998 resultados para ODP Leg 184


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Porewaters in site 680 Peru Margin sediments contain dissolved sulfide over a depth of approximately 70 m which, at a sedimentation rate of 0.005 cm/yr, gives a sediment exposure time to dissolved sulfide of about 1.4 Myr. Reactions with dissolved sulfide cause the site 680 sediments to show a progressive decrease in a poorly-reactive silicate iron fraction, defined as the difference between iron extracted by dithionite (FeD) at room temperature and that extracted by boiling concentrated HCl (FeH), normalised to the total iron content (FeT). Straight line plots are obtained for ln[(FeH - FeD)/FeT] against time of burial, from which a first order rate constant of 0.29 1/Myr (equivalent to a half-life of 2.4 Myr) can be derived for the sulfidation of this silicate iron. Comparable half-lives are also found for the same poorly-reactive iron fraction in the nearby site 681 and 684 sediments. This silicate Fe fraction comprises 0.8-1.0% Fe, only 30-60% of which reacts even with 1.5-3 million years exposure to dissolved sulfide. Diagenetic models based on porewater concentrations of sulfate and sulfide, and solid phase iron contents, at site 680 are consistent in indicating that this poorly-reactive iron fraction is only sulfidized on a million year time scale. Silicate iron not extracted by HCl can be regarded as unreactive towards dissolved sulfide on the time scales encountered in marine sediments.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120, an almost complete Paleogene sediment section on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean was recovered. The biostratigraphy of radiolarians from these sediments at Sites 748 and 749 is studied. A biostratigraphic framework established in low and middle latitudes is not applicable because of the absence of most zonal marker species. Biogenic opal is present only in middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments, and three new zones-Lychnocanoma conica, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, and Eucyrtidium spinosum zones-are proposed. The Paleogene antarctic radiolarian fauna is different from that in low and middle latitudes. Three new species, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, Eucyrtidium cheni, and Eucyrtidium spinosum, are described.


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We present grain size, granulometric statistical parameters, and calcium carbonate content of sediment samples from the summit and east and west flanks of southern Hydrate Ridge (Sites 1244-1250). These data are compared with magnetic susceptibility measurements from the same intervals. Bulk and clay mineralogy from Sites 1244 (east flank), 1247 (west flank), and 1250 (summit) are also presented. The integration of these data allows us to characterize the main sedimentary facies and composition of the Quaternary age sediments from southern Hydrate Ridge.


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The lithostratigraphy of Neogene hemipelagic sediments recovered from the Japan Sea during Leg 127 was revised to improve intersite consistency and to remove confusion stemming from diagenetic modification of the lithology through the opal-A to opal-CT transformation. Special emphasis was put on the presence and nature of dark-light cycles in revising the lithostratigraphy. Mineral composition analysis was conducted for samples from Sites 794, 795, and 797. In addition, major element chemical composition analysis was conducted for these same sample sets from Site 794. The result of mineral composition analysis suggests that the detrital component, which consists of such minerals as quartz, plagioclase, illite, and kaolinite plus chlorite, is diluted to various degrees by biogenic silica (opal-A) and its diagenetic equivalents (opal-CT and quartz). Smectite, on the other hand, may be a diagenetic or hydrothermal alteration product of volcanic material, although more study is necessary to confirm its origin. As a whole, vertical variation in the sediment composition is consistent with the revised lithostratigraphy and helps to characterize the redefined lithologic units quantitatively.


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Site 1146 (19°27.40'N, 116°16.37'E) was drilled in ~2092 m water depth in a rift basin on the continental slope of the South China Sea. A total of 607 m of sediment was cored in Hole 1146A, and a composite section from three holes extends down to 640 meters composite depth (mcd). Three stratigraphic sedimentary units were recognized at this site: late Pliocene to Pleistocene nannofossil clay (Unit I), middle Miocene to late Pliocene foraminifer and nannofossil clay mixed sediment (Unit II), and early to middle Miocene nannofossil clay (Unit III). This study reports the mineralogy from the late Miocene through early Pleistocene, 150-440 mcd.


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Seismic data acquired over the eastern shelf and margin of the South Orkney microcontinent, Antarctica, have shown a high-amplitude reflection lying at a sub-bottom two-way traveltime (TWT) of 0.5-0.8 s. There appear to be two causes for the reflection which apply in different parts of the shelf. The more widespread cause of the reflection is a break-up unconformity associated with the opening of Jane Basin to the east. This is clearly seen where reflections in the underlying sequence are discordant. In contrast, in Eotvos Basin and the southeastern part of Bouguer Basin, the high-amplitude reflection in places cuts across bedding and is interpreted to be caused by silica diagenesis. A post-cruise analysis of core samples from Site 696 in Eotvos Basin by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed the presence of a silica diagenetic front at 520-530 mbsf. The position of the unconformity at this site is uncertain, but probably coincides with a change of detrital input near 548 mbsf. Fluctuations of physical properties related to the depth of the diagenetic front are difficult to separate from those related to the variation of detrital composition over the same depth interval. Correlation of the drilling record with the seismic record is difficult but with a synthetic seismogram it is demonstrated that diagenesis is the probable cause of the high-amplitude reflection. In Bouguer Basin at Site 695 the depth of the high-amplitude reflection was not reached by drilling; however, the reflection is probably also caused by silica diagenesis because of the biogenic silica-rich composition of the sediments cored. The estimated temperatures and ages of the sediments at the depths of the high-amplitude reflections at Sites 695 and 696 compare favorably with similar data from other diagenetic fronts of the world. The high-amplitude reflection in Bouguer Basin is commonly of inverse polarity, possibly caused either by interference between reflections from several closely-spaced reflecting layers, such as chert horizons, or by free gas trapped near the diagenetic front.