425 resultados para Bryan®


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In Snake Pit massive sulfide fragments and friable, unconsolidated material recovered during ODP Leg 106, isocubanite and pyrite are generally the predominant phases, followed by marcasite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrrhotite. Detailed analyses of paragenetic relations of minerals indicate that isocubanite first precipitated together with pyrrhotite. With decreasing temperature, chalcopyrite and sphalerite precipitated, and at the latest stage colloform sphalerite-pyrite (or colloform marcasite) formed. Isocubanite usually has exsolution lamellae of chalcopyrite and less commonly of pyrrhotite. The average bulk chemical composition of the friable, unconsolidated material indicates that it is rich in copper, reflecting the dominance of isocubanite in the specimens, and is characterized by high Co, low Pb, and Ag contents. Sulfur isotope ratios are very uniform, ranging in d34S from +1.2 to +2.8 per mil. The obtained values are apparently low, compared to those for the eastern Pacific sulfide samples, reflecting a smaller contribution of seawater sulfate in the Snake Pit sulfide deposit.


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The sensitivities of benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and Li/Ca to bottom water temperature and carbonate saturation state have recently been assessed. Here we present a new approach that uses paired Mg/Ca and Li/Ca records to calculate simultaneous changes in temperature and saturation state. Using previously published records, we first use this approach to document a cooling of deep ocean waters associated with the establishment of the Antarctic ice sheet at the Eocene-Oligocene climate transition. We then apply this approach to new records of the Middle Miocene Climate Transition from ODP Site 761 to estimate variations in bottom water temperature and the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater. We estimate that the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater varied by ~1 per mil between the deglacial extreme of the Miocene Climatic Optimum and the glacial maximum following the Middle Miocene Climate Transition, indicating large amplitude variations in ice volume. However, the longer-term change between 15.3 and 12.5 Ma is marked by a ~1°C cooling of deep waters, and an increase in the oxygen isotopic composition of seawater of ~0.6 per mil. We find that bottom water saturation state increased in the lead up to the Middle Miocene Climate Transition and decreased shortly after. This supports decreasing pCO2 as a driver for global cooling and ice sheet expansion, in agreement with existing boron isotope and leaf stomatal index CO2 records but in contrast to the published alkenone CO2 records.


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Over the past decade, the ratio of Mg to Ca in foraminiferal tests has emerged as a valuable paleotemperature proxy. However, large uncertainties remain in the relationships between benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca and temperature. Mg/Ca was measured in benthic foraminifera from 31 high-quality multicore tops collected in the Florida Straits, spanning a temperature range of 5.8° to 18.6°C. New calibrations are presented for Uvigerina peregrina, Planulina ariminensis, Planulina foveolata, and Hoeglundina elegans. The Mg/Ca values and temperature sensitivities vary among species, but all species exhibit a positive correlation that decreases in slope at higher temperatures. The decrease in the sensitivity of Mg/Ca to temperature may potentially be explained by Mg/Ca suppression at high carbonate ion concentrations. It is suggested that a carbonate ion influence on Mg/Ca may be adjusted for by dividing Mg/Ca by Li/Ca. The Mg/Li ratio displays stronger correlations to temperature, with up to 90% of variance explained, than Mg/Ca alone. These new calibrations are tested on several Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) samples from the Florida Straits. LGM temperatures reconstructed from Mg/Ca and Mg/Li are generally more scattered than core top measurements and may be contaminated by high-Mg overgrowths. The potential for Mg/Ca and Mg/Li as temperature proxies warrants further testing.


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Seventeen samples from pillow or massive "zero age" fresh basalts from ODP Legs 106 and 109 were studied in order to examine their magnetic properties and oxidation degree. Thermomagnetic analyses of studied samples show Curie temperatures from 127°C to 220°C with reversible heating and cooling curves. Hysteresis parameters indicate the contribution of large Pseudo-Single Domain (PSD) grain of titanomagnetites with saturation magnetization between 0.4 and 0.7 emu/g which is almost twice that those of other recent mid-oceanic dredged basalts (e.g., FAMOUS and CYAMEX-RISE). The large grain sizes and higher magnetic mineral concentration may suggest a slower cooling of these basalts compared to those previously studied. Electron microprobe analyses of titanomagnetite grains combined with Curie point determinations give z = 0.3 for the degree of low temperature oxidation, which is close to the other values reported for low temperature oxidation of mid-oceanic ridge basalts.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 Site 1140 provided a lower Oligocene to middle Miocene record of diatom assemblages from the northern Kerguelen Plateau. Samples were examined to improve the resolution of shipboard diatom biostratigraphy. The material is complementary to that recovered during ODP Legs 119 and 120, and the diatom zonation of Harwood and Maruyama could be readily applied. A standard succession of biostratigraphic zones from the middle Miocene and lower Oligocene was delineated, although some zones were unrecognizable because of poor core recovery. The detailed diatom biostratigraphy presented here agrees well with shipboard calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy. Sediment accumulation rates based on diatom bioevents average 1.26 cm/k.y.


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The Snake Pit active hydrothermal field was discovered at 23°22'N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge during ODP Leg 106. Among the ten holes drilled in the mound at the foot of an active chimney, only three (649B, 649F, and 649G) had substantial recovery, and produced cores of unconsolidated hydrothermal deposit made up of porous sulfide fragments with minor talc pellets and biological debris, and a few pieces of brassy massive sulfides. Eight representative samples from the 6.5-m-long core from Hole 649B were analyzed for bulk chemistry, both by XRF (major elements) and NAA (trace elements). Major elements average compositions show high Fe (36 wt%), S (37 wt%), and Cu (12 wt%) contents, and minor Zn (6.7 wt%), reflecting a mostly high-temperature deposit. Trace elements are characterized by a high Au content (600 ppb) which could express the maturity of the mound. Mineralogical assemblages show evidence of sequential precipitation, and absence of equilibrium. Major sulfide phases are pyrrhotite, pyrite, Fe, Cu sulfides, marcasite, and sphalerite. Three types of samples are distinguished on the basis of textures and mineral assemblages: type 1, rich in pyrrhotite, with approximately equivalent amounts of Cu, Fe sulfides, and sphalerite and minor pyrite; type 2, rich in Cu, Fe sulfides, which are cubic cubanite with exsolutions and rims of chalcopyrite; and type 3, essentially made up of sphalerite. Type 2 samples likely represent fragments of the inner chimney wall. The presence of talc intergrown with cubic cubanite/chalcopyrite in one big piece from Hole 649G is probably related to mixing of the hydrothermal fluid with seawater.


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The titanomagnetite oxidation state of "zero age" ocean floor basalts was investigated. For this purpose the oxidation parameter, z, of Hole 648B basalts was determined by SEM observation of "shrinkage cracks" in individual titanomagnetite grains and by Curie temperature measurements. A mean z-value of 0.1 has been deduced for the Hole 648B basalts. Assuming a linear relationship between titanomagnetite low-temperature oxidation state and age of the oceanic basalt, an age of 0.7 m.y. is deduced for Hole 648B.