45 resultados para planetary scales


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IPOD Leg 49 recovered basalts from 9 holes at 7 sites along 3 transects across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: 63°N (Reykjanes), 45°N and 36°N (FAMOUS area). This has provided further information on the nature of mantle heterogeneity in the North Atlantic by enabling studies to be made of the variation of basalt composition with depth and with time near critical areas (Iceland and the Azores) where deep mantle plumes are thought to exist. Over 150 samples have been analysed for up to 40 major and trace elements and the results used to place constraints on the petrogenesis of the erupted basalts and hence on the geochemical nature of their source regions. It is apparent that few of the recovered basalts have the geochemical characteristics of typical "depleted" midocean ridge basalts (MORB). An unusually wide range of basalt compositions may be erupted at a single site: the range of rare earth patterns within the short section cored at Site 413, for instance, encompasses the total variation of REE patterns previously reported from the FAMOUS area. Nevertheless it is possible to account for most of the compositional variation at a single site by partial melting processes (including dynamic melting) and fractional crystallization. Partial melting mechanisms seem to be the dominant processes relating basalt compositions, particularly at 36°N and 45°N, suggesting that long-lived sub-axial magma chambers may not be a consistent feature of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Comparisons of basalts erupted at the same ridge segment for periods of the order of 35 m.y. (now lying along the same mantle flow line) do show some significant inter-site differences in Rb/Sr, Ce/Yb, 87Sr/86Sr, etc., which cannot be accounted for by fractionation mechanisms and which must reflect heterogeneities in the mantle source. However when hygromagmatophile (HYG) trace element levels and ratios are considered, it is the constancy or consistency of these HYG ratios which is the more remarkable, implying that the mantle source feeding a particular ridge segment was uniform with respect to these elements for periods of the order of 35 m.y. and probably since the opening of the Atlantic. Yet these HYG element ratios at 63°N are very different from those at 45°N and 36°N and significantly different from the values at 22°N and in "MORB". The observed variations are difficult to reconcile with current concepts of mantle plumes and binary mixing models. The mantle is certainly heterogeneous, but there is not simply an "enriched" and a "depleted" source, but rather a range of sources heterogeneous on different scales for different elements - to an extent and volume depending on previous depletion/enrichment events. HYG element ratios offer the best method of defining compositionally different mantle segments since they are little modified by the fractionation processes associated with basalt generation.


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Multiple copies of Cretaceous black shales extending from the early Cenomanian to the end of the Santonian were recovered at five sites on Demerara Rise during Leg 207 of the Ocean Drilling Program. These sediments are primarily composed of laminated organic-rich claystones interbedded with coarser, lightly laminated foraminferal-bearing packstones and wackestones. The black shales represent the local expression of widespread organic-rich sedimentation in the Atlantic during the mid-Cretaceous. However, incomplete recovery prevented construction of continuous composite sections, resulting in uncertainties concerning the correct stratigraphic placement of individual cores. By combining high-resolution measurements of bulk density collected shipboard on the multisensor track with continuous downhole measurements of formation resistivity using the Formation MicroScanner, an equivalent logging depth scale was constructed for black shales recovered from Sites 1258, 1260, and 1261. The integrated depths approach centimeter-scale resolution and are supported by comparisons of coarser resolution natural gamma ray emissions collected on cores and through downhole logging operations. The new depths highlight the extent of both intra- and intercore gaps and provide an opportunity to further constrain temporal and spatial paleoceanographic changes captured in proxy records from these sediments.


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Respiration of ectotherms is predicted to increase faster with rising environmental temperature than photosynthesis of primary producers because of the differential temperature dependent kinetics of the key enzymes involved. Accordingly, if biological processes at higher levels of complexity are constrained by underlying metabolic functions food consumption by heterotrophs should increase more rapidly with rising temperature than photo-autoptrophic primary production. We compared rates of photosynthesis and growth of the benthic seaweed Fucus vesiculosus with respiration and consumption of the isopod Idotea baltica to achieve a mechanistic understanding why warming strengthens marine plant-herbivore interactions. In laboratory experiments thallus pieces of the seaweed and individuals of the grazer were exposed to constant temperatures at a range from 10 to 20°C. Photosynthesis of F. vesiculosus did not vary with temperature indicating efficient thermal acclimation whereas growth of the algae clearly increased with temperature. Respiration and food consumption of I. baltica also increased with temperature. Grazer consumption scaled about 2.5 times faster with temperature than seaweed production. The resulting mismatch between algal production and herbivore consumption may result in a net loss of algal tissue at elevated temperatures. Our study provides an explanation for faster decomposition of seaweeds at elevated temperatures despite the positive effects of high temperatures on algal growth.


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On the basis of studies of Holocene samples,submarine basaltic glass (SBG) is thought to be an ideal paleointensity recorder because it contains unaltered single domain magnetic inclusions that yield Thellier paleointensity data of exceptional quality. To be useful as a recorder of the long-term geomagnetic field, older SBG must retain these optimal properties. Here, we examine this issue through rock magnetic and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analyses of Cretaceous SBG recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1203 (northwestern Pacific Ocean). These SBG samples have very low natural remanent magnetization intensities (NRM <50 nAm**2/g) and TEM analyses indicate a correspondingly low concentration of crystalline inclusions. Thellier experiments on samples with the strongest NRM intensity (>5*10**-11 Am**2) show a rapid acquisition of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) with respect to NRM demagnetization. Taken at face value,this behavior implies magnetization in a very weak (617 WT) ambient field. But monitoring of magnetic hysteresis properties during the Thellier experiments (on subsamples of the SBG samples used for paleointensity determinations) indicates systematic variations in values over the same temperature range where the rapid TRM acquisition is observed. A similar change in properties during heating is observed on monitor SBG specimens using low-temperature data: with progressive heatings the Verwey transition becomes more distinct. We suggest that these experimental data record the partial melting and neocrystallization of magnetic grains in SBG during the thermal treatments required by the Thellier method,resulting in paleointensity values biased to low values. We further propose that this process is pronounced in Cretaceous and Jurassic SBG (relative to Holocene SBG) because devitrification on geologic time scales (i.e., tens of millions of years) lowers the transition temperature at which the neocrystallization can commence. Magnetic hysteresis monitoring may provide a straightforward means of detecting the formation of new magnetic inclusions in SBG during Thellier experiments.


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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 (central North Atlantic) records paleomagnetic directional and relative paleointensity (RPI) variations for the last 1.5 Myr, in 110 m of the sediment sequence at a mean sedimentation rate of 7.3 cm/kyr. A detailed benthic oxygen isotope record was combined with RPI to produce an integrated, high-resolution magneto-isotopic stratigraphy for Site U1308. Apart from the well-known polarity reversals in this interval, the Punaruu excursion is recorded at 1092 ka and the Cobb Mountain Subchron in the 1182-1208 ka interval. The paleointensity proxies are determined as slopes of NRM versus ARM and NRM versus ARMAQ (ARM acquisition) with linear correlation coefficients to monitor the quality of the linear fit. The RPI record for Site U1308 is compared with the three other paleointensity records (one from the Western Equatorial Pacific and two from the North Atlantic) that cover the same time interval and have accompanying oxygen isotope records. The Match protocol of Lisiecki and Lisiecki (2002) is used to optimize the correlation of paleointensity records. Beginning with the original (published) age models for each record, the Match routine is used to optimize the RPI correlations to Site U1308, with checks to ensure compatibility with oxygen isotope records. Squared wavelet coherence (WTC) indicates significant improvement in RPI (and oxygen isotope) correlations after matching each RPI record to Site U1308, particularly for periods > 10 kyr. The level of coherence for the Atlantic RPI records and the lower resolution Pacific record implies synchronous global variability (at scales > 10 kyr) that can be attributed to the axial dipole geomagnetic field.


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We present composite depth scales for the multiply cored intervals from Sites 1150 and 1151. These new depth scales place coeval strata recovered in cores from different holes at a single site into a common stratigraphic framework. At Site 1150, double coring between Holes 1150A and 1150B occurred over only a short interval between ~703 and 713 meters below seafloor (mbsf), but this is sufficient to tie the upper portion of the stratigraphic section cored in Hole 1150A to the lower portion cored in Hole 1150B. The upper ~100 m of the sedimentary section at Site 1151 was double cored with the advanced piston corer and partially cored with the rotary core barrel, resulting in the complete recovery of this interval. The composite depth scales were constructed using Splicer software to vertically adjust the relative depths of various cores from one hole to the depths from another hole so as to align distinct physical properties measured on cores. The magnetic susceptibility data was the physical property most easily correlated between holes, and therefore primarily used to create a composite depth scale and spliced stratigraphic section. The spliced section is a continuous stratigraphic section constructed from representative cored intervals from the holes at a site. Both the splice and the composite depth scale can be applied to other data sets from Site 1151 to provide a stratigraphically continuous and laterally consistent basis for interpreting lithologic features or data sets. The resulting composite scale showed a 30% improvement in correlation of the magnetic susceptibility data relative to the original mbsf depth scale, and comparable improvement when applied to the other data sets.


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Changes in the strength of Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) are known to have profound impacts on global climate. Coupled modelling studies have suggested that, on annual to multi-decadal time scales, a slowdown of AMOC causes a deepening of the thermocline in the tropical Atlantic. However, this process has been poorly constrained by sedimentary geochemical records. Here, we reconstruct surface (UK'37 Index) and thermocline (TEXH86) water temperatures from the Guinea Plateau Margin (Eastern tropical Atlantic) over the last two glacial-interglacial cycles (~ 192 kyr). These paleotemperature records show that periods of reduced AMOC, as indicated by the d13 C benthic foraminiferal record from the same core, coincide with a reduction in the near-surface vertical temperature gradient, demonstrating for the first time that AMOC-induced tropical Atlantic thermocline adjustment exists on longer, millennial time scales. Modelling results support the interpretation of the geochemical records and show that thermocline adjustment is particularly pronounced in the eastern tropical Atlantic. Thus, variations in AMOC strength appear to be an important driver of the thermocline structure in the tropical Atlantic from annual to multi-millennial time scales.


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