51 resultados para BaTiO(3) and titanates


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Changes in the strength of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) are known to have profound impacts on global climate. Coupled modelling studies have suggested that, on annual to multi-decadal time scales, a slowdown of AMOC causes a deepening of the thermocline in the tropical Atlantic. However, this process has been poorly constrained by sedimentary geochemical records. Here, we reconstruct surface (UK'37 Index) and thermocline (TEX86H) water temperatures from the Guinea Plateau Margin (Eastern tropical Atlantic) over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles (~ 192 kyr). These paleotemperature records show that periods of reduced AMOC, as indicated by the d13 C benthic foraminiferal record from the same core, coincide with a reduction in the near-surface vertical temperature gradient, demonstrating for the first time that AMOC-induced tropical Atlantic thermocline adjustment exists on longer, millennial time scales. Modelling results support the interpretation of the geochemical records and show that thermocline adjustment is particularly pronounced in the eastern tropical Atlantic. Thus, variations in AMOC strength appear to be an important driver of the thermocline structure in the tropical Atlantic from annual to multi-millennial time scales.


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In the South Atlantic and adjoining Southern Ocean the kaolinite/chlorite-ratio in Late Quaternary sediments are an alternative deep water proxy to benthic foraminiferal proxies and carbonate preservation indices that is even suitable in regions with poor carbonate preservation. This paper shows the relationship between modern abyssal circulation and the kaolinite/chloriteratio and presents reconstructions of deep and bottom water advection based on the kaolinite/ chlorite proxy. We also discuss the limitations and future perspectives of the kaolinite/chlorite proxy. Latitudinal and water depth-related patterns of the kaolinite/chlorite-ratio in surface sediments correspond to the modern deep and bottom water mass distribution. Kaolinite originates from lowlatitudes and traces North Atlantic Deep Water (northern-source deep water) advection to the south. Chlorite from the southern high-latitudes is exported via northward advecting Antarctic Bottom Water and Circumpolar Deep Water (southern-source deep and bottom water). Deep-sea sedimentation in regions underlying the Antarctic Circumpolar Current was current-dominated throughout the Late Quaternary. Temporal variations of the kaolinite/chlorite-ratio in response to glacial-interglacial cycles reflect changing deep water mass configurations, suggesting a shallowing and northward retreat of northern-source deep water and accordingly wider expansion of southernsource deep and bottom water masses during glacial times relative to interglacial times. Submarine topography influenced the spatial and temporal patterns of deep water mass distribution.


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Ecological work carried out on the Antarctic and Magellan shelves since the first IBMANT conference held at the UMAG, Punta Arenas in 1997 is summarized to identify areas where progress has been made and others, where impor- tant gaps have remained in understanding past and present interaction between the Antarctic and the southern tip of South America. This information is complementary to a review on shallow-water work along the Scotia Arc (Barnes, 2005) and recent work done in the deep sea (Brandt and Hilbig, 2004). While principally referring to shipboard work in deeper water, above all during the recent international EASIZ and LAMPOS campaigns, relevant work from shore stations is also included. Six years after the first IBMANT symposium, significant progress has been made along the latitudinal gradient from the Magellan region to the high Antarctic in the fields of biodiversity, biogeography and community structure, life strategies and adaptations, the role of disturbance and its significance for biodiversity, and trophic coupling of the benthic realm with the water column and sea ice. A better understanding has developed of the role of evolutionary and ecological factors in shaping past and present-day environmental conditions, species composition and distribution, and ecosystem functioning. Furthermore, the science community engaged in unravelling Antarctic-Magellan interactions has advanced in methodological aspects such as new analytical approaches for comparing biodiversity derived from visual methods, growth and age determination, trophic modelling using stable isotope ratios, and molecular approaches for taxonomic and phylogenetic purposes. At the same time, much effort has been invested to complement the species inventory of the two adjacent regions. However, much work remains to be done to fill the numerous gaps. Some perspectives are outlined in this review, and sug- gestions are made where particular emphasis should be placed in future work, much of which will be developed in the frame of SCAR's EBA (Evolution and Biodiversity in the Antarctic) programme.


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To enhance the limited information available about the palaeo-ecological significance of calcareous dinoflagellates, we have studied their lateral distribution in surface sediments of the equatorial and south Atlantic between 13°N and 36°S. Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts appear to be widely distributed throughout the studied area. In the surface sediments, concentrations (cyst per gram dry sediment) of the vegetative stage Thoracosphaera heimii are generally higher than that of the (presumably) calcareous resting cysts. Distribution patterns in surface sediments of Orthopithonella granifera (Fütterer) Keupp and Versteegh, Rhabdothorax spp. Kamptner., Sphaerodinella albatrosiana (Kamptner) Keupp and Versteegh S. albatrosiana praratabulated, Sphaerodinella tuberosa var. 1 (Kamptner) Keupp and Versteegh and S. tuberosa var. 2 and the ratios between these species have been compared with temperature, salinity, density and stratification gradients in the upper water column. Rhabdothorax spp. is characteristically present in sediments of more temperate regions characterized by high seasonality. Dinoflagellates producing these cysts are able to tolerate high nutrient concentrations, and mixing of the water column. S. albatrosiana is abundant in regions characterized by high sea surface temperatures and oligotrophic surface water conditions. In contrast, the distribution of S. tuberosa var. 2 is negatively related to temperature. The other cyst species did not show a characteristic pattern in relation to the studied environmental gradients. The ratio of Sphaerodinella tuberosa var. 2 to Orthopithonella granifera can be used for reconstructing the presence of stratification in the upper 50 m of the water column, whereas the ratios of S. tuberosa var. 2 to Sphaerodinella albatrosiana and of O. granifera to Rhabdothorax spp. might be used for palaeotemperature reconstructions. Calcareous dinoflagellate cysts are abundant in oligotrophic areas and may be useful for the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental conditions.


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The radiogenic isotope composition of the Rare Earth Element (REE) neodymium (Nd) is a powerful water mass proxy for present and past ocean circulation. The processes controlling the Nd budget of the global ocean are not quantitatively understood and in particular source and sink mechanisms are still under debate. In this study we present the first full water column data set of dissolved Nd isotope compositions and Nd concentrations for the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP), where one of the globally largest Oxygen Minimum Zones (OMZ) is located. This region is of particular interest for understanding the biogeochemical cycling of REEs because anoxic conditions may lead to release of REEs from the shelf, whereas high particle densities and fluxes potentially remove the REEs from the water column. Data were obtained between 11400N and 161S along a nearshore and an offshore transect. Near surface zonal current bands, such as the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) and the Subsurface Countercurrent (SSCC), which are supplying oxygen-rich water to the OMZ are characterized by radiogenic Nd isotope signatures (eNd=-2). Surface waters in the northernmost part of the study area are even more radiogenic (eNd = +3), most likely due to release of Nd from volcanogenic material. Deep and bottom waters at the southernmost offshore station (141S) are clearly controlled by advection of water masses with less radiogenic signatures (eNd=- 7) originating from the Southern Ocean. Towards the equator, however, the deep waters show a clear trend towards more radiogenic values of up to eNd=-2. The northernmost station located in the Panama basin shows highly radiogenic Nd isotope signatures in the entire water column, which indicates that particle scavenging, downward transport and release processes play an important role. This is supported by relatively low Nd concentrations in deep waters (3000-6000 m) in the EEP (20 pmol/kg) compared to locations in the Northern and Central Pacific (40-60 pmol/kg), which suggests enhanced removal of Nd in the EEP.


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Nitrogen fixation, the biological reduction of dinitrogen gas (N2) to ammonium (NH4+), is quantitatively the most important external source of new nitrogen (N) to the open ocean. Classically, the ecological niche of oceanic N2 fixers (diazotrophs) is ascribed to tropical oligotrophic surface waters, often depleted in fixed N, with a diazotrophic community dominated by cyanobacteria. Although this applies for large areas of the ocean, biogeochemical models and phylogenetic studies suggest that the oceanic diazotrophic niche may be much broader than previously considered, resulting in major implications for the global N-budget. Here, we report on the composition, distribution and abundance of nifH, the functional gene marker for N2 fixation. Our results show the presence of eight clades of diazotrophs in the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Peru. Although proteobacterial clades dominated overall, two clusters affiliated to spirochaeta and archaea were identified. N2 fixation was detected within OMZ waters and was stimulated by the addition of organic carbon sources supporting the view that non-phototrophic diazotrophs were actively fixing dinitrogen. The observed co-occurrence of key functional genes for N2 fixation, nitrification, anammox and denitrification suggests that a close spatial coupling of N-input and N-loss processes exists in the OMZ off Peru. The wide distribution of diazotrophs throughout the water column adds to the emerging view that the habitat of marine diazotrophs can be extended to low oxygen/high nitrate areas. Furthermore, our statistical analysis suggests that NO2- and PO43- are the major factors affecting diazotrophic distribution throughout the OMZ. In view of the predicted increase in ocean deoxygenation resulting from global warming, our findings indicate that the importance of OMZs as niches for N2 fixation may increase in the futur


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Time series of terrigenous source elements (Al, K, Ti, Zr) from core GeoB4901-8 recovered from the deep-sea fan of the Niger River record variations in riverine sediment discharge over the past 245,000 yr. Although the flux rates of all the elements depend on physical erosion, which is mainly controlled by the extent of vegetation coverage in central Africa, element/Al ratios reflect conditions for chemical weathering in the river basin. Maximum sediment input to the ocean occurs during cold and arid periods, when precipitation intensity and associated freshwater runoff are reduced. High carbonate contents during the same periods indicate that the sediment supply has a positive effect on river-induced marine productivity. In general, variations in the terrestrial signals contain a strong precessional component in tune with changes in low-latitude solar radiation. However, the terrestrial signal lags the insolation signal by several thousand years. K/Al, Ti/Al, and Zr/Al records reveal that African monsoonal precipitation depends on high-latitude forcing. We attribute the shift between insolation cycle and river discharge to the frequently reported nonlinear response of African climate to primary orbital configurations, which may be caused by a complex interaction of the secondary control parameters, such as surface albedo and/or thermohaline circulation.


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Palladium, platinum, and gold were analyzed for 20 interstitial water samples from Leg 125. No Pd or Pt was detected in fluids from serpentinite muds from Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc, indicating that low-temperature seawater-peridotite interaction does not mobilize these elements into the serpentinizing fluids to levels above 0.10 parts per billion (ppb) in solution. However, Au may be mobilized in high pH solutions. In contrast, fluids from vitric-rich clays on the flanks of the Torishima Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc have Pd values of between 4.0 and 11.8 nmol/L, Pt values between 2.3 and 5.0 nmol/L and Au values between 126.9 and 1116.9 pmol/L. The precious metals are mobilized, and possibly adsorbed onto clay mineral surfaces, during diagenesis and burial of the volcanic-rich clays. Desorption during squeezing of the sediments may produce the enhanced precious metal concentrations in the analyzed fluids. The metals are mobilized in the fluids probably as neutral hydroxide, bisulfide, and ammonia complexes. Pt/Pd ratios are between 0.42 and 2.33, which is much lower than many of the potential sources for Pt and Pd but is consistent with the greater solubility of Pd compared with Pt in most natural low-temperature fluids.