627 resultados para Rocks -- Catalonia -- Forallac
A study of samples from DSDP Leg 47 shows that transformation of organic matter in deep sea sediments is completly analogous to evolution of organic matter in sedimentary sequences on continents and depends on the same factors. Crucial among these factors are: genesis of organic matter, nature of its diagenetic changes, and current stage of catagenesis.
The nearly continuous recovery of 0.5 km of generally fresh, layer 3 gabbroic rocks at Hole 735B, especially near the bottom of the section, presents scientists an unusual opportunity to study the detailed elastic properties of the lower oceanic crust. Extending compressional-wave and density shipboard measurements at room pressure, Vp and Vs were measured at pressures from 20 to 200 MPa using the pulse transmission method. All of the rocks exhibit significant increases in velocity with increasing pressure up to about 150 MPa, a feature attributed to the closing of microcrack porosity. Measured velocities reflect the mineralogical makeup and microstructures acquired during the tectonic history of Hole 735B. Most of the undeformed and unaltered gabbros are approximately 65:35 plagioclase/clinopyroxene rocks plus olivine or oxide minerals, and the observed densities and velocities are fully consistent with the Voigt-Reuss-Hill (VRH) averages of the component minerals and their proportions. Depending on their olivine content, the predominant olivine gabbros at 200 MPa have average Vp = 7.1 ± 0.2 km/s, Vs = 3.9 ± 0.1 km/s, and grain densities of 2.95 ± 0.5 g/cm3. The less abundant iron-titanium (Fe-Ti) oxide gabbros average Vp = 6.75 ± 0.15 km/s, Vs = 3.70 ± 0.1 km/s, and grain densities of 3.22 ± 0.05 g/cm3, reflecting the higher densities and lower velocities of oxide minerals compared to olivine. About 30% of the core is plastically deformed, and the densities and directionally averaged velocities of these shear-zone tectonites are generally consistent with those of the gabbros, their protoliths. Three sets of observations indicate that the shear-zone metagabbros are elastically anisotropic: (1) directional variations in Vp, both vertical and horizontal and with respect to foliation and lineation; (2) discrepancies among Vp values for the horizontal cores and the VRH averages of the component minerals and their mineral proportions, suggesting preferred crystallographic orientations of anisotropic minerals; and (3) variations of Vs of up to 7%, with polarization directions parallel and perpendicular to foliation. Optical inspection of thin sections of the same samples indicates that plagioclase feldspar, clinopyroxene, and amphibole typically display crystallographic-preferred orientations, and this, plus the elastic anisotropy of these minerals, suggests that preferred orientations are responsible for much of the observed anisotropy, particularly at high pressure. Alteration tends to be localized to brittle faults and brecciated zones, and typical alteration minerals are amphibole and secondary plagioclase, which do not significantly change the velocity-density relationships.
Middle Jurassic basaltic lavas obtained from Site 801 in the western Pacific Pigafetta Basin represent ocean crust from the oldest segment of the present-day Pacific Ocean. A composite 131 m section shows the basement to be composed of an upper alkalic basalt sequence (about 157 Ma) with ocean island basalt chemical features and a lower tholeiitic basalt sequence (about 167 Ma) with typical normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt features. The basalt sequences are separated by a quartz-cemented, yellow goethite hydrothermal deposit. Most basalts are altered to some degree and exhibit variable, low-grade smectite-celadonite-pyrite-carbonate-zeolite assemblages developed under a mainly hydrated anoxic environment. Oxidation is very minor, later in development than the hydration assemblages, and largely associated with the hydrothermal deposit. The tholeiitic normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt has characteristically depleted incompatible element patterns and all compositions are encompassed by recent mid-ocean ridge basalt from the East Pacific Rise. Chemically, the normal-type mid-ocean ridge basalt is divided into a primitive plagioclase-olivine +/- spinel phyric group (Mg* = 72-60) and an evolved (largely) aphyric group of olivine tholeiites (Mg* = 62-40). Both groups form a single comagmatic suite related via open-system fractionation of initial olivine-spinel followed by olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene. The alkalic ocean island basalt are largely aphyric and display enriched incompatible element abundances within both relatively primitive olivine-rich basalts and evolved olivine-poor hawaiites related via mafic fractionation. In gross terms, the basement lithostratigraphy is a typical mid-ocean ridge basalt crust, generated at a spreading center, overlain by an off-axis seamount with ocean island basalt chemical characters.
New trace element, Sr-, Nd-, Pb- and Hf isotope data provide insights into the evolution of the Tonga-Lau Basin subduction system. The involvement of two separate mantle domains, namely Pacific MORB mantle in the pre-rift and early stages of back-arc basin formation, and Indian MORB mantle in the later stages, is confirmed by these results. Contrary to models proposed in recent studies on the basis of Pb isotope and other compositional data, this change in mantle wedge character best explains the shift in the isotopic composition, particularly 143Nd/144Nd ratios, of modern Tofua Arc magmas relative to all other arc products from this region. Nevertheless, significant changes in the slab-derived flux during the evolution of the arc system are also required to explain second order variations in magma chemistry. In this region, the slab-derived flux is dominated by fluid; however, these fluids carry Pb with sediment-influenced isotopic signatures, indicating that their source is not restricted to the subducting altered mafic oceanic crust. This has been the case from the earliest magmatic activity in the arc (Eocene) until the present time, with the exception of two periods of magmatic activity recorded in samples from the Lau Islands. Both the Lau Volcanic Group, and Korobasaga Volcanic Group lavas preserve trace element and isotope evidence for a contribution from subducted sediment that was not transported as a fluid, but possibly in the form of a melt. This component shares similarities with that influencing the chemistry of the northern Tofua Arc magmas, suggesting some caution may be required in the adoption of constraints for the latter dependent upon the involvement of sediments from the Louisville Ridge. A key outcome of this study is to demonstrate that the models proposed to explain subduction zone magmatism cannot afford to ignore the small but important contributions made by the mantle wedge to the incompatible trace element inventory of arc magmas.
Investigations of petrography, mineralogy, and chemical composition of gases and fluids in tuffs and lavas were carried out on samples dredged in the transition zone from the shelf and slope of Iceland to the Reykjanes Ridge. The samples were collected from the depths of 950-720 m during different expeditions of R/V Akademik Kurchatov and Mikhail Lomonosov. Mantle ultrabasite inclusions were first recognized in the region of Iceland. It can be assumed that they are related to eruptive structures formed on the ocean floor during Pliocene and are associated with the Iceland hot spot.
The Early Cretaceous basaltic rocks obtained from Sites 765 and 766 in the eastern Indian Ocean floor were mostly iron-rich normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB), which were derived from a depleted mantle source having strongly light rare earth element (LREE)-depleted rare-earth patterns and a high titanium/zirconium (Ti/Zr) ratio. Basaltic rocks in the upper part of the Site 765 basement section include megacrysts and gabbroic fragments of widely varying mineral chemistry. These megacrysts range from An90 plagioclase, including highly magnesian basaltic glass coexisting with augite of Mg# (= 100 Mg/[Fe+Mg]) at 85, to An50 plagioclase coexisting with hypersthene. This varying mineralogy of megacrysts and gabbroic fragments indicates that a considerable degree of fractional crystallization took place in the magma chamber. The unusual negative correlation between incompatible elements (e.g., TiO2) and FeO*/MgO observed among Site 765 basement basalts and fresh volcanic glasses suggest source-mantle heterogeneity in terms of FeO*/MgO. Strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) of the basaltic rocks from both sites are between 0.7027 and 0.7033 and are comparable to those of mid-Indian Ocean ridge basalts (MIORB). The basalt pebbles encountered in the sedimentary section may have been transported from the basement highs nearer the Australian continent and include basaltic compositions ranging from primitive N-MORBs to evolved enriched (E)-MORBs. Their mantle source was not as depleted as that of the basement basalts. These rocks may be the products of earlier volcanism that took place during the rifting of the Australian continent.
Results of comprehensive geological, geophysical and geochemical studies carried out in the Cape Verde Fracture Zone (Central Atlantic) during Cruise 9 of R/V ''Antares'' (1990-1991) are published in the book. Detailed characterization of various bedrock complexes (ultrabasites, gabbroids, dolerites, basalts, metamorphic rocks) is given. Geological conditions of newly found hydrothermal mineralization in the area are described. Problems of ore melts are under consideration. New data on hydrochemical anomalies and heat flow are given. The book contains original materials on sedimentary formations of the area.
The Yamato Basin basement in the Sea of Japan was drilled below the sediment pile during Legs 127 and 128. Two superposed volcanic complexes are distinguished. The upper complex consists of continental tholeiite sills dated around 20-18 Ma and attributed to the rifting stage of the backarc basin. The lower complex consists of backarc basin basalts probably intruded below the upper complex during the spreading stage. Trace-element compositions and Sr and Nd isotopic signatures may be explained by mixing of at least two end members with a very small addition of crustal and subducted sediment component. Thus, upwelling of mantle diapir occurred during the rifting stage. Contribution of the depleted mantle increased in the spreading stage. The Neogene magmatic history of the Japan Sea is reviewed in the light of the ODP new data.