367 resultados para 105-647B


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Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments from ODP Hole 647A in the south central Labrador Sea and Hole 646B off southwest Greenland were sampled at 1.5-m intervals for studies of terrestrial and marine palynomorphs, including pollen, spores, dinocysts, and acritarchs. The dinocyst assemblages suggest that surface-water masses were cool-temperate to subarctic during most of the Pliocene and Pleistocene. The occurrence of a few warm-temperate indicators, notably Impagidinium species and Polyspaeridium zoharyi, suggests almost continuous northward advection of warm North Atlantic Drift into the Labrador Sea. A major decrease in dinocyst diversity and abundance marks the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene interval. The abundance of acritarchs in Pliocene sediments off southwest Greenland suggests high productivity, which may reflect nutrient flux from the shelf or upwelling; productivity appears to have been much lower at the central Labrador Sea site. Pollen and spore concentrations also decrease from the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene. This diminution probably reflects the impoverishment of vegetation and southward migration of the eastern Canadian tree line at the onset of climatic cooling and glaciation.


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Eocene to Holocene sediments from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647 (Leg 105) in the southern Labrador Sea, approximately 200 km south of the Gloria Drift deposits, were investigated for their biogenic silica composition. Three sections of different diagenetic alteration products of primary siliceous components could be distinguished: (1) opal-A was recorded in the Miocene and the early Oligocene time intervals with strongly corroded siliceous skeletons in the Miocene and mostly well preserved biogenic opal in the early Oligocene; (2) opal-CT precipitation occurs between 250-440 meters below seafloor (mbsf) (earliest Oligocene to late Eocene); (3) between 620-650 mbsf (early/middle Eocene), biogenic opal was transformed to clay minerals by authigenesis of smectites. Using accumulation rates of biogenic opal, paleoproductivity was estimated for the early Oligocene to late Eocene interval. A maximum productivity of biogenic silica probably occurred between 35.5 and 34.5 Ma (early Oligocene). No evidence for opal sedimentation during most of middle Eocene was found. However, at the early/middle Eocene boundary (around 52 Ma), increased opal fluxes were documented by diagenetic alteration products of siliceous skeletons.


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Neogene calcareous nannofossils were examined from 10 holes at three sites cored during ODP Leg 105. Sediment recovered in Baffin Bay at Site 645 is virtually barren of calcareous nannofossils, with the exception of a sparse lower Miocene assemblage. Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea contain upper Miocene to Holocene sediments having numerous barren intervals. Upper Pleistocene fossil coccolithophorid floras in the Labrador Sea indicate alternations of cold subpolar with transitional (subpolar/subtropical) assemblages. Extreme variations in the abundance of Coccolithus pelagicus were observed at Sites 646 and 647. These variations are correlated with stable isotopic data to interpret oceanographic responses to warming and cooling trends. The climatic history indicated by the changes of these assemblages closely approximates the past climatic fluctuations recorded in other North Atlantic cores. One new taxon, Discoaster bergenii, is described.


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The grain-size study and analyses of bulk sediment and clay mineral composition of samples collected from the dominant lithologies recovered at ODP Site 646, located on the northern flank of the Eirik Ridge (Labrador Sea), show variations indicating that contour-following currents, linked to Norwegian Sea Overflow Water (NSOW), have controlled sedimentation since the early Pliocene. These currents were influential until the early Pleistocene, despite the onset of major ice-rafting at about 2.5 Ma. A major mineralogical change occurred during the late Miocene: a decrease in the smectite to illite and chlorite ratio and a decrease of the crystallinity of smectites. This change indicates a renewing of the source rocks, which could result from an important hydrological change at this time. This change also is depicted by grain-size data that suggest the bottom current influence should be set earlier than the Pliocene.


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Diatoms occur sporadically in lower Miocene to Holocene sediments recovered at ODP Site 645 and in upper Pliocene to Holocene sediments at ODP Site 646. The diatom assemblage at Site 645 contains rare stratigraphic indicators. Fragmentation of frustules and the occurrence of species characteristic of high-latitude shelf, upper-slope environments suggest current transportation from the shelf. The diatom abundance and preservation at Site 646 probably reflect climatic changes and are also affected by dissolution, but it is not possible to detect the dominant factor. Therefore, the stratigraphic ranges of the primary and secondary biostratigraphic indicators are often unreliable.