559 resultados para Supplement of chromium


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Volcanogenic rocks from the Sea of Okhotsk are divided into seven age complexes: Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Late Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene. All these complexes are united into two groups - Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Each group reflects a certain stage of development of the Sea of Okhotsk region. Late Mesozoic volcanites build the geological basement of the Sea of Okhotsk, and their petrochemical features are similar to those of the volcanic rocks from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanogen. Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanites reflect stages of tectono-magmatic activity; the latter destroyed the continental margin and produced riftogenic troughs. Geochemical features of volcanites from the Sea of Okhotsk indicate influence of the sialic crust on magma formation and testify formation of the Okhotsk Sea Basin on the destructive margin of the Asian continent.


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In the Leg 87A holes, 45 ash layers were sampled in Recent to upper Pliocene strata. The main volcanogenic deposits came from single eruptions or subcontemporaneous eruptions of cognate volcanoes. Some of them are mixed ashes produced from multiple eruptions and accumulated in reworked sediments. The petrographic and geochemical patterns indicate rhyolitic and dacitic compositions; andesitic glasses are scarce. We infer a magmatic affinity with calc-alkaline sources and a possible origin from the volcanic arc of southwestern Japan. A few samples may originate from the alkaline volcanism of southwestern Japan or the area south of Korea and the Sea of Japan.


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A series of samples of inhabitants of hydrothermal vents were collected during the 12-th cruise of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in Guaymas Basin (the Gulf of California) and the Axial Seamount area (Juan de Fuca Ridge). Concentrations of trace and heavy metals in the tissues of Ridgeia piscesae, Riftia pachyptila, and Paralvinella palmiformis were analyzed. Neutron-activation analysis revealed significantly higher concentrations of uranium in tissues of Paralvinella palmiformis as compared to ambient seawater. Possible reasons for such phenomenon are discussed. The data obtained by neutron-activation method are compared with those obtained by atomic-absorption method for the same tissues analyzed.


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In sediments of the Laptev Sea unknown earlier ferromanganese manifestations have been found. On the basis of structural-textural external signs they have been divided to five groups: 1) tube- and spindle-shaped pseudomorphs after and within invertebrates; 2) nuclear and non-nuclear nodules; 3) flagellum- and tube-like skeletons of polychaetes; 4) flat and flattened crustate nodules and crusts; 5) micronodules. All types of ferromanganese manifestations have been sorted in three main genetic series: eigenferrous formations of autochthonous (polychaetes, goethite micronodules) and allochthonous (nuclear nodules) nature; ferromanganese nodules formed under mild hydro-geodynamic conditions at the sediment-seawater geochemical barrier; and ferromanganese manifestations formed under conditions of the variable physico-chemical environment. Ferromanganese manifestations of allochthonous type have signs of littoral zones. They contain both ferrous and ferric iron and have low oxidation degree of manganese in comparison with the autochthonous type manifestations. Manganese minerals with moderate oxidation degree are represented by vernadite and buserite. Such features of iron and manganese indicate different conditions of their formation and occurrence. The main distinctive feature of ferromanganese mineralisation in the Laptev Sea is the redox barrier: the oxidized water layer enriched in oxygen and reduced sediments. This barrier provides favorable conditions for bacterial formation of ferromanganese ores. Understanding of the genesis of ferromanganese manifestations should be found in a study of organic matter reworking by bacteria.


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Basalts drilled from the East Pacific Rise, OCP Ridge, and Siqueiros fracture zone during Leg 54 are texturally diverse. Dolerites are equigranular at Sites 422 and 428 and porphyritic, with phenocrysts of plagioclase (An69.73) and Ca-rich clinopyroxene (Ca42Mg48Fe10) at Site 427. The East Pacific Rise lavas and some of those from the OCP Ridge are fine-grained and porphyritic. The majority of the large crystals are clustered skeletal glomerocrysts of plagioclase An64-77), together with olivine (Fo80-87), Ca-rich clinopyroxene, or both. Euhedral phenocrysts of plagioclase, together with olivine, Carich clinopyroxene, and Cr-Al spinel in some cases, occur in most of the fine-grained lavas. These phenocrysts are small (maximum dimension <1 mm in all but one sample), sparse (combined modal amount <1% in all samples), and distinctive from the megacrysts which characterize many ocean-floor lavas. In two East Pacific Rise lavas, zoned plagioclase (An83 cores) is the sole phenocryst phase. In other porphyritic lavas from all the main East Pacific Rise and OCP Ridge units drilled during Leg 54, the plagioclase phenocrysts contain cores of bytownite (An79-87) surrounded by more-sodic feldspar (An67-77). Core/rim relationships vary from continuous normal zoning, through discontinuous zoning, to extensive resorption of the calcic cores in some samples. The compositions of the plagioclase calcic cores are systematically related to those of the glomerophyric plagioclase and olivine in the lavas containing them. Furthermore, only one compositional population of calcic cores occurs in each rock. The possible causes of these relationships are far from clear. Magma mixing, although superficially applicable, is inconsistent with important aspects of the phenocryst mineralogy of these particular lavas. A more satisfactory model to explain both phenocryst zoning and rapid glomerocryst growth immediately before extrusion may be constructed by postulating influx of water into the upwelling magmas within Layer 3 of the oceanic crust beneath the East Pacific Rise, and subsequent loss of part of this water during effervescence within feeder dykes between Layer 3 and the ocean floor. It is shown that this model is fully consistent with published data on water and carbon dioxide contents and ratios in the pillow-margin glasses, vesicles, and phenocryst inclusions of ocean-floor basalts. The evidence for the precipitation of plagioclase- dominated crystalline assemblages from these magmas in the upper part of Layer 3 is concordant with recent geophysically based modeling of the structure of the East Pacific Rise. Calcium-rich clinopyroxenes in dolerites from the OCP Ridge and Siqueiros fracture zone show radial, oscillatory, and sector-zoning. In Sample 428A-5-2 (Piece 5a), the compositional trends resulting from this zoning closely resemble those of the pyroxenes in some lunar lavas. The controls on crystallization of interstitial pigeonite - epitaxial upon augite - in this rock are discussed. Both sector-zoning of the augite and nucleation of pigeonite within microvolumes of magma with a low Ca(Mg + Fe) ratio appear to be important factors.


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Fluid flow through the axial hydrothermal system at fast spreading ridges is investigated using the Sr-isotopic composition of upper crustal samples recovered from a tectonic window at Pito Deep (NE Easter microplate). Samples from the sheeted dike complex collected away from macroscopic evidence of channelized fluid flow, such as faults and centimeter-scale hydrothermal veins, show a range of 87Sr/86Sr from 0.7025 to 0.7030 averaging 0.70276 relative to a protolith with 87Sr/86Sr of ~0.7024. There is no systematic variation in 87Sr/86Sr with depth in the sheeted dike complex. Comparison of these new data with the two other localities that similar data sets exist for (ODP Hole 504B and the Hess Deep tectonic window) reveals that the extent of Sr-isotope exchange is similar in all of these locations. Models that assume that fluid-rock reaction occurs during one-dimensional (recharge) flow lead to significant decreases in the predicted extent of isotopic modification of the rock with depth in the crust. These model results show systematic misfits when compared with the data that can only be avoided if the fluid flow is assumed to be focused in isolated channels with very slow fluid-rock exchange. In this scenario the fluid at the base of the crust is little modified in 87Sr/86Sr from seawater and thus unlike vent fluids. Additionally, this model predicts that some rocks should show no change from the fresh-rock 87Sr/86Sr, but this is not observed. Alternatively, models in which fluid-rock reaction occurs during upflow (discharge) as well as downflow, or in which fluids are recirculated within the hydrothermal system, can reproduce the observed lack of variation in 87Sr/86Sr with depth in the crust. Minimum time-integrated fluid fluxes, calculated from mass balance, are between 1.5 and 2.6 * 10**6 kg/m**2 for all areas studied to date. However, new evidence from both the rocks and a compilation of vent fluid compositions demonstrates that some Sr is leached from the crust. Because this leaching lowers the fluid 87Sr/86Sr without changing the rock 87Sr/86Sr, these mass balance models must underestimate the time-integrated fluid flux. Additionally, these values do not account for fluid flow that is channelized within the crust.


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Metasediments in the three early Palaeozoic Ross orogenic terranes in northern Victoria Land and Oates Land (Antarctica) are geochemically classified as immature litharenites to wackes and moderately mature shales. Highly mature lithotypes with Chemical Index of Weathering values of >=95 are typically absent. Geochemical and Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope results indicate that the turbiditic metasediments of the Cambro-Ordovician Robertson Bay Group in the eastern Robertson Bay Terrane represent a very homogeneous series lacking significant compositional variations. Major variations are only found in chemical parameters which reflect differences in degree of chemical weathering of their protoliths and in mechanical sorting of the detritus. Geochemical data, 87Sr/ 86Sr t=490 Ma ratios of 0.7120 - 0.7174, epsilonNd, t=490 Ma values of -7.6 to -10.3 and single-stage Nd-model ages of 1.7 - 1.9 Ga are indicative of an origin from a chemically evolved crustal source of on average late Palaeoproterozoic formation age. There is no evidence for significant sedimentary infill from primitive "ophiolitic" sources. Metasediments of the Middle Cambrian Molar Formation (Bowers Terrane) are compositionally strongly heterogeneous. Their major and trace element data and Sm-Nd isotope data (epsilonNd, t=500 Ma values of -14.3 to -1.2 and single-stage Nd-model ages of 1.7 - 2.1 Ga) can be explained by mixing of sedimentary input from an evolved crustal source of at least early Palaeoproterozoic formation age and from a primitive basaltic source. The chemical heterogeneity of metasediments from the Wilson Terrane is largely inherited from compositional variations of their precursor rocks as indicated by the Ni vs TiO2 diagram. Single-stage Nd-model ages of 1.6 -2.2 Ga for samples from more western inboard areas of the Wilson Terrane (epsilonNd, t=510 Ma -7.0 to -14.3) indicate a relatively high proportion of material derived from a crustal source with on average early Palaeoproterozoic formation age. Metasedimentary series in an eastern, more outboard position (epsilonNd, t=510 Ma -5.4 to -10.0; single-stage Nd model ages 1.4 - 1.9) on the contrary document stronger influence of a more primitive source with younger formation ages. The chemical and isotopic characteristics of metasediments from the Bowers and Wilson terranes can be explained by variable contributions from two contrasting sources: a cratonic continental crust similar to the Antarctic Shield exposed in Georg V Land and Terre Adélie some hundred kilometers west of the study area and a primitive basaltic source probably represented by the Cambrian island-arc of the Bowers Terrane. While the data for metasediments of the Robertson Bay Terrane are also compatible with an origin from an Antarctic-Shield-type source, there is no direct evidence from their geochemistry or isotope geochemistry for an island-arc component in these series.


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A growing body of geologic evidence suggests that emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) played a major role in global warming during the early Paleogene as well as in the transient Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) event. A ~5 million year record of major and trace element abundances spanning 56 to 51 Ma at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 549 confirms that the majority of NAIP volcanism occurred as subaerial flows. Thus the trace element records provide constraints on the nature and scope of the environmental impact of the NAIP during the late Paleocene-early Eocene interval. Subaerial volcanism would have injected mantle CO2 directly into the atmosphere, resulting in a more immediate increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas abundances than CO2 input through submarine volcanism. The lack of significant hydrothermalism contradicts recently proposed mechanisms for thermally destabilizing methane hydrate reservoirs during the PETM. Any connection between NAIP volcanism and PETM warming had to occur through the atmosphere.


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Concentrations of major-, trace- and rare earth elements in recent and Old Black Sea bottom sediments are reported in the paper. Data presented suggest that accumulation of black shale deposits was not constrained to a certain time span but proceeds in certain modern basins and generates sediments with metal contents close to those in their ancients analogues in hydrogen sulfide contaminated environments. If REE are involved in the process, their composition can vary depending on such factors as variations in redox conditions and occurrence of phosphate and barite nodules, which can induce development of either positive or negative Eu anomalies.


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Sediment traps were deployed inside the anoxic inner basin of Effingham Inlet and at the oxygenated mouth of the inlet from May 1999 to September 2000 in a pilot study to determine the annual depositional cycle and impact of the 1999-2000 La Niña event within a western Canadian inlet facing the open Pacific Ocean. Total mass flux, geochemical parameters (carbon, nitrogen, opal, major and minor element contents, and stable isotope ratios) and diatom assemblages were determined and compared with meteorological and oceanographic data. Deposition was seasonal, with coarser grained terrestrial components and benthic diatoms settling in the autumn and winter, coincident with the rainy season. Marine sedimentary components and abundant pelagic diatoms were coincident with coastal upwelling in the spring and summer. Despite the seasonal differences in deposition, the typical temperate-zone Thalassiosira-Skeletonema-Chaetoceros bloom succession was muted. A July 1999 total mass flux peak and an increase in biogenous components coincided with a rare bottom-water oxygen renewal event in the inlet. Likewise, there were cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) just outside the inlet, and unusually high abundances of a previously undescribed cool-water marine diatom (Fragilariopsis pacifica sp. nov.) within the inlet. Each of these occurrences likely reflects a response to the strong La Niña that followed the year after the strongest-ever recorded El Niño event of 1997-1998. By the autumn of 1999, SSTs had returned to average, and F. pacifica had all but disappeared from the remaining trap record, indicating that oceanographic conditions had returned to normal. Oxygenation events were not witnessed in the inlet in the years before or after 1999, suggesting that a rare oceanographic and climatic event was captured by this sediment trap time series. The data from this record can therefore be used as a benchmark for identifying anomalous environmental conditions on this coast.


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Here we present the first radiometric age data and a comprehensive geochemical data set (including major and trace element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope ratios) for samples from the Hikurangi Plateau basement and seamounts on and adjacent to the plateau obtained during the R/V Sonne 168 cruise, in addition to age and geochemical data from DSDP Site 317 on the Manihiki Plateau. The 40Ar/39Ar age and geochemical data show that the Hikurangi basement lavas (118-96 Ma) have surprisingly similar major and trace element and isotopic characteristics to the Ontong Java Plateau lavas (ca. 120 and 90 Ma), primarily the Kwaimbaita-type composition, whereas the Manihiki DSDP Site 317 lavas (117 Ma) have similar compositions to the Singgalo lavas on the Ontong Java Plateau. Alkalic, incompatible-element-enriched seamount lavas (99-87 Ma and 67 Ma) on the Hikurangi Plateau and adjacent to it (Kiore Seamount), however, were derived from a distinct high time-integrated U/Pb (HIMU)-type mantle source. The seamount lavas are similar in composition to similar-aged alkalic volcanism on New Zealand, indicating a second wide-spread event from a distinct source beginning ca. 20 Ma after the plateau-forming event. Tholeiitic lavas from two Osbourn seamounts on the abyssal plain adjacent to the northeast Hikurangi Plateau margin have extremely depleted incompatible element compositions, but incompatible element characteristics similar to the Hikurangi and Ontong Java Plateau lavas and enriched isotopic compositions intermediate between normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) and the plateau basement. These younger (~52 Ma) seamounts may have formed through remelting of mafic cumulate rocks associated with the plateau formation. The similarity in age and geochemistry of the Hikurangi, Ontong Java and Manihiki Plateaus suggest derivation from a common mantle source. We propose that the Greater Ontong Java Event, during which ?1% of the Earth's surface was covered with volcanism, resulted from a thermo-chemical superplume/dome that stalled at the transition zone, similar to but larger than the structure imaged presently beneath the South Pacific superswell. The later alkalic volcanism on the Hikurangi Plateau and the Zealandia micro-continent may have been part of a second large-scale volcanic event that may have also triggered the final breakup stage of Gondwana, which resulted in the separation of Zealandia fragments from West Antarctica.


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Ocean Drilling Program Legs 127 and 128 in the Japan Sea have revealed the existence of numerous dark-light rhythms of remarkable consistency in sediments of late Miocene, latest Pliocene, and especially Pleistocene age. Light-colored units within these rhythms are massive or bioturbated, consist of diatomaceous clays, silty clays, or nannofossil-rich clays, and are generally poor in organic matter. Dark-colored units are homogeneous, laminated, or thinly bedded and include substantial amounts of biogenic material such as well-preserved diatoms, planktonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, and organic matter (maximum 7.4 wt%). The dark-light rhythms show a similar geometrical pattern on three different scales: First-order rhythms consist of a cluster dominated by dark-colored units followed by a cluster dominated by light-colored units (3-5 m). Spectral analysis of a gray-value time series suggests that the frequencies of the first-order rhythms in sediments of latest Pliocene and Pleistocene age correlate to the obliquity and the eccentricity cycles. The second-order dark-light rhythms include a light and a dark-colored unit (10-160 cm). They were formed in time spans of several hundred to several ten thousand years, with variance centering around 10,500 yr. This frequency may correspond to half the precessional cycle. Third-order rhythms appear as laminated or thinly bedded dark-light couplets (2-15 mm) within the dark-colored units of the second-order rhythms and may represent annual frequencies. In interpreting the rhythms, we have to take into account that (1) the occurrence of the first- and second-order rhythms is not necessarily restricted to glacial or interglacial periods as is shown by preliminary stable-isotope analysis and comparison with the published d18O record; (2) they appear to be Milankovitch-controlled; and (3) a significant number of the rhythms are sharply bounded. The origin of the dark-light rhythms is probably related to variations in monsoonal activity in the Japan Sea, which show annual frequencies, but also operates in phase with the orbital cycles.


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The fine-grained sediments of the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela, of the last 130 ky, whose deposition history is well characterized, were analyzed geochemically in order to test the validity of sediment bulk geochemistry as an indicator of detrital provenance. Several binary and ternary diagrams as well as the chemical index of alteration (CIA) were tested for their capacity to discriminate the poorly contrasted detrital sources to the Cariaco Basin, and to describe the temporal evolution of the contributions of these different sources. Most of the diagrams tested did not allow a good discrimination of sources or, when sources were well discriminated, did not allow an interpretation of the temporal variations consistent with the known history. A relatively good discrimination of sources and a consistent interpretation of temporal variations were however obtained using Hf vs. Th and La/Yb vs. Gd/Yb binary diagrams, as well as Ti-Zr-Th, Ti-Zr-La, and Lu-Hf-Th ternary diagrams. Compared to the previous studies of the detrital content of the Cariaco Basin sediments, the geochemical approach permitted the recognition of a sediment contribution eroded from the Unare platform and Gulf of Cariaco during rapid sea level oscillations, and the contribution of Saharan eolian particles during the Younger Dryas-Preboreal and MIS6-5 transition. The choice of plotted elements was determined after considering carrier minerals, so that different elements may be informative in different sedimentary contexts. Overall, mineral sorting during transport appears as a major limit to quantitative estimation of the different contributions. In particular mineral sorting leads to the selective enrichment of elements associated with clays (Al, Rb, Th and LREE) in sediments deposited in the basin. Unless the geochemical effect of mineral sorting can be measured, it appears that quantitative provenance analysis should be performed on fractions of similar grain size instead of bulk sediment.