308 resultados para Scale 1:1,000,000None
Coarse-fraction studies of sediments recovered during ODP Leg 104 are used to reconstruct paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic environments on a time scale of 0.1 to 0.5 m.y. for the past 20 Ma. These investigations suggest that relatively warm climates and isolated deep water conditions prevailed prior to 13.6 Ma and between 5.6-4.8 Ma. The first major deep water outflow from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea into the North Atlantic took place at about 13.6 Ma. Progressive cooling linked to increased deep water renewal in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea appears to have occurred between 13.6-5.6 Ma and 4.8-3.1 Ma. A major onset of ice-rafted debris is recorded at 2.56 Ma. Terrigenous coarsefraction components show important fluctuations with two major peaks during the past 0.8 Ma.
An isotope-geochronological study of Neogene-Quaternary igneous rocks from the Urup Island (Greater Kuril Ridge) was carried out. It was established that magmatic activity in the island developed during the last 10 my and it was not interrupted by long inactive periods. K-Ar data obtained along with results of diatomic analysis are in good agreement with the regional stratigraphic scheme of Paleogene and Neogene deposits and the intraregional correlation scheme of magmatic rocks in the Kuril Islands, which are developed for the State Geologic Map, scale 1:200 000 (Second edition). In the present-day territory of the Urup Island, the earliest Late Miocene - Early Pliocene (10.5-4.5 Ma) magmatic stage was associated with formation of the Rybakovsky andesite volcanic complex, which is represented by an effusive series (Rybakovskaya Suite) and subvolcanic rocks. Actually at the same time (6.6-4.7 Ma), but at a great depth, intrusive bodies of the Prasolovsky plagiogranite-diorite plutonic complex were intruded. The Pliocene stage of magmatism in the Urup Island is characterized by formation of rocks of the Kamuysky dacitic volcanic complex (4.0-2.1 Ma). This complex is locally represented only by subvolcanic acidic bodies, and its occurrence in the island is limited. During the Pliocene - Early Neopleistocene stage of magmatism (3.0-0.8 Ma) the Fregatsky andesibasalt volcanic complex was formed in the Urup Island. This complex includes effusive series (Fregatskaya unit) and subvolcanic bodies. Quaternary time in the Urup Island is characterized by eruptive activity in subaerial conditions with formation of effusive-pyroclastic intermediate-basic rocks of the Bogatyrsky Middle Neopleistocene - Holocene complex (<0.5 Ma). Rocks of this complex formed stratovolcano cones. Pyroclastic rocks of the Rokovsky dacitic volcanic complex were erupted simultaneously. The mentioned magmatic complexes of the Urup Island well correlate with the distinguished magmatic complexes within the bounds of contiguous insular blocks of the Greater Kuril Arc and confirm uniform geologic history of magmatic development of the region.
Interannual-decadal variability in the equatorial Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) induces climate changes at global scale, but its potential influence during past global climate change is not yet well constrained. New high-resolution eastern equatorial Pacific proxy records of thermocline conditions present new evidence of strong orbital control in ENSO-like variability over the last 275,000 years. Recurrent intervals of saltier thermocline waters are associated with the dominance of La Niña-like conditions during glacial terminations, coinciding with periods of low precession and high obliquity. The parallel dominance of d13C-depleted waters supports the advection of Antarctic origin waters toward the tropical thermocline. This "oceanic tunneling" is proposed to have reinforced orbitally induced changes in ENSO-like variability, composing a complex high- and low-latitude feedback during glacial terminations.
We present a 5.3-Myr stack (the ''LR04'' stack) of benthic d18O records from 57 globally distributed sites aligned by an automated graphic correlation algorithm. This is the first benthic delta18O stack composed of more than three records to extend beyond 850 ka, and we use its improved signal quality to identify 24 new marine isotope stages in the early Pliocene. We also present a new LR04 age model for the Pliocene-Pleistocene derived from tuning the delta18O stack to a simple ice model based on 21 June insolation at 65 N. Stacked sedimentation rates provide additional age model constraints to prevent overtuning. Despite a conservative tuning strategy, the LR04 benthic stack exhibits significant coherency with insolation in the obliquity band throughout the entire 5.3 Myr and in the precession band for more than half of the record. The LR04 stack contains significantly more variance in benthic delta18O than previously published stacks of the late Pleistocene as the result of higher resolution records, a better alignment technique, and a greater percentage of records from the Atlantic. Finally, the relative phases of the stack's 41- and 23-kyr components suggest that the precession component of delta18O from 2.7-1.6 Ma is primarily a deep-water temperature signal and that the phase of d18O precession response changed suddenly at 1.6 Ma.
To detect and track the impact of large-scale environmental changes in a the transition zone between the northern North Atlantic and the central Arctic Ocean, and to determine experimentally the factors controlling deep-sea biodiversity, the Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) established the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN, which constitutes the first, and until now only open-ocean long-term station in a polar region. Virtually undisturbed sediment samples have been taken using a video-guided multiple corer (MUC) at 13 HAUSGARTEN stations along a bathymetric (1,000 - 4,000 m water depth) and a latitudinal transect in 2,500 m water depth as well as two stations at 230 and 1,200 m water depth within the framework of the KONGHAU project. Various biogenic sediment compounds were analyzed to estimate the input of organic matter from phytodetritus sedimentation, benthic activities (e.g. bacterial exoenzymatic activity), and the total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range: bacteria to meiofauna).
To detect and track the impact of large-scale environmental changes in a the transition zone between the northern North Atlantic and the central Arctic Ocean, and to determine experimentally the factors controlling deep-sea biodiversity, the Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) established the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN, which constitutes the first, and until now only open-ocean long-term station in a polar region. Virtually undisturbed sediment samples have been taken using a video-guided multiple corer (MUC) at 13 HAUSGARTEN stations along a bathymetric (1,000 - 4,000 m water depth) and a latitudinal transect in 2,500 m water depth as well as two stations at 230 and 1,200 m water depth within the framework of the KONGHAU project. Various biogenic sediment compounds were analyzed to estimate the input of organic matter from phytodetritus sedimentation, benthic activities (e.g. bacterial exoenzymatic activity), and the total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range: bacteria to meiofauna).
To detect and track the impact of large-scale environmental changes in a the transition zone between the northern North Atlantic and the central Arctic Ocean, and to determine experimentally the factors controlling deep-sea biodiversity, the Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) established the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN, which constitutes the first, and until now only open-ocean long-term station in a polar region. Virtually undisturbed sediment samples have been taken using a video-guided multiple corer (MUC) at 13 HAUSGARTEN stations along a bathymetric (1,000 - 4,000 m water depth) and a latitudinal transect in 2,500 m water depth as well as two stations at 230 and 1,200 m water depth within the framework of the KONGHAU project. Various biogenic sediment compounds were analyzed to estimate the input of organic matter from phytodetritus sedimentation, benthic activities (e.g. bacterial exoenzymatic activity), and the total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range: bacteria to meiofauna).
A uniform chronology for foraminifera-based sea surface temperature records has been established in more than 120 sediment cores obtained from the equatorial and eastern Atlantic up to the Arctic Ocean. The chronostratigraphy of the last 30,000 years is mainly based on published d18O records and 14C ages from accelerator mass spectrometry, converted into calendar-year ages. The high-precision age control provides the database necessary for the uniform reconstruction of the climate interval of the Last Glacial Maximum within the GLAMAP-2000 project.
Two Polarstern expeditions were conducted in 1995 (ANT-XII/4) and 2001 (ANT-XVIII/5a) to the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea and the suspected Eltanin meteorite impact in the SE-Pacific. A survey of the sediment distribution and its acoustic structure along the cruise track was performed. The seafloor topography was sampled using the multibeam sonar system Hydrosweep DS2 which operates on a frequency of 15.5 kHz. The resulting AWI Bathymetric Chart of the Eltanin Meteorite Impact Area is based on a Digital Terrain Model of this area. The mapping was performed using ArcGIS. The Eltanin impact area which covers the 4.100 m high Freden Seamount is visualized by one overview sheet of the scale 1:200,000 and four 1:100,000 subsheets.
From data collected by RV Polarstern, and additional echosoundings provided by national hydrographic offices, research institutions and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Digital Bathymetric Data Center, the 1:1,000,000 Bathymetric Chart of the Weddell Sea (AWl BCWS) series has been developed. The heterogeneity of bathymetric data and the lack of observations within ice-covered areas required the incorporation of supplementary geophysical and geographical information. A semi-automatic procedure was developed for terrain modeling and contouring. In coastal regions, adjacent sub-glacial information was included in order to model the bathymetry of the transition zone along the Antarctic ice edge. Six sheets of the AWl BCWS series in the scale of 1:1,000,000 covering the southern Weddell Sea from 66°S to 78°S and from 68°W to 0°E were recently completed and included in the 1997 GEneral Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Digital Atlas CD-ROM (http://www.gebco.net). On the basis of these six 1:1,000,000 AWl BCWS sheets, a generalized 1:3,000,000-scale bathymetric chart was compiled for the entire southern Weddell Sea.
To detect and track the impact of large-scale environmental changes in a the transition zone between the northern North Atlantic and the central Arctic Ocean, and to determine experimentally the factors controlling deep-sea biodiversity, the Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) established the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN, which constitutes the first, and until now only open-ocean long-term station in a polar region. Virtually undisturbed sediment samples have been taken using a video-guided multiple corer (MUC) at 13 HAUSGARTEN stations along a bathymetric (1,000 - 4,000 m water depth) and a latitudinal transect in 2,500 m water depth as well as two stations at 230 and 1,200 m water depth within the framework of the KONGHAU project. Various biogenic sediment compounds were analyzed to estimate the input of organic matter from phytodetritus sedimentation, benthic activities (e.g. bacterial exoenzymatic activity), and the total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range: bacteria to meiofauna).
To detect and track the impact of large-scale environmental changes in a the transition zone between the northern North Atlantic and the central Arctic Ocean, and to determine experimentally the factors controlling deep-sea biodiversity, the Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) established the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN, which constitutes the first, and until now only open-ocean long-term station in a polar region. Virtually undisturbed sediment samples have been taken using a video-guided multiple corer (MUC) at 13 HAUSGARTEN stations along a bathymetric (1,000 - 4,000 m water depth) and a latitudinal transect in 2,500 m water depth as well as two stations at 230 and 1,200 m water depth within the framework of the KONGHAU project. Various biogenic sediment compounds were analyzed to estimate the input of organic matter from phytodetritus sedimentation, benthic activities (e.g. bacterial exoenzymatic activity), and the total biomass of the smallest sediment-inhabiting organisms (size range: bacteria to meiofauna).