255 resultados para lead isotope


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Analyses of Pb from mid-ocean ridge basalts obtained from DSDP Leg 37 lie on a line of near-zero-age slope. The data seem consistent with an evolutionary model of three stages, the beginning of the second stage being at about 600 m.y. - the model age obtained for the least radiogenic Pb. The beginning of the third stage of evolution at the time of formation of the rocks apparently did not change the average Th/U ratio since measured values are consistent with the ratio deduced from Pb isotope ratios. Ratios of U/Pb are not consistent with Pb isotope ratios, however, thus ruling out a simple two-stage evolutionary model.


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Strontium, neodymium, and lead isotope ratios are reported for 13 Leg 115 basalts as well as 3 basalts from Texaco drill hole SM-1 on the Mascarene Plateau. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios and eNd range from 0.70330 to 0.70439 and 5.5 to 7.4, respectively, although 87Sr/86Sr ratios higher than 0.70383 are found only in SM-1 basalts. The high 87Sr/86Sr values are thought to reflect seawater Sr in secondary phases, although all samples were strongly leached in HC1 before analysis. 206Pb/204Pb ratios range from 18.53 to 18.80, and sho high 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios relative to 206Pb/204Pb ratios, typical of Indian Ocean mid-ocean ridge (MORB) and oceanic-island basalts (OIB). Isotopic compositions of Leg 115 basalts generally fall between fields for MORB and Reunion Island basalts, consistent with the conclusion drawn from geochronological studies that Deccan flood basalt volcanism, the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge, and the Mascarene Plateau are all products of the Reunion mantle plume. Isotopic compositions of magmas produced by this plume have varied systematically with time in the direction of less "depleted," less MORB-like isotopic signatures. This compositional change has been accompanied by a decrease in eruption rate. We interpret Deccan volcanism as the voluminous beginning of the plume. Reduced entrainment of asthenosphere following melting of the plume head resulted in less MORB-like isotope ratios in magmas and a decrease in eruptive activity with time.


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Re-Os and Pb-Pb isotopic analysis of reduced varved sediments cored in the deeper basin of Saanich Inlet (B.C.) are presented. From core top to 61 cm down-core, spanning approximately the last 100 yrs of sedimentation, 187Os/188Os ratio and Os concentration respectively increase from ~0.8 to ~0.9 and from 55 to 60 ppt, whereas Re concentration decreases from 3600 to 2600 ppt. Re correlates with Corg (R2=0.6) throughout the entire section, whereas Os follows Re and Corg trends deeper down-core, suggesting a decoupling of a Re- and Os-geochemistry during burial and/or very early diagenesis. No systematic compositional differences are observed between seasonal laminae. 204Pb-normalized lead isotope ratios increase from sediment surface down to 7 cm down-core, then decrease steadily to pre-industrial levels at ~50 cm down-core. This pattern illustrates the contamination from leaded gasoline until the recent past. The measured Pb isotopic ratios point primarily toward gasoline related atmospheric lead from the USA. The osmium isotopic values measured are significantly lower than those of modern seawater-Os. In comparison with other anoxic environments, the osmium content of Saanich Inlet sediments is low, and its Os isotopic composition suggests significant inputs from unradiogenic sources (detrital and/or dissolved). Ultramafic lithologies in the watershed of the Fraser River are suspected to contribute to sedimentary inputs as well as to the input of dissolved unradiogenic osmium in the water of Saanich Inlet. The presence of some unradiogenic Os from anthropogenic contamination cannot be discounted near the core top, but since deeper, pre-anthropogenic levels also yielded unradiogenic Os results, one is led to conclude that the overall low 187Os/188Os ratios result from natural geochemical processes. Thus, the bulk sediment of Saanich Inlet does not appear to record 187Os/188Os composition of the marine end-member of the only slightly below normal salinity, fjord water. The low seawater-derived Os content of the sediment, coupled with unradiogenic Os inputs from local sources, explains the overall low isotopic values observed. As a consequence, such near-shore anoxic sediments are unlikely to record changes in the past ocean Os isotopic composition.


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The influence of atmospheric dust on climate and biogeochemical cycles in the oceans is well understood but poorly quantified. Glacial atmospheric dust loads were generally greater than those during the Holocene, as shown, for example, by the covariation of dust fluxes in the Equatorial Pacific and Antarctic ice cores. Nevertheless, it remains unclear whether these increases in dust flux were associated with changes in sources of dust, which would in turn suggest variations in wind patterns, climate or paleo-environment. Such questions can be answered using radiogenic isotope tracers of dust provenance. Here, we present a 160-kyr high-precision lead isotope time-series of dust input to the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) from core ODP Leg 138, Site 849 (0°11.59' N, 110°31.18' W). The Pb isotope record, combined with Nd isotope data, rules out contributions from Northern Hemisphere dust sources, north of the Intertropical Convergence Zone, such as Asia or North Africa/Sahara; similarly, eolian sources in Australia, Central America, the Northern Andes and Patagonia appear insignificant based upon the radiogenic isotope data. Fluctuations in Pb isotope ratios throughout the last 160 kyr show, instead, that South America remained the prevailing source of dusts to the EEP. There are two distinct South American Pb isotope end-members, constrained to be located in the south Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ, 22° S - 27.5° S) and the South Volcanic Zone (SVZ, 33° S - 43° S), with the former most likely originating in the Atacama Desert. Dust availability in the SVZ appears to be related to the weathering of volcanic deposits and the development of ash-derived Andosols, and influenced by local factors that might include vegetation cover. Variations in the dust fluxes from the two sources are in phase with both the dust flux and temperature records from Antarctican ice cores. We show that the forcing of dust provenance over time in the EEP overall is influenced by high-southerly-latitude climate conditions, leading to changes in the latitudinal position and strength of the South Westerlies as well as the coastal winds that blow northward along the Chilean margin. The net result is a modulation of dust emission from the Atacama Desert and the SVZ via a northward migration of the South Westerlies during cold periods and southward retreat during glacial terminations.


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The passive continental margin south-west of Rockall Plateau is characterized by a thick sequence of oceanward-dipping seismic reflectors. During Leg 81 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, these reflectors were sampled at Site 553 and proved to consist almost exclusively of basalt. Here we present lead isotope data which indicate that these basalts may have been contaminated by ancient uranium-depleted continental crust, or alternatively, derived from a sub-continental lithospheric mantle source. In either case, the implications are that the basalts of the south-west Rockall Plateau formed by eruption through and onto continental basement, not by 'subaerial seafloor spreading'. This conclusion is in accord with gravity models of the area, which predict stretched continental crust beneath the dipping reflector sequence.