318 resultados para 132-809
Site 810 was drilled atop Shatsky Rise during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 132. The principal objective at Site 810 was to drill interbedded cherts and chalks of Mesozoic age using the diamond coring system (DCS). The objective was not achieved because of difficulties in setting up the reentry cone on the seafloor; however, a shortened section of Cretaceous-Cenozoic nannofossil ooze was recovered with the advanced piston corer (APC). Although the section is interrupted by hiatuses, the upper 50 m carry detailed information relating to biogenic productivity, water chemistry, and eolian input during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Four holes were drilled at Site 810. Hole 810A consists of a single mud-line core for an ongoing ODP geriatric study. The second hole (Hole 810B) was washed to 60 mbsf (without core recovery) to provide information required for setting the 16-in. casing attached to the reentry cone. Hole 810C penetrated 136.1 mbsf, mostly with the APC, with a total recovery of 143.81 m of nannofossil ooze. A reentry cone was placed over Hole 810D but no casing was successfully suspended in the hole and no sediment was cored. This data report presents the results of shore-based high-resolution analyses of carbonate and oxygen isotopic variations in the upper 50 m of the section at Site 810 and compares these variations with the shipboard determinations of magnetic susceptibility and GRAPE bulk density from the multisensor track.