455 resultados para titration
The composition of gabbroic rocks from the drill core of Hole 735B (ODP Leg 176) at the 11 Ma Atlantis II bank close to the slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) has been analyzed for major and trace elements and Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic composition. The samples are thought to represent much of the mineralogical and geochemical variation in a vertical 1-km section (500-1500 m below the sea floor) of the lower ocean crust. Primitive troctolitic gabbros, olivine gabbros and gabbros that have Mg#=84-70, Ca#>61 and low Na# (Na/(Na+Al)) (8-17) are intruded by patches or veins of more evolved FeTi-oxide rich gabbroic and dioritic rocks with Mg# to 20, Ca# to 32, Na#=14-23, TiO2<7 wt.% and FeOtotal<18 wt.%. All rocks are acdcumulates, and incompatible element concentrations are low, e.g. Pb=0.1-0.7 ppm and U=0.005 ppm in the primitive rocks and up to 2 ppm Pb and 0.2 ppm U in the evolved. The range of isotopic compositions of the unleached rocks is: 87Sr/86Sr=0.70280-0.70299, average 0.70287+/-0.00005 (1 S.D., N=30 samples) (except one felsic vein with 87Sr/86Sr=0.7045), 143Nd/144Nd=0.51304-0.51314, average 0.51310+/-0.00002 (1 S.D., N=28), 206Pb/204Pb=17.43-18.55, 207Pb/204Pb=15.40-15.61 and 208Pb/204Pb=37.19-38.28. The range of Sr and the almost constant Nd isotopic composition resemble that found in the upper 500 m of Hole 735B, while Pb ranges to more radiogenic compositions. In general, there is a decrease in isotopic variation of Sr and Pb as well as ? (238U/204Pb), U and Pb with depth, with a trend towards relatively unradiogenic compositions. This correlates with a decrease in alteration and frequency of evolved rock-types in the core. Leached samples generally have less radiogenic Pb with values trending towards 206Pb/204Pb=17.35, 207Pb/204Pb=15.35 and 208Pb/204Pb=37.0, while their 87Sr/86Sr ratios deviate less systematically from unleached rocks and reach both higher, 0.70307, and lower values, 0.70276. Separated clinopyroxene has elevated 87Sr/86Sr up to 0.7035, while plagioclase generally has close to whole rock Sr. Leaching reduced 87Sr/86Sr in clinopyroxene and in two (out of nine) cases leached separates and whole rock display isotopic equilibrium. Relatively minor hydrothermal seawater alteration is thought to have increased 87Sr/86Sr in the rocks, while a secondary high temperature percolation of a mantle-derived agent is thought to be the cause for the trend towards radiogenic Pb. This material had intermediate 87Sr/86Sr and may have originated from non-MORB off axis mantle. The main primary igneous isotopic variation of the gabbros is suggested to have been derived from the MORB-mantle and is defined mainly by leached samples from both ODP Leg 176 and Leg 118 and can be explained by two-component mixing of an end-member with composition like Central Indian Ridge basalts and an end-member with composition unlike any MORB. The latter is characterized by very unradiogenic Pb, in particular 207Pb/204Pb, and may have an origin with affinity to old depleted mantle (DM). The isotopic composition of the magmas parental to the FeTi-oxide rich rocks cannot be distinguished from the magmas parental to the primitive gabbros and an intimate relationship is indicated. The small-scale inhomogeneity indicated for the SWIR MORB-mantle at the Atlantis II Fracture Zone was probably inherited by the lower crustal rocks due to small-scale melting and monogenetic magma chambers at this slow spreading ridge.
Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) to northern Cascadia recovered gas-hydrate bearing sediments along a SW-NE transect from the first ridge of the accretionary margin to the eastward limit of gas-hydrate stability. In this study we contrast the gas gas-hydrate distribution from two sites drilled ~ 8 km apart in different tectonic settings. At Site U1325, drilled on a depositional basin with nearly horizontal sedimentary sequences, the gas-hydrate distribution shows a trend of increasing saturation toward the base of gas-hydrate stability, consistent with several model simulations in the literature. Site U1326 was drilled on an uplifted ridge characterized by faulting, which has likely experienced some mass wasting events. Here the gas hydrate does not show a clear depth-distribution trend, the highest gas-hydrate saturation occurs well within the gas-hydrate stability zone at the shallow depth of ~ 49 mbsf. Sediments at both sites are characterized by abundant coarse-grained (sand) layers up to 23 cm in thickness, and are interspaced within fine-grained (clay and silty clay) detrital sediments. The gas-hydrate distribution is punctuated by localized depth intervals of high gas-hydrate saturation, which preferentially occur in the coarse-grained horizons and occupy up to 60% of the pore space at Site U1325 and > 80% at Site U1326. Detailed analyses of contiguous samples of different lithologies show that when enough methane is present, about 90% of the variance in gas-hydrate saturation can be explained by the sand (> 63 µm) content of the sediments. The variability in gas-hydrate occupancy of sandy horizons at Site U1326 reflects an insufficient methane supply to the sediment section between 190 and 245 mbsf.
Abyssal peridotite from the 15°20'N area of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge show complex geochemical variations among the different sites drilled during ODP Leg 209. Major element compositions indicate variable degrees of melt depletion and refertilization as well as local hydrothermal metasomatism. Strongest evidence for melt-rock interactions are correlated Light Rare Earth Element (LREE) and High Field Strength Element (HFSE) additions at Sites 1270 and 1271. In contrast, hydrothermal alteration at Sites 1274, 1272, and 1268 causes LREE mobility associated with minor HFSE variability, reflecting the low solubility of HFSE in aqueous solutions. Site 1274 contains the least-altered, highly refractory, peridotite with strong depletion in LREE and shows a gradual increase in the intensity of isochemical serpentinization; except for the addition of H2O which causes a mass gain of up to 20 g/100 g. The formation of magnetite is reflected in decreasing Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) ratios. This style of alteration is referred to as rock-dominated serpentinization. In contrast, fluid-dominated serpentinization at Site 1268 is characterized by gains in sulfur and development of U-shaped REE pattern with strong positive Eu anomalies which are also characteristic for hot (350 to 400°C) vent-type fluids discharging from black smoker fields. Serpentinites at Site 1268 were overprinted by talc alteration under static conditions due to interaction with high a_SiO2 fluids causing the development of smooth, LREE enriched patterns with pronounced negative Eu anomalies. These results show that hydrothermal fluid-peridotite and fluid-serpentinite interaction processes are an important factor regarding the budget of exchange processes between the lithosphere and the hydrosphere in slow spreading environments.
Broadcast spawning marine invertebrates are susceptible to environmental stressors such as climate change, as their reproduction depends on the successful meeting and fertilization of gametes in the water column. Under near-future scenarios of ocean acidification, the swimming behaviour of marine invertebrate sperm is altered. We tested whether this was due to changes in sperm mitochondrial activity by investigating the effects of ocean acidification on sperm metabolism and swimming behaviour in the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. We used a fluorescent molecular probe (JC-1) and flow cytometry to visualize mitochondrial activity (measured as change in mitochondrial membrane potential, MMP). Sperm MMP was significantly reduced in delta pH -0.3 (35% reduction) and delta pH -0.5 (48% reduction) treatments, whereas sperm swimming behaviour was less sensitive with only slight changes (up to 11% decrease) observed overall. There was significant inter-individual variability in responses of sperm swimming behaviour and MMP to acidified seawater. We suggest it is likely that sperm exposed to these changes in pH are close to their tipping point in terms of physiological tolerance to acidity. Importantly, substantial inter-individual variation in responses of sperm swimming to ocean acidification may increase the scope for selection of resilient phenotypes, which, if heritable, could provide a basis for adaptation to future ocean acidification.
Interstitial waters and sediments from DSDP sites 288 and 289 contain information on the chemistry and diagenesis of carbonate in deep-sea sediments and on the role of volcanic matter alteration processes. Sr/Ca ratios are species dependent in unaltered foraminifera from site 289 and atom ratios (0.0012-0.0016) exceed those predicted by distribution coefficent data (~0.0004). During diagenesis Sr/Ca ratios of carbonates decrease and reach the theoretical distribution at a depth which is identical to the depth of Sr isotopic equilibration, where 87Sr/86Sr ratios of interstitial waters and carbonates converge. Mg/Ca ratios in the carbonates do not increase with depth as found in some other DSDP sites, possibly because of diagenetic re-equilibration with interstitial waters showing decreasing Mg(2+)/Ca(2+) ratios with depth due to Ca input and Mg removal by alteration of volcanic matter. Interstitial 18O/16O ratios increase with depth at site 289 to d18O = 0.67? (SMOW), reflecting carbonate recrystallization at elevated temperatures (>/= 20°C), the first recorded evidence of this effect in interstitial waters. Interstitial Sr2+ concentrations reach high levels, up to 1 mM, chiefly because of carbonate recrystallization. However, 87Sr/86Sr ratios decrease from 0.7092 to less than 0.7078, lower than for contemporaneous sea water, showing that there is a volcanic input of strontium at depth. This volcanic component is recorded in the Sr isotopic composition of recrystallized calcites. Isotopic compositions of the unrecrystallized calcites suggests that the rate of increase of the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of sea water with time has been faster since 3 my ago than in the preceding 13 my.
Increased oceanic uptake of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) is a threat to marine organisms and ecosystems. Among the most dramatic consequences predicted to date are behavioural impairments in marine fish which appear to be caused by the interference of elevated CO2 with a key neurotransmitter receptor in the brain. In this study, we tested the effects of elevated CO2 on the foraging and shelter-seeking behaviours of the reef-dwelling epaulette shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum. Juvenile sharks were exposed for 30 d to control CO2 (400 µatm) and two elevated CO2 treatments (615 and 910 µatm), consistent with medium- and high-end projections for ocean pCO2 by 2100. Contrary to the effects observed in teleosts and in some other sharks, behaviour of the epaulette shark was unaffected by elevated CO2. A potential explanation is the remarkable adaptation of H. ocellatum to low environmental oxygen conditions (hypoxia) and diel fluctuations in CO2 encountered in their shallow reef habitat. This ability translates into behavioural tolerance of near-future ocean acidification, suggesting that behavioural tolerance and subsequent adaptation to projected future CO2 levels might be possible in some other fish, if adaptation can keep pace with the rate of rising CO2 levels.
Results of microbiological, biogeochemical and isotope geochemical studies in the Kara Sea are described. Samples for these studies were obtained during Cruise 54 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in September 2007. The studied area covered the northern, central, and southwestern parts of the Kara Sea and the Obskaya Guba (Ob River estuary). Quantitative characteristics of total bacterial population and activity of microbial processes in the water column and bottom sediments were obtained. Total abundance of bacterioplankton (BP) varied from 250000 cells/ml in the northern Kara Sea to 3000000 cells/ml in the Obskaya Guba. BP abundance depended on concentration of suspensded matter. Net BP production was minimal in the central Kara Sea (up to 0.15-0.2 µg C/l/day) and maximal (0.5-0.75 µg C/l/day) in the Obskaya Guba. Organic material at the majority of stations at the Ob transect predominantly contained light carbon isotopes (-28.0 to -30.18 per mil) of terrigenous origin. Methane concentration in the surface water layer varied from 0.18 to 2.0 µl CH4/l, and methane oxidation rate varied from 0.1 to 100 nl CH4/l/day. Methane concentration in the upper sediment layer varied from 30 to 300 µl CH4/dm**3; rate of methane formation was varied from 44 to 500 nl CH4/dm**3/day and rate of methane oxidation - from 30 to 2000 nl CH4/dm**3/day. Rate of sulfate reduction varied from 4 to 184 µg S/dm**3/day.
We present differential bathymetry and sediment core data from the Japan Trench, sampled after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki (offshore Japan) earthquake to document that prominent bathymetric and structural changes along the trench axis relate to a large (~27.7 km**2) slump in the trench. Transient geochemical signals in the slump deposit and analysis of diffusive re-equilibration of disturbed SO4**2- profiles over time constrain the triggering of the slump to the 2011 earthquake. We propose a causal link between earthquake slip to the trench and rotational slumping above a subducting horst structure. We conclude that the earthquake-triggered slump is a leading agent for accretion of trench sediments into the forearc and hypothesize that forward growth of the prism and seaward advance of the deformation front by more than 2 km can occur, episodically, during a single-event, large mega-thrust earthquake.