130 resultados para Aliphatic amidase


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High molecular weight aliphatic hydrocarbons were extracted from sediments at two sites (741 and 742) drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 119 in Prydz Bay, a major embayment on the continental shelf of East Antarctica. The distributions of n-alkanes and triterpenoid and steroid hydrocarbons suggest that the n-alkanes and steranes are mainly of terrestrial origin and that the hydrocarbons are immature to slightly mature in the Lower Cretaceous sediments and immature to mature in the Tertiary sediments. At Site 741, the Lower Cretaceous depositional sequence, which is generally characterized by immature hydrocarbons, is interrupted by sediment having more mature components, suggesting a change of source during part of Early Cretaceous time. At Site 742, the mature geochemical parameters of a Pliocene sample correlate with results reported elsewhere for Site 739. In all but one of the other Tertiary samples, the geochemical parameters indicate intermediate maturity. The Lower Cretaceous and Pliocene sediments average about 1.9% organic carbon, a value of interest from the point of view of potential sources of petroleum offshore from Antarctica.


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Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) continental margin sediments from the Wombat Plateau off northwest Australia (Sites 759, 760, 761, and 764) contain mainly detrital organic matter of terrestrial higher plant origin. Although deposited in a nearshore deltaic environment, little liptinitic material was preserved. The dominant vitrinites and inertinites are hydrogen-lean, and the small quantities of extractable bitumen contain w-alkanes and bacterial hopanoid hydrocarbons as the most dominant single gas-chromatography-amenable compounds. Lower Cretaceous sediments on the central Exmouth Plateau (Sites 762 and 763) farther south in general have an organic matter composition similar to that in the Wombat Plateau sediments with the exception of a smaller particle size of vitrinites and inertinites, indicating more distal transport and probably deposition in deeper water. Nevertheless, organic matter preservation is slightly better than in the Triassic sediments. Long-chain fatty acids, as well as aliphatic ketones and alcohols, are common constituents in the Lower Cretaceous sediments in addition to n-alkanes and hopanoid hydrocarbons. Thin, black shale layers at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, although present at several sites (Sites 762 and 763 on the Exmouth Plateau, Site 765 in the Argo Abyssal Plain, and Site 766 on the continental margin of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain), are particularly enriched in organic matter only at Site 763 (up to 26%). These organic-matter-rich layers contain mainly bituminite of probable fecal-pellet origin. Considering the high organic carbon content, the moderate hydrogen indices of 350-450 milligrams of hydrocarbon-type material per gram of Corg, the maceral composition, and the low sedimentation rates in the middle Cretaceous, we suggest that these black shales were accumulated in an area of oxygen-depleted bottom-water mass (oceanwide reduced circulation?) underlying an oxygen-rich water column (in which most of the primary biomass other than fecal pellets is destroyed) and a zone of relatively high bioproductivity. Differences in organic matter accumulation at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary at different sites off northwest Australia are ascribed to regional variations in primary bioproductivity.


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The aliphatic hydrocarbon distributions obtained from the natural bitumens of three Leg 75 sediments were compared using computerised gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (C-GC-MS). The kerogens isolated from these sediments were heated in sealed tubes at 330°C using the techniques of hydrous (i.e. heating kerogen in the presence of water) and anhydrous pyrolysis (i.e. heating dry kerogen alone). These experiments were then repeated at a lower temperature (280°C). At 330°C, under anhydrous conditions, considerable destruction of biomarkers in the ancient kerogens (i.e. pre-Tertiary) occurred, whereas with water present significant amounts of hopanes were obtained. However, with more recent kerogens (which contain larger amounts of chemically bound water), both anhydrous and hydrous pyrolysis gave a similar suite of biological markers, in which long chain acyclic isoprenoids (C40) are significant components. Lowering the temperature of pyrolysis to 280°C yielded biological markers under both hydrous and anhydrous conditions for all kerogens. n-Alkenes were not detected in any of the pyrolysates; however, a single unknown triterpene was discovered in several of the hydrous and anhydrous pyrolysates. The results tentatively indicate that the chief value to petroleum research of kerogen hydrous pyrolysis lies in its ability to increase the yield of pyrolysate. High temperature hydrous pyrolysis (280-330°C), under high pressure (2000 psi), does not appear to mimic natural conditions of oil generation. However, this study does not take into account whole rock pyrolysis.


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"Bound" and "free" solvent-extractable lipids have been examined from Sections 440A-7-6, 440B-3-5, 440B-8-4, 440B-68-2, and 436-11-4. The compound classes studied include aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. Carotenoids and humic acids have also been examined. The quantitative results are considered in terms of input indicators, diagenesis parameters, and structural classes. A difference in input is deduced across the Japan Trench, with a higher proportion of autochthonous components on the western inner trench slope compared with the more easterly, outer trench, wall and greater input in the early Pleistocene than in the Miocene. A variety of diagenetic transformations is observed at Site 440 as sample depth increases. Results are compared with those of samples from Atlantic Cretaceous sediments and from the Walvis Bay high productivity area.


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Data are presented on content and composition of hydrocarbons (HC) (aliphatic AHC and polyaromatic PAH) in filtered particulate matter and in the surface layer of bottom sediments from the northern shelf of the Caspian Sea and related to data on their contents in the Volga River estuary. Because of transformation and precipitation of anthropogenic and natural compounds, HC composition in particulate matter and bottom sediments undergoes transformations caused by mixing of fresh and saline waters (in bottom sediments, within concentration ranges 70.4-4557.9 µg/g for AHC and 3.8-4800 ng/g for PAH). It was found that the greatest concentrating of HC proceeds in the region of the avalanche sedimentation, and their contents are independent of grain-size types of bottom sediments. Anthropogenic HC (oil and pyrogenous) do not get over the marginal filter of the Volga River and do not pass to the open part of the sea.


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The data on content and composition of lipids and aliphatic hydrocarbons (HC) in aerosols and surface waters obtained during the spring-summer periods of 2001 and 2003 along the vessel route from the North Sea to the Antarctic and backwards are presented. It was shown that the distribution of organic compounds is caused by influence of zonal supply of eolian matter from land, anthropogenic, and marine autochtonous sources. Concentrations of organic compounds in the aerosols varied from 0.22 to 13.04 ng/m**3 for lipids and from 0.04 to 7.03 ng/m**3 for aliphatic HC; in surface waters, it from 9 to 84 and from 1 to 53 µg/l, respectively. There is correlation between fluxes of lithogenic fraction of the aerosols, HC, and lipids. Growth of productivity in the aquatic area increases levels of the HC in the surface waters but to a lower degree than HC supply with oil contamination.


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Black shales possessing high concentrations of organic carbon (Foresman, 1978, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.40.111.1978) were deposited in many parts of the proto South Atlantic Ocean during the Cretaceous period (Bolli et al., 1978, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.40.104.1978). The way such sediments accumulated is not fully understood, but is likely to have occurred through a combination of low oxygen availability and abundant supply of organic matter. Thin, centimetre-thick layers of black shales are commonly interbedded with thicker layers of organic carbon-deficient, green claystones, as found in strata of Aptian to Coniacian age, at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 530, in the southern Angola Basin (Hay et al., 1982, doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1982)93<1038:SAAOOC>2.0.CO;2) and elsewhere. These differences in carbon content and colour reflect the conditions of deposition, and possibly variations in the supply of organic matter (Summerhayes and Masran, 1983, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.76.116.1983; Dean and Gardner, 1982). We have compared, using organic geochemical methods the compositions of organic matter in three pairs of closely-bedded black and green Cenomanian claystones obtained from Site 530. Kerogen analyses and distributions of biological markers show that the organic matter of the black shales is more marine and better preserved than that of the green claystones.


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Heavy contaminant load released into the Northern Dvina River during flooding increased the concentrations of aliphatic (AHC) and polcyclic aromatic (PAH) hydrocarbons in water and bottom sediments. The composition of hydrocarbons was different from that of the summer low flow season. The concentrations of dissolved and particulate AHC ranged from 12 to 106 and from 192 to 599 µg/l, respectively, and bottom sediments contained from 26.2 to 329 µg/g AHC and 4 to 1785 ng/g PAH. As the transformation of AHC occurred at low spring temperatures, the alkane composition was shown to be dominated by terrigenous compounds, whereas more stable PAH showed elevated contents of petrogenic and pyrogenic compounds. It was also shown that the Northern Dvina-Dvina Bay geochemical barrier prevents contaminant input into the White Sea, i.e., acts as a marginal filter.


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Data on contents and compositions of hydrocarbons (HCs)-aliphatic (AHCs) and polycyclic aromatic (PAHs) are provided in comparison with contents of total organic carbon (Corg), lipids in suspended matter, and Corg in bottom sediments. Particular attention is paid to distribution of HCs in the area of the Kravtsov oil field. It is established that concentrations of AHCs in water are governed by concentrations of suspended matter and elevated AHC concentrations are confined to coastal areas. In the area of D-6 platform sandy bottom sediments are notable for great variability of HC concentrations, both laterally and from year to year. In summer of 2010 average content of AHCs was 40 ppm (19% of Corg) and that of PAHs was 0.023 ppm. Natural seepage from sediment mass is considered to be a source of HCs along with oil contamination.