343 resultados para Helmes-Hayes, Rick: The Vertical mosaic revisited
The high-resolution delta18O and delta13C records of benthic foraminifera from a 150,000-year long core from the Caribbean Sea indicate that there was generally high delta13C during glaciations and low delta13C during interglaciations. Due to its 1800-m sill depth, the properties of deep water in the Caribbean Sea are similar to those of middepth tropical Atlantic water. During interglaciations, the water filling the deep Caribbean Sea is an admixture of low delta13C Upper Circumpolar Water (UCPW) and high delta13C Upper North Atlantic Deep Water (UNADW). By contrast, only high delta13C UNADW enters during glaciations. Deep ocean circulation changes can influence atmospheric CO2 levels (Broecker and Takahashi, 1985; Boyle, 1988 doi:10.1029/JC093iC12p15701; Keir, 1988 doi:10.1029/PA003i004p00413; Broecker and Peng, 1989 doi:10.1029/GB003i003p00215). By comparing delta13C records of benthic foraminifera from cores lying in Southern Ocean Water, the Caribbean Sea, and at several other Atlantic Ocean sites, the thermohaline state of the Atlantic Ocean (how close it was to a full glacial or full interglacial configuration) is characterized. A continuum of circulation patterns between the glacial and interglacial extremes appears to have existed in the past. Subtracting the deep Pacific (~mean ocean water) delta13C record from the Caribbean delta13C record yields a record which describes large changes in the Atlantic Ocean thermohaline circulation. The delta13C difference varies as the vertical nutrient distribution changes. This new proxy record bears a striking resemblance to the 150,000-year-long atmospheric CO2 record (Barnola et al., 1987 doi:10.1038/329408a0). This favorable comparison between the new proxy record and the atmospheric CO2 record is consistent with Boyle's (1988a) model that vertical nutrient redistribution has driven large atmospheric CO2 changes in the past. Changes in the relative contribution of NADW and Pacific outflow water to the Southern Ocean are also consistent with Broecker and Peng's (1989) recent model for atmospheric CO2 changes.
The success of any efforts to determine the effects of climate change on marine ecosystems depends on understanding in the first instance the natural variations, which contemporarily occur on the interannual and shorter time scales. Here we present results on the environmental controls of zooplankton distribution patterns and behaviour in the eastern Weddell Sea, Southern Ocean. Zooplankton abundance and vertical migration are derived from the mean volume backscattering strength (MVBS) and the vertical velocity measured by moored acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), which were deployed simultaneously at 64°S, 66.5°S and 69°S along the Greenwich Meridian from February, 2005, until March, 2008. While these time series span a period of full three years they resolve hourly changes. A highly persistent behavioural pattern found at all three mooring locations is the synchronous diel vertical migration (DVM) of two distinct groups of zooplankton that migrate between a deep residence depth during daytime and a shallow depth during nighttime. The DVM was closely coupled to the astronomical daylight cycles. However, while the DVM was symmetric around local noon, the annual modulation of the DVM was clearly asymmetric around winter solstice or summer solstice, respectively, at all three mooring sites. DVM at our observation sites persisted throughout winter, even at the highest latitude exposed to the polar night. Since the magnitude as well as the relative rate of change of illumination is minimal at this time, we propose that the ultimate causes of DVM separated from the light-mediated proximal cue that coordinates it. In all three years, a marked change in the migration behaviour occurred in late spring (late October/early November), when DVM ceased. The complete suspension of DVM after early November is possibly caused by the combination of two factors: (1) increased availability of food in the surface mixed layer provided by the phytoplankton spring bloom, and (2) vanishing diurnal enhancement of the threat from visually oriented predators when the illumination is quasi-continuous during the polar and subpolar summer. Zooplankton abundance in the water column, estimated as the mean MVBS in the depth range 50-300 m, was highest end of summer and lowest mid to end winter on the average annual cycle. However, zooplankton abundance varied several-fold between years and between locations. Based on satellite and in situ data of chlorophyll and sea ice as well as on hydrographic measurements, the interannual and spatial variations of zooplankton mean abundance can be explained by differences in the magnitude of the phytoplankton spring bloom, which develops during the seasonal sea ice retreat. Whereas the vernal ice melt appears necessary to stimulate the blooming of phytoplankton, it is not the determinator of the blooms magnitude, its areal extent and duration. A possible explanation for the limitation of the phytoplankton bloom in some years is top-down control. We hypothesise that the phytoplankton spring development can be curbed by grazing when the zooplankton had attained high abundance by growth during the preceding summer.
Living (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were collected with a multicorer from six stations between 2°N and 12°S off West Africa. The foraminiferal communities in the investigated area reflect the direct influence of different productivity regimes, and are characterized by spatially and seasonally varying upwelling activity. At five stations, foraminiferal abundance coincides well with the gradient of surface productivity. However, at one station off the Congo River, the influence of strong fresh water discharge is documented. Although this station lies directly in the center of an upwelling area, foraminiferal standing stocks are surprisingly low. It is suggested that the Congo discharge may induce a fractionation of the organic matter into small and light particles of low nutritional content, by contrast to the relatively fast-sinking aggregates found in the centers of high productivity areas. Quality and quantity of the organic matter seem to influence the distribution of microhabitats as well. The flux of organic carbon to the sea-floor controls the sequence of degradation of organic matter in sediment and the position of different redox fronts. The vertical foraminiferal stratification within sediment closely parallels the distribution of oxygen and nitrate in porewater, and reflects different nutritive strategies and adaptation to different types of organic matter. The epifauna and shallow infauna colonize oxygenated sediments where labile organic matter is available. The intermediate infauna (M. barleeanum) is linked to the zone of nitrate reduction in sediments where epifaunal and shallow infaunal species are not competitive anymore, and must feed on bacterial biomass or on metabolizable nutritious particles produced by bacterial degradation of more refractory organic matter. The deep infauna shows its maximum distribution in anoxic sediments, where no easily metabolizable organic matter is available.
High-resolution records of the natural radionuclide 230Th were measured in sediments from the eastern Atlantic sector of the Antarctic circumpolar current to obtain a detailed reconstruction of the sedimentation history of this key area for global climate change during the late Quaternary. High-resolution dating rests on the assumption that the 230Thex flux to the sediments is constant. Short periods of drastically increased sediment accumulation rates (up to a factor of 8) were determined in the sediments of the Antarctic zone during the climate optima at the beginning of the Holocene and the isotope stage 5e. By comparing expected and measured accumulation rate of 230Thex, lateral sediment redistribution was quantified and vertical particle rain rates originating from the surface water above were calculated. We show that lateral contributions locally were up to 6.5 times higher than the vertical particle rain rates. At other locations only 15% of the expected vertical particle rain rate were deposited.
Extensive investigations of sedimentary barium were performed in the southern South Atlantic in order to assess the reliability of the barium signal in Antarctic sediments as a proxy for paleoproductivity. Maximum accumulation rates of excess barium were calculated for the Antarctic zone south of the polar front where silica accumulates at high rates. The correspondence between barium and opal supports the applicability of barium as a proxy for productivity. Within the Antarctic zone north of today's average sea ice maximum, interglacial vertical rain rates of excess barium are high, with a maximum occurring during the last deglaciation and early Holocene and during oxygen isotope chronozone 5.5. During these periods, the maximum silica accumulation was supposedly located south of the polar front. Glacial paleoproductivity, instead, was low within the Antarctic zone. North of the polar front, significantly higher barium accumulation occurs during glacial times. The vertical rain rates, however, are as high as in the glacial Antarctic zone. Therefore there was no evidence for an increased productivity in the glacial Southern Ocean.
Coccolithophore contributions to the global marine carbon cycle are regulated by the calcite content of their scales (coccoliths), and the relative cellular levels of photosynthesis and calcification. All three of these factors vary between coccolithophore species, and with response to the growth environment. Here, water samples were collected in the northern basin of the South China Sea (SCS) during summer 2014 in order to examine how environmental variability influenced species composition and cellular levels of calcite content. The vertical structure of the coccolithophore community was strongly regulated by mesoscale eddies. All living coccolithophores produced within the euphotic zone (1 % of surface irradiance), and Florisphaera profunda was a substantial coccolithophore and coccolith-calcite producer in the Deep Chlorophyll-a Maximum (DCM), especially in most oligotrophic anti-cyclonic eddy centers. Placolith-bearing coccolithophores, plus F. profunda, and other larger and numerically rare species made almost equal contributions to coccolith-based calcite in the water column. For Emiliania huxleyi biometry measurements, coccolith size positively correlated with nutrients, and it is suggested that coccolith length is influenced by nutrient and light related growth rates. However, larger sized coccoliths were related to low pH and calcite saturation, although it is not a simple cause and effect relationship. Genotypic or ecophenotypic variation may also be linked to coccolith size variation.
In order to understand the vertical transport of particulate matter, suspended and settling particles were collected along a meridional transect between 46°N and 35°S and an equatorial longitudinal transect between 135°E and 175°E in the Pacific. The low COrganic/N atomic ratios (<8.2) of suspended particulate organic matter (OM) and good correlation between particulate organic carbon (OC) and chlorophyll-a confirmed that the suspended particulate OM in the surface water was mainly produced by phytoplankton. Only 0.1-3.2% of primary production was transported to 1.3 km water depth in the boreal central Pacific. All data on settling particles (excluding deep trap data) showed strongly positive correlation between total mass and OM fluxes with high correlation factor of 0.93. Biogenic opal-producing plankton, mainly diatoms were responsible for most of the vertical transport of particulate OM in association with higher COrganic/CCarbonate ratios in the subarctic and equatorial hemipelagic regions in the Pacific. This vertical transport of settling particles potentially works as a sink of CO2. In the transition zone during the May 1993, large difference between PCO2 (<300 µatm) in the surface water and pCO2 (340 µatm) in the atmosphere was actually due to enhanced particulate OM flux. Since the deep water of the Pacific is enriched in CO2 and nutrients, upwelled seawater may tend to release CO2 to the atmosphere. However, higher production of particulate matter could reduce the partial pressure of CO2 in the surface water. Also terrestrial nutrients' inputs in the western equatorial Pacific have potential for the reduction of CO2 in the surface water.
In an extended deep-sea study the response of the benthic community to seasonally varying sedimentation rates of organic matter were investigated at a fixed abyssal site in the NE Atlantic (BIOTRANS station or JGOFS station L2 at 47°N-20°W, water depth >4500 m) on four legs of METEOR expedition 21 between March and August 1992. The vertical flux at 3500 m depth and temporal variations in the chloroplastic pigment concentration, a measure of phytodetritus deposition, and of total adenylates and total phospholipids, measures of benthic biomass, and of activity of hydrolytic enzymes were observed. The flux patterns in moored sediment traps of total chlorophyll, POC and total flux showed an early sedimentation peak in March/April 1992, followed by low fluxes in May and intermediate ones from June to August. Thus 1992 differed from other years, in which one large flux peak after the spring phytoplankton bloom was observed. Unusually high concentrations of chloroplastic pigments were consistently observed in March 1992, reflecting the early sedimentation input. At the same time biomass of small benthic organisms (bacteria to meiobenthos) and activity of hydrolytic enzymes were higher compared to values from March 1985 and from the following months in 1992. In May and August 1992 pigment concentrations and biomass and activity parameters in the sediment were lower than during previously observed depositions of phytodetrital matter in summer. The data imply that the deep ocean benthic community reacts to small sedimentation events with transient increases in metabolic activity and only small biomass production. The coupling between pelagic and benthic processes is so close that interannual variability in surface water production is "mirrored" by deep-sea benthic processes.
This study describes differences in plankton community structure and in chemical and physical gradients between the offshore West Greenland Current system and inland regions close to the Greenland Ice Sheet during the post-bloom in Godthabsfjorden (64° N, 51° W). The offshore region had pronounced vertical mixing, with centric diatoms and Phaeocystis spp. dominating the phytoplankton, chlorophyll (chl) a (0.3 to 3.9 µg/l) was evenly distributed and nutrients were depleted in the upper 50 m. Ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates constituted equal parts of the protozooplankton biomass. Copepod biomass was dominated by Calanus spp. Primary production, copepod production and the vertical flux were high offshore. The water column was stratified in the fjord, causing chl a to be concentrated in a thin sub-surface layer. Nutrients were depleted above the pycnocline, and Thalassiosira spp. dominated the phytoplankton assemblage close to the ice sheet. Dinoflagellates dominated the protozooplankton biomass, whereas copepod biomass was low and was dominated by Pseudocalanus spp. and Metridia longa. Primary production was low in the outer part of the fjord but considerably higher in the inner parts of the fjord. Copepod production was exceeded by protozooplankton production in the fjord. The results of both physical/chemical factors and biological parameters suggest separation of offshore and fjord systems.
The present data set is a worldwide compilation from 11 oceanographic expeditions during which an underwater vision profiler (UVP) was deployed in situ to determine the vertical distribution (biomass) of 4 taxonomic groups of plankton larger than 600 µm, belonging to the Infrakingdom Rhizaria, including Collodaria, Acantharia, Phaeodaria and other Rhizaria. Vertical distributions are binned in four layers: 0-100, 0-200, 100-500 and 0-500 m.
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to investigate the phylogenetic composition of a marine Arctic sediment (Svalbard). Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells were performed as described previously from Snaidr et al. (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800 to 1,000 DAPI-stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations are given in further details. FISH resulted in the detection of a large fraction of microbes living in the top 5 cm of the sediment. Up to 65.4% ± 7.5% of total DAPI cell counts hybridized to the bacterial probe EUB338, and up to 4.9% ± 1.5% hybridized to the archaeal probe ARCH915. Besides delta-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria (up to 16% 52) members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster were the most abundant group detected in this sediment, accounting for up to 12.8% of total DAPI cell counts. Furthermore, members of the order Planctomycetales accounted for up to 3.9% of total cell counts. In accordance with previous studies, these findings support the hypothesis that these bacterial groups are not simply settling with organic matter from the pelagic zone but are indigenous to the anoxic zones of marine sediments. Members of the gamma-proteobacteria also constituted a significant fraction in this sediment (6.1% ± 2.5% of total cell counts). A new probe (GAM660) specific for sequences affiliated with free-living or endosymbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was developed. A significant number of cells was detected by this probe (2.1% ± 0.7% of total DAPI cell counts), showing no clear zonation along the vertical profile. Gram-positive bacteria and the beta-proteobacteria were near the detection limit in all sediments.
Excess Thorium-230 (230Thxs) as a constant flux tracer is an essential tool for paleoceanographic studies, but its limitations for flux normalization are still a matter of debate. In regions of rapid sediment accumulation, it has been an open question if 230Thxs-normalized fluxes are biased by particle sorting effects during sediment redistribution. In order to study the sorting effect of sediment transport on 230Thxs, we analyzed the specific activity of 230Thxs in different particle size classes of carbonate-rich sediments from the South East Atlantic, and of opal-rich sediments from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. At both sites, we compare the 230Thxs distribution in neighboring high vs. low accumulation settings. Two grain-size fractionation methods are explored. We find that the 230Thxs distribution is strongly grain size dependent, and 50-90% of the total 230Thxs inventory is concentrated in fine material smaller than 10 µm, which is preferentially deposited at the high accumulation sites. This leads to an overestimation of the focusing factor Psi, and consequently to an underestimation of the vertical flux rate at such sites. The distribution of authigenic uranium indicates that fine organic-rich material has also been re-deposited from lateral sources. If the particle sorting effect is considered in the flux calculations, it reduces the estimated extent of sediment focusing. In order to assess the maximum effect of particle sorting on Psi, we present an extreme scenario, in which we assume a lateral sediment supply of only fine material (< 10 µm). In this case, the focusing factor of the opal-rich core would be reduced from Psi = 5.9 to Psi = 3.2. In a more likely scenario, allowing silt-sized material to be transported, Psi is reduced from 5.9 to 5.0 if particle sorting is taken into consideration. The bias introduced by particle sorting is most important for strongly focused sediments. Comparing 230Thxs-normalized mass fluxes biased by sorting effects with uncorrected mass fluxes, we suggest that 230Thxs-normalization is still a valid tool to correct for lateral sediment redistribution. However, differences in focusing factors between core locations have to be evaluated carefully, taking the grain size distributions into consideration.
The Lofoten Basin is the most eddy rich region in the Norwegian Sea. In this paper, the characteristics of these eddies are investigated from a comprehensive database of nearly two decades of satellite altimeter data (1995-2013) together with Argo profiling floats and surface drifter data. An automated method identified 1695/1666 individual anticyclonic/cyclonic eddies in the Lofoten Basin from more than 10,000 altimeter-based eddy observations. The eddies are found to be predominantly generated and residing locally. The spatial distributions of lifetime, occurrence, generation sites, size, intensity, and drift of the eddies are studied in detail. The anticyclonic eddies in the Lofoten Basin are the most long-lived eddies (>60 days), especially in the western part of the basin. We reveal two hotspots of eddy occurrence on either side of the Lofoten Basin. Furthermore, we infer a cyclonic drift of eddies in the western Lofoten Basin. Barotropic energy conversion rates reveals energy transfer from the slope current to the eddies during winter. An automated colocation of surface drifters trapped inside the altimeter-based eddies are used to corroborate the orbital speed of the anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies. Moreover, the vertical structure of the altimeter-based eddies is examined using colocated Argo profiling float profiles. Combination of altimetry, Argo floats, and surface drifter data is therefore considered to be a promising observation-based approach for further studies of the role of eddies in transport of heat and biomass from the slope current to the Lofoten Basin.