453 resultados para Drill, hydraulic


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Hole 633A was drilled in the southern part of Exuma Sound on the toe-of-slope of the southeastern part of Great Bahama Bank during ODP Leg 101. The top 55 m, collected as a suite of six approximately 9.5-m-long hydraulic piston cores, represents a Pliocene-Pleistocene sequence of periplatform carbonate ooze, a mixture of pelagic calcite (foraminifer and coccolith tests), some pelagic aragonite (pteropod tests), and bank-derived fine aragonite and magnesian calcite. A 1.6-m.y.-long hiatus was identified at 43.75 mbsf using calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and magnetostratigraphy. The 43.75-m-thick periplatform sequence above the hiatus is a complete late Pliocene-Quaternary record of the past 2.15 m.y. The d18O curve, primarily based on Globigerinoides sacculifera, clearly displays high-frequency/low-amplitude cycles during the early Pleistocene and low-frequency/high-amplitude cycles during the middle and late Pleistocene. Variations in aragonite content in the fine fraction of the periplatform ooze show a cyclic pattern throughout the Pleistocene, as previously observed in piston cores of the upper Pleistocene. These variations correlate well with the d18O record: high aragonite corresponds to light interglacial d18O values, and vice versa. Comparison of the d18O record and the aragonite curve helps to identify 23 interglacial and glacial oxygen-isotope stages, corresponding to 10.5 aragonite cycles (labeled A to K) commonly established during the middle and late Pleistocene (0.9 Ma-present). Strictly based on the aragonite curve, another 11 aragonite cycles, labeled L to V, were identified for the early Pleistocene (0.9 to 1.6 Ma). Mismatches between the d18O record and the aragonite curve occur mainly at some of the glacial-to-interglacial transitions, where aragonite increases usually lag behind d18O depletion. When one visually connects the minima on the Pleistocene aragonite curve, low-frequency (0.4 to 0.5 m.y.) supercycles seem to be superimposed on the high-frequency cycles. The timing of this supercycle roughly matches the timing of the Pleistocene carbonate preservation supercycles described in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans. Mismatches between aragonite and d18O cycles are even more obvious for the late Pliocene (1.6 to 2.15 Ma). Irregular aragonite variations are observed for the late Pliocene, although after the onset of late Pleistocene-like glaciations in the North Atlantic Ocean 2.4 m.y. ago the d18O record has shown a mode of high-frequency/low-amplitude cycles. Initiation of climatically induced aragonite cycles occurs only at the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition, 1.6 m.y. ago. After that time, aragonite cycles are fully developed throughout the Quaternary. The 11-m-thick periplatform sequence below the hiatus represents a lower Pliocene interval between 3.75 and 4.45 Ma. The bottom half (4.25-4.45 Ma) has a fairly constant, high aragonite content (averaging 60%) and high sedimentation rates (28 m/m.y.) and corresponds to the end of the prolonged early Pliocene interglacial interval (4.1-5.0 Ma), established as a worldwide high sea-level stand. The second half (3.75-4.25 Ma), in which aragonite content decreases by successive steps, paralleled by a gradual 5180 enrichment in Globigerinoides sacculifera and low sedimentation rates (10 m/m.y), corresponds to the climatic deterioration established worldwide between 4.1 and 3.8 Ma, to a decrease of carbonate preservation observed in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, and to a global sea-level decline. Dolomite, a ubiquitous secondary component in the lower Pliocene, is interpreted as being authigenic and possibly related to diagenetic transformation of primary bank-derived fine magnesian calcite. Transformation of the primary mineralogical composition of the periplatform ooze was evidently minor, as the sediments have retained a detailed record of the Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic evolution. Clear evidence of diagenetic transformations in the periplatform ooze includes (1) the disappearance of magnesian calcite in the upper 20 m of Hole 633A, (2) the occurrence of calcite overgrowths on foraminiferal tests and microclasts at intermittent chalky core levels, and (3) the ubiquitous presence of authigenic dolomite in the lower Pliocene.


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The concentration and carbon isotopic composition (d13C) of sedimentary organic carbon (C_org), N/C ratios, and terrigenous and marine d13C_org endmembers form a basis from which to address problems of Late Quaternary glacial-interglacial climatic variability in a 208.7 m hydraulic piston core (DSDP 619) from the Pigmy Basin in the northern Gulf of Mexico. While interpretations of sedimentary d13C_org time series records are often not unique, paired analyses of d13C_org and N/C are consistent with the hypothesis that the C_org in the Pigmy Basin is a climatically determined mixture of C3-photosynthetic terrigenous and marine organic matter, confirming the earlier d13C_org model of Sackett (1964). A high resolution (~1.4-2.9 Ka/sample) d13C_org record shows that sedimentary organic carbon in interglacial oxygen isotope (sub)stages 1 and 5a-b are enriched in 13C (average +/-1 sigma values are -24.2+/-1.2? and -22.9+/-0.7? relative to PDB, respectively) while glacial isotope stage values 2 are relatively depleted (-25.6+/-0.5?). Concentrations of terrigenous and marine sedimentary organic carbon are calculated for the first time using d13C_org and C_org measurements, and empirically determined terrigenous and marine d13C_org endmembers. The net accumulation rate of terrigenous organic carbon is 4.3+/-2.6 times higher in isotope stages 2-4 than in (sub)stages 1 and 5a-b, recording higher erosion rates of terrigenous organic material in glacial times. The concentration and net accumulation rates of marine and terrigenous C_org suggest that the nutrient-bearing plume of the Mississippi River may have advanced and retreated across the Pigmy Basin as sea level fell and rose in response to glacial-interglacial sea level change.


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The primary objective of DSDP Leg 94 was to obtain continuous paleoclimatic records along a roughly north-south transect in the North Atlantic. The magnetostratigraphy of 21 holes at 6 sites cored with the hydraulic piston corer and extended-core-barrel corer is presented here and establishes an independent chronology for these sediments. Nearly complete records were obtained for the last 2.5 m.y.; in addition, deeper drilling at three sites to satisfy tectonic and paleoceanographic objectives produced older sections suitable for magnetostratigraphic study, allowing first-order correlations of the polarity sequences with calcareous and siliceous micro fossil events. The sections with high sediment accumulation rates yielded very detailed records of polarity history and allowed three short normal-polarity zones within the Matuyama Chronozone to be detected, in addition to the Jaramillo and Olduvai subchronozones. A short reversed-polarity zone also occurs, within the upper intervals of the Gauss Chronozone. These short zones are present in multiple holes, ruling out the possibility that they might be of local origin. Correlation of these short zones with radiometrically dated polarity zones in igneous rocks strongly supports the interpretation of these polarity zones as records of true geomagnetic polarity chrons.


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This paper explores the paleoseismic record potentially preserved in the upper 40 m of hydraulic piston cores collected in 1996 at two sites in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, during ocean drilling program (ODP) Leg 169S. The ODP cores are missing 1-2 m of water-rich sediment directly underlying the seafloor, but this sediment is preserved in shorter piston cores collected in 1989 and 1991. The upper part of the ODP cores consists of rhythmically laminated (varved) marine mud with intercalated massive beds, interpreted to be debris flow deposits. Some of the debris flow deposits are linked to past earthquakes, including the 1946 Vancouver Island earthquake (M7.2), a great (M8-9) plate-boundary earthquake at the Cascadia subduction zone in January 1700, and a large crustal or plate-boundary earthquake about 1000 yr ago. Earthquakes may also be responsible for debris flows in about AD 1600, 1500, 1250, 1150, 850, 450, 350, 180, and BC 200, 220, 500, 900, and 1050. If so, the average recurrence interval for moderate to large earthquakes, which trigger debris flows in Saanich Inlet, is about 150 yr. This recurrence interval is broadly consistent with the frequency of moderate to large earthquakes in the region during the historical period. Debris flows, however, can also be triggered by non-seismic processes, making it difficult to assemble a complete earthquake record from the Saanich Inlet cores. We propose that extensive debris flow deposits, emplaced by single large failures or many smaller coincident failures, probably have a seismic origin.


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Methanogen ether lipids have been quantified in sediments from a Florida swamp and the Atlantic ocean. Swamp cores containing acyclic and monocyclic isopranyl ethers are clearly differentiated from deep sea sediments which also contain bicyclic compounds. A concentration maximum near the bottom of the sulfate reducing zone in deep sea sediments may reflect a biogeochemical system in which methanogenesis and sulfate reduction are coupled by the process of methane oxidation. Lipid diagenesis is evident in the deep sea sediments. Species zonation, possibly caused by oxygen sensitivity, is detected in the relative lipid abundances in swamp sediments.