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Analyses of rock clasts and of heavy minerals in upper Miocene coarse detrital units drilled along the East Sardinia passive-type continental margin (Sites 654, 653, 652, and 656) reveal that the stretched basement contains quite complex rock suites. Taking also into account previous sampling data, in moving from west to east across the margin, the nature of the basement changes drastically. To the west there are mostly Hercynian basement rocks with their cover, referable to the alpine foreland of the Corsica-Sardinia block. To the east, along the lower margin, where crustal thinning is quite severe, the basement contains rock suites referable to a pre-upper Tortonian orogenized zone with units constituting parts of the Alpine and Apenninic chains (presumably with thickened continental crust prior to stretching). Largest thinning and ocean forming occurred then, in a rather short time, mostly at the expense of unstable crust just thickened by orogenetic/tectogenetic processes.


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In-situ proton-microprobe analyses are presented for glasses, plagioclases, pyroxenes, olivines, and spinels in eleven samples from Sites 834-836, 839, and 841 (vitrophyric rhyolite), plus a Tongan dacite. Elements analyzed are Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Pb, and Sn (in spinels only). The data are used to calculate two sets of partition coefficients, one set based on the ratio of element in mineral/element in coexisting glass. The second set of coefficients, thought to be more robust, is corrected by application of the Rayleigh fractionation equations, which requires additional use of modal data. Data are presented for phenocryst core-rim phases and microphenocryst-groundmass phases from a few samples. Comparison with published coefficients reveals an overall consistency with those presented here, but with some notable anomalies. Examples are relatively high Zr values for pyroxenes and abnormally low Mn values in olivines and clinopyroxenes from Site 839 lavas. Some anomalies may reflect kinetic effects, but interpretation of the coefficients is complicated, especially in olivines from Sites 836 and 839, by possible crystal-liquid disequilibrium resulting from mixing processes.


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Multiproxy paleoenvironmental records (pollen and planktonic isotope) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 976 (Alboran Sea) document rapid ocean and climate variations during the last glacial that follow the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate oscillations seen in the Greenland ice core records, thus suggesting a close link of the Mediterranean climate swings with North Atlantic climates. Continental conditions rapidly oscillated through cold-arid and warm-wet conditions in the course of stadial-interstadial climate jumps. At the time of Heinrich events, i.e., maximum meltwater flux to the North Atlantic, western Mediterranean marine microflora and microfauna show rapid cooling correlated with increasing continental dryness. Enhanced aridity conceivably points to prolonged wintertime stability of atmospheric high-pressure systems over the southwestern Mediterranean in conjunction with cooling of the North Atlantic.


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Benthic foraminifers of the Coniacian-Santonian through the Paleocene were recovered from a continuous pelagic carbonate section from Hole 516F on the Rio Grande Rise. Sixty-five genera and 153 species have been identified, most of which have been reported from other localities. Bathyal depths are reflected in the benthic assemblages dominated by gavelinellids (Gavelinella beccariiformis, G. velascoensis), Nuttallides truempyi, and various gyroidinids and buliminids. Rapid subsidence during the Coniacian-Santonian from nearshore to upper to middle bathyal depths was followed by much reduced subsidence, with the Campanian-Paleocene interval accumulating at middle bathyal to lower bathyal depths. A census study based on detailed sampling reveals major changes in benthic faunal composition at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary transition. It was a time of rapid turnover, with the extinctions of numerous species and the introduction of many new species. Overall, species diversity decreases about 20%, and approximately one-third of latest Maestrichtian species do not survive to the end of the Cretaceous. This shift indicates a significant environmental change in the deep sea, the precise nature of which is not apparent from the foraminifers or their enclosing sediments.


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Research on sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Leg 160 has concentrated on two issues: the first concerned the stratigraphy of sapropel formation, the second was oriented to clarify specific processes that explain sapropel origin. Progress has been made in the construction of stratigraphic composites out of sedimentary sequences from individual holes at each of the palaeoceanographic sites. On the composites, initial work has resulted in the establishment of high-resolution and intermediate-resolution stratigraphies for three sites (963, 964, 967); correlation of sedimentary cycles to astronomical (insolation) cycles extends the stratigraphies to Sites 969 and 966. The sapropel occurrences in the marine and land sequences over the entire Eastern Mediterranean are correlated; with the resolution that can be obtained from isotope studies, groups of sapropels occurred simultaneously over the entire basin. In detail, however, the temporal and facies patterns of sapropel sequences differ between individual sites and depositional basins. The differences may be related to effects of water depth, diagenesis, and post-depositional tectonic attenuation of sequences. Studies on the geochemistry and facies of sapropels agree that anoxic conditions favoured preservation of organic matter in sapropels, caused the enrichment of trace metals associated with sapropels, and helped to preserve primary sedimentary structures. Besides, all evidence is consistent with elevated fluxes of organic matter and associated elements during sapropel events.


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An integrated biostratigraphic and stable isotope investigation was conducted on a high-latitude sequence across the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/P) boundary recovered in Hole 750A in the southern Indian Ocean. The sequence consists of nannofossil chalk and is discontinuous across the boundary; missing is an estimated 0.3-m.y. late Maestrichtian and early Danian interval. Nonetheless, because calcareous nannofossil Zones NP1 and NP2 are well-developed, micropaleontological studies of the sequence have yielded a detailed record of Danian high-latitude microplankton evolution. In addition, stable carbon isotope analyses of planktonic and benthic foraminifer and bulk samples provide a record of late Maestrichtian and early Danian surface- and deep-water carbon isotope variations. Together, the carbon isotope and carbonate accumulation records serve as an index of regional marine net productivity across the boundary. Earliest Danian nannoplankton assemblages consisted mainly of persistent genera that were generally rare or absent in the Upper Cretaceous at Hole 750A. However, by 0.5-0.6 m.y. after the boundary, newly evolving Danian taxa became dominant. The turnover in nannofossil assemblages was accompanied by significant changes in rates of net productivity as gauged by carbon isotope distributions and carbonate accumulation rates. During the period dominated by persistent taxa, net productivity was extremely low, as reflected by the absence of vertical delta13C gradients and reduced carbonate accumulation rates. Later in the Danian, as new species evolved and flourished, vertical delta13C gradients reappeared and carbonate accumulation rates increased, signaling partial recovery of net productivity in this region. The absolute timing and magnitude of late Maestrichtian and early Danian biotic and geochemical changes in the southern Indian Ocean were similar to those recorded in other pelagic K/P boundary sequences from low- and mid-latitude Atlantic and Pacific sites, indicating that these events were ubiquitous.


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