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The abundance and isotopic composition of rare gas in the mantle provides an important constraint on the origin and evolution of the Earth's atmosphere. One of sources of such information is basalts which erupted from ocean ridges. Ozima (1975, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(75)90054-X) stated that a high 40Ar/36Ar ratio in the mantle suggests sudden degassing at an early stage of the Earth's evolution. Several authors (Funkhouser et al., 1968, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(68)80021-4; Darlymple and Moor, 1968, doi:10.1126/science.161.3846.1132) have reported excess 40Ar and high 40Ar/36Ar ratios in rapidly quenched rims of young deep-sea basalts. However, the Ar composition in old ridge basalts was not known. We report here a measurement of the isotopic composition of Ar in old deep-sea basalts. The Glomar Challenger drilled a Cretaceous ocean floor near the southern end of the Bermuda Rise in Deep Sea Drilling Project. The drilled site (Site 417) is on the magnetic anomaly MO which has been estimated to be 108 Myr old.


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Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) were measured during early austral Spring 1992 at a number of stations along the 6°W meridian between 47° and 60°S. This included the Polar Front in the north, the zone of melting sea-ice in the south, and waters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in between. Concentrations of DOC were low in deep water (34-38 ?M) with generally similar or slightly higher values in the surface mixed layer (38-55 ?M). DOC:DON ratios are wider in surface water than in deep water, i.e. surface accumulations contain relatively C-rich dissolved organic matter. The highly variable distribution of the surface DOC was not related to hydrographic or biotic features (fronts, plankton development) indicating the lability and transient occurrence of this material. Growth rates of bacteria were determined in subsamples from 51 0.8-?m-filtered batches of seawater incubated in the dark at in-situ temperature. Thymidine and leucine uptake and bacterial biomass change as well as changes in dissolved organic carbon in the batches, and oxygen consumption in parallel incubations correlated linearly over 2 weeks of incubation which allowed extrapolation to in-situ conditions. Bacterial growth in these experiments depended strongly on the amount of initial DOC. Growth in water from greater depth (1000 m) containing 38 ?M DOC was minimal, as were DOC-decrease and oxygen consumption. Higher rates were observed in surface water slightly enriched with DOC, and highest rates in surface water amended with DOC-rich melted sea ice. Bacterial growth efficiencies (biomass C-increase vs DOC consumed) were about 30%. The experiments showed that at least 40-60% of the DOC in excess of deep water concentrations was available to bacteria.


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During the German Antarctic Expedition 1979/80 to the Filchner/Ronne Ice Shelf glaciclogical investigations were carried out at the Filchner station, mainly for determination of snow accumulation. Also meteorological measurements and observations were part of the programme. Similar glaciological work on a smaller seale was done at Atka Ice Port. The report presents the results of the glaciological investigations, In an introductory part some basie eonsiderations, definitions and methods are discussed briefly, completed by a few hints on practical snow pit work. Density measurements, stratigraphie analyses with aid of a throughlight profile and hardness determination are described in more detail. The analyses of the Fi1chner snow profile of January 1980 with suplements of January 1981 reveal 7 complete budget years for 370 cm depth or 53 cm snow accumulation/year, With a mean density of 0.377 g/cm**2 this value corresponds to a water equivalent of 20 g/cm**2. At the Atka site 3 budget years were determined within 210 cm depth of the snow pit or 70 cm of mean annual accumulaticn. With the rat her higher mean density of 0.438 g/cm**2 for this site the corresponding water equivalent amounts here to 30 g/cm**2, In addition to the snow pit studies shallow drillings were made at Filchner Station to a depth of 10.8 m with 128 sampies taken from the core and at Atka to 12.1 m depth with 114 sampies. At the Institute for Radiohydrometry, Neuherberg, the sarnples were analysed with respect to the stable isotope ratios 2H/1H and 18O/16O related to V-SMOW. Also the tritium content was measured. The vartiations of the stable isotope ratios with the depth show quasiperiodic fluctuations which are regarded as annual cycles of the accumulation rate. Counting of the pronounced peaks leads to 20 years for the Filchner core, giving 55 cm annual accumulation or 22 g/cm**2 water equivalent respectively. At Atka 15 years could be found corresponding to 75 cm annual accumulation or 32 g/cm**2 of water. The range of varianon and the mean value of the stable isotope ratios are significantly different for both sites, the agreement of the isotopic anal yses with the pit studies is rat her satisfactory. The tritium content shows for the Filchner core two pronounced peaks which can be related to the 1965 and 1966 winter seasons according to former studies at the South Pole station. These time estimates are consistent with the time scale derived fr orn the stable isotopes distribution. At the Atka site no similar effeet in the tritium values was found. In the drill holes firn temperatures were measured carefully. The 10 m value was determined to be -25 °C at Filchner Station and -17 °C at the Atka position.