825 resultados para Leg.
Cenozoic sediments recovered from Sites 548, 549, and 550 were the objects of mineralogical (bulk sample and <2 - µm fraction) and geochemical (HCl extract) studies. Thin sections of rock pebbles embedded in sediments (upper levels at Site 548, particularly) were examined on a polarizing microscope. This study outlines the vertical and lateral variation and evolution of the sedimentation. In the Paleocene and lower Eocene, the clay fraction is abundant and smectite is practically the sole existing clay mineral. High Mn, Al, Fe, Mg, and K contents were measured in HCl extracts. Through the middle Eocene, carbonates become more abundant - highly dominant at Site 548. Metal contents in HCl extracts are very low. The clay fraction, although dominated at all sites by smectites, becomes richer in illite and poorly crystallized chlorite. At the middle/upper Miocene boundary, a significant decrease in the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio occurs at all sites, and this decrease continues into the middle Pliocene. This decrease is marked by an abrupt increase of quartz at Site 548. At the two other sites, carbonates remain highly predominant; HCl extracts reflect the relative abundance of the clay and carbonate fractions. After a brief recurrence of smectite in a high-metal-content interval, illite and chlorite become the dominant clay minerals in the upper Pliocene and the Pleistocene, where numerous variations in mineralogical composition occur in the clay fraction (Sites 548 and 549) or in non-clay components (Site 548). Several pebbles of various nature and origin, encountered in different levels of this interval at Site 548, appear to have an ice-rafting origin. This study points out three main breaks in the general evolution of the sedimentation: the first, corresponding to the lower/middle Eocene boundary, is marked by the increase of carbonates and associated elements; the second, corresponding to the middle/upper Miocene boundary, is marked by a major decrease of the smectite/(illite + chlorite) ratio at all sites and by a massive appearance of quartz at Site 548; and the third, which occurred toward the late Pliocene, is marked by the dominance of primary clay minerals and the arrival of ice-rafted pebbles. Our interpretation of results considers paleohydrological and paleoclimatic phenomena. It is suggested that the major middle/late Miocene break was associated with an increase of the deep bottom-water circulation between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, and/or a climatic evolution: humidification and cooling of climate. The changes toward the late Pliocene appear to have been the first effects of the glaciations at the end of Cenozoic.
We collected 20 carbonate nodules from the inner trench slope deposits of the Middle America Trench area off Mexico. Carbonate nodules are found only within the methane-rich layer beneath the mixed layer of methane and hydrogen sulfide. They have been investigated by microscopic, scanning electron microscopic (SEM), X-ray diffraction, and stable isotopic analytical methods. Calcite, magnesian calcite, dolomite, and rhodochrosite were recognized as carbonate minerals. Each carbonate nodule is usually represented by single species of carbonate minerals. Carbonate nodules are subdivided into micrite nodules and recrystallized nodules according to textural features. The carbonate crystallites in each micrite nodule are equidimensional. Their sizes range from several to 30 µm, as revealed by SEM micrographs. The chemical composition of calcite is changed from pure calcite to high magnesian calcite, as shown by the shift of the (104) reflection in X-ray diffraction patterns. Fe substitution for Ca in dolomite was also observed. Carbon isotopic composition shows an unusually wide range - from -42.9 to +13.5 per mil - in PDB scale, whereas oxygen isotopic compositions of almost all the carbonate nodules are constantly enriched in 18O from +3.4 to +7.60 per mil in PDB scale. These wide variations in carbon isotopic composition indicate several sources for the carbon in carbonate nodules. Carbon with a negative d13C value was derived from biochemical oxidation of methane with a negative d13C value. On the other hand, carbon with positive d13C value was probably formed during methane production in an anoxic condition.
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions as well as organic carbon and total nitrogen contents are reported for Site 645 in Baffin Bay and Sites 646 and 647 in the Labrador Sea. Both low-resolution analyses (1 sample/section) and high-resolution results (up to 7 samples/section) are presented. These records indicate that large-scale changes in productivity since the middle Miocene have occurred in Baffin Bay. Such changes are not evident in samples from the Labrador Sea. Isotopic records of all the sites are influenced strongly by rapidly changing influxes that combine terrigenous debris with planktonic production. In parts of the cores, relationships to other phenomena, such as ice stages, are present. However, these correlations are not common and indicate that these events were masked by the dynamic changes in sources of organic matter occurring in this complex system.
Alteration products of basalts from the four holes drilled during Leg 81 were studied and found to be characterized by the widespread occurrence of trioctahedral clay minerals (Mg smectite to chlorite). In some cases zeolites (analcite, chabazite) are associated with the saponite. A more oxidizing stage is marked by a saponite-celadonite association, presenting the geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal processes. Later stages of alteration are represented by palagonitization and subaerial weathering at two sites. These different alteration processes of basalts from Leg 81 record the paleoenvironment during the first opening stages of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean in the Paleocene-Eocene periods.
The Leg 104 organic geochemistry program consisted of monitoring (a) hydrocarbon gases, (b) organic and inorganic carbon, and (c) parameters resulting from Rock-Eval pyrolysis at three sites on the Voring Plateau. The results amplify some of those obtained earlier on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Leg 38. In a regional sense there is an inverse correlation between amounts of hydrocarbon gas and organic carbon. For example, significant concentrations of methane are present only at Site 644 in the inner part of the plateau where organic carbon contents are always less than 1%; in contrast, at Site 642 on the outer plateau, methane concentrations are very low (ppm range) whereas amounts of organic carbon approach 2%. Only at Site 644 are the environmental conditions such that methanogenesis is an active diagenetic process. Because of the importance of routine gas analyses to the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), a procedure was devised to improve the use of Vacutainers for collection of gas samples. Comparison of methods for determining organic carbon showed that at Sites 643 and 644 Rock-Eval TOC could be used as a measure of organic carbon, but not at Site 642. Although no liquid or solid hydrocarbons were encountered at any of the sites, a catalog of potential organic geochemical contaminants was developed in anticipation of such a discovery.
A geological model of subduction postulated by Karig, Ingle, et al. (1975) and Karig and Sharman (1975) proposes that the sedimentary prism at the foot of the landward wall is being actively built as sediment is scraped off the subducting oceanic and plastered onto the base of the wedge, forming an accretionary wedge containing overthrust sedimentary layers or intense sedimentary folding. Because overlying layers must continually be uplifted and compressed to accommodate new matter at the base, the accreting wedge will provide a geochemical record of this process at or near the Japan Trench. Several recent papers have discussed the metalliferous sediments on the active oceanic ridges. The geochemistry of such sediments is now reasonably well known: generally these deposits are considered products of volcanic processes (Boström and Peterson, 1969; Böstrom et al., 1969; Horowitz, 1970, 1974; Cronan et al., 1972; Cronan and Garrett, 1973). The geochemistry of subduction zone sediments, however, is less well known, and the need for studies of these sediments is particularly urgent if such sediments provide a record of the effects of subduction of oceanic plates under continental crust. Because the Japan Trench contains welldeveloped subduction zone deposits, Leg 56 sampling was of utmost importance to the discovery of how they originate.
Sediments from the Gulf of California contain sufficient amounts of thermally reactive organic matter to be considered fair-to-good potential petroleum source rocks. While sediments deposited within the present oxygen-minimum zone have the greatest amounts of organic matter, those deposited below the oxygen-minimum contain sufficient organic matter to be considered potential source rocks. The organic matter in the sediment is almost exclusively marine, Type II kerogen. Different techniques of determining kerogen composition produce generally compatible answers, although pyrolysis gives somewhat misleading results. Elemental analysis of the kerogen and vitrinite reflectance measurements indicate that the organic matter is not buried to sufficiently great depth for significant petroleum generation, despite the high temperature gradients.
This study investigates the d18O of pore waters from Sites 1003 through 1007, drilled along the western margin of the Great Bahama Bank during Leg 166 of the Ocean Drilling Program. These pore waters generally show a positive correlation between d18O and the concentration of chloride. The exception to this trend is Site 1006, where the pore waters exhibit nonlinear behavior with respect to chloride. The correlation between the concentration of Cl- and d18O at most of the sites appears to be a coincidence because although the increase in Cl- is a result of diffusion from an underlying source, the increases in d18O result from the recrystallization of metastable carbonates in the presence of a geothermal gradient. The difference in behavior in the d18O of the pore water at Site 1006 is probably a result of the relative reduced rate of carbonate recrystallization at this site. The d18O of the pore waters in the upper portion of the cores shows a pattern similar to the concentration of chloride in that there is an interval of 30-50 m in which neither the d18O nor the concentration of Cl- changes. This interval is consistent with either an interval of very rapid deposition of sediment or the advection of fluid through the platform. Both the d18O and the concentration of Cl- increase toward the platform, suggesting an input of saline and isotopically heavy water from the platform surface.
Three phases of volcanism have been recognized in the lower Paleogene sequence of the southwest Rockall Plateau which are related to the onset of seafloor spreading in the NE Atlantic. The earliest, Phase 1, is marked by a sequence of tholeiitic basalts and hyaloclastites which form the dipping reflector sequence in Edoras Basin. Phase 2 is characterized by tuffs and lapilli tuffs of air-fall origin, ranging in composition from basic to intermediate. They were generated by highly explosive igneous activity due to magma-water interaction, and terminate at the level of a major transgression. Subsequently, volcanism reverted to tholeiitic basalt type, producing the thin tuffs and minor basalt flows of Phase 3. Alteration of the volcanic glass and diagenesis of the tuffs and lapilli tuffs has been considerable in many cases, with a large number of diagenetic mineral phases observed, including smectite, celadonite, analcime, phillipsite, clinoptilolite, mordenite, and calcite. Although calcite is the latest observed diagenetic cement, it nevertheless occurred relatively early, in one case totally preserving basaltic glass from alteration.
Planktonic foraminifers were examined from 27 holes situated at 12 separate sites in the tropical Atlantic. The sites are located in various environments, including areas of upwelling, areas affected by cool currents, areas of strong dissolution, and areas that show little dissolution in warm-water settings. Paleomagnetic results were variable at these sites, but accumulation rate curves have been produced by combining the existing paleomagnetic data with the available microfaunal data. Determinations of the ages of the planktonic foraminifer datums from these accumulation rate curves show some species to be strongly diachronous, while others provide good stratigraphic markers. The warmest water sites with the least dissolution show the most complete ranges of species.
Biostratigraphic, sedimentologic, and geochemical analyses of hemipelagic periplatform sediments from shallow gravity cores taken during the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 194 site survey reveal that, despite the strong currents and almost infilled intraplatform bathymetric depressions, recent sedimentation at the location of the Leg 194 drill sites recorded glacial-interglacial cycles. Sediment analyses included determination of sediment type, carbonate content, bulk stable oxygen isotope composition, and calcareous nannofossil zones. Glacial periods, identified by elevated bulk d18O, are characterized by darker sediment color, coarser grain size, and lower carbonate content, whereas interglacial periods yield lighter-colored, finer, and carbonate-rich sediments. These data from the shallowmost few meters of Marion Plateau sediments complement the subsurface information of Leg 194 holes, in which the top few meters have not been analyzed in such a high-resolution fashion. In addition, these gravity cores are more likely to have recovered the sediments closest to the sediment/water interface as compared to the hydraulic piston cores collected during Leg 194.
High-resolution bio- and chemostratigraphy of an earliest Pliocene section from ODP Site 652 indicates that postflood paleoceanographic conditions in the Tyrrhenian Sea can be sub-divided into two discrete intervals. The first is manifested by an acme of Sphaeroidinellopsis spp., increasing carbonate contents, and a progressive decrease upsection in both the d13C and dl8O values of the planktonic foraminifera. The lower part of the acme interval contains unusual surface-to-bottom water isotope gradients suggesting a stratification of two water masses. Normal gradients in the upper part of the acme interval suggest a well-mixed water body. Between the end of the acme interval and the MP11/MP12 boundary, denoted by the first occurrence (F.O.) of Globorotalia margaritae, a migrational first appearance, there was a catastrophic collapse of the gradient marking an onset of the second post-flood interval. The disintegration of habitable conditions is suggested by a sharp decrease in carbonate content and the disappearance of the benthonic assemblage, which is subsequently replaced predominantly by Uvigerinapygmea, indicative of cold, low-oxygenated bottom waters. The introduction of benthonic species denoting well-oxygenated bottom conditions occurs within the lower MP12 zone. Superimposed on these overall trends are shorter term, warm-cold cycles, which are interpreted as orbitally induced, climatic fluctuations. Correlative studies of the less complete earliest Pliocene sections from ODP Holes 653B and 654A confirm these interpretations. A scenario derived from an integration of all the stratigraphic data indicates that normal paleoceanographic conditions were operating in the Tyrrhenian Sea only approximately 250,000 yr after the cessation of Messinian evaporative conditions at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The post-flood interval is marked by an initial period of gradual infilling, the Sphaeroidinellopsis spp. acme interval, followed by a disintegration of oceanographic conditions and a second recovery period. A sudden influx of cold, deep Atlantic waters into the Tyrrhenian Sea, resulting from a major tectonic break in the Gibraltar sill, may have caused this catastrophic reversal in the orderly recovery of normal paleoceanographic conditions in the post-flood period.