621 resultados para BNCT, Strahlentherapie, ICP-MS, PGAA, Radiographie


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In the latest Paleocene an abrupt shift to more negative d13C values has been documented at numerous marine and terrestrial sites (Bralower et al., 1997, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0963:HRROTL>2.3.CO;2; Cramer et al., 1999; Kaiho et al., 1996, doi:10.1029/96PA01021; Kennett and Stott, 1991, doi:10.1038/353225a0; Koch et al., 1992, doi:10.1038/358319a0; Stott et al., 1996; Thomas and Shackleton, 1996, doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1996.101.01.20; Zachos et al., 1993). This carbon isotope event (CIE) is coincident with oxygen isotope data that indicate warming of surface waters at high latitudes of nearly 4°-6°C (Kennett and Stott, 1991, doi:10.1038/353225a0) and more moderate warming in the subtropics (Thomas et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999PA900031). Here we report 187Os/188Os isotope records from the North Atlantic and Indian Oceans which demonstrate a >10% increase in the 187Os/188Os ratio of seawater coincident with the late Paleocene CIE. This excursion to higher 187Os/188Os ratios is consistent with a global increase in weathering rates. The inference of increased chemical weathering during this interval of unusual warmth is significant because it provides empirical evidence supporting the operation of a feedback between chemical weathering rates and warm global climate, which acts to stabilize Earth's climate (Walker et al., 1981). Estimates of the duration of late Paleocene CIE (Bains et al., 1999, doi:10.1126/science.285.5428.724; Bralower et al., 1997, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1997)025<0963:HRROTL>2.3.CO;2; Norris and Röhl, 1999, doi:10.1038/44545; Röhl et al., 2000, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(2000)28<927:NCFTLP>2.0.CO;2) in conjunction with the Os isotope data imply that intensified chemical weathering in response to warm, humid climates can occur on timescales of 104-105 years. This interpretation requires that the late Paleocene thermal maximum Os isotope excursion be produced mainly by increased Os flux to the ocean rather than a transient excursion to higher 187Os/188Os ratios in river runoff. Although we argue that the former is more likely than the latter, we cannot rule out significant changes in the 187Os/188Os ratio of rivers.


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Contents of rare earth elements (REE) in standard samples of Fe-Mn nodules (SDO-5, 6), Fe-Mn crust (SDO-7), and red clay (SDO-9) have been determined by ICP-MS and instrumental neutron activation analysis. Reproducibility of ICP-MS was 5-6%. These results are discussed and compared with other data. It has been found that distribution of REE in the standard samples of ocean Fe-Mn ores and red clay is highly homogenous.


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The fate of subducted sediment and the extent to which it is dehydrated and/or melted before incorporation into arc lavas has profound implications for the thermo-mechanical nature of the mantle wedge and models for crustal evolution. In order to address these issues, we have undertaken the first measurements of 10Be and light elements in lavas from the Tonga-Kermadec arc and the sediment profile at DSDP site 204 outboard of the trench. The 10Be/9Be ratios in the Tonga lavas are lower than predicted from flux models but can be explained if (a) previously estimated sediment contributions are too high by a factor of 2-10, (b) the top 1-22 m of the incoming sediment is accreted, (c) large amounts of sediment erosion are proposed, or (d) the sediment component takes several Myr longer than the subducting plate to reach the magma source region beneath Tonga. The lavas form negative Th/Be-Li/Be arrays that extend from a depleted mantle source composition to lower Th/Be and Li/Be ratios than that of the bulk sediment. Thus, these arrays are not easily explained by bulk sediment addition and, using partition coefficients derived from experiments on the in-coming sediment, we show that they are also unlikely to result from fluid released during dehydration of the sediment (or altered oceanic crust). However, partial melts of the dehydrated sediment residue formed at ~800 °C during the breakdown of amphibole +/- plagioclase and in the absence of cordierite have significantly lowered Th/Be ratios. The lava arrays can be successfully modelled as 10-15% partial melts of depleted mantle after it has been enriched by the addition of 0.2-2% of these partial melts. Phase relations suggest that this requires that the top of the subducting crust reaches temperatures of ~800 °C by the time it attains ~ 80 km depth which is in excellent agreement with the results of recent numerical models incorporating a temperature-dependent mantle viscosity. Under these conditions the wet basalt solidus is also crossed yet there is no recognisable eclogitic signal in the lavas suggesting that on-going dehydration or strong thermal gradients in the upper part of the subducting plate inhibit partialmelting of the altered oceanic crust.


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Results of direct geological and geochemical observations of the modern Rainbow hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 36°14'N; 33°54'W) carried out from the deep-sea manned Mir submersibles during Cruises 41 and 42 of the R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in 1998-1999 and data of laboratory studies of collected samples are under consideration in the paper. The field lacks neovolcanic rocks and the axial part of the rift is filled in with a serpentinite protrusion. In this field there occur metalliferous sediments, as well as active and relict sulfide edifices composed of sulfide minerals; pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, isocubanite, sphalerite, marcasite, pyrite, bornite, chalcosine, digenite, magnetite, anhydrite, rare troilite, wurtzite, millerite, and pentlandite have been determined. Sulfide ores are characterized by concentric-zoned textures. During in situ measurements during 35 minutes temperature of hydrothermal fluids was varying within a range from 250 to 350°C. Calculated chemical and isotopic composition of hydrothermal fluid shows elevated concentrations of Cl, Ni, Co, CH4, and H2. Values of d34S of H2S range from +2.4 to +3.1 per mil, of d13C of CH4 from -15.2 to -11.2 per mil, and d13C of CO2 from +1.0 to -4.0 per mil. Fluid inclusions are homogenized at temperatures from 140 to 360°C, whereas salinity of the fluid varies from 4.2 to 8.5 wt %. d34S values of sulfides range from +1.3 to +12.5 per mil. 3He/4He ratio in mineral-forming fluid contained in the fluid inclusions from sulfides of the Rainbow field varies from 0.00000374 to 0.0000101. It is shown that hydrothermal activity in the area continues approximately during 100 ka. It is assumed that the fluid and sulfide edifices contain components from the upper mantle. A hypothesis of phase separation of a supercritical fluid that results in formation of brines is proposed. Hydrothermal activity is related to the tectonic, not volcanic, phase of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge evolution.


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The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ), central North Island, New Zealand, is the most frequently active Quaternary rhyolitic system in the world. Silicic tephras recovered from Ocean Drilling Programme Site 1123 (41°47.16'S, 171°29.94'W; 3290 m water depth) in the southwest Pacific Ocean provide a well-dated record of explosive TVZ volcanism since ~1.65 Ma. We present major, minor and trace element data for 70 Quaternary tephra layers from Site 1123 determined by electron probe microanalysis (1314 analyses) and laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (654 analyses). Trace element data allow for the discrimination of different tephras with similar major element chemistries and the establishment of isochronous tie-lines between three sediment cores (1123A, 1123B and 1123C) recovered from Site 1123. These tephra tie-lines are used to evaluate the stratigraphy and orbitally tuned stable isotope age model of the Site 1123 composite record. Trace element fingerprinting of tephras identifies ~4.5 m and ~7.9 m thick sections of repeated sediments in 1123A (49.0-53.5 mbsf [metres below seafloor]) and 1123C (48.1-56.0 mbsf), respectively. These previously unrecognised repeated sections have resulted in significant errors in the Site 1123 composite stratigraphy and age model for the interval 1.15-1.38 Ma and can explain the poor correspondence between d18O profiles for Site 1123 and Site 849 (equatorial Pacific) during this interval. The revised composite stratigraphy for Site 1123 shows that the 70 tephra layers, when correlated between cores, correspond to ~37-38 individual eruptive events (tephras), 7 of which can be correlated to onshore TVZ deposits. The frequency of large-volume TVZ-derived silicic eruptions, as recorded by the deposition of tephras at Site 1123, has not been uniform through time. Rather it has been typified by short periods (25-50 ka) of intense activity bracketed by longer periods (100-130 ka) of quiescence. The most active period (at least 1 event per 7 ka) occurred between ~1.53 and 1.66 Ma, corresponding to the first ~130 ka of TVZ rhyolitic magmatism. Since 1.2 Ma, ~80% of tephras preserved at Site 1123 and the more proximal Site 1124 were erupted and deposited during glacial periods. This feature may reflect either enhanced atmospheric transport of volcanic ash to these sites (up to 1000 km from source) during glacial conditions or, more speculatively, that these events are triggered by changes in crustal stress accumulation associated with large amplitude sea-level changes. Only 8 of the ~37-38 Site 1123 tephra units (~20%) can be found in all three cores, and 22 tephra units (~60%) are only present in one of the three cores. Whether a tephra is preserved in all three cores does not have any direct relationship to eruptive volume. Instead it is postulated that tephra preservation at Site 1123 is 'patchy' and influenced by the vigorous nature of their deposition to the deep ocean floor as vertical density currents. At this site, at least 5 cores would need to have been drilled within a proximity of 10's to 100's of metres of each other to yield a >99% chance of recovering all the silicic tephras deposited on the ocean surface above it in the past 1.65 Ma.


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Concentrations and compositions of rare earth elements (REE) in three micronodule fractions (50-250, 250-500, and >500 ?m), coexisting macronodules, and host sediments were studied. Samples were collected at three sites (Guatemala Basin, Peru Basin, and northern equatorial Pacific) located in elevated bioproductivity zones of surface waters. Influence of micronodule size is dominant for REE compositions and subordinate for REE concentrations. For example, Ce concentration inversely correlates with micronodule size and drops to the lowest value in macronodules and host sediments. Decrease of Ce concentration is generally accompanied by Mn/Fe increase in micro- and macronodules. Hence, the role of diagenetic source of material directly correlates with micronodule sizes. Contribution of the diagenetic source is maximal for macronodules. REE composition distinctions for micronodules and macronodules can be attributed to variations of hydrogenic iron oxyhydroxides and diagenetic (hydrothermal) iron hydroxophosphates that are the major REE carriers in ferromanganese ore deposits. Relationship and general trend in chemistry of coexisting macronodules suggest that they can represent products of the initial stage of nodule formation.


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We combined longitudinal analyses of otolith microstructure and trace elemental composition in ~ age 1-2 Pacific bluefin tuna (PBT, n = 24) for inferring the arrival of individuals in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME). Element:Ca ratios in transverse otolith sections (9-12 rows, triplicate ablations from coreprimordium to edge, ø50 µm) were quantified for eight elements: Li, Mg, Mn, Co, Cu, Zn, Sr, and Ba, which was followed by microstructure analysis to provide age estimates corresponding to each ablation spot. Age estimates from otoliths ranged from 328 to 498 days post hatch. The combined elemental signatures of four elements (Ba, Mg, Co, Cu) showed a significant increase at the otolith edge in approximately half of the individuals (30-60 days prior to catch). Given the different oceanographic properties of oligotrophic open Pacific vs. high nutrient, upwelling CCLME waters, this signal is consistent with the entry of the fish into the CCLME, which was estimated to occur primarily in July after a transoceanic migration of ~1.5-2.0 months.


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Changes in circulation associated with the shoaling of the Isthmus of Panama and the Caribbean carbonate crash in the Miocene were investigated using Nd isotopes from fossil fish teeth and debris from two sites in the Caribbean Basin (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 998 and 999) and two sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific (Sites 846 and 1241). The total range for e-Nd values measured from 18 to 4.5 Ma in the Caribbean is -7.3 to 0. These values are higher than Atlantic water masses (~-11) and range up to values equivalent to contemporaneous Pacific water masses, confirming that flow into the Caribbean Basin was composed of a mixture of Pacific and Atlantic waters, with an upper limit of almost pure Pacific-sourced waters. Throughout the Caribbean record, particularly during the carbonate crash (10-12 Ma), low carbonate mass accumulation rates (MARs) correlate with more radiogenic e-Nd values, indicating increased flow of corrosive Pacific intermediate water into the Caribbean Basin during intervals of dissolution. This flow pattern agrees with results from general ocean circulation models designed to study the effect of the shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Low carbonate MARs and high e-Nd values also correlate with intervals of increased Northern Component Water production and, therefore, enhanced conveyor circulation, suggesting that the conveyor may respond to changes in circulation associated with shoaling of the Central American Seaway. Reduced Pacific throughflow related to shoaling of the seaway led to a gradual increase in carbonate preservation and more Atlantic-like e-Nd values following the carbonate crash.


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A suite of conjugate pore fluid and sediment samples were collected during Leg 169 of the ODP from within the clastic sedimentary sequences which host massive sulphides at Central Hill, Escanaba Trough (ODP Site 1038). We report the alkali element and boron, and Li and B isotope data for these samples. Relative to a reference site (Site 1037) located outside the zone of high heat flow, pore fluids from Site 1038 show a wide variation in Cl (300-800 mM), and have far higher concentrations of Li (up to 6.2 mM), B (up to 9.7 mM), Cs (up to 5.0 mM), and Rb (up to 97 mM). We show that the pore fluids are derived from hydrothermal circulation that has extended into the basement oceanic crust, with input of the alkali elements and B as the rising hydrothermal fluids interact geochemically with the overlying clastic sediments. There is, however, no marked depletion of these elements in the conjugate sediments, suggesting that there has been advective transport of fluids away from the primary hydrothermal reaction site. This is supported by modelling of the Li and B isotope systematics of the pore fluids, which shows that they record extensive formation of secondary minerals during cooling of the fluids from ~350 to ~20ºC. Precipitation of metal-rich sulphides would have occurred prior to the formation of these minerals, thus, the pore fluid Li and B isotope data can place important constraints on the locus of sulphide deposition beneath the seafloor at Escanaba.


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The Kerguelen Plateau and Broken Ridge in the southern Indian Ocean together represent one of the most voluminous large igneous provinces (LIPs) ever emplaced on Earth. A scientific objective of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 183 was to constrain the post-melting magma evolution of Kerguelen Plateau magmas. In an effort to better understand this evolution, isotopic and trace element analysis of individual plagioclase crystals hosted within two Kerguelen Plateau basalts recovered from Elan Bank were undertaken. Previous whole-rock studies established that the two host basalts investigated in this study are samples of crustally contaminated (lower group) and relatively uncontaminated (upper group) basalt. Plagioclase phenocrysts from the uncontaminated basalt are dominantly normal zoned and exhibit a 87Sr/86SrI range of 0.704845-0.704985, which overlaps uncontaminated group whole-rock values previously reported. Plagioclase crystals from the contaminated basalt are dominantly reverse zoned and exhibit a 87Sr/86SrI range of 0.705510-0.705735, which all lie within contaminated group whole-rock values previously reported. There are no systematic within crystal core to rim variations in 87Sr/86SrI from either group, with the exception that contaminated group crystal rims have overall less radiogenic 87Sr/86SrI than other zones. These observations indicate that crustal assimilation occurred before the formation of Unit 10 plagioclase phenocrysts, which is supported by parent magma trace element abundance data inverted using carefully calculated partition coefficients. Trace element diffusion modeling indicates that the upper group basalt (Unit 4) experienced a more vigorous eruptive flux than the lower group basalt (Unit 10). We suggest that plagioclase phenocrysts in both the upper and lower group basalts originated from the shallowest section of what was likely a complex magma chamber system. We contend that the magmatic system contained regions of extensive plagioclase-dominated crystal mush. Crustal assimilation was not a significant ongoing process in this portion of the Elan Bank magmatic system. Both basalts exhibit compelling evidence for remobilization and partial resorption of crystalline debris (e.g., reverse zoned crystals, glomerocrysts). We suggest Unit 4 and 10 magmas ascended different sections of the Elan Bank magma system, where the Unit 10 magmas ascended a section of the magma system that penetrated a stranded fragment of continental crust.


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Contents of Fe, Mn, Al, P, and rare earth elements (REE) in ferruginous nodules and host sediments of the eastern Barents Sea were studied. A direct Fe-P correlation in reactive components of the sediments and nodules was found. The nodules were shown to be formed through Fe(II) oxidation in the surface layer of sediments and cementation of terrigenous fraction of sediments by Fe(III) oxyhydroxides. The latter accumulate phosphorus due to processes of sorption - co-precipitation, by forming Fe(III) hydrophosphates. REE composition in the sediments and nodules normalized to NASC contents is characterized by increased proportion of light REE that may be caused by regional features of their sources. Due to significant share of terrigenous matter in the Fe nodules (up to 65% for Nd), REE composition of bulk samples is similar to that of host sediments. A negative cerium anomaly in composition of reactive REE may result from REE sorption from seawater. REE bulk composition of a ferruginous crust is closer to that of seawater than one of the ferruginous nodules from the sediments because of essentially lower content of diluent terrigenous matter.


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The "Ko'olau" component of the Hawaiian mantle plume represents an extreme (EM1-type) end member of Hawaiian shield lavas in radiogenic isotope space, and was defined on the basis of the composition of subaerial lavas exposed in the Makapu'u section of Ko'olau Volcano. The 679 m-deep Ko'olau Scientific Drilling Project (KSDP) allows the long-term evolution of Ko'olau Volcano to be reconstructed and the longevity of the "Ko'olau" component in the Hawaiian plume to be tested. Here, we report triple spike Pb isotope and Sr and Nd isotope data on KSDP core samples, and rejuvenation stage Honolulu Volcanics (HV) (together spanning ~2.8 m.y.), and from ~110 Ma basalts from ODP Site 843, thought to be representative of the Pacific lithosphere under Hawai'i. Despite overlapping ranges in Pb isotope ratios, KSDP and HV lavas form two distinct linear arrays in 208Pb/204Pb-206Pb/204Pb isotope space. These arrays intersect at the radiogenic end indicating they share a common component. This "Kalihi" component has more radiogenic Pb, Nd, Hf, but less radiogenic Sr isotope ratios than the "Makapu'u" component. The mixing proportions of these two components in the lavas oscillated through time with a net increase in the "Makapu'u" component upsection. Thus, the "Makapu'u" enriched component is a long-lived feature of the Hawaiian plume, since it is present in the main shield-building stage KSDP lavas. We interpret the changes in mixing proportions of the Makapu'u and Kalihi components as related to changes in both the extent of melting as well as the lithology (eclogite vs. peridotite) of the material melting as the volcano moves away from the plume center. The long-term Nd isotope trend and short-term Pb isotope fluctuations seen in the KSDP record cannot be ascribed to a radial zonation of the Hawaiian plume: rather, they reflect the short length-scale heterogeneities in the Hawaiian mantle plume. Linear Pb isotope regressions through the HV, recent East Pacific Rise MORB and ODP Site 843 datasets are clearly distinct, implying that no simple genetic relationship exists between the HV and the Pacific lithosphere. This observation provides strong evidence against generation of HV as melts derived from the Pacific lithosphere, whether this be recent or old (100 Ma). The depleted component present in the HV is unlike any MORB-type mantle and most likely represents material thermally entrained by the upwelling Hawaiian plume and sampled only during the rejuvenated stage. The "Kalihi" component is predominant in the main shield building stage lavas but is also present in the rejuvenated HV. Thus this material is sampled throughout the evolution of the volcano as it moves from the center (main shield-building stage) to the periphery (rejuvenated stage) of the plume. The presence of a plume-derived material in the rejuvenated stage has significant implications for Hawaiian mantle plume melting models.


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High-resolution down-core analyses of the solid phase content of total barium (Batot) and total organic carbon (TOC) back to 25 kyr B.P. were performed on a gravity core from the upper continental slope off Cape Yubi (Morocco). The observed discrepancy between the two potential paleoproductivity proxies, Batot and TOC, initiated supplementary examinations of the pore water, the geochemistry of the clay fraction, X-ray diffraction analyses, and the application of a sequential Ba extraction method of selected samples. Additionally, we analyzed down-core samples of the planktonic foraminifera Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globorotalia inflata for their Ba/Ca ratios. These analyses, which were performed for the first time on these species, were used to reconstruct past oceanic Ba concentrations. We suggest that in the study area, which is characterized by high accumulation rates, the preserved TOC content is a valuable proxy for past primary productivity, whereas the solid phase Batot contents appear to be affected by other mechanisms and factors. Peaks of total barium content in the clay fraction and of Ba/Ca ratios in the planktonic foraminifera shells found during the Younger Dryas and the Heinrich 1 event are likely to result from increased meltwater influx into the northern North Atlantic. We suggest that Ba-enriched meltwater was transmitted by the eastern boundary current system from higher latitudes to the region of the Canary Islands. Total barium contents of the clay fraction (Batot,clay) and Ba/Ca in planktonic foraminifera shells seem to be reliable proxies for this discharge of meltwater.