600 resultados para zone of confluence
The quantitative study of distribution and taxonomic composition of recent living and dead (without plasma) benthic foraminifers revealed three foraminiferal assemblages in bottom sediments of the Pacific Ocean at depths of 3350 to 4981 m. The assemblage dominated by epibenthic Lagenammina difflugiformis, Reophax dentaliniformis, and Saccorhiza ramose occupies slopes of underwater hills. The assemblage with a high share of infaunal Cribrostomoides subglobosum, C. nitidum, and Ammobaculites agglutinans is registered on an abyssal plateau. The assemblage with a significant proportion of large Astrorhiza and Reophax species, which are characterized by active way of life, populates gentle slopes and narrow depressions with potentially strong bottom currents.
Based on observations and experiments carried out within the White Sea silty-sandy littoral zone in 1994-1997 data on biology of development and behavior of Hydrobia ulvae juveniles over water column and in sediments were obtained. Hydrobiid juveniles 0.125-0.150 mm in size appear in plankton during the second half of June and in two to three weeks they precipitate on sediments reaching 0.300-0.350 mm in size. Specific biological features of the White Sea hydrobiids are a short reproductive period and a short period of juvenile growth related to long under-ice time and decelerated warming of shallow waters. Distribution of juvenile individuals of H. ulvae is primarily determined by hydrodynamics and microtopography of the littoral zone. Redistribution of the juveniles permanently takes place, since all size groups of the juveniles are equally subjected to migration. During the first few weeks after settling mortality of juvenile mudsnails is 85%.
Zooplankton was studied on eight stations in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Barents Sea, in May 1999, along two transects across the ice edge. On each station, physical background measurements and zooplankton samples were taken every 6 h over a 24 h period at five discrete depth intervals. Cluster analysis revealed separation of open water stations from all ice stations as well as high similarity level among replicates belonging to particular station. Based on five replicates per station, analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed significant differences (P < 0.05) in abundances of the main mesozooplankton taxa among stations. Relations between the zooplankton community and environmental parameters were established using redundancy analysis (CANOCO). In total, 55% of mesozooplankton variability within studied area was explained by eight variables with significant conditional effects: depth stratum, fluorescence, temperature, salinity, bottom depth, latitude, bloom situation, and ice concentration. GLM models supported supposition about clear and negative relationship between concentration of Oithona similis, and overall mesozooplankton diversity The analyses showed a dynamic relationship between mesozooplankton distribution and hydrological conditions on short-term scale. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that variability in the physical environment of dynamic MIZ of the Barents Sea has measurable effect on the Arctic pelagic ecosystem.
Detailed geological, geophysical and lithological investigations of a section in the South Atlantic Ridge between 20°S and 30°S were made during Cruise 7 of R/V Professor Shtokman in 1982. The ridge is dissected by faults running across and along its strike. The bottom of the rift valley is at depth 3600-3800 m, and summits of seamounts are at depths 1800-2200 m. Aphyric and slightly porphyritic olivine-plagioclase basalts occur extensively in the rift zone, while highly porphyritic plagioclase basalts occur in the southern part of the area. All basalts are of the shallow depth central type representing plagioclase depth facies (15-30 km). Sediments (mainly foraminiferal-coccolithic oozes) occur in some depression traps.
The Jinshajiang suture zone, located in the eastern part of the Tethyan tectonic domain, is noticeable for a large-scale distribution of Late Jurassic to Triassic granitoids. These granitoids were genetically related to the evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean. The Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids occur in the middle zone of the Jinshajiang Suture Zone, and possess similar geochemical features, indicating they share a common magma source. SIMS zircon U-Pb dating reveals the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitic intrusions were emplaced at 233.9±1.4 Ma (2 sigma), 233.1 ±1.4 Ma (2 sigma) and 231.0±1.6 Ma (2 sigma), respectively. All of these granitoids are enriched in abundances of Si (SiO2 =65.2-73.5 wt.%), and large-ion-lithophile-elements (LILEs), but depleted in high-field-strength-elements contents (HFSEs, e.g., Nb, Ta, Ti). In addition, they have low P2O5 contents (0.06-0.11 wt.%), A/CNK values ([molecular Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O+K2O)], mostly<1.1) and 10000Ga/Al ratios (1.7-2.2), consistent with the characteristics of I-type granites. In terms of isotopic compositions, these granitoids have high initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7078-0.7148), Pb isotopic compositions [(206Pb/204Pb)t=18.213-18.598, (207Pb/204Pb)t=15.637-15.730 and (208Pb/204Pb)t=38.323-38.791], zircon d18O values (7. per mil-9.3 per mil) and negative eNd(t) values (-5.1 to -6.7), suggesting they were predominantly derived from the continental crust. Their Nb/Ta ratios (average value=8.6) are consistent with those of the lower continental crust (LCC). However, variable ?Hf(t) values (-8.6 to +2.8) and the occurrences of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) suggest that mantle-derived melts and lower crustal magmas were involved in the generation of these granitoids. Moreover, the high Pb isotopic ratios and elevated zircon d18O values of these rocks indicate a significant contribution of the upper crustal composition. We propose a model in which the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids were generated under a late collisional or post-collisional setting. It is possible that this collision was completed before Late Triassic. Decompression induced mantle-derived magmas underplated and provided the heat for the anatexis of the crust. Hybrid melts including mantle-derived and the lower crustal magmas were then generated. The hybrid melts thereafter ascended to a shallow depth and resulted in some degree of sedimentary rocks assimilation. Such three-component mixing magmas source and subsequent fractional crystallization could be responsible for the formation of the Beiwu, Linong and Lunong granitoids.
Data on nephelometry, CTD probing, and dissolved manganese obtained during Cruise 34 of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh showed that a multiplume was found over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rift zone near 29°N. This multiplume comprises plumes of several hydrothermal vents and is separate from the plume of the Broken Spur hydrothermal field. Approximate coordinates were estimated for three vents.
On the basis of analysis of satellite and field data collected in Russian Arctic Seas maps of distribution of primary production for different months of the vegetation period were compiled. These maps were used to estimate annual primary production of organic carbon: 55 million tons in the Barents Sea; about 20 million tons in the Kara Sea; 10-15 million tons in the Laptev Sea and in the East Siberian Sea, 42 million tons in the Chukchi Sea. In the central and eastern parts of the Barents Sea during the vegetation period values of primary production decreased by factor >5 (from >500 to <100 mg C/m**2/day). By reviewing results of studies with sediment traps vertical fluxes of organic carbon in different regions of the Arctic Basin were estimated. Significant temporal variability of Corg fluxes with maxima during phytoplankton blooms (by 830 mg C/m**2/day) was noted. Typical summer fluxes of Corg are 10-40 mg C/m**2/day in the southern Barents Sea, 1-10 mg C/m**2/day in the northern Barents Sea and in the Kara Sea, and up to 370 mg C/m**2/day in the zone of marginal filters of the Ob and Yenisey rivers.
Major and trace element (including REE) geochemistry of basalts and chilled basaltic glasses from the MAR axial zone in the vicinity of the Sierra Leone FZ (5-7°10'N) has been studied. Associations of basalts of various compositions with particular ocean-floor geological structural features have been analyzed as well. Three basaltic varieties have been discriminated. Almost ubiquitous are high-Mg basalts (Variety 1) that are derivatives of N-MORB tholeiitic melts and that are produced in the axial zone of spreading. Variety 2 is alkaline basalts widespread on the southwestern flank of the MAR crest zone in the Sierra Leone region, likely generated through deep mantle melting under plume impact. Variety 3 is basalts derivative from T- and P-MORB-like tholeiitic melts and originating through addition of deeper mantle material to depleted upper mantle melts. Magma generation parameters, as calculated from chilled glass compositions, are different for depleted tholeiites (44-55 km, 1320-1370°C) and enriched tholeiites (45-78 km, 1330-1450°C). Mantle plume impact is shown to affect not only tholeiitic basalt compositions but also magma generation conditions in the axial spreading zone, resulting in higher Ti and Na concentrations in melts parental to rift-related basalts occurring near the plume. T- and P-MORBs are also developed near areas where mantle plumes are localized. High-Mg basalts are shown to come in several types with distinctive Ti and Na contents. Nearly every single MAR segment (bounded by sinistral strike slips and the Bogdanov Fracture Zone) is featured by its own basalt type suggesting that it has formed above an asthenospheric diapir with its unique magma generation conditions. These conditions are time variable. Likely causes of temporal and spatial instability of the mantle upwelling beneath this portion of the MAR are singular tectonic processes and plume activity. In sulfide-bearing rift morphostructures (so-called "Ore area'' and the Markov Basin), basalts make up highly evolved suites generated through olivine and plagioclase fractionation, which is suggestive of relatively long-lived magma chambers beneath the sulfide-bearing rift morphostructures. Functioning of these chambers is a combined effect of singular geodynamic regime and plume activity. In these chambers melts undergo deep differentiation leading to progressively increasing concentration of sulfide phase, eventually to be supplied to the hydrothermal plumbing system.
Results of comprehensive geological, geophysical and geochemical studies carried out in the Cape Verde Fracture Zone (Central Atlantic) during Cruise 9 of R/V ''Antares'' (1990-1991) are published in the book. Detailed characterization of various bedrock complexes (ultrabasites, gabbroids, dolerites, basalts, metamorphic rocks) is given. Geological conditions of newly found hydrothermal mineralization in the area are described. Problems of ore melts are under consideration. New data on hydrochemical anomalies and heat flow are given. The book contains original materials on sedimentary formations of the area.
Surface sediments from the South American continental margin surrounding tbe Argentine Basin were studied with respect to bulk geochemistry (Caeo) and C ) and grain-size composition (sand/silt/clay relation and terrigenous silt grain-size distribution). The grain-size distributions of the terrigenous silt fraction were unmixed into three end members (EMs), using an end-member modelling algorithm. Three unimodal EMs appear to satisfactorily explain the variations in the data set of the grain-size distributions ofterrigenous silt. The EMs are related to sediment supply by rivers, downslope transport, winnowing, dispersal and re-deposition by currents. The bulk geochemical composition was used to trace the distribution of prominent water masses within the vertical profile. The sediments of the eastern South American continental margin are generally divided into a coarse-grained and carbonate-depleted southwestern part, and a finer-grained and carbonate-rich northeastern part. The transition of both environments is located at the position of the Brazil Malvinas Confluence (BMC). The sediments below the confluence mixing zone of the Malvinas and Brazil Currents and its extensions are characterised by high concentrations of organic carbon, low carbonate contents and high proportions of the intennediate grain-size end member. Tracing these properties, the BMC emerges as a distinct north-south striking feature centered at 52-54°W crossing the continental margin diagonally. Adjacent to this prominent feature in the southwest, the direct detrital sediment discharge of the Rio de la Plata is clearly recognised by a downslope tongue of sand and high proportions of the coarsest EM. A similar coarse grain-size composition extends further south along the continental slope. However, it displays bener sorting due to intense winnowing by the vigorous Malvinas Current. Fine-grained sedimentary deposition zones are located at the southwestern deeper part of the Rio Grande Rise and the southern abyssal Brazil Basin, both within the AABW domain. Less conspicuous winnowing/accumulation panerns are indicated north of the La Plata within the NADW level according to the continental margin topography. We demonstrate that combined bulk geochemical and grain-size properties of surface sediments, unmixed with an end-member algorithm, provide a powerful tool to reconstruct the complex interplay of sedimentology and oceanography along a time slice.
We assessed relationships between phytoplankton standing stock, measured as chlorophyll a (Chl a), primary production (PP), and heterotrophic picoplankton production (HPP), in the epipelagic zone (0-100 m) as well as in the mesopelagic zone (100-1,000 m) in the polar frontal zone of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean in austral summer (late December to January) and fall (March to early May). Integrated epipelagic HPP was positively correlated to integrated PP in summer (data for fall are not available) but not to integrated Chl a. However, integrated mesopelagic HPP was positively correlated to Chl a in summer as well as fall. The mesopelagic fraction of HPP as a percentage of total HPP was also positively correlated to Chl a, whereas the epipelagic fraction of HPP was negatively correlated to it. These results indicate that with increasing phytoplankton standing stock, constituted mainly of highly silicified diatoms, the focus of its consumption by heterotrophic picoplankton shifts from epipelagic to mesopelagic waters. With a growth efficiency of 30%, our HPP data indicate that in both the epipelagic and mesopelagic zone heterotrophic picoplankton consume 20% of PP. Mesopelagic heterotrophic picoplankton consumed around 80% of the sinking flux, measured from depletion of 234Th, which is a lower fraction than that reported from the central and subarctic Pacific. Our analysis indicates that it is important to include mesopelagic HPP in comprehensive assessments of the microbial consumption of PP, phytoplankton biomass, and particulate organic matter in cold oceanic systems with high rates of export production.