756 resultados para Leg Cuts
Planktonic foraminifers recovered from five sites drilled off western Portugal during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 173 are documented. Hole 1065A yielded planktonic foraminifers from Miocene sediments in Sections 173-1065A-1R-1 through 6R-2. Hole 1067A penetrated middle Eocene sediments containing planktonic foraminifers in Section 173-1067A-1R-1 through Lower Eocene planktonic foraminiferal horizons to Section 12R-CC. Hole 1068A yielded planktonic foraminiferal assemblages from middle Eocene sediments at Section 173-1068A-1R-1 to Maastrichtian sediments at Section 173-1068A-15R-3, whereas Hole 1069A contained middle Eocene taxa in Section 173-1069A-1R-1 through Campanian/Maastrichtian forms in Section 173-1069A-15R-2. All of the planktonic foraminifers recovered from these sites are of poor to moderately good preservation and are variable in abundance. Hole 1070A yielded only six planktonic foraminifers, with the assemblages being dominated by benthic foraminifers and fish teeth. The co-occurrence of other microfossil groups, including benthic foraminifers, are only briefly discussed here. The lower Miocene biosiliceous facies recorded in Hole 1065A is considered to be coeval with a similar facies found in onshore sections farther to the east, in southern Spain.
Upper Quaternary calcareous nannofossils contained in drill cores taken in the heavily sedimented Middle Valley of the northern Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific Ocean (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 139) are investigated. The host sediments have been subjected at depth to high temperatures and hot hydrothermal fluids that have altered or destroyed in part or in toto the nannofossil assemblages, thereby raising at several sites the level of the first (deepest) stratigraphic occurrence of nannofossils or of the important Emiliania huxleyi datum. The degree of alteration of the nannofossil assemblages is dependent on the intensity of the hydrothermal activity, which is indicated by paleotemperatures derived independently from studies of color alteration of palynomorphs and by vitrinite reflectance (Mao et al., this volume). State of preservation and the downhole level at which assemblages have been destroyed correlate well with the inferred paleotemperature estimates. Destruction of the assemblages appears to be species selective and follows in general the dissolution rankings determined independently by others for Recent nannofossils of the Pacific basin. More systematic correlation of these phenomena is hampered, however, by the fact that nannofossil preservation is already quite variable at the time of deposition because of the predominance of turbidite activity in the study area.