943 resultados para calcium oxide micro pulverized
An example of cordierite-bearing gneiss that is part of a high-grade gneiss-migmatite sequence is described from the Hatch Plain in the Read Mountains of the Shackleton Range, Antarctica, for the first time. The cordierite-bearing rocks constitute the more melanosomic portions of the metatectic and migmatitic rocks that are associated with relict granulite facies rocks such as enderbitic granulite and enderbitic garnet granulite. The predominant mineral assemblage in the cordierite-bearing rocks is chemically homogeneous cordierite (XMg 0.61) and biotite (XMg 0.47), strongly zoned garnet (XMg 0.18-0.11), sillimanite, K-feldspar (Or81-94Ab5-18An0.6), plagioclase (An28), and quartz. Inclusions of sillimanite and biotite relics in both garnet and cordierite indicate that garnet and cordierite were produced by the coupled, discontinuous reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + H2O. Various garnet-biotite and garnet-cordierite geothermometers and sillimanite-quartz-plagioclase-garnet-cordierite geobarometers yield a continuous clockwise path in the P-T diagram. The P-T conditions for equilibrium between garnet core and cordierite and between garnet core and biotite during peak metamorphism and migmatization were estimated to be 690 °C at 5-6 kb. This was followed by cooling and unloading with continuously changing conditions down to 515 °C at 2-3 kb. This low-pressure re-equilibration correlates with the pressure conditions evaluated by SCHULZE (1989) for the widespread granitic gneisses of the Read Group in the Shackleton Range. The associated relict enderbitic granulites representing low-pressure type granulite (8 kb; 790 °C) are comparable to similar low-pressure granulites from the East Antarctic craton. They were either formed by under-accretion processes after collision (WELLS 1979, p. 217) or they are a product of remetamorphism at P-T conditions intermediate between granulite and amphibolite facies. A model of a multiple imbrication zone with crustal thickening (CUTHBERT et al. 1983) is discussed for the formation of the relict granulites of the central and eastern Read Mountains which show higher pressure conditions (8-12 kb, SCHULZE & OLESCH 1990), indicating a Proterozoic crustal thickness of at least 40 km.
Redox-sensitive trace metals (Mn, Fe, U, Mo, Re), nutrients and terminal metabolic products (NO3-, NH4+, PO43-, total alkalinity) were for the first time investigated in pore waters of Antarctic coastal sediments. The results of this study reveal a high spatial variability in redox conditions in surface sediments from Potter Cove, King George Island, western Antarctic Peninsula. Particularly in the shallower areas of the bay the significant correlation between sulphate depletion and total alkalinity, the inorganic product of terminal metabolism, indicates sulphate reduction to be the major pathway of organic matter mineralisation. In contrast, dissimilatory metal oxide reduction seems to be prevailing in the newly ice-free areas and the deeper troughs, where concentrations of dissolved iron of up to 700 µM were found. We suggest that the increased accumulation of fine-grained material with high amounts of reducible metal oxides in combination with the reduced availability of metabolisable organic matter and enhanced physical and biological disturbance by bottom water currents, ice scouring and burrowing organisms favours metal oxide reduction over sulphate reduction in these areas. Based on modelled iron fluxes we calculate the contribution of the Antarctic shelf to the pool of potentially bioavailable iron (Feb) to be 6.9x10**3 to 790x10**3 t/yr. Consequently, these shelf sediments would provide an Feb flux of 0.35-39.5/mg/m**2/yr (median: 3.8 mg/m**2/yr) to the Southern Ocean. This contribution is in the same order of magnitude as the flux provided by icebergs and significantly higher than the input by aeolian dust. For this reason suboxic shelf sediments form a key source of iron for the high nutrient-low chlorophyll (HNLC) areas of the Southern Ocean. This source may become even more important in the future due to rising temperatures at the WAP accompanied by enhanced glacier retreat and the accumulation of melt water derived iron-rich material on the shelf.
Black shale samples of Jurassic to Cretaceous age recovered during the 'Norwegian Shelf Drilling Program' between 1987 and 1991 from Sites 7430/10-U-01 (Barents Sea), 6814/04-U-02 (Norwegian Shelf near the Lofoten) and 6307/07-U-02 (Norwegian Shelf near Trondheim) were analyzed for major and trace elements. These laminated black shales are characterized by high total organic carbon (TOC) and total sulfur (TS) contents as well as by significant enrichments in several redox-sensitive and/or sulfide-forming trace metals (Ag, Bi, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Re, Sb, Tl, U, V, and Zn). Enrichment factors relative to 'average shale' are comparable to those found in Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event (CTBE) black shales and Mediterranean sapropels. The Re content is high in the studied black shales, with maximum values up to 1221 ng/g. Re/Mo ratios averaging 2.3*10**-3 are close to the seawater value. High trace metal enrichments and Re/Mo ratios close to the seawater value point to a dominantly anoxic and sulfidic water column during black shale formation. Interbeds with higher Re/Mo ratios, especially in high-resolution sampled core sections, point to brief periods of suboxic conditions. Additionally, enhanced Zn concentrations in the black shales from the Barents Sea support the assumption that hydrothermal activity was also high during black shale deposition. Trace metal signatures of black shales at different drill sites on a transect along the Norwegian Shelf are not only influenced by water depth but also by their location in the boreal realm. Metal enrichments are higher in the northern compared to the southern sites. Volgian (=Tithonian 151-144 Ma BP) black shales exhibit elevated trace metal contents in comparison to their Berriasian (144-137 Ma BP) counterparts. This probably reflects a change in the circulation pattern during periods of black shale formation. Therefore different paleoceanographic conditions, probably controlled by climatic change linked to the transgression of the paleo-sealevel and the North Atlantic opening, may have developed from the Volgian to the Berriasian.
Central Hill is in the northern part of the Escanaba Trough, which is a sediment-filled rift of southern Gorda Ridge. Central Hill is oriented north-south and is associated with extensive sulfide deposits. Hydrothermal alteration of sediment from Site 1038 was studied through analyses of mineralogy and the chemistry and oxygen isotopic compositions of one nearly pure clay sample. In addition, Site 1037 was drilled to establish the character of the unaltered sedimentary sequence away from the hydrothermal centers of the Northern Escanaba Trough Study Area (NESCA). Mineralogy of the clay-size fraction of turbiditic and hemipelagic sediments of Hole 1037B are predominantly quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, illite, chlorite, and smectite, representing continental-derived material. Cores from Hole 1038I, located within the area of Central Hill but away from known active vent areas, recovered minor amounts of chlorite/smectite mixed-layer clay in the fine fraction, indicating a low-temperature hydrothermal alteration. The 137.4-m-thick sediment section of Hole 1038G is located in an area of low-temperature venting. The uppermost sample is classified as chlorite/smectite mixed layer, which is underlain by chlorite as the dominant mineral. The lowermost deposits of Hole 1038G are also characterized by chlorite/smectite mixed-layer clay. In comparison to Hole 1038I, the mineralogic sequence of Hole 1038G reflects increased chloritization. Intensely altered sediment is almost completely replaced by hydrothermal chlorite in subsurface sediments of Hole 1038H. Alteration to chlorite is characterized by depletion in Na, K, Ti, Ca, Sr, Cs, and Tl and enrichment in Ba. Further, Eu depletion reflects a high-temperature plagioclase alteration. A chlorite 18O value of 2.6 indicates formation at a temperature of ~190°C. It is concluded that the authigenic chlorite in Hole 1038H formed by an active high-temperature fluid flow in the shallow subsurface.