59 resultados para 040407 Seismology and Seismic Exploration


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We have reanalyzed the porosity, bulk density, and seismic velocity information collected from continental rise Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101 during the drilling of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 178 (Fig. F1). The purpose is to provide a comprehensive composite digital set of data readily available for future studies aimed at well-seismic correlation. The work originates from the occurrence of overlapping sets of physical parameters and acoustic velocity collected by different methods (downhole logging, core logging, laboratory determination, and derivation from seismic data) and from different holes at the same site. These data do not always provide the same information because of difficulties encountered at each specific hole or methodological differences. In addition, a basic correlation between these parameters and onsite multichannel seismic (MCS) data is presented.


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Resolving flow geometry in the mantle wedge is central to understanding the thermal and chemical structure of subduction zones, subducting plate dehydration, and melting that leads to arc volcanism, which can threaten large populations and alter climate through gas and particle emission. Here we show that isotope geochemistry and seismic velocity anisotropy provide strong evidence for trench-parallel flow in the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica and Nicaragua. This finding contradicts classical models, which predict trench-normal flow owing to the overlying wedge mantle being dragged downwards by the subducting plate. The isotopic signature of central Costa Rican volcanic rocks is not consistent with its derivation from the mantle wedge (Feigenson et al., 2004, doi:10.1029/2003GC000621; Herrstom et al., 1995, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1995)023<0617:VILCAW>2.3.CO;2; Abratis and Woerner, 2001) or eroded fore-arc complexes (Goss and Kay, 2006, doi:10.1029/2005GC001163) but instead from seamounts of the Galapagos hotspot track on the subducting Cocos plate. This isotopic signature decreases continuously from central Costa Rica to northwestern Nicaragua. As the age of the isotopic signature beneath Costa Rica can be constrained and its transport distance is known, minimum northwestward flow rates can be estimated (~63-190 mm/yr) and are comparable to the magnitude of subducting Cocos plate motion (approx85 mm/yr). Trench-parallel flow needs to be taken into account in models evaluating thermal and chemical structure and melt generation in subduction zones.


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On the basis of lithologic, foraminiferal, seismostratigraphic, and downhole logging characteristics, we identified seven distinctive erosional unconformities at the contacts of the principal depositional sequences at Site 612 on the New Jersey Continental Slope (water depth 1404 m). These unconformities are present at the Campanian/Maestrichtian, lower Eocene/middle Eocene, middle Eocene/upper Eocene, upper Eocene/lower Oligocene, lower Oligocene/upper Miocene, Tortonian/Messinian, and upper Pliocene/upper Pleistocene contacts. The presence of coarse sand or redeposited intraclasts above six of the unconformities suggests downslope transport from the adjacent shelf by means of sediment gravity flows, which contributed in part to the erosion. Changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages across all but the Campanian/Maestrichtian contact indicate that significant changes in the seafloor environment, such as temperature and dissolved oxygen content, took place during the hiatuses. Comparison with modern analogous assemblages and application of a paleoslope model where possible, indicate that deposition took place in bathyal depths throughout the Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic at Site 612. An analysis of two-dimensional geometry and seismic fades changes of depositional sequences along U.S.G.S. multichannel seismic Line 25 suggests that Site 612 was an outer continental shelf location from the Campanian until the middle Eocene, when the shelf edge retreated 130 km landward, and Site 612 became a continental slope site. Following this, a prograding prism of terrigenous debris moved the shelf edge to near its present position by the end of the Miocene. Each unconformity identified can be traced widely on seismic reflection profiles and most have been identified from wells and outcrops on the coastal plain and other offshore basins of the U.S. Atlantic margin. Furthermore, their stratigraphic positions and equivalence to similar unconformities on the Goban Spur, in West Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and the Western Interior of the U.S. suggest that most contacts are correlative with the global unconformities and sea-level falls of the Vail depositional model.