421 resultados para Double rare earth chromates


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New data on microstructures and mineral and chemical compositions of ferromanganese crusts sampled from the western slope of the Kuril Island Arc in the Sea of Okhotsk during cruises of R/V Vulkanolog are discussed. The study of the crusts using analytical electron microscopy methods revealed that their manganese phase is represented by vernadite, Fe-vernadite, todorokite, asbolane, and asbolane-buserite, while iron phase consists of hematite, hydrohematite, ferroxyhite, and magnetite. Lithic mineral assemblage includes apatite, quartz, epidote, and montmorillonite. According to chemical analysis most of the crusts contain significant part of volcanogenic and hydrothermal material. It is evident from elevated values of Mn/Fe and (Mn+Fe)/Ti ratios, low concentrations of some trace elements, and positive Eu anomaly.


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Research of the ocean floor using the Mir submersibles carried out south of the Hawaiian Archipelago allowed to recover flows of recent picrite basalts. Lava vents are confined to a field of development of open fractures of a gjar type. Basalts represent initial lava flows in the structure of the Hawaiian volcanic archipelago. Considering contents of alkali and rare-earth elements in them, the picrite basalts of the bottom could be assigned to a series of island tholeiites. They are products of high level melting of asthenospheric matter at depth about 75-80 km as a result of decompression near a deep fracture that occurred in the lithosphere and asthenosphere. Similar picrite basalts were found in the base of the youngest volcano of the Hawaiian chain the Loihi Volcano. With respect to contents of alkali metals, these rocks are assigned to the subalkaline series of rocks formed during melting of garnet lherzolites. This could probably be explained by supply of melts from deeper levels of the asthenosphere after partial packing of an initial magma effluent fracture.


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Results of detailed mineralogical, chemical, and oxygen isotope analyses of the clay minerals and zeolites from two Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary regions, Stevns Klint, Denmark, and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Hole 465A in the north central Pacific Ocean, are presented. In the central part of the Stevns Klint K/T boundary layer, the only clay mineral detected by x-ray diffraction is a pure smectite with > 95 percent expandable layers. No detrital clay minerals or quartz were observed in the clay size fraction in these beds, whereas the clay minerals above and below the boundary layer are illite and mixed-layer smectite-illite of detrital origin as well as quartz. The mineralogical purity of the clay fraction, the presence of smectite only at the boundary, and the d18O value of the smectite (27.2 ± 0.2 per mil) suggest that it formed in situ by alteration of glass. Formation from impact rather than from volcanic glass is supported by its major element chemistry. The high content of iridium and other siderophile elements is not due to the cessation of calcium carbonate deposition and resulting slow sedimentation rates. At DSDP Hole 465A, the principal clay mineral in the boundary zone (80 to 143 centimeters) is a mixed-layer smectite-illite with >=90 percent expandable layers, accompanied by some detrital quartz and small amounts of a euhedral authigenic zeolite (clinoptilolite). The mixed-layer smectite-illite from the interval 118 to 120 centimeters in the zone of high iridium abundance has a very low rare earth element content; the negative cerium anomaly indicates formation in the marine environment. This conclusion is corroborated by the d18O value of this clay mineral (27.1 ± 0.2 per mil). Thus, this mixed-layer smectite-illite formed possibly from the same glass as the K/T boundary smectite at Stevns Klint, Denmark.


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The tholeiitic basalts and microdolerites that comprise the Cretaceous igneous complex in the Nauru Basin in the western equatorial Pacific have moderate ranges in initial 87Sr/86Sr (0.70347 - 0.70356), initial 143Nd/144Nd (0.51278 - 0.51287), and measured 206Pb/204Pb (18.52 - 19.15), 207Pb/204Pb (15.48 - 15.66) and 208Pb/204Pb (38.28 - 38.81). These isotopic ratios overlap with those of both oceanic island basalts (OIB) and South Atlantic and Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). However, the petrography, mineralogy, and bulk rock chemistry of the igneous complex are more similar to MORB than to OIB. Also, the rare earth element contents of Nauru Basin igneous rocks are uniformly depleted in light elements (La/Sm(ch) < 1) indicative of a mantle source compositionally similar to that of MORB. These results suggest that the igneous complex is the top of the original ocean crust in the Nauru Basin, and that the notion that the crust must be 15 to 35 m.y. older based on simple extrapolation and identification of the M-sequence magnetic lineations (Larson et al., 1981, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.61.1981; Moberly et al., 1985, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.81.1984) may be invalid because of a more complicated tectonic setting. The igneous complex most probably was extruded from an ocean ridge system located near the anomalously hot, volcanically active, and isotopically distinct region in the south central Pacific which has been in existence since c. 120 Ma.


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Twenty-four piston core sediment samples and 13 sediments and 3 basalts from DSDP Leg 78 Site 543 were analyzed for Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions. The results show sediment with highly radiogenic Pb (206Pb/204Pb up to 19.8) and rather radiogenic Sr and unradiogenic Nd has been deposited in the region since the Cretaceous. The source of this sediment is probably the Archean Guiana Highland, which is drained by the Orinoco River. Pb and Sr isotopic compositions and sediment thickness decrease and 143Nd/144Nd increases northward due to a decrease in turbiditic component. This decrease is partly due to the damming action of basement ridges. Rare earth concentrations in the sediments are somewhat low, due to the abundance of detrital and biogenic components in the sediment and rapid sedimentation rates. Both positive and negative Ce anomalies occur in the surface sediments, but only positive Ce anomalies occur in the Site 543 sediments. It is unlikely that sediment subducted to the source region of Lesser Antilles arc magmas could be the cause of negative Ce anomalies in those magmas. Isotopic compositions of Site 543 basalts show some effect of contamination by seawater-basalt reaction products and sediments. Beyond this, however, they are typical of "normal" depleted MORB.


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On Leg 121 of the Ocean Drilling Program, we recovered basaltic rocks from a total of three basement sites in the southern, central, and northern regions of Ninetyeast Ridge. These new sites complement the previous four basement holes drilled during Legs 22 and 26 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, and confirm the predominantly tholeiitic, light rare earth element-enriched character of the basalts that cap the ridge. The basalts show marked iron enrichment; ferrobasalts occur at Sites 214 and 216 and oceanic andesites at Site 253. All of the basalts recovered during Leg 121 are altered, and range from aphyric olivine tholeiites (Site 756), to strongly plagioclase-phyric basalts (Site 757). Basalts from Site 758, which were clearly erupted in a submarine environment (pillow basalts are present in the section), are sparsely to strongly plagioclase-phyric. The basalts recovered at any one hole are isotopically homogeneous (except for the basalts from Site 758, which show a range of Pb isotopes), and it is possible to relate the magmas at any one site by high-level fractionation processes. However, there are significant variations in isotope ratios and highly incompatible element ratios between sites, which suggest that the mantle source for the ridge basalts was compositionally variable. Such variation, in view of the large volume of magmatic products that form the ridge system, is not surprising. There is not, however, a systematic variation in basalt composition along the ridge. We agree with previous models that relate Ninetyeast Ridge to a mantle plume in the southern Indian Ocean. The tholeiitic, iron-enriched, and voluminous character of the ridge basalts is typical of oceanic islands associated with plumes on or near a mid-ocean ridge (e.g., Iceland, Galapagos Islands, and St. Paul/Amsterdam islands). The absence of recovered alkalic suites is inconsistent with an intraplate setting, such as the Hawaiian Islands or Kerguelen Island. Thus, the major element data, like the gravity data, strongly suggest that the ridge was erupted on or very close to an active spreading center. Isotopically, the most likely plume that created the excess magmatism on the Ridge is the Kerguelen-Heard plume system, but the Ninetyeast Ridge basalts do not represent a simple mixing of the Kerguelen plume and mid-ocean Ninetyeast Ridge basalt mantle.


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Volcaniclastic sediments of North Aoba Basin (Vanuatu) recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 show a mineralogical and chemical overprint of low grade hydrothermal alteration superimposed on the primary magmatic source compositions. The purpose of this study was to identify authigenic mineral phases incorporated in the volcaniclastic sediments, to distinguish authigenic chemical and mineralogical signals from the original volcaniclastic mineralogical and chemical compositions, and to determine the mechanism of authigenic minerals formation. Mineralogical, micro-chemical and bulk chemical analyses were utilized to identify and characterize authigenic phases and determine the original unaltered ash compositions. 117 volcaniclastic sediment samples from North Aoba Basin Sites 832 and 833 were analyzed. Primary volcaniclastic materials accumulated in North Aoba Basin can be divided into three types. The older basin-filling sequences show three different magmatic trends: high K, calc-alkaline, and low K series. The most recent accumulations are rhyodacitic composition and can be attributed to Santa Maria or Aoba volcanic emissions. Original depositional porosity of volcaniclastic sediments is an important factor in influencing distribution of authigenic phases. Finer-grained units are less altered and retain a bulk mineralogical and chemical composition close to the original pyroclastic rock composition. Coarser grained units (microbreccia and sandstones) are the major hosts of authigenic minerals. At both sites, authigenic minerals (including zeolites, clay minerals, Mg-carbonates, and quartz) exhibit complex zonation with depth that crosses original ash depositional boundaries and stratigraphic limits. The zeolite minerals phillipsite and analcime are ubiquitous throughout the altered intervals. At Site 832, the first zeolite minerals (phillipsite) occur in Pleistocene deposits as shallow as 146 meters below seafloor (mbsf). At Site 833 the first zeolite minerals (analcime) occur in Pleistocene deposits as shallow as 224 mbsf. The assemblage phillipsite + analcime + chabazite appears at 635 mbsf (Site 832) and at 376 mbsf (Site 833). Phillipsite + analcime + chabazite + thomsonite + heulandite are observed between 443 and 732 mbsf at Site 833. Thomsonite is no longer observed below 732 mbsf at Site 833. Heulandite is present to the base of the sections cored. The zeolite assemblages are associated with authigenic clay minerals (nontronite and saponite), calcite, and quartz. Chlorite is noticeable at Site 832 as deep as 851 mbsf. Zeolite zones are present but are less well defined at Site 832. Dolomite and rare magnesite are present below 940 m at Site 832. The coarse-grained authigenic mineral host intervals exhibit geochemical signatures that can be attributed to low grade hydrothermal alteration. The altered intervals show evidence of K2O, CaO, and rare earth elements mobilization. When compared to fine-grained, unaltered units, and to Santa Maria Island volcanics rocks, the altered zones are relatively depleted in rare earth elements, with light rare earth elements-heavy rare earth elements fractionation. Drilling at Site 833 penetrated a sill complex below 840 m. No sill was encountered at Site 832. Complex zonation of zeolite facies, authigenic smectites, carbonates and quartz, and associated geochemical signatures are present at both sites. The mineralogical and chemical alteration overprint is most pronounced in the deeper sections at Site 832. Based on mineralogical and chemical evidence at two locations less than 50 km apart, there is vertical and lateral variation in alteration of the volcaniclastic sediments of North Aoba Basin. The alteration observed may be activated by sill intrusion and associated expulsion of heated fluids into intervals of greater porosity. Such spatial variation in alteration could be attributed to the evolution of the basin axis associated with subduction processes along the New Hebrides Trench.


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Red-brown dolomitic claystones overlay the Marsili Basin basaltic basement at ODP Site 650. Sequential leaching experiments reveal that most of the elements considered to have a hydrothermal or hydrogenous origin in a marine environment, such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Co, Ni, are present mainly in the aluminosilicate fraction of the dolomitic claystones. Their vertical distribution, content and partitioning chemistry of trace elements, and REE patterns suggest enhanced terrigenous input during dolomite formation, but no significant hydrothermal influence from the underlying basaltic basement. Positive correlations in the C and O isotopes in the dolomites reflect complex conditions during the dolomitization. The stable isotopes can be controlled in part by temperature variations during the dolomitization. Majority of the samples, however, form a trend that is steeper than expected for only temperature control on the C and O isotopes. The latter indicates possible isotopic heterogeneity in the proto-carbonate that can be related to arid climatic conditions during the formation of the basal dolomitic claystones. In addition, the dolostones stable isotopic characteristics can be influenced by diagenetic release of heavier delta18O from clay dehydration and/or alteration of siliciclastic material. Strontium and Pb isotopic data reveal that the non-carbonate fraction, the "dye" of the dolomitic claystones, is controlled by Saharan dust (75%-80%) and by material with isotopic characteristics similar to the Aeolian Arc volcanoes (20%-25%). The non-carbonate fraction of the calcareous ooze overlying the dolomitic claystones has a Sr and Pb isotopic composition identical to that of the dolomitic claystones, indicating that no change in the input sources to the sedimentary basin occurred during and after the dolomitization event. Combination of climato-tectonic factors most probably resulted in suitable conditions for dolomitization in the Marsili and the nearby Vavilov Basins. The basal dolomitic claystone sequence was formed at the initiation of the opening of the Marsili Basin (~2 Ma), which coincided with the consecutive glacial stage. The glaciation caused arid climate and enhanced evaporation that possibly contributed to the stable isotope variations in the proto-carbonate. The conductive cooling of the young lithosphere produced high heat flow in the region, causing low-temperature passive convection of pore waters in the basal calcareous sediment. We suggest that this pumping process was the major dolomitization mechanism since it is capable of driving large volumes of seawater (the source of Mg2+) through the sediment. The red-brown hue of the dolomitic claystones is terrigenous contribution of the glacially induced high eolian influx and was not hydrothermally derived from the underlying basaltic basement. The detailed geochemical investigation of the basal dolomitic sequence indicates that the dolomitization was most probably related to complex tectono-climatic conditions set by the initial opening stages of the Marsili Basin and glaciation.


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Alteration products of basalts from the four holes drilled during Leg 81 were studied and found to be characterized by the widespread occurrence of trioctahedral clay minerals (Mg smectite to chlorite). In some cases zeolites (analcite, chabazite) are associated with the saponite. A more oxidizing stage is marked by a saponite-celadonite association, presenting the geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal processes. Later stages of alteration are represented by palagonitization and subaerial weathering at two sites. These different alteration processes of basalts from Leg 81 record the paleoenvironment during the first opening stages of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean in the Paleocene-Eocene periods.


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The Leg 80 basalts drilled on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain 10 km southwest of Goban Spur (Hole 550B) and on the western edge of Goban Spur (Hole 551), respectively, are typical light-rare-earth-element- (LREE-) depleted oceanic tholeiites. The basalts from the two holes are almost identical; most of their primary geochemical and mineralogical characteristics have been preserved, but they have undergone some low-temperature alteration by seawater, such as enrichment in K, Rb, and Cs and development of secondary potassic minerals of the "brownstone facies." K/Ar dating fail to give realistic emplacement ages; the apparent ages obtained become younger with alteration (causing an increase in K2O). Hole 551 basalts are clearly different from the continental tholeiites emplaced on the margins of oceanizing domains during the prerift and synrift stages.


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Titanomagnetites separated from 15 different rock samples (including ocean-floor basalts from DSDP Legs 37, 45 and 46) were analyzed together with whole-rock samples by instrumental neutron-activation analysis for Sc, Cr, Co, Zn, Hf, Ta, Th and the REE La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Tm, Yb and Lu. In titanomagnetities from ocean-floor basalts and some other rocks, REE are enriched with respect to the whole-rock composition by factors of between 1.5 and 3 for light REE and between 1.0 and 1.9 for heavy REE; that is, REE with larger ionic radii are preferentially incorporated into the magnetite lattice. Three magnetite samples are REE depleted. Their whole-rock samples contain P in appreciable amounts, so apatite, an important REE-accumulating mineral, could have captured REE to some extent. All titanomagnetites show a marked negative Eu anomaly, this is most probably caused by discrimination of Eu(2+) from the magnetite lattice. Co, Zn, Hf and Ta are significantly enriched in magnetites. The distribution behaviour of Sc and Cr is masked chiefly by the crystallization of clinopyroxene and therefore is not easy to estimate. Ulvöspinel contents of about 70% for the titanomagnetites from ocean-floor basalts were estimated from qualitative microprobe analysis. Ulvöspinel contents of all other samples varied in a wide range from 20% to about 90%. No correlation could be observed between this and the REE contents of the magnetites. Ilmenite exsolution lamellae could only be observed in titanomagnetites from a doleritic basalt from Leg 45.


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Behavior of rare earth elements (REE) was examined in oceanic phillipsites collected from four horizons of eupelagic clay in the Southwest Basin of the Pacific Ocean. REE concentrations were determined in >50 ?m size fraction phillipsite samples by the ICP-MS method. Composition of separate phillipsite aggregates was studied by electron microprobe and secondary ion mass-spectrometry. Rare earth elements in phillipsite samples are related to admixture of ferrocalcium hydroxophosphates. Analysis of separate phillipsite aggregates reveals low (<0.1-18.1 ppm) REE(III) concentrations. Ce concentration varies between 2.7 and 140 ppm. The correlation analysis shows that REE(III) present in admixture of iron oxyhydroxides in separate phillipsite aggregates. Based on the REE(III) concentration in iron oxyhydroxides we can identify two generations of phillipsite aggregates. Massive rounded aggregates (phillipsite I) are depleted in REE, while pseudorhombic (phillipsite II) aggregates are enriched in REE and marked by a positive Ce anomaly. Oceanic phillipsites do not accumulate REE or inherit the REE signature of volcaniclastic material and oceanic deep water. Hence, REE distribution in phillipsites does not depend on sedimentation rate and composition of host sediments.


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Sediments from Sites 582 (11 samples), 583 (19 samples), 584 (31 samples), 294 (1 sample), 296 (9 samples), 297 (3 samples), 436 (11 samples), and 439 (3 samples) were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and/or instrumental neutron activation analysis. Ten major elements and 24 minor and trace elements (including 7 rare earth elements) were determined with these methods. Geochemistry varies systematically with both the site location and sediment age. Such variations are explained in terms of changes in sedimentation processes caused by plate motion and changes in ocean currents.


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Leg 61 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) was concerned with drilling a single continuously cored multiple re-entry hole at site 462 in the Central Nauru Basin (Fig. 1). Preliminary results of this drilling, which penetrated more than 1 km beneath the sea floor, were presented earlier. One major result was the discovery of a late Cretaceous off-ridge volcanic/intrusive complex of basaltic composition and great thickness (>500 m). We now present trace element abundance data for these basalts. Results of the drilling provide further support for a relatively long-lived thermal and magmatic event in the late Cretaceous resulting in voluminous and widespread magmatism in the central and western Pacific consistent with earlier suggestions. The trace element data show that most of the rocks produced during this event have trace element characteristics intermediate between those of normal and transitional mid-ocean ridge basalts (N- and T-type MORB) and different from Hawaiian basalts. These results indicate that basalts which are depleted in light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to the heavy REE may, in certain conditions, be erupted as voluminous intra-plate eruptions far from active ridge crests.