505 resultados para Exportation of nutrients
High-resolution sampling from late Pleistocene (last 400 k.y.) sediments of Site 722 (upper 16 m) and Site 724 (upper 70 m), and subsequent inorganic geochemical analysis, has defined the history of productivity in the northwest Arabian Sea. Eolian dust input from the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia is characterized by the record of Ti/Al and Cr/Al. This dust record displays strong precessional periodicity (cycles at 25 k.y.) suggesting the Southwest Monsoon and associated winds play a key role in transporting terrigenous material from the land. High biological productivity results in the accumulation of biogenic CaCO3 and opal in the sediments, the latter having an unexpectedly minor contribution to the total mass flux. Due to dilution of the CaCO3 record by the terrigenous component, the record of biological productivity is best exemplified by Ba. Its record, together with that of other metals recording biological association and redox variability (Cu, Ni, Zn, V, U) clearly identifies the interglacial episodes as being more biologically productive. The striking agreement between Ba and the d18O record in planktonic foraminifers suggests that the supply of nutrients during these periods of high productivity is linked to ocean-wide changes in ocean fertility, and not just local upwelling conditions. High levels of phosphate accumulation in interglacial sediments is attributed to both diagenetic phosphorite formation and biogenic skeletal debris. This study provides a detailed record of productivity variation in the northwest Arabian Sea during the late Pleistocene.
Seagrass ecosystems are expected to benefit from the global increase in CO2 in the ocean because the photosynthetic rate of these plants may be Ci-limited at the current CO2 level. As well, it is expected that lower external pH will facilitate the nitrate uptake of seagrasses if nitrate is cotransported with H+ across the membrane as in terrestrial plants. Here, we investigate the effects of CO2 enrichment on both carbon and nitrogen metabolism of the seagrass Zostera noltii in a mesocosm experiment where plants were exposed for 5 months to two experimental CO2 concentrations (360 and 700 ppm). Both the maximum photosynthetic rate (Pm) and photosynthetic efficiency (a) were higher (1.3- and 4.1-fold, respectively) in plants exposed to CO2-enriched conditions. On the other hand, no significant effects of CO2 enrichment on leaf growth rates were observed, probably due to nitrogen limitation as revealed by the low nitrogen content of leaves. The leaf ammonium uptake rate and glutamine synthetase activity were not significantly affected by increased CO2 concentrations. On the other hand, the leaf nitrate uptake rate of plants exposed to CO2-enriched conditions was fourfold lower than the uptake of plants exposed to current CO2 level, suggesting that in the seagrass Z. noltii nitrate is not cotransported with H+ as in terrestrial plants. In contrast, the activity of nitrate reductase was threefold higher in plant leaves grown at high-CO2 concentrations. Our results suggest that the global effects of CO2 on seagrass production may be spatially heterogeneous and depend on the specific nitrogen availability of each system. Under a CO2 increase scenario, the natural levels of nutrients will probably become limiting for Z. noltii. This potential limitation becomes more relevant because the expected positive effect of CO2 increase on nitrate uptake rate was not confirmed.
We investigated the effects of pH on movement behaviors of the harmful algal bloom causing raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo. Motility parameters from >8000 swimming tracks of individual cells were quantified using 3D digital video analysis over a 6-h period in 3 pH treatments reflecting marine carbonate chemistry during the pre-industrial era, currently, and the year 2100. Movement behaviors were investigated in two different acclimation-to-target-pH conditions: instantaneous exposure and acclimation of cells for at least 11 generations. There was no negative impairment of cell motility when exposed to elevated PCO2 (i.e., low pH) conditions but there were significant behavioral responses. Irrespective of acclimation condition, lower pH significantly increased downward velocity and frequency of downward swimming cells (p < 0.001). Rapid exposure to lower pH resulted in 9% faster downward vertical velocity and up to 19% more cells swimming downwards (p < 0.001). Compared to pH-shock experiments, pre-acclimation of cells to target pH resulted in ~30% faster swimming speed and up to 46% faster downward velocities (all p < 0.001). The effect of year 2100 PCO2 levels on population diffusivity in pre-acclimated cultures was >2-fold greater than in pH-shock treatments (2.2 × 105 µm**2/s vs. 8.4 × 104 µm**2/s). Predictions from an advection-diffusion model, suggest that as PCO2 increased the fraction of the population aggregated at the surface declined, and moved deeper in the water column. Enhanced downward swimming of H. akashiwo at low pH suggests that these behavioral responses to elevated PCO2 could reduce the likelihood of dense surface slick formation of H. akashiwo through reductions in light exposure or growth independent surface aggregations. We hypothesize that the HAB alga's response to higher PCO2 may exploit the signaling function of high PCO2 as indicative of net heterotrophy in the system, thus indicative of high predation rates or depletion of nutrients.
The interactive effects of nutrient availability and ocean acidification on coral calcification were investigated using post-settlement juvenile corals of Acropora digitifera cultured in nutrient-sufficient or nutrient-depleted seawater for 4 d and then exposed to seawater with different partial pressure of carbon dioxide () conditions (38.8 or 92.5 Pa) for 10 d. After the nutrient pretreatment, corals in the high nutrient condition (HN corals) had a significantly higher abundance of endosymbiotic algae than did those in the low nutrient condition (LN corals). The high abundance of endosymbionts in HN corals was reduced as a result of subsequent seawater acidification, and the chlorophyll a per algal cell increased. The photosynthetic oxygen production rate by endosymbionts was enhanced by the acidified seawater regardless of the nutrient treatment, indicating that the reduction in endosymbiont density in HN corals due to acidification was compensated for by the increase in chlorophyll a per cell. Though the photosynthetic rate increased in the acidified conditions for both LN and HN corals, the calcification rate significantly decreased for LN corals but not for HN corals. The acquisition of nutrients from seawater, rather than the increase in alkalinity caused by photosynthesis, might effectively alleviate the negative response of coral calcification to seawater acidification, suggesting that the response of corals and their endosymbionts to ocean acidification can be influenced by nutrient conditions.
The magnitude of Late Holocene climatic variations are less significant than those that took place during ice ages and deglaciations. However, detailed knowledge about this period is vital in order to understand and model future climate scenarios both as a result of natural climate variation and the effects of global warming. Oceanic heat flux is important for the sensitive climate regime of northern Europe. Our aim is to connect hydrographical changes, reflected by the dinoflagellates cyst (dinocysts) assemblages in the sediments in the Malangen fjord, to local and regional climatic phases. Previous studies have shown that dinocyst assemblages are influenced by temperature, salinity, and the availability of nutrients (e.g. de Vernal et al. 2005, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2004.06.014; de Vernal et al. 2001, doi:10.1002/jqs.659; Grosfjeld et al. this volume; Rochon et al. 2008, doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2008.04.001; Solignac et al. this volume). Dinoflagellates are mostly unicellular organisms that make up one of the main groups of phytoplankton. They are able to regulate their depth within the photic zone and to concentrate along oceanic fronts, which provide nutrient-enriched waters. The dinoflagellate cysts are the hypnozygotes of dinoflagellates naturally produced during the life cycle. Their wall is composed of a highly resistant organic material, which has a high potential to fossilize. Because dinocysts species are linked to particular abiotic and biotic parameters, the dinocyst assemblages provide information about past surface water conditions. Since each fjord has its own hydrographic setting, it is necessary to establish a firm link between the dinocyst composition of the sediment surface samples and the surface water conditions. Indeed the modern dinocyst distribution in subarctic fjords is little known. Thus, in addition to detailing dinocyst results from two shallow cores, several sediment surface samples located along a transect running from the head to the mouth of the fjord, and extending onto the shelf, are also presented.