82 resultados para Concentration, spatial autocorrelation, local Gini index, Moran and Geary indices, neighbourhood


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The chemical structure of refractory marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) is still largely unknown. Electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI FT-ICR-MS) was used to resolve the complex mixtures of DOM and provide valuable information on elemental compositions on a molecular scale. We characterized and compared DOM from two sharply contrasting aquatic environments, algal-derived DOM from the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) and terrigenous DOM from pore water of a tropical mangrove area in northern Brazil. Several thousand molecular formulas in the mass range of 300-600 Da were identified and reproduced in element ratio plots. On the basis of molecular elemental composition and double-bond equivalents (DBE) we calculated an average composition for marine DOM. O/C ratios in the marine samples were lower (0.36 ± 0.01) than in the mangrove pore-water sample (0.42). A small proportion of chemical formulas with higher molecular mass in the marine samples were characterized by very low O/C and H/C ratios probably reflecting amphiphilic properties. The average number of unsaturations in the marine samples was surprisingly high (DBE = 9.9; mangrove pore water: DBE = 9.4) most likely due to a significant contribution of carbonyl carbon. There was no significant difference in elemental composition between surface and deep-water DOM in the Weddell Sea. Although there were some molecules with unique marine elemental composition, there was a conspicuous degree of similarity between the terrigenous and algal-derived end members. Approximately one third of the molecular formulas were present in all marine as well as in the mangrove samples. We infer that different forms of microbial degradation ultimately lead to similar structural features that are intrinsically refractory, independent of the source of the organic matter and the environmental conditions where degradation took place.


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A mosaic of two WorldView-2 high resolution multispectral images (Acquisition dates: October 2010 and April 2012), in conjunction with field survey data, was used to create a habitat map of the Danajon Bank, Philippines (10°15'0'' N, 124°08'0'' E) using an object-based approach. To create the habitat map, we conducted benthic cover (seafloor) field surveys using two methods. Firstly, we undertook georeferenced point intercept transects (English et al., 1997). For ten sites we recorded habitat cover types at 1 m intervals on 10 m long transects (n= 2,070 points). Second, we conducted geo-referenced spot check surveys, by placing a viewing bucket in the water to estimate the percent cover benthic cover types (n = 2,357 points). Survey locations were chosen to cover a diverse and representative subset of habitats found in the Danajon Bank. The combination of methods was a compromise between the higher accuracy of point intercept transects and the larger sample area achievable through spot check surveys (Roelfsema and Phinn, 2008, doi:10.1117/12.804806). Object-based image analysis, using the field data as calibration data, was used to classify the image mosaic at each of the reef, geomorphic and benthic community levels. The benthic community level segregated the image into a total of 17 pure and mixed benthic classes.


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Precisely determined refractive indices of glass shards from 32 ash-rich, volcaniclastic sediments, mostly turbidites interbedded with nonvolcanic sediments in the Mariana Trough, range from 1.480 to 1.585 (corresponding to SiO2 ca. 75 to 49%), with most in the range 1.500 to 1.540 (SiO2 ca. 70-62%) and a second, smaller mode between ca. 1.560 and 1.585 (57 to 49% SiO2). Shards are almost exclusively colorless from 1.480 to ca. 1.530, light brown with minor colorless and green tones between 1.530 and 1.560, and dominantly brown at higher refractive indices. Tubular pumice shards are more common at higher silica percentages and non- to poorly-vesicular cuniform shards at low SiO2 values, but there is no clear correlation between shape and composition of shards. About half of the samples have bimodal shard populations with silica differences ranging up to 20 percent; unimodal layers have a range of up to about 7 percent SiO2. Of 21 samples in which one type of shard dominates, seven have the main mode in the rhyolitic composition (>69% SiO2), eight in the intermediate range (56 to 69% SiO2), and five in mafic composition (SiO2 <53%). These unusually abundant mafic shards occur mainly in site survey piston cores, SP-IA and 4E, and in Holes 454, 456, 458, and 459B. These are the sites closest to the present arc. Hole 453, containing by far the most vitric tuff turbidites, shows a gradual increase in silica content of ash layers upward to the hole from Cores 36 to 19 (about 4.6 to 3.0 Ma). A drastic decrease in ash-rich beds in the younger (Pleistocene) part of this hole was noted by the shipboard party (see site chapter, Site 453) and was interpreted by them as indicating increasing distance from the arc volcanoes as the trough opened. The increase in silica in ashes from the early to the late Pliocene at Site 453 could be interpreted in the same way and might indicate that the trough started to open in early Pliocene time.


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Three sites from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 (Kerguelen Plateau) have been analyzed to document faunal change in high-latitude radiolarians and to compare the faunal change to Eocene-Oligocene climatic deterioration. Radiolarians are not preserved in Eocene sediments. In Oligocene sediments, radiolarian preservation improves in a stepwise manner toward the Miocene. A total of 115 species were found in lower Oligocene samples from Site 1138; all are documented herein. Radiolarian preservation is presumably linked to productivity triggered by climatic cooling during the early Oligocene. Similar patterns of improving preservation through the Eocene/Oligocene boundary are documented from several Deep Sea Drilling Project and ODP sites in the Southern Ocean, indicating a general pattern. In contrast to the Southern Kerguelen Plateau, however, proxies for productivity are more divergent at Site 1138 (Central Kerguelen Plateau). Whereas carbonate dissolution, as indicated by poor preservation of foraminifers and common hiatuses, is very pronounced in the upper Eocene-lowermost Oligocene, the quality of radiolarian and diatom preservation does not significantly increase until the uppermost lower Oligocene. Multiple measures of radiolarian diversity in the Oligocene from Site 1138 closely parallel radiolarian preservation, indicating that preserved radiolarian diversity is controlled by productivity.


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1. Identifying plant communities that are resistant to climate change will be critical for developing accurate, wide-scale vegetation change predictions. Most northern plant communities, especially tundra, have shown strong responses to experimental and observed warming. 2. Experimental warming is a key tool for understanding vegetation responses to climate change. We used open-top chambers to passively warm an evergreen-shrub heath by 1.0-1.3 °C for 15 years at Alexandra Fiord, Nunavut, Canada (79 °N). In 1996, 2000 and 2007, we measured height, plant composition and abundance with a point-intercept method. 3. Experimental warming did not strongly affect vascular plant cover, canopy height or species diversity, but it did increase bryophyte cover by 6.3% and decrease lichen cover by 3.5%. Temporal changes in plant cover were more frequent and of greater magnitude than changes due to experimental warming. 4. Synthesis. This evergreen-shrub heath continues to exhibit community-level resistance to long-term experimental warming, in contrast to most Arctic plant communities. Our findings support the view that only substantial climatic changes will alter unproductive ecosystems.


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Whether intrinsic molecular properties or extrinsic factors such as environmental conditions control the decomposition of natural organic matter across soil, marine and freshwater systems has been subject to debate. Comprehensive evaluations of the controls that molecular structure exerts on organic matter's persistence in the environment have been precluded by organic matter's extreme complexity. Here we examine dissolved organic matter from 109 Swedish lakes using ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy to investigate the constraints on its persistence in the environment. We find that degradation processes preferentially remove oxidized, aromatic compounds, whereas reduced, aliphatic and N-containing compounds are either resistant to degradation or tightly cycled and thus persist in aquatic systems. The patterns we observe for individual molecules are consistent with our measurements of emergent bulk characteristics of organic matter at wide geographic and temporal scales, as reflected by optical properties. We conclude that intrinsic molecular properties are an important control of overall organic matter reactivity.