666 resultados para 122-762B


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During Leg 122, a transect was drilled across the Wombat Plateau, a marginal spur of the Exmouth Plateau, complemented by two sites on the Exmouth Plateau proper. In this report, pore-water analyses for major seawater constituents, alkalinity, Ba, Fe, Mn, Li, Sr, Rb, and silica are presented. Large gradients in the pore-water profiles provide evidence of complex sediment/pore-water interactions associated with carbonate and silica diagenesis and the formation of authigenic minerals. Diffusion affects pore-water profiles but differs considerably from site to site. Advection of freshwater, probably of continental origin, helps maintain negative Cl and salinity gradients deep within the sediments of the Exmouth Plateau.


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The Late Quaternary benthic foraminifera of four deep-sea cores off Western Australia (ODP 122-760A, ODP 122-762B, BMR96GC21 and RC9-150) have been examined for evidence of increased surface productivity to explain the anomalously low sea-surface paleotemperatures inferred by planktic foraminifera for the last and penultimate glaciations. The delta13C trends of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, and differences between the delta13C trends of planktics (Globigerinoides sacculifer) and benthics (C. wuellerstorfi) in the four cores indicate that during stage 6 bottom waters were significantly depleted in delta13C, and strong delta13C gradients were established in the water column, while during stage 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum, delta13C trends did not differ greatly from that of the Holocene. Two main assemblages of benthic foraminifera were identified by principal component analyses: one dominated by Uvigerina peregrina, another dominated by U. proboscidea. Abundance of these Uvigerinids, and of taxa preferring an infaunal microhabitat, and of Epistominella exigua and Bulimina aculeata indicate that episodes of high influx of particulate organic matter were established in most sites during glacial episodes, and particularly so during stage 6, while evidence for upwelling during the Last Glacial Maximum is less strong. The Penultimate Glaciation upwellings were established within the areas of low sea-surface paleotemperature indicated by planktic foraminifera. During the Last Interglacial Climax, upwelling appears to have been established in an isolated region offshore from a strengthened Leeuwin Current off North West Cape. Last Glacial Maximum delta13C values of C. wuellerstorfi at waterdepths of less than 2000 m show smaller than global mean glacial-interglacial changes suggesting the development of a deep hydrological front. A similar vertical stratification/bathyal front was also established during the Penultimate Glaciation.


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Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) continental margin sediments from the Wombat Plateau off northwest Australia (Sites 759, 760, 761, and 764) contain mainly detrital organic matter of terrestrial higher plant origin. Although deposited in a nearshore deltaic environment, little liptinitic material was preserved. The dominant vitrinites and inertinites are hydrogen-lean, and the small quantities of extractable bitumen contain w-alkanes and bacterial hopanoid hydrocarbons as the most dominant single gas-chromatography-amenable compounds. Lower Cretaceous sediments on the central Exmouth Plateau (Sites 762 and 763) farther south in general have an organic matter composition similar to that in the Wombat Plateau sediments with the exception of a smaller particle size of vitrinites and inertinites, indicating more distal transport and probably deposition in deeper water. Nevertheless, organic matter preservation is slightly better than in the Triassic sediments. Long-chain fatty acids, as well as aliphatic ketones and alcohols, are common constituents in the Lower Cretaceous sediments in addition to n-alkanes and hopanoid hydrocarbons. Thin, black shale layers at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, although present at several sites (Sites 762 and 763 on the Exmouth Plateau, Site 765 in the Argo Abyssal Plain, and Site 766 on the continental margin of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain), are particularly enriched in organic matter only at Site 763 (up to 26%). These organic-matter-rich layers contain mainly bituminite of probable fecal-pellet origin. Considering the high organic carbon content, the moderate hydrogen indices of 350-450 milligrams of hydrocarbon-type material per gram of Corg, the maceral composition, and the low sedimentation rates in the middle Cretaceous, we suggest that these black shales were accumulated in an area of oxygen-depleted bottom-water mass (oceanwide reduced circulation?) underlying an oxygen-rich water column (in which most of the primary biomass other than fecal pellets is destroyed) and a zone of relatively high bioproductivity. Differences in organic matter accumulation at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary at different sites off northwest Australia are ascribed to regional variations in primary bioproductivity.


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Diverse, warm-water planktonic foraminiferal faunas prevailed on the Wombat and Exmouth plateaus during the Neogene, in spite of the northward drift of Australia across 10° to 15° latitude since the early Miocene. Invasions of cool-water species occurred during periods of global cooling in the late middle Miocene, late Miocene, and Pleistocene, and reflect periods of increased northward transport of cool surface water, probably via the West Australian Current. The sedimentary record of the Neogene on Wombat and Exmouth Plateau is interrupted by two hiatuses (lower Miocene, Zone N5, and upper middle to upper Miocene, Zones N15-N17), and one redeposited section of upper Miocene to uppermost Pliocene sediments. Mechanical erosion or nondeposition by increased deep-water flow or tilting and uplift of Wombat and Exmouth plateaus, resulting in sediment shedding, are the most likely explanations for these Miocene hiatuses, but which of these processes were actually operative on the Wombat and Exmouth plateaus is uncertain. The redeposited section of upper Miocene to uppermost Pliocene sediments in Hole 761B, however, certainly reflects a latest Pliocene period of uplift and tilting of the Wombat Plateau. An important finding was the occurrence of Zone N15-correlative sediments in Hole 762B without any representative of Neogloboquadrina. Similar findings in Java and Jamaica indicate that the earliest spreading of Neogloboquadrina acostaensis in the tropical region resulted from migration. The evolution of this species, therefore, must have taken place in higher latitudes. I suggest that Neogloboquadrina acostaensis evolved from Neogloboquadrina atlantica in the North Atlantic within Zone NN9, but how and where in the region this speciation took place is still uncertain


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The iterative evolutionary radiation of planktic foraminifers is a well-documented macroevolutionary process. Here we document the accompanying size changes in entire planktic foraminiferal assemblages for the past 70 My and their relationship to paleoenvironmental changes. After the size decrease at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary, high latitude assemblages remained consistently small. Size evolution in low latitudes can be divided into three major phases: the first is characterized by dwarfs (65-42 Ma), the second shows moderate size fluctuations (42-14 Ma), and in the third phase, planktic foraminifers have grown to the unprecedented sizes observed today. Our analyses of size variability with paleoproxy records indicate that periods of size increase coincided with phases of global cooling (Eocene and Neogene). These periods were characterized by enhanced latitudinal and vertical temperature gradients in the oceans and high diversity (polytaxy). In the Paleocene and during the Oligocene, the observed (minor) size changes of the largely low-diversity (oligotaxic) assemblages seem to correlate with productivity changes. However, polytaxy per se was not responsible for larger test sizes.


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Oxygen isotope ratios were obtained from authigenic clinoptilolites from Barbados Accretionary Complex, Yamato Basin, and Exmouth Plateau sediments (ODP Sites 672, 797, and 762) in order to investigate the isotopic fractionation between clinoptilolite and pore water at early diagenetic stages and low temperatures. Dehydrated clinoptilolites display isotopic ratios for the zeolite framework (delta 18Of) that extend from +18.7? to +32.8? (vs. SMOW). In combination with associated pore water isotope data, the oxygen isotopic fractionation between clinoptilolite and pore fluids could be assessed in the temperature range from 25ºC to 40ºC. The resulting fractionation factors of 1.032 at 25ºC and 1.027 at 40ºC are in good agreement with the theoretically determined oxygen isotope fractionation between clinoptilolite and water. Calculations of isotopic temperatures illustrate that clinoptilolite formation occurred at relatively low temperatures of 17ºC to 29ºC in Barbados Ridge sediments and at 33ºC to 62ºC in the Yamato Basin. These data support a low-temperature origin of clinoptilolite and contradict the assumption that elevated temperatures are the main controlling factor for authigenic clinoptilolite formation. Increasing clinoptilolite delta18Of values with depth indicate that clinoptilolites which are now in the deeper parts of the zeolite-bearing intervals had either formed at lower temperatures (17-20ºC) or under closed system conditions.


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Six sites (759-764) were drilled on the Exmouth Plateau during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. Nannofossilrich Cenozoic sediments were recovered at all six sites, reflecting the open-ocean conditions that prevailed over the Exmouth Plateau during the Cenozoic. Calcareous nannofossils are abundant, diverse (250 different species identified), and generally well preserved throughout the composite lower Paleocene to Quaternary section. The diversity and preservation of nannofossils permits a high degree of stratigraphic resolution at each site. Site 762 on the central part of the Exmouth Plateau contains an almost unbroken Cenozoic record (only Miocene Zones NN3, NN8, and NN10 are missing). This site may prove to be a useful Cenozoic biostratigraphic and biomagnetochronologic reference section for the eastern Indian Ocean.


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The differential effects of climate change, sea level, and water mass circulation on deposition/erosion of marine sediments can be constrained from the distribution of unconformities in the world's oceans. I identified temporal and depth patterns of hiatuses ("hiatus events") from a large and chronologically well constrained stratigraphic database of deep-sea sediments. The Paleogene is characterized by few, several million year long hiatuses. The most significant Cenozoic hiatus event spans most of the Paleocene. The Neogene is characterized by short, frequent hiatus events nearly synchronous in shallow and deep water sediments. Epoch boundaries are characterized by peaks in deep water hiatuses possibly caused by an increased circulation of corrosive bottom water and sediment dissolution. The Plio-Pleistocene is characterized by a gradual decrease in the frequency of hiatuses. Future studies will focus on the regional significance of the hiatus events and their possible causes.


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Sites 759 through 764 were drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122 on the Exmouth and Wombat plateaus off northwest Australia, eastern Indian Ocean. Radiolarian recovery was generally poor due to unsuitable lithofacies. A few Quaternary radiolarian faunas were recovered from most of the sites. Rare and poorly preserved Oligocene and Eocene radiolarian faunas were recovered from Holes 760A, 761B, 761C, and 762B. Poorly preserved Cretaceous radiolarians occur in samples from Holes 761B, 762C, 763B, and 763C. Chert intervals from Cores 122-761B-28X, 122-761C-5R, and 122-761C-6R contain moderately well-preserved Cretaceous radiolarian faunas (upper Albian, mid- to upper Cenomanian, and mid-Albian, respectively). Rare fragments of Upper Triassic radiolarians were recovered from sections in Holes 759B, 760B, and 764A. The only well-preserved pre-Quaternary radiolarians are in lower and upper Paleocene faunas (Bekoma campechensis Zone) recovered from Site 761, Sections 122-761B-16X-1 to 122-761C-19X-CC. The composition of these faunas differs somewhat from that of isolated coeval Paleocene faunas from Deep Sea Drilling Project sites in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, tropical Pacific, eastern Indian Ocean, and near Spain and North Africa, as well as from several on-land sites in North America, Cuba, and the USSR.