348 resultados para OAI-ORE
This data set contains the mineralogical analyses (binocular counting) of the 100-50 µm grain size fraction from bottom sediments collected by scientists of the V.P. Zenkovich Laboratory of Shelf and Sea Coasts (P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences) during the Project ''Arctic Shelf of the Eurasia in the Late Quaternary'' in a number of expeditions to the Barents, Kara, East Siberian and Chukchi Seas on board research vessels R/V Professor Shtokman, H/V Dmitry Laptev, H/V Malygin, and icebreaker Georgy Sedov between 1978 and 1990. The analyses have been carried out according to the methods published by Petelin V.P. (1961) in the Analytical Laboratory of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. Archiving and electronic publication was performed through a data rescue by Evgeny Gurvich in 2003.
In the Philipsburg district, in western Montana a low arch of a Paleozoic limestones has been cut and deformed on the east and a south sides by a small batholith of Tertiary granodiorite. The manganese deposits are confined to an area of about 2 square miles underlain by sedimentary rocks and adjacent to the granodiorite body. The ore, chiefly pyrolusite, was apparently derived from rhodochrosite that was abundant in the veins and had replaced the adjacent limestones. The oxide ore is found chiefly within 600 feet of the surface, though one small body was mined at a depth of 700 feet. Commonly these bodies are aggregates of nodules or spheroids that range in size from that of an egg to that of a coconut or larger. In some places they show an irregular texture somewhat like that of a sponge, and in others the material composing them is loose and friable and apparently structureless. Psilomelane is the principal constituent of many of the nodules, in which it forms layers that alternate with softer oxides.