639 resultados para void number density
This paper presents a geotechnical characterization of the glacigenic sediments in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, based on the shipboard physical properties data obtained during Leg 119, combined with results of land-based analyses of 24 whole-round core samples. Main emphasis is placed on the land-based studies, which included oedometer consolidation tests, triaxial and simple shear tests for undrained shear strength, permeability tests in oedometer and triaxial cell, Atterberg limits, and grain-size analyses. The bulk of the tested sediments comprise overconsolidated diamictites of a relatively uniform lithology. The overconsolidation results from a combination of glacial loading and sediment overburden subsequently removed by extensive glacial erosion of the shelf. This leads to downhole profiles of physical properties that have been observed not to change as a function of the thickness of present overburden. A number of fluctuations in the parameters shows a relatively systematic trend and most likely results from changes in the proximity to the ice sheet grounding line in response to variations in the glacial regime. Very low permeabilities mainly result from high preconsolidation stresses (Pc'). Pc' values up to 10,000 kPa were estimated from the oedometer tests, and empirical estimates based on undrained shear strengths (up to 2500 kPa) indicate that the oedometer results are conservative. The diamictites generally classify as inactive, of low to medium plasticity, and they consolidate with little deformation, even when subjected to great stresses. This is the first report of geotechnical data from deep boreholes on the Antarctic continental shelf, but material of similar character can also be expected in other areas around the Antarctic.
An aerial survey was conducted to estimate the abundance of belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) on their wintering ground in West Greenland in March-April 2006 and 2008. The survey was conducted as a double platform aerial line transect survey, and sampled approximately 17% of the total survey area of ca. 125 000 km**2. The abundance of belugas was 10 595 (95% confidence interval 4904-24 650). The largest abundance was found at the northern part of Store Hellefiske Bank, at the eastern edge of the Baffin Bay pack ice, a pattern similar to that found in eight systematic surveys conducted since 1981. A clear relationship between decreasing sea-ice cover and increasing offshore distance of beluga sightings was established from all previous surveys, suggesting that belugas expand their distribution westward as new areas on the banks of West Greenland open up earlier in spring with reduced sea-ice coverage or early annual ice recession. This is in contrast to the relatively confined distribution of belugas near the coast in limited open areas in the early 1980s, when sea-ice cover was greater. However, the effects of the changes in coastal availability of belugas can also be observed with the correlation between catches from the local Inuit hunt and sea-ice cover, where the catches increased significantly with increasing sea-ice coverage during the period 1954-2006. These results, based on nearly 30 years of dedicated survey effort, are among the first available evidence showing a shift in distribution of an Arctic cetacean in response to changes in sea-ice coverage.
We report the intercalibration of paleomagnetic secular variation (PSV) and radiocarbon dates of two expanded postglacial sediment cores from geographically proximal, but oceanographically and sedimentologically contrasting settings. The objective is to improve relative correlation and chronology over what can be achieved with either method alone. Core MD99-2269 was taken from the Húnaflóaáll Trough on the north Iceland shelf. Core MD99-2322 was collected from the Kangerlussuaq Trough on the east Greenland margin. Both cores are well dated, with 27 and 20 accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dates for cores 2269 and 2322, respectively. Paleomagnetic measurements made on u channel samples document a strong, stable, single-component magnetization. The temporal similarities of paleomagnetic inclination and declination records are shown using each core's independent calibrated radiocarbon age model. Comparison of the PSV records reveals that the relative correlation between the two cores could be further improved. Starting in the depth domain, tie points initially based on calibrated 14C dates are either adjusted or added to maximize PSV correlations. Radiocarbon dates from both cores are then combined on a common depth scale resulting from the PSV correlation. Support for the correlation comes from the consistent interweaving of dates, correct alignment of the Saksunarvatn tephra, and the improved correlation of paleoceanographic proxy data (percent carbonate). These results demonstrate that PSV correlation used in conjunction with 14C dates can improve relative correlation and also regional chronologies by allowing dates from various stratigraphic sequences to be combined into a single, higher dating density, age-to-depth model.
The relative importance of small forms of copepods has been historically underestimated by the traditional use of 200-300-µm mesh nets. This work quantified the distribution and abundance of copepods, considering two size fractions (<300 µm and >300 µm), in superficial waters (9 m deep) of the Drake Passage and contributed to the knowledge of their interannual fluctuations among three summers. Four types of nauplii and eleven species of copepods at copepodite and adult stages were identified, with abundance values of up to 13 ind/L and 28,300 µg C/m**3. The <300-µm fraction, composed of Oithona similis, small cyclopoids and nauplii, dominated the copepod communities in the 3 years; it accounted for more than 77% of the total number and for between 40 and 63% of the total biomass. Changes in density and biomass values among the three cruises differed according to copepod size fraction and water mass; the >300-µm fraction showed no changes among the 3 years, both in Antarctic (density and biomass) and in Subantarctic waters (density), whereas the <300-µm fraction showed higher (density and biomass) values in 2001 both in Subantarctic and in Antarctic waters. Sea surface temperature and its anomaly accounted for the largest proportion of variability in copepod density and biomass, particularly for the <300-µm fraction.
Seabirds feed heavily on Arctic cod Boreogadus saida during the summer in the Canadian Arctic but little is known of the interactions among birds while foraging and the factors that drive feeding behaviour. The objective of this study was to describe the relationship between seabirds and Arctic cod in a productive feeding area distant from breeding colonies. Transect surveys were completed using standardized count protocols to determine the density of seabirds in Allen Bay, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut. Shore-based observation sites determined seabird foraging behaviour associated with the presence of schools and environmental variables. The density of birds (156 bird/km**2) was high compared to that of other locations in the Canadian Arctic. Several bird species were more active early in the morning and with winds from the south, possibly due to an increase in Arctic cod feeding on zooplankton at the surface. Northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis and black-legged kittiwakes Rissa tridactyla captured Arctic cod directly from the water; however, they lost nearly 25% of captures to glaucous gulls Larus hyperboreus and parasitic jaegers Stercorarius parasiticus. These kleptoparasitic seabirds benefited the most in Allen Bay obtaining as much as 8 times more Arctic cod than species capturing cod directly. Northern fulmars captured 3 times more Arctic cod from schools, and black-legged kittiwakes captured similar proportions of schooling and non-schooling cod. We conclude that non-schooling Arctic cod are as important as schooling cod as an energy source for seabirds in nearshore areas, such as Allen Bay, during the summer.
We report analyses of porosity and permeability of core samples from Site 1193 in the Northern Marion Platform, Sites 1196 and 1199 in the Southern Marion Platform, and Sites 1194, 1195, 1197, and 1198 from the slopes of these platforms. The samples include 415 horizontal 1-in plugs, 290 vertical 1-in plugs, and 23 whole-core pieces. Porosity and permeability analyses were possible for most, but not all, samples. Grain density measurements were also obtained for the horizontal plugs. Representative photomicrographs are provided of thin sections from 139 of the horizontal plugs and the 23 whole-core pieces.