354 resultados para Niobium phosphates


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Pebble-sized basaltic and glassy clasts were extracted from seamount-derived volcaniclastic debris flows and analyzed for various trace elements, including the rare earths, to determine their genetic relationships and provenance. All the clasts were originally derived from relatively shallow submarine lava flows prior to sedimentary reworking, and have undergone minor low-grade alteration. They are classified into three petrographic groups (A, B, and C) characterized by different phenocryst assemblages and variable abundances and ratios of incompatible elements. Group A (clast from Hole 585) is a hyaloclastite fragment which is olivine-normative and distinct from the other clasts, with incompatibleelement ratios characteristic of transitional or alkali basalts. Groups B and C (clasts from Hole 585A) are quartz-normative, variably plagioclase-clinopyroxene-olivine phyric tholeiites, all with essentially similar ratios of highly incompatible elements and patterns of enrichment in light rare earth elements (chrondrite-normalized). Variation within Groups B and C was governed by low-pressure fractionation of the observed phenocryst phases, whereas the most primitive compositions of each group may be related by variable partial melting of a common source. The clasts have intraplate chemical characteristics, although relative to oceanic hot-spot-related volcanics (e.g., Hawaiian tholeiites) they are marginally depleted in most incompatible elements. The source region was enriched in all incompatible elements, compared with a depleted mid-ocean-ridge basalt source.


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During ODP Leg 111 Hole 504B was extended 212 m deeper into the sheeted dikes of oceanic Layer 2, for a total penetration of 1288 m within basement. Study of the mineralogy, chemistry, and stable isotopic compositions of the rocks recovered on Leg 111 has confirmed and extended the previous model for hydrothermal alteration at the site: axial greenschist hydrothermal metamorphism was followed by seawater recharge and subsequent off-axis alteration. The dikes are depleted in 18O (mean delta18O = +5.1 ? +/- 0.6 ?) relative to fresh mid-ocean ridge basalt. Oxygen isotopic data on whole rocks and isolated secondary minerals indicate temperatures during axial metamorphism of 250°-350°C and water/rock ratios about one. Increasing amounts of actinolite with depth in the dike section, however, suggest that temperatures increased downward in the dikes. Pyrite + pyrrhotite + chalcopyrite + magnetite was the stable sulfide + oxide mineral assemblage during axial alteration, but these minerals partly re-equilibrated later at temperatures less than 200°C. The dikes sampled on Leg 111 contain an average of 500 ppm sulfur, slightly lower than igneous values. The delta34S values of sulfide average 0?, which indicates the presence of basaltic sulfide and incorporation of little or no seawater-derived sulfide into the rocks. These data are consistent with models for the presence of rock-dominated sulfur in deep hydrothermal fluids. The presence of anhydrite at 1176 m within basement indicates that unaltered seawater can penetrate to significant depths in the crust during recharge.


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New Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf data require the existence of at least four mantle components in the genesis of basalts from the the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP): (1) one (or more likely a small range of) enriched component(s) within the Iceland plume, (2) a depleted component within the Iceland plume (distinct from the shallow N-MORB source), (3) a depleted sheath surrounding the plume and (4) shallow N-MORB source mantle. These components have been available since the major phase of igneous activity associated with plume head impact during Paleogene times. In Hf-Nd isotope space, samples from Iceland, DSDP Leg 49 (Sites 407, 408 and 409), ODP Legs 152 and 163 (southeast Greenland margin), the Reykjanes Ridge, Kolbeinsey Ridge and DSDP Leg 38 (Site 348) define fields that are oblique to the main ocean island basalt array and extend toward a component with higher 176Hf/177Hf than the N-MORB source available prior to arrival of the plume, as indicated by the compositions of Cretaceous basalts from Goban Spur (~95 Ma). Aside from Goban Spur, only basalts from Hatton Bank on the oceanward side of the Rockall Plateau (DSDP Leg 81) lie consistently within the field of N-MORB, which indicates that the compositional influence of the plume did not reach this far south and east ~55 Ma ago. Thus, Hf-Nd isotope systematics are consistent with previous studies which indicate that shallow MORB-source mantle does not represent the depleted component within the Iceland plume (Thirlwall, J. Geol. Soc. London 152 (1995) 991-996; Hards et al., J. Geol. Soc. London 152 (1995) 1003-1009; Fitton et al., 1997 doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(97)00170-2). They also indicate that the depleted component is a long-lived and intrinsic feature of the Iceland plume, generated during an ancient melting event in which a mineral (such as garnet) with a high Lu/Hf was a residual phase. Collectively, these data suggest a model for the Iceland plume in which a heterogeneous core, derived from the lower mantle, consists of 'enriched' streaks or blobs dispersed in a more depleted matrix. A distinguishing feature of both the enriched and depleted components is high Nb/Y for a given Zr/Y (i.e. positive DeltaNb), but the enriched component has higher Sr and Pb isotope ratios, combined with lower epsilon-Nd and epsilon-Hf. This heterogeneous core is surrounded by a sheath of depleted material, similar to the depleted component of the Iceland plume in its epsilon-Nd and epsilon-Hf, but with lower 87Sr/86Sr, 208Pb/204Pb and negative DeltaNb; this material was probably entrained from near the 670 km discontinuity when the plume stalled at the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. The plume sheath displaced more normal MORB asthenosphere (distinguished by its lower epsilon-Hf for a given epsilon-Nd or Zr/Nb ratio), which existed in the North Atlantic prior to plume impact. Preliminary data on MORBs from near the Azores plume suggest that much of the North Atlantic may be 'polluted' not only by enriched plume material but also by depleted material similar to the Iceland plume sheath. If this hypothesis is correct, it may provide a general explanation for some of the compositional diversity and variations in inferred depth of melting (Klein and Langmuir, 1987 doi:10.1029/JB092iB08p08089) along the MAR in the North Atlantic.


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The principal aims of undertaking a shore-based bulk inorganic geochemical analysis of muds and mudstones from Site 808 were as follows: 1. Characterize the geochemical signature of the muds and mudstones at regular intervals downhole to sample and identify any changes in sediment type and provenance. 2. Integrate the inorganic geochemistry with the shipboard and more detailed land-based laboratory studies of the clay minerals. 3. Investigate any possible inorganic geochemical anomalies associated with the décollement.


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Melt inclusions in olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts from rocks (magnesian basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, ignimbrite, and dacite) of various age from the Gorely volcanic center, southern Kamchatka, were studied by means of their homogenization and by analyzing the glasses in 100 melt inclusions on an electron microprobe and 24 inclusions on an ion probe. The SiO2 concentrations of the melts vary within a broad range of 45-74 wt%, as also are the concentrations of other major components. According to their SiO2, Na2O, K2O, TiO2, and P2O5 concentrations, the melts are classified into seven groups. The mafic melts (45-53 wt% SiO2) comprise the following varieties: potassic (on average 4.2 wt% K2O, 1.7 wt% Na2O, 1.0 wt% TiO2, and 0.20 wt% P2O5), sodic (3.2% Na2O, 1.1% K2O, 1.1% TiO2, and 0.40% P2O5), and titaniferous with high P2O5 concentrations (2.2% TiO2, 1.1% P2O5, 3.8% Na2O, and 3.0% K2O). The melts of intermediate composition (53-64% SiO2) also include potassic (5.6% K2O, 3.4% Na2O, 1.0% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) and sodic (4.3% Na2O, 2.8% K2O, 1.3% TiO2, and 0.4% P2O5) varieties. The acid melts (64-74% SiO2) are either potassic (4.5% K2O, 3.6% Na2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.15% P2O5) or sodic (4.5% Na2O, 3.1% K2O, 0.7% TiO2, and 0.13% P2O5). A distinctive feature of the Gorely volcanic center is the pervasive occurrence of K-rich compositions throughout the whole compositional range (silicity) of the melts. Melt inclusions of various types were sometimes found not only in a single sample but also in the same phenocrysts. The sodic and potassic types of the melts contain different Cl and F concentrations: the sodic melts are richer in Cl, whereas the potassic melts are enriched in F. We are the first to discover potassic melts with very high F concentrations (up to 2.7 wt%, 1.19 wt% on average, 17 analyses) in the Kuriles and Kamchatka. The average F concentration in the sodic melts is 0.16 wt% (37 analyses). The melts are distinguished for their richness in various groups of trace elements: LILE, REE (particularly HREE), and HFSE (except Nb). All of the melts share certain geochemical features. The concentrations of elements systematically increase from the mafic to acid melts (except only for the Sr and Eu concentrations, because of active plagioclase fractionation, and Ti, an element contained in ore minerals). The paper presents a review of literature data on volcanic rocks in the Kurile-Kamchatka area in which melt inclusions with high K2O concentrations (K2O/Na2O > 1) were found. K-rich melts are proved to be extremely widespread in the area and were found on such volcanoes as Avachinskii, Bezymyannyi, Bol'shoi Semyachek, Dikii Greben', Karymskii, Kekuknaiskii, Kudryavyi, and Shiveluch and in the Valaginskii and Tumrok Ranges.


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During ODP Leg 107, the basement of the Tyrrhenian Sea was drilled at Site 650, located in the Marsili basin, and at Sites 651 and 655, both located in the Vavilov basin. In addition, a lava flow was drilled at Site 654 on the Sardinia rifted margin. Mineral and whole rock major and trace element chemistry, including rare earth element (REE) and Sr and Nd isotopic ratios, were determined in samples of these rocks. Site 654 lava was sampled within uppermost Pliocene postrift sediments. This lava is a basaltic andesite of intraplate affinity, and is analogous to some Plio-Pleistocene tholeiitic lavas from Sardinia. Site 650 basalts, drilled beneath 1.7-1.9-Ma-old basal sediment, are strongly altered and vesicular suggesting a rapid subsidence of the Marsili basin. Based on incompatible trace elements, these basalts show calc-alkaline affinity like some products of the Marsili Seamount and the Eolian arc. The basement of the two sites drilled within Vavilov basin shows contrasting petrologies. Site 655, located along the Gortani ridge in the western part of the basin, drilled a 116-m-thick sequence of basalt flows beneath 3.4-3.6-Ma-old basal sediments. These basalts are chemically relatively homogeneous and show affinity to transitional MORB. Four units consisting of slightly differentiated basaltic lavas, have been identified. Site 655 basalts are geochemically similar to the high Ti lavas from DSDP Leg 42, Site 373 (Vavilov Basin). The basement at Site 651, overlain by 40 m of metalliferous dolostone covered by fossiliferous sediments with an age of 2 Ma, consists of two basalt units separated by a dolerite-albitite intrusive body; serpentinized harzburgites were drilled for 30 m at the base of the hole. The two basalt units of Site 651 are distinct petrochemically, though both show incompatible elements affinity with high-K calc-alkaline/calc-alkaline magmas from Eolian arc. The cpx chemistry and high K/Na ratio of the lower unit lavas suggest a weak alkaline tendency of potassic lineage. Leg 107 basement rock data, together with data from DSDP Site 373 and from dredged samples, indicate that the deepest basins of the central Tyrrhenian Sea are underlain by a complex back-arc basin crust produced by magmas with incompatible element affinities to transitional MORB (Site 655 and DSDP Site 373), and to calc-alkaline and high-K calc-alkaline converging plate margin basalts (Sites 650 and 651). This petrogenetic complexity is in accordance with the back-arc setting of the Vavilov and Marsili basins. Other back-arc basin basalts, particularly those from ensialic basins such as the Bransfield Strait (Antarctica), show a comparable petrogenetic complexity (cf., Sounders and Tarney, 1984).


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Middle Cenozoic evolution of magmatism in the Schmidt Peninsula between 37 and 25 Ma began with eruptions of subalkaline and moderately alkaline andesite, latite, trachyandesite, and trachyrhyolite lavas and ended with subvolcanic intrusions of highly alkaline strongly undersaturated essexites. According to trace element data magmatism evolved from melting of a mantle source in the zone of ocean-continent plate convergence to small degree partial melting in the lithospheric mantle at the final stage. This succession is generally typical for Late Cenozoic continental-margin magmatism in the Southeast Russia. Similarity in the Middle and Late Cenozoic stages of magmatism is an evidence for their individual significance.


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Phanerozoic granitoids are widespread in the Korean Peninsula and form a part of the East Asian Cordilleran-type granitoid belt extending from southeastern China to Far East Russia. Here we present SHRIMP zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical and Nd isotopic compositions of Late Paleozoic to Early Jurassic granitoid plutons in the northern Gyeongsang basin, southeastern Korea; namely the Jangsari, Yeongdeok, Yeonghae, and Satkatbong plutons. The granite and associated gabbroic rocks from the Jangsari pluton were coeval and respectively dated at 257.3 ± 2.0 Ma and 255.7 ± 1.4 Ma. This result represents the first finding of a Late Paleozoic pluton in South Korea. Three granite samples from the Yeongdeok pluton yielded a slightly younger age span ranging from 252.9 ± 2.5 Ma to 246.7 ± 2.1 Ma. Two diorite samples from the Yeonghae pluton gave much younger ages of 195.1 ± 1.9 Ma and 196.3 ± 1.6 Ma. An Early Jurassic age of 192.4 ± 1.6 Ma was also obtained from a diorite sample from the Satkatbong pluton. The mineral assemblage and Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O) versus Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O) relationship indicate that all the analyzed plutons are subduction zone granitoids. Enrichments in large-ion-lithophile-elements and depletions in high-field-strength-elements of these plutons are also concordant with geochemical characteristics typical for the subduction zone magma. The presence of Late Permian to Early Triassic arc system is in contrast with the conventional idea that the arc magmatism along the continental margin of the Korean Peninsula has commenced from Early Jurassic after the termination of Triassic collisional orogenesis. The epsilon-Nd(t) values of the granitoid plutons are consistently positive (2.4-4.6), suggesting that crustal residence time of the basement beneath the Gyeongsang basin is relatively short. Moreover, the reevaluation of previously-published data reveals that geochemical compositions of the Yeongdeok pluton are compatible with those of high-silica adakites; La/Yb = 37.5-114.6, Sr/Y = 138.2-214.0, SiO2 = 62.9-72.0 wt. %, Al2O3 = 15.5-17.0 wt. %, Sr = 562-1173 ppm, MgO = 0.4-1.6 wt. %, Y = 3-6 ppm, Yb = 0.18-0.45 ppm, and Eu/Eu* = 0.92-1.31. The occurrence of adakites in southeastern Korea, and presumably in the Hida belt of central-western Japan, is indicative of a hot subduction regime developing at least partly along the East Asian continental margin during the Permian-Triassic transition period.


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Site 1276, Leg 210 of the Ocean Drilling Program, was located on the Newfoundland margin in a seismically-defined ~128 Ma "transitional" crust just west of the presumed oceanic crust, and the M3 magnetic anomaly. The goal of drilling on this non-volcanic margin was to study the rifting, nature of basement, and post-rift sedimentation in the Newfoundland-Iberia rift. Drilling of this 1739 m hole was terminated 90-160 m above basement, in the lower of a doublet of alkaline diabase sills. We have carried out geochemical studies of the sill complex, in the hopes that they will provide proxy information regarding the nature of the underlying basement. Excellent 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages were obtained for the two sills: upper sill ~105.3 Ma; lower sill ~97.8 Ma. Thus the sills are substantially younger than the presumed age of the seafloor at site 1276 (~128 Ma), and were intruded beneath substantial sediment overburden (250 m for the upper, older sill, and 575 m for the lower younger sill). While some of the geochemistry of the sills has been compromised by alteration, the "immobile" trace elements show these sills to be hawaiites, differentiated from an enriched alkaline or basanitic parentage. Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes are suggestive of an enriched hotspot/plume mantle source, with a possible "added" component of continental material. These sills unequivocally were not derived from typical MORB (asthenospheric) upper mantle.


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Alpine glacier samples were collected in four contrasting regions to measure supraglacial dust and debris geochemical composition. A total of 70 surface glacier ice, snow and debris samples were collected in 2009 and 2010 in Svalbard, Norway, Nepal and New Zealand. Trace elemental abundances in snow and ice samples were measured via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Supraglacial debris mineral, bulk oxide and trace element composition were determined via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). A total of 45 elements and 10 oxide compound abundances are reported. The uniform data collection procedure, analytical measurement methods and geochemical comparison techniques are used to evaluate supraglacial dust and debris composition variability in the contrasting glacier study regions. Elemental abundances revealed sea salt aerosol and metal enrichment in Svalbard, low levels of crustal dust and marine influences to southern Norway, high crustal dust and anthropogenic enrichment in the Khumbu Himalayas, and sulfur and metals attributed to quiescent degassing and volcanic activity in northern New Zealand. Rare earth element and Al/Ti elemental ratios demonstrated distinct provenance of particulates in each study region. Ca/S elemental ratio data showed seasonal denudation in Svalbard and Norway. Ablation season atmospheric particulate transport trajectories were mapped in each of the study regions and suggest provenance pathways. The in situ data presented provides first order glacier surface geochemical variability as measured from four diverse alpine glacier regions. This geochemical surface glacier data is relevant to glaciologic ablation rate understanding as well as satellite atmospheric and land-surface mapping techniques currently in development.


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Peridotite samples recovered from IODP Site U1309 at the Atlantis Massif in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge were examined to understand magmatic processes for the oceanic core complex formation. Original peridotite was fragmented, and the limited short peridotite intervals are now surrounded by a huge gabbro body probably formed by late-stage melt injections. Each peridotite interval has various petrographical and geochemical features. A spinel harzburgite in contact with gabbro shows evidence of limited melt penetrations causing gradual compositional change, in terms of trace-element compositions of pyroxenes, as well as modal change near the boundary. Geochemistry of clinopyroxenes with least melt effects indicates that the harzburgite is originally mantle residue formed by partial melting under polybaric conditions, and that such a depleted peridotite is one of the components of the oceanic core complex. Some of plagioclase-bearing peridotites, on the other hand, have more complicated origin. Although their original features were partly overprinted by the injected melt, the original peridotites, both residual and non-residual materials, were possibly derived from the upper mantle. This suggests that the melt injected around an upper mantle region or into mantle material fragments. The injected melt was possibly generated at the ridge-segment center and, then, moved and evolved toward the segment end beneath the oceanic core complex.


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Between 1086.6 and 1229.4 m below seafloor at Site 642 on the Outer Vøring Plateau, a series of intermediate volcanic extrusive flow units and volcaniclastic sediments was sampled. A mixed sequence of dacitic subaerial flows, andesitic basalts, intermediate volcaniclastics, subordinate mid-ocean ridge basalt, (MORB) lithologies, and intrusives was recovered, in sharp contrast to the more uniform tholeiitic T-type MORB units of the overlying upper series. This lower series of volcanics is composed of three chemically distinct groups, (B, A2, A1), rather than the two previously identified. Flows of the dacitic group (B) have trace-element and initial Sr isotope signatures which indicate that their source magma derived from the partial melting of a component of continental material in a magma chamber at a relatively high level in the crust. The relative proportions of crustal components in this complex melt are not known precisely. The most basic group (A2) probably represents a mixture of this material with MORB-type tholeiitic melt. A third group (A1), of which there was only one representative flow recovered, is chemically intermediate between the two groups above, and may suggest a repetition of, or a transition phase in, the mixing processes.


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In the southeast of the Bolshoi Lyakhovsky Island there are outcrops of tectonic outliers composed of low-K medium-Ti tholeiitic basic rocks represented by low altered pillow basalts, as well as by their metamorphosed analogs: amphibolites and blueschists. The rocks are depleted in light rare-earth elements and were melted out of a depleted mantle source enriched in Th, Nb, and Zr also contributed to the rock formation. The magma sources were not affected by subduction-related fluids or melts. The rocks were part of the Jurassic South Anyui ocean basin crust. The blueschists are the crust of the same basin submerged beneath the more southern Anyui-Svyatoi Nos arc to depth of 30-40 km. Pressure and temperature of metamorphism suggest a setting of "warm" subduction. Mineral assemblages of the blueschists record time of a collision of the Anyui-Svyatoi Nos island arc and the New Siberian continental block expressed as a counter-clockwise PT trend. The pressure jump during the collision corresponds to heaping of tectonic covers above the zone of convergence 12 km in total thickness. Ocean rocks were thrust upon the margin of the New Siberian continental block in late Late Jurassic - early Early Cretaceous and mark the NW continuation of the South Anyui suture, one of the main tectonic sutures of the Northeastern Asia.