sediment traps (Z, A-D) is located in the eastern Cariaco Basin. Traps A-D have been in place since November 1995. Trap A is located in oxic waters at 226 ± 6 m. Trap B is located at 407 ± 3 m and Trap D is located at 1205 ± 3 m. Trap C was located at a depth of 880 ± 2 m from Jan. 1996 to Nov. 2000, and was moved to 807 ± 2 m in Nov. 2000. A fifth trap, Z, was added in November 2003 at 110 m for the first 6 months, and at 150 m thereafter. All five sediment traps are coneshaped with a 0.5 m**2 opening that is covered with a baffle top to reduce turbulence. The mooring is deployed for six-month intervals and each sample collection cup is filled with a buffered 3.2% formalin solution as a preservative for the accumulating organic matter. The cups are numbered 1-13, with cup 1 collecting for the two-week interval immediately following deployment, and cup 13 collecting for the 2 weeks immediately before recovery.


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As the Antarctic Circumpolar Current crosses the South-West Indian Ocean Ridge, it creates an extensive eddy field characterised by high sea level anomaly variability. We investigated the diving behaviour of female southern elephant seals from Marion Island during their post-moult migrations in relation to this eddy field in order to determine its role in the animals' at-sea dispersal. Most seals dived within the region significantly more often than predicted by chance, and these dives were generally shallower and shorter than dives outside the eddy field. Mixed effects models estimated reductions of 44.33 ± 3.00 m (maximum depth) and 6.37 ± 0.10 min (dive duration) as a result of diving within the region, along with low between-seal variability (maximum depth: 5.5 % and dive duration: 8.4 %). U-shaped dives increased in frequency inside the eddy field, whereas W-shaped dives with multiple vertical movements decreased. Results suggest that Marion Island's adult female elephant seals' dives are characterised by lowered cost-of-transport when they encounter the eddy field during the start and end of their post-moult migrations. This might result from changes in buoyancy associated with varying body condition upon leaving and returning to the island. Our results do not suggest that the eddy field is a vital foraging ground for Marion Island's southern elephant seals. However, because seals preferentially travel through this area and likely forage opportunistically while minimising transport costs, we hypothesise that climate-mediated changes in the nature or position of this region may alter the seals' at-sea dispersal patterns.


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A novel classification system was applied to the sea level anomaly (SLA) environment around Marion Island. We classified the SLA seascape into habitat types and calculated percentage of habitat use of ten juvenile southern elephant seals (SES). Movements were compared to SLA and SLA slope values indicative of ocean eddy features. This classification provides a measure of habitat change due to seasonal fluctuations in SLA. Some of the seals made two migrations in different seasons, each of similar duration and proportions of potential foraging behaviour. The seals in this study did not use any intense eddy features, but their behaviours varied with SLA class. Potential foraging behaviour was positively influenced by negative SLA values (i.e. areas of below average sea surface height). Searching behaviour during the winter was more likely at eddy edges where high SLA slope values correlated with low SLA values. Though the seals did not forage within newly spawned eddies, they did forage near the sub-Antarctic front. Plankton and other biological resources transported by eddies formed at the subtropical convergence zone are evidently concentrated in this region and enhance the food chain there, forming a foraging ground for juvenile SES from Marion Island.


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The relationship between mesoscale hydrodynamics and the distribution of large particulate matter (LPM, particles larger than 200 ?m) in the first 1000 m of the Western Mediterranean basin was studied with a microprocessor-driven CTD-video package, the Underwater Video Profiler (UVP). Observations made during the last decade showed that, in late spring and summer, LPM concentration was high in the coastal part of the Western Mediterranean basin at the shelf break and near the continental slope (computed maximum: 149 ?g C/l between 0 and 100 m near the Spanish coast of the Gibraltar Strait). LPM concentration decreased further offshore into the central Mediterranean Sea where, below 100 m, it remained uniformly low, ranging from 2 to 4 ?g C/l. However, a strong variability was observed in the different mesoscale structures such as the Almeria-Oran jet in the Alboran Sea or the Algerian eddies. LPM concentration was up to one order of magnitude higher in fronts and eddies than in the adjacent oligotrophic Mediterranean waters (i.e. 35 vs. 8 ?g C/l in the Alboran Sea or 16 vs. 3 ?g C/l in a small shear cyclonic eddy). Our observations suggest that LPM spatial heterogeneity generated by the upper layer mesoscale hydrodynamics extends into deeper layers. Consequently, the superficial mesoscale dynamics may significantly contribute to the biogeochemical cycling between the upper and meso-pelagic layers.


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Major plastered drift sequences were imaged using high-resolution multichannel seismics during R/V Meteor cruises M63/1 and M75/3 south of the Mozambique Channel along the continental margin of Mozambique off the Limpopo River. Detailed seismic-stratigraphic analyses enabled the reconstruction of the onset and development of the modern, discontinuous, eddy-dominated Mozambique Current. Major drift sequences can first be identified during the Early Miocene. Consistent with earlier findings, a progressive northward shift of the depocenter indicates that, on a geological timescale, a steady but variable Mozambique Current existed from this time onward. It can furthermore be shown that, during the Early/Middle Miocene, a coast-parallel current was established off the Limpopo River as part of a lee eddy system driven by the Mozambique Current. Modern sedimentation is controlled by the interplay between slope morphology and the lee eddy system, resulting in upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Water. Drift accumulations at larger depths are related to the reworking of sediment by deep-reaching eddies that migrate southward, forming the Mozambique Current and eventually merging with the Agulhas Current.


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Several open-ocean mesoscale features, a "young" warm-core (or anti-cyclonic) eddy at 52°S, an "older" warm-core eddy at 57.5°S, as well as an adjacent cold-core (or cyclonic) eddy at 56°S, were surveyed during a R/V S.A. Agulhas II cruise in April 2014. The main aim of the survey was to obtain hydrographical and biogeochemical profile data for contrasting open-ocean eddies in the Southern Ocean, that will be suitable for comparison and modelling of their heat, salt and nutrient characteristics, and the changes that occur in these properties as warm-core eddies migrate from the polar front southwards into the Southern Ocean. A total of 18 CTD stations were occupied in a sector south of the South-West Indian Ridge, along three transects crossing several mesoscale features identified from satellite altimetry data prior to the cruise.


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The distribution of the mean oceanic oxygen concentration results from a balance between ventilation and consumption. In the eastern tropical Pacific and Atlantic, this balance creates extended oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) at intermediate depth. Here, we analyze hydrographic and velocity data from shipboard and moored observations, which were taken along the 23°W meridian cutting through the Tropical North East Atlantic (TNEA) OMZ, to study the distribution and generation of oxygen variability. By applying the extended Osborn-Cox model, the respective role of mesoscale stirring and diapycnal mixing in producing enhanced oxygen variability, found at the southern and upper boundary of the OMZ, is quantified. From the well-ventilated equatorial region toward the OMZ core a northward eddy-driven oxygen flux is observed whose divergence corresponds to an oxygen supply of about 2.4 µmol kg-1 year-1 at the OMZ core depth. Above the OMZ core, mesoscale eddies act to redistribute low- and high-oxygen waters associated with westward and eastward currents, respectively. Here, absolute values of the local oxygen supply >10 mmol kg-1 year-1 are found, likely balanced by mean zonal advection. Combining our results with recent studies, a refined oxygen budget for the TNEA OMZ is derived. Eddy-driven meridional oxygen supply contributes more than 50 % of the supply required to balance the estimated oxygen consumption. The oxygen tendency in the OMZ, as given by the multidecadal oxygen decline, is maximum slightly above the OMZ core and represents a substantial imbalance of the oxygen budget reaching about 20 % of the magnitude of the eddy-driven oxygen supply.


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Uniquely in the Southern Hemisphere the New Zealand micro-continent spans the interface between a subtropical gyre and the Subantarctic Circumpolar Current. Its 20° latitudinal extent includes a complex of submerged plateaux, ridges, saddles and basins which, in the present interglacial, are partial barriers to circulation and steer the Subtropical (STF) and Subantarctic (SAF) fronts. This configuration offers a singular opportunity to assess the influence of bottom topography on oceanic circulation through Pleistocene glacial - interglacial (G/I) cycles, its effect on the location and strength of the fronts, and its ability to generate significant differences in mixed layer thermal history over short distances. For this study we use new planktic foraminiferal based sea-surface temperature (SST) estimates spanning the past 1 million years from a latitudinal transect of four deep ocean drilling sites. We conclude that: 1. the effect of the New Zealand landmass was to deflect the water masses south around the bathymetric impediments; 2. the effect of a shallow submerged ridge on the down-current side (Chatham Rise), was to dynamically trap the STF along its crest, in stark contrast to the usual glacial-interglacial (G-I) meridional migration that occurs in the open ocean; 3. the effect of more deeply submerged, downstream plateaux (Campbell, Bounty) was to dynamically trap the SAF along its steep southeastern margin; 4. the effects of saddles across the submarine plateaux was to facilitate the development of jets of subtropical and subantarctic surface water through the fronts, forming localized downstream gyres or eddies during different phases in the G-I climate cycles; 5. the deep Pukaki Saddle across the Campbell-Bounty Plateaux guided a branch of the SAF to flow northwards during each glacial, to form a strong gyre of circumpolar surface water in the Bounty Trough, especially during the mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MIS 22-16) when exceptionally high SST gradients existed across the STF; 6. the shallower Mernoo Saddle, at the western end of the Chatham Rise, provided a conduit for subtropical water to jet southwards across the STF in the warmest interglacial peaks (MIS 11, 5.5) and for subantarctic water to flow northwards during glacials; 7. although subtropical or subantarctic drivers can prevail at a particular phase of a G-I cycles, it appears that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the main influence on the regional hydrography. Thus complex submarine topography can affect distinct differences in the climate records over short distances with implications for using such records in interpreting global or regional trends. Conversely, the local topography can amplify the paleoclimate record in different ways in different places, thus enhancing its value for the study of more minor paleoceanographic influences that elsewhere are more difficult to detect. Such sites include DSDP 594, which like some other Southern Ocean sites, has the typical late Pleistocene asymmetrical saw-tooth G-I climate pattern transformed to a gap-tooth pattern of quasi-symmetrical interglacial spikes that interrupt extended periods of minimum glacial temperatures.