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During Leg 134, the influence of ridge collision and subduction on the structural evolution of island arcs was investigated by drilling at a series of sites in the collision zone between the d'Entrecasteaux Zone (DEZ) and the central New Hebrides Island Arc. The DEZ is an arcuate Eocene-Oligocene submarine volcanic chain that extends from the northern New Caledonia Ridge to the New Hebrides Trench. High magnetic susceptibilities and intensities of magnetic remanence were measured in volcanic silts, sands, siltstones, and sandstones from collision zone sites. This chapter presents the preliminary results of studies of magnetic mineralogy, magnetic properties, and magnetic fabric of sediments and rocks from Sites 827 through 830 in the collision zone. The dominant carrier of remanence in the highly magnetic sediments and sedimentary rocks in the DEZ is low-titanium titanomagnetite of variable particle size. Changes in rock magnetic properties reflect variations in the abundance and size of titanomagnetite particles, which result from differences in volcanogenic contribution and the presence or absence of graded beds. Although the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility results are difficult to interpret in terms of regional stresses because the cores were azimuthally unoriented, the shapes of the susceptibility ellipsoids provide information about deformation style. The magnetic fabric of most samples is oblate, dominated by foliation, as is the structural fabric. The variability of degree of anisotropy (P) and a factor that measures the shape of the ellipsoid (q) reflect the patchy nature of deformation, at a micrometer scale, that is elucidated by scanning electron microscope analysis. The nature of this patchiness implies that deformation in the shear zones is accomplished primarily by motion along bedding planes, whereas the material within the beds themselves remains relatively undeformed.


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Atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) has risen from approximately 280 to 400 ppm since the Industrial Revolution, due mainly to the combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, and cement production. It is predicted to reach as high as 900 ppm by the end of this century. Ocean acidification resulting from the release of anthropogenic CO2 has been shown to impair the ability of some marine calcifiers to build their shells and skeletons. Here, we present the results of ocean acidification experiments designed to assess the effects of an increase in atmospheric pCO2 from ca. 448 to 827 ppm on calcification rates of the tropical urchin Echinometra viridis. Experiments were conducted under the urchin's winter (20 °C) and summer (30 °C) water temperatures in order to identify seasonal differences in the urchin's response to ocean acidification. The experiments reveal that calcification rates decreased for urchins reared under elevated pCO2, with the decline being more pronounced under wintertime temperatures than under summertime temperatures. These results indicate that the urchin E. viridis will be negatively impacted by CO2-induced ocean acidification that is predicted to occur by the end of this century. These results also suggest that impact of CO2-induced ocean acidification on urchin calcification will be more severe in the winter and in cooler waters.


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Macro- and meiobenthic abundance and biomass as well as metabolic activity (respiration, ETS activity) have been studied along a transect ranging from 130 to 3000 m water depth off northern Morocco (35° N) during "Meteor" cruise No. 53 (1980). The distribution of chloroplastic pigment concentration (chlorophyll a, pheophytins) in the sediment has been investigated as a measure of sedimented primary organic matter. High chloroplastic pigment concentrations were found on the shelf and around the shelf break, but values declined rapidly between 200 and 600 m depth. Below 1200 m pigment concentrations remained at a relatively uniform low level. Macrobenthic abundance and biomass (wet weight) decreased with increasing water depth and with distance from the shore. Significant changes occurred between the shelf and upper slope and below 2000 m depth. Meiobenthic abundance and biomass (ash free dry weight) followed the same general pattern, but changes were found below 400 and 800 m depth. In the depth range of 1200 to 3000 m values differ only slightly. Meiofauna abundance and biomass show a good correlation with the sedimentary chloroplastic pigment concentrations. Respiratory activity of sediment cores, measured by a shipboard technique at ambient temperatures, decreased with water depth and shows a good correlation with the pigment concentrations. ETS activity was highest on the shelf and decreased with water depth, with significant changes between 200 and 400 m, and below 1200 m depth, respectively. Activity was generally highest in the top 5 cm of the sediment and was measurable, at all stations, down to 15 cm sediment depth. Shelf and upper slope stations exhibited a vertical distribution pattern of ETS activity in the sediment column, different from that of deeper stations. The importance of biological activity measurements as an estimate of productivity is discussed. To prove the thesis that differences in benthic abundance, biomass and activity reflect differences in pelagic surface primary production, in the case of the NW-African coast caused by different upwelling intensities, the values from 35° N were compared with data from 21° N (permanent upwelling activity) and 17° N (ca. 9 months upwelling per year). On the shelf and upper slope (< 500 m) hydrographical conditions (currents, internal waves) influence the deposition of organic matter and cause a biomass minimum between 200 and 400 m depth in some regions. But, in general, macrobenthic abundance and biomass increases with enhanced upwelling activity and reaches a maximum in the area off Cape Blanc (21° N). On the shelf and in the shelf break region meiofauna densities are higher at 35° N in comparison to 21° N; but in contrast to the decreasing meiofauna abundance with increasing water depth at 35° N, an abundance maximum between 400 and 1200 m depth is formed in the Cape Blanc region; this maximum coincides with the maximum of sedimentary chloroplastic pigment equivalents. The comparison of ETS activities between 35° N and 21° N shows on the shelf activity at 21° N is up to 14 times higher and on the slope 4-9 times higher, which demonstrates that benthic activity responds to the surface productivity regime.