333 resultados para Boundary layer, lower


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Investigations of piston cores from the Vema Channel and lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise suggest the presence of episodic flow of deep and bottom water during the Late Pleistocene. Cores from below the present-day foraminiferal lysocline (at ~4000 m) contain an incomplete depositional record consisting of Mn nodules and encrustations, hemipelagic clay, displaced high-latitude diatoms, and poorly preserved heterogeneous microfossil assemblages. Cores from the depth range between 2900 m and 4000 m contain an essentially complete Late Pleistocene record, and consist of well-defined carbonate dissolution cycles with periodicities of ~100,000 years. Low carbonate content and increased dissolution correspond to glacial episodes, as interpreted by oxygen isotopic analysis of bulk foraminiferal assemblages. The absence of diagnostic high-latitude indicators (Antarctic diatoms) within the dissolution cyclss, however, suggests that AABW may not have extended to significantly shallower elevations on the lower flanks of the Rio Grande Rise during the Late Pleistocene. Therefore episodic AABW flow may not necessarily be the mechanism responsible for producing these cyclic events. This interpretation is also supported by the presence of an apparently complete Brunhes depositional record in the same cores, suggesting current velocities insufficient for significant erosion. Fluctuations in the properties and flow characteristics of another water mass, such as NADW, may be involved. The geologic evidence in core-top samples near the present-day AABW/NADW transition zone is consistent with either of two possible interpretations of the upper limit of AABW on the east flank of the channel. The foraminiferal lysocline, at ~4000 m, is near the top of the benthic thermocline and nepheloid layer, and may therefore correspond to the upper limit of relatively corrosive AABW. On the other hand, the carbonate compensation depth (CDD) at ~4250 m, which corresponds to the maximum gradient in the benthic thermocline, is characterized by rapid deposition of relatively fine-grained sediment. Such a zone of convergence and preferential sediment accumulation would be expected near the level of no motion in the AABW/NADW transition zone as a consequence of Ekman-layer veering of the mean velocity vector in the bottom boundary layer. It is possible that both of these interpretations are in part correct. The "level of no motion'' may in fact correspond to the CCD, while at the same time relatively corrosive water of Antarctic origin may mix with overlying NADW and therefore elevate the foraminifera] lysocline to depths above the level of no motion. Closely spaced observations of the hydrography and flow characteristics within the benthic thermocline will be required in order to use sediment parameters as more precise indicators of paleo-circulation.


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Coarse (PM10-2.5) and fine (PM2.5) particulate matter in the atmosphere adversely affect human health and influence climate. While PM2.5 is relatively well studied, less is known about the sources and fate of PM10-2.5. The Colorado Coarse Rural-Urban Sources and Health (CCRUSH) study measured PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 mass concentrations, as well as the fraction of semi-volatile material (SVM) in each size regime (SVM2.5, SVM10-2.5), for three years in Denver and comparatively rural Greeley, Colorado. Agricultural operations east of Greeley appear to have contributed to the peak PM10-2.5 concentrations there, but concentrations were generally lower in Greeley than in Denver. Traffic-influenced sites in Denver had PM10-2.5 concentrations that averaged from 14.6 to 19.7 µg/m**3 and mean PM10-2.5/PM10 ratios of 0.56 to 0.70, higher than at residential sites in Denver or Greeley. PM10-2.5 concentrations were more temporally variable than PM2.5 concentrations. Concentrations of the two pollutants were not correlated. Spatial correlations of daily averaged PM10-2.5 concentrations ranged from 0.59 to 0.62 for pairs of sites in Denver and from 0.47 to 0.70 between Denver and Greeley. Compared to PM10-2.5, concentrations of PM2.5 were more correlated across sites within Denver and less correlated between Denver and Greeley. PM10-2.5 concentrations were highest during the summer and early fall, while PM2.5 and SVM2.5 concentrations peaked in winter during periodic multi-day inversions. SVM10-2.5 concentrations were low at all sites. Diurnal peaks in PM10-2.5 and PM2.5 concentrations corresponded to morning and afternoon peaks of traffic activity, and were enhanced by boundary layer dynamics. SVM2.5 concentrations peaked around noon on both weekdays and weekends. PM10-2.5 concentrations at sites located near highways generally increased with wind speeds above about 3 m/s. Little wind speed dependence was observed for the residential sites in Denver and Greeley.


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Sixty surface sediment samples from the eastern South Atlantic Ocean including the Walvis Ridge, the Angola and Cape basins, and the Southwest African continental margin were analysed for their benthic foraminiferal content to unravel faunal distribution patterns and ecological preferences. Live (stained with Rose Bengal) and dead faunas were counted separately and then each grouped by Q-mode principal component analysis into seven principal faunal end-members. Then, multiple regression technique was used to correlate Recent assemblages with available environmental variables and to finally differentiate between four principal groups of environmental agents acting upon the generation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages: (1) seasonality of food supply and organic carbon flux rates, together with oxygen content in the pore and bottom waters; (2) lateral advection of deep-water masses; (3) bottom water carbonate corrosiveness; and (4) energetic state at the benthic boundary layer and grain size composition of the substrate. Food supply and corresponding dissolved oxygen contents in the pore and bottom waters turned out to be the most important factors which control the distribution pattern of the Recent benthic foraminifera. At the continental margin, in the zone of coastal upwelling and its mixing area, benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by stenobathic high-productivity faunas, characterized by elevated standing stocks, low diversities and a large number of endobenthic living species. At the continental shelf and upper continental slope the live assemblages are characterized by Rectuvigerina cylindrica, Uvigerina peregrina s.1., Uvigerina auberiana and Rhizammina spp. while the dead assemblages are characterized by Cassidulina laevigata, Bolivina dilatata, Bulimina costata and B. mexicana. At the lower continental slope strong influence of high organic matter fluxes on the species composition is restricted to the area off the Cunene river mouth, where the live assemblage is dominated by Uvigerina peregrina s.1., the corresponding dead assemblage by Melonis barleeanum and M. zaandamae. In the adjacent areas of the lower continental slope the biocoenosis is characterized by Reophax bilocularis, and Epistominella exigua which becomes dominant in the corresponding dead assemblage. At the Walvis Ridge and in the abyssal Angola and Cape basins, where organic matter fluxes are low and highly seasonal, benthic foraminiferal assemblages reflect both the oligotrophic situation and the deep and bottom water mass configuration. The top and flanks of the Walvis Ridge are inhabited by the Rhizammina, Psammosphaera and R. bilocularis live assemblages, the corresponding dead assemblages are dominated by G. subglobosa on the ridge top and E. exigua on the flanks. Within the highly diverse E. exigua dead assemblage several associated epibenthic species coincide with the core of NADW between about 1600 and 3700 m water depth. These species include Osangularia culter, Cibicidoides kullenbergi, Melonis pompilioides, Bolivinita pseudothalmanni and Bulimina alazanensis. The assemblages of the abyssal Cape and Angola basins are characterized by Nuttallides umbonifer and a high proportion of agglutinated species. These species are adapted to very low organic matter fluxes and a carbonate corrosive environment.