348 resultados para rough rock


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Dense, CO2-rich fluid inclusions hosted by plagioclases, An45 to An54, of the O.-v.-Gruber- Anorthosite body, central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, contain varying amounts of small calcite, paragonite and pyrophyllite crystals detected by Raman microspectroscopy. These crystals are reaction products that have formed during cooling of the host and the original CO2-rich H2O-bearing enclosed fluid. Variable amounts of these reaction products illustrates that the reaction did not take place uniformly in all fluid inclusions, possibly due to differences in kinetics as caused by differences in shape and size, or due to compositional variation in the originally trapped fluid. The reaction albite + 2anorthite + 2H2O + 2CO2 = pyrophyllite + paragonite + 2calcite was thermodynamically modelled with consideration of different original fluid compositions. Although free H2O is not detectable in most fluid inclusions, the occurrence of OH-bearing sheet silicates indicates that the original fluid was not pure CO2, but contained significant amounts of H2O. Compared to an actual fluid inclusion it is obvious, that volume estimations of solid phases can be used as a starting point to reverse the retrograde reaction and recalculate the compositional and volumetrical properties of the original fluid. Isochores for an unmodified inclusion can thus be reconstructed, leading to a more realistic estimation of P-T conditions during earlier metamorphic stages or fluid capturing.


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Small-scale shear zones are present in drillcore samples of abyssal peridotites from the Mid-Atlantic ridge at 15°20'N (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 209). The shear zones act as pathways for both evolved melts and hydrothermal fluids. We examined serpentinites directly adjacent to such zones to evaluate chemical changes resulting from melt-rock and fluid-rock interaction and their influence on the mineralogy. Compared to fresh harzburgite and melt-unaffected serpentinites, serpentinites adjacent to melt-bearing veins show a marked enrichment in rare earth elements (REE), strontium and high field strength elements (HFSE) zirconium and niobium. From comparison with published chemical data of variably serpentinized and melt-unaffected harzburgites, one possible interpretation is that interaction with the adjacent melt veins caused the enrichment in HFSE, whereas the REE contents might also be enriched due to hydrothermal processes. Enrichment in alumina during serpentinization is corroborated by reaction path models for interaction of seawater with harzburgite-plagiogranite mixtures. These models explain both increased amounts of alumina in the serpentinizing fluid for increasing amounts of plagiogranitic material mixed with harzburgite, and the absence of brucite from the secondary mineralogy due to elevated silica activity. By destabilizing brucite, nearby melt veins might fundamentally influence the low-temperature alteration behaviour of serpentinites. Although observations and model results are in general agreement, due to absence of any unaltered protolith a quantification of element transport during serpentinization is not straightforward.


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We report natural remanent magnetization (NRM) directions and geomagnetic paleointensity proxies for part of the Matuyama Chron (0.9-2.2 Ma interval) from two sites located on sediment drifts in the Iceland Basin. At Ocean Drilling Program Sites 983 and 984, mean sedimentation rates in the late Matuyama Chron are 15.9 and 11.5 cm/kyr, respectively. For the older part of the record (>1.2 Ma), oxygen isotope data are too sparse to provide the sole basis for age model construction. The resemblance of the volume susceptibility record and a reference d18O record led us to match the two records to derive the age models. This match, based on Site 983/984 susceptibility, is consistent with available Site 983/984 benthic d18O data. Paleointensity proxies were derived from the slope of the NRM versus anhysteretic remanent magnetization plot for alternating field demagnetization in the 30-60 mT peak field range. Paleointensity lows correspond to polarity reversals at the limits of the Jaramillo, Olduvai, Cobb Mountain, and Réunion Subchrons and to seven excursions in NRM component directions. Magnetic excursions (defined here by virtual geomagnetic polar latitudes crossing the virtual geomagnetic equator) are observed at 932, 1048, 1115, 1190-1215 (Cobb Mountain Subchron), 1255, 1472-1480, 1567-1575 (Gilsa Subchron), and 1977 ka. The results indicate that geomagnetic directional excursions, associated with paleointensity minima, are a characteristic of the Matuyama Chron and probably of polarity chrons in general.