767 resultados para Age, calculated calendar years


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In order to assess how insolation-driven climate change superimposed on sea level rise and millennial events influenced the Red Sea during the Holocene, we present new paleoceanographic records from two sediment cores to develop a comprehensive reconstruction of Holocene circulation dynamics in the basin. We show that the recovery of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna after the Younger Dryas was completed earlier in the northern than in the central Red Sea, implying significant changes in the hydrological balance of the northern Red Sea region during the deglaciation. In the early part of the Holocene, the environment of the Red Sea closely followed the development of the Indian summer monsoon and was dominated by a circulation mode similar to the current summer circulation, with low productivity throughout the central and northern Red Sea. The climatic signal during the late Holocene is dominated by a faunal transient event centered around 2.4 ka BP. Its timing corresponds to that of North Atlantic Bond event 2 and to a widespread regionally recorded dry period. This faunal transient is characterized by a more productive foraminiferal fauna and can be explained by an intensification of the winter circulation mode and high evaporation. The modern distribution pattern of planktonic foraminifera, reflecting the prevailing circulation system, was established after 1.7 ka BP.


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A multivariable approach utilising bulk sediment, planktonic Foraminifera and siliceous phytoplankton has been used to reconstruct rapid variations in palaeoproductivity in the Peru-Chile Current System off northern Chile for the past 19000 cal. yr. During the early deglaciation (19000-16000 cal. yr BP), our data point to strongest upwelling intensity and highest productivity of the past 19 000 cal. yr. The late deglaciation (16000-13000 cal. yr BP) is characterised by a major change in the oceanographic setting, warmer water masses and weaker upwelling at the study site. Lowest productivity and weakest upwelling intensity are observed from the early to the middle Holocene (13000-4000 cal. yr BP), and the beginning of the late Holocene (<4000 cal. yr BP) is marked by increasing productivity, mainly driven by silicate-producing organisms. Changes in the productivity and upwelling intensity in our record may have resulted from a large-scale compression and/or displacement of the South Pacific subtropical gyre during more productive periods, in line with a northward extension of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and increased advection of Antarctic water masses with the Peru-Chile Current. The corresponding increase in hemispheric thermal gradient and wind stress induced stronger upwelling. During the periods of lower productivity, this scenario probably reversed.


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We present centennial records of sea surface and upper thermocline temperatures in Core MD01-2378 from the Timor Sea, which provide new insights into the variability of the Indonesian outflow across the last two glacial terminations. Mg/Ca in Globigerinoides ruber (white s. s.) indicates an overall increase of 3.2 °C in sea surface temperature (SST) over Termination I. Following an early Holocene plateau at 11.3-6.4 ka, SSTs cooled by 0.6 °C during the middle to late Holocene (6.4-0.7 ka). The early Holocene warming occurred in phase with increasing northern hemisphere summer insolation, coinciding with northward displacement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, enhanced boreal summer monsoon and expansion of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool. Thermocline temperatures (Pulleniatina obliquiloculata Mg/Ca) gradually decreased from 24.5 to 21.5 °C since 10.3 ka, reflecting intensification of a cool thermocline throughflow. The vertical structure of the upper ocean in the Timor Sea evolved in similar fashion during the Holocene and MIS5e, although the duration of SST plateaux differed (11.3 to 6.4 ka in Termination I and from 129 to 119 ka in Termination II), which was probably due to the more intense northern hemisphere summer insolation during MIS 5e. During both terminations, SST increased simultaneously in the southern high latitudes and the tropical eastern Indian Ocean, suggesting virtually instantaneous atmospheric climate feedbacks between the high and low latitudes.


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Analyses of terrigenous sediments from the Chilean continental slope off the southern border of the Atacama desert (27.5°S), focusing on illite crystallinity and the Fe:Al ratio of the sediments, reveal a high-frequency variability of the position of the Southern Westerlies, which is very similar to the coeval short-term climatic events known from Greenland ice cores and from North Atlantic sediments. Besides showing dominantly precession-driven variability in precipitation over the Andes, these analyses also reveal rapid changes in weathering intensity along the Chilean Coastal Range during the last 80,000 years. These rapid changes occur at much shorter timescales than the 19-100 kyr orbital forcing of the Milankovitch cycles.


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Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations were significantly lower during glacial periods than during intervening interglacial periods, but the mechanisms responsible for this difference remain uncertain. Many recent explanations call on greater carbon storage in a poorly ventilated deep ocean during glacial periods (Trancois et al., 1997, doi:10.1038/40073; Toggweiler, 1999, doi:10.1029/1999PA900033; Stephens and Keeling, 2000, doi:10.1038/35004556; Marchitto et al., 2007, doi:10.1126/science.1138679; Sigman and Boyle, 2000, doi:10.1038/35038000), but direct evidence regarding the ventilation and respired carbon content of the glacial deep ocean is sparse and often equivocal (Broecker et al., 2004, doi:10.1126/science.1102293). Here we present sedimentary geochemical records from sites spanning the deep subarctic Pacific that -together with previously published results (Keigwin, 1998, doi:10.1029/98PA00874)- show that a poorly ventilated water mass containing a high concentration of respired carbon dioxide occupied the North Pacific abyss during the Last Glacial Maximum. Despite an inferred increase in deep Southern Ocean ventilation during the first step of the deglaciation (18,000-15,000 years ago) (Marchitto et al., 2007, doi:10.1126/science.1138679; Monnin et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.291.5501.112), we find no evidence for improved ventilation in the abyssal subarctic Pacific until a rapid transition ~14,600 years ago: this change was accompanied by an acceleration of export production from the surface waters above but only a small increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (Monnin et al., 2001, doi:10.1126/science.291.5501.112). We speculate that these changes were mechanistically linked to a roughly coeval increase in deep water formation in the North Atlantic (Robinson et al., 2005, doi:10.1126/science.1114832; Skinner nd Shackleton, 2004, doi:10.1029/2003PA000983; McManus et al., 2004, doi:10.1038/nature02494), which flushed respired carbon dioxide from northern abyssal waters, but also increased the supply of nutrients to the upper ocean, leading to greater carbon dioxide sequestration at mid-depths and stalling the rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Our findings are qualitatively consistent with hypotheses invoking a deglacial flushing of respired carbon dioxide from an isolated, deep ocean reservoir periods (Trancois et al., 1997, doi:10.1038/40073; Toggweiler, 1999, doi:10.1029/1999PA900033; Stephens and Keeling, 2000, doi:10.1038/35004556; Marchitto et al., 2007, doi:10.1126/science.1138679; Sigman and Boyle, 2000, doi:10.1038/35038000; Boyle, 1988, doi:10.1038/331055a0), but suggest that the reservoir may have been released in stages, as vigorous deep water ventilation switched between North Atlantic and Southern Ocean source regions.


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A multiparameter investigation including organic carbon, carbonate, opal, and planktic foraminifera was carried out on five sediment cores from the coastal upwelling area between 24°S and 33°S along the Peru-Chile Current to reconstruct the history of the paleoproductivity and its driving mechanisms during the last 40,000 years. Inferred from our data, we conclude that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current as the main nutrient source in this region mainly drives the productivity by its latitudinal shifts associated with climate change. Simplified, its northerly position during the last glacial led to enhanced productivities, and its southerly position during the Holocene caused lower productivities. At 33°S the paleoproductivity was additionally affected by the southern westerlies and records highest levels during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). North of 33°S, several factors (e.g., position and strength of the South Pacific anticyclone, wind stress, continental runoff, and El Niño Southern Oscillation events) supplementary influenced upwelling and paleoproductivity, where maximum values occurred prior to the LGM and during the deglaciation.


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A high-resolution sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity reconstruction on a sedimentary record collected at 36°S off central-south Chile (GeoB 7165-1, 36°33'S, 73°40'W, 797 m water depth, core length 750 cm) indicates that paleoceanographic conditions changed abruptly between 18 and 17 ka. Comparative analysis of several cores along the Chilean continental margin (30°-41°S) suggests that the onset and the pattern of deglacial warming was not uniform off central-south Chile due to the progressive southward migration of the Southern Westerlies and local variations in upwelling. Marine productivity augmented rather abruptly at 13-14 ka, well after the oceanographic changes.We suggest that the late deglacial increase in paleoproductivity off central-south Chile reflects the onset of an active upwelling system bringing nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor Equatorial SubsurfaceWater to the euphotic zone, and a relatively higher nutrient load of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the Last Glacial Maximum, when the Southern Westerlies were located further north, productivity off central-south Chile, in contrast to off northern Chile, was reduced due to direct onshore-blowing winds that prevented coastal upwelling and export production.


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Marine sediment cores from the continental slope off mid-latitude Chile (33°S) were studied with regard to grain-size distributions and clay mineral composition. The data provide a 28,000-yr14C accelerator mass spectrometry-dated record of variations in the terrigenous sediment supply reflecting modifications of weathering conditions and sediment source areas in the continental hinterland. These variations can be interpreted in terms of the paleoclimatic evolution of mid-latitude Chile and are compared to existing terrestrial records. Glacial climates (28,000-18,000 cal yr B.P.) were generally cold-humid with a cold-semiarid interval between 26,000 and 22,000 cal yr B.P. The deglaciation was characterized by a trend toward more arid conditions. During the middle Holocene (8000-4000 cal yr B.P.), comparatively stable climatic conditions prevailed with increased aridity in the Coastal Range. The late Holocene (4000-0 cal yr B.P.) was marked by more variable paleoclimates with generally more humid conditions. Variations of rainfall in mid-latitude Chile are most likely controlled by shifts of the latitudinal position of the Southern Westerlies. Compared to the Holocene, the southern westerly wind belt was located significantly farther north during the last glacial maximum. Less important variations of the latitudinal position of the Southern Westerlies also occurred on shorter time scales.


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We have reconstructed the surface water environment of the Arctic Ocean over the last ? 50,000 years using measurements of the organic nitrogen and carbon isotope ratios, carbonate and total organic carbon concentrations (TOC), and terrestrial biomarkers (lignin and long-chain n-alkanes) in four multicores. Variations in nitrogen isotope ratios that are concordant with TOC and carbonate concentrations (representing foraminifera and excluding ice-rafted-debris) reflect differences in relative nutrient utilization of phytoplankton in the surface waters. However, d15N variations also appear to be dependent on the stratification of the water column and therefore potentially track the exchange of nutrients between deep and surface waters. Low Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) d15N values and higher Holocene values are opposite to those recorded in the Southern Ocean. The Arctic Ocean with higher nutrient utilization today compared to the LGM therefore acts as a counterpart to the Southern Ocean, although the global impact on carbon dioxide variations compared to the Southern Ocean is probably low.


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The Mediterranean Sea hydrology at the time of the Heinrich formation in the North Atlantic Ocean was analyzed by comparing sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and oxygen isotope composition of seawater (dw) changes during the past 75 kyr in two marine cores. These were compared to the palynological variations derived in the Mediterranean Sea core. During the last glacial the two oceanic SST records show similar and synchronous patterns, with several long-term cooling periods, ending by abrupt SST increases. At the time of the Heinrich events, cold SSTs and low salinity prevailed in the Mediterranean Sea. The freshwater budget was similar to the modern one, permitting the presence of a mixed forest on the Mediterranean borderlands. The post-Heinrich periods are marked by a freshwater budget decrease, limiting oak and fir tree growth in the Mediterranean region. Increase of precipitation or reduction of evaporation is observed before the Heinrich episode, and is associated with a well-developed mixed Mediterranean forest.


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Records of skeletal delta18O in monthly and Sr/Ca ratios in half-yearly resolution were obtained from a Bermuda coral (Diploria labyrinthiformis) for the time period 1520-1603 (+/-15 yr) AD within the Little Ice Age. Annual and decadal averages of both sea-surface temperature proxies indicate temperature variabilities of 0.5°C (standard deviation) and 0.3°C, respectively. Both numbers are close to recent instrumental observations. Approximately 30% of the interannual time series variance of delta18O is concentrated in broad bands centered at periods of ~30, 16, and 7.8 yr, the last two reflecting the influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Although this large-scale climate signal is present in the record, there is no correlation with other contemporaneous northern hemisphere proxy data, resulting from spatial differences in climate variability.


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During the past 40,000 years, global climate has moved into and out of a full glacial period, with the deglaciation marked by several millennial-scale rapid climate change events. Here we investigate the ecological response of deep-sea coral communities to both glaciation and these rapid climate change events. We find that the deep-sea coral populations of Desmophyllum dianthus in both the North Atlantic and the Tasmanian seamounts expand at times of rapid climate change. However, during the more stable Last Glacial Maximum, the coral population globally retreats to a more restricted depth range. Holocene populations show regional patterns that provide some insight into what causes these dramatic changes in population structure. The most important factors are likely responses to climatically driven changes in productivity, [O2] and [CO3]2-.


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The radiocarbon contents of various biomarkers extracted from the varve-counted sediments of Saanich Inlet, Canada, were determined to assess their applicability for dating purposes. Calibrated ages obtained from the marine planktonic archaeal biomarker crenarchaeol compared favorably with varve-count ages. The same conclusion could be drawn for a more general archaeal biomarker (GDGT-0), although this biomarker proved to be less reliable due to its less-specific origin. The results also lend support to earlier indications that marine crenarchaeota use dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as their carbon source. The average reservoir age offset DR of 430 years, determined using the crenarchaeol radiocarbon ages, varied by ±110 years. This may be caused by natural variations in ocean-atmosphere mixing or upwelling at the NE Pacific coast but variability may also be due to an inconsistency in the marine calibration curve when used at sites with high reservoir ages.