115 resultados para land suitability analysis


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This study projects land cover probabilities under climate change for corn (maize), soybeans, spring and winter wheat, winter wheat-soybean double cropping, cotton, grassland and forest across 16 central U.S. states at a high spatial resolution, while also taking into account the influence of soil characteristics and topography. The scenarios span three oceanic-atmospheric global circulation models, three Representative Concentration Pathways, and three time periods (2040, 2070, 2100). As climate change intensifies, the suitable area for all six crops display large northward shifts. Total suitable area for spring wheat, followed by corn and soybeans, diminish. Suitable area for winter wheat and for winter wheat-soybean double-cropping expand northward, while cotton suitability migrates to new, more northerly, locations. Suitability for forest intensifies in the south while yielding to crops in the north; grassland intensifies in the western Great Plains as crop suitability diminishes. To maintain current broad geographic patterns of land use, large changes in the thermal response of crops such as corn would be required. A transition from corn-soybean to winter wheat-soybean doubling cropping is an alternative adaptation.


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Cape Roberts Project drill core 3 (CRP-3) was obtained from Roberts ridge, a sea-floor high located at 77°S, 12 km offshore from Cape Roberts in western McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. The recovered core is about 939 m long and comprises strata dated as being early Oligocene (possibly latest Eocene) in age, resting unconformably on ~116 m of basement rocks consisting of Palaeozoic Beacon Supergroup sediments. The core includes ten facies commonly occurring in five major associations that are repeated in particular sequences throughout the core and which are interpreted as representing different depositional environments through time. Depositional systems inferred to be represented in the succession include: outer shelf, inner shelf, nearshore to shoreface each under iceberg influence, deltaic and/or grounding-line fan, and ice proximal-ice marginal-subglacial (mass flow/rainout diamictite/subglacial till) singly or in combination. The record is taken to represent the initial talus/alluvial fan setting of a glaciated rift margin adjacent to the block-uplifted Transantarctic Mountains. Development of a deltaic succession upcore was probably associated with the formation of palaeo-Mackay valley with temperate glaciers in its headwaters. At that stage glaciation was intense enough to support glaciers ending in the sea elsewhere along the coast, but a local glacier was fluctuating down to the sea by the time the youngest part of CRP-3 was being deposited. Changes in palaeoenvironmental interpretations in this youngest part of the core are used to estimate relative glacial proximity to the drillsite through time. These inferred glacial fluctuations are compared with the global d180 and Mg/Ca curves to evaluate the potential of glacial fluctuations on Antarctica for influencing these records of global change. Although the comparisons are tentative at present, the records do have similarities, but there are also some differences that require further evaluation.


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The upper 1200 m of pre-Pliocene sediment recovered by Cape Roberts Project (CRP) drilling off the Victoria Land coast of Antarctica between 1997-1999 has been subdivided into 54 unconformity-bound stratigraphic sequences, spanning the period c. 32 to 17 Ma. The sequences are recognised on the basis of the cyclical vertical stacking of their constituent lithofacies, which are enclosed by erosion surfaces produced during the grounding of the advancing ice margin onto the sea floor. Each sequence represents deposition in a range of offshore shelf to coastal glacimarine sedimentary environments during oscillations in the ice margin across the Western Ross Sea shelf, and coeval fluctuations in water depth. This paper applies spectral analysis techniques to depth- and time-series of sediment grain size (500 samples) for intervals of the core with adequate chronological data. Time series analysis of 0.5-l.0m-spaced grainsize data spanning sequences 9-11 (CRP-2/2A) and sequences 1-7 (CRP-3) suggests that the length of individual sequences correspond to Milankovitch frequencies, probably 41 k.y., but possibly as low as 100 k.y. Higher frequency periodic components at 23 k.y. (orbital precession) and 15-10 k.y. (sub-orbital) are recognised at the intrasequence-scale, and may represent climatic cycles akin to the ice rafting episodes described in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Quaternary. The cyclicity recorded by glacimarine sequences in CRP core provides direct evidence from the periphery of Antarctica for orbital oscillations in the size of the Oligocene-Early Miocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet.


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Grain-size analyses by sieve and Sedigraph are presented for 115 samples of core from CRP-3, 12 km off the coast of south Victoria Land. The data provide a useful check on visual core descriptions. The geographic setting for the strata sampled, some 790 m of early Oligocene nearshore marine sediments with a persistent glacial influence, is reviewed, and sediment textures interpreted in that context. Sand textures from the CRP-3 samples in the lower part of the core suggest that deposition was initially primarily wave-dominated, but that at times the influence of the waves was over-ridden by episodes of rapid sedimentation. Sedimentary cycles, recognised in the visual description of the core above 485 mbsf, show an increasing proportion of mudstone in the middle of each cycle above 330 mbsf that is interpreted to record periodic sedimentation in deeper water. Sandstone textures in the lower and upper parts of each cycle are interpreted to record departure from and return to shoreface deposition with changes in sea level. Mudstone textures above 176 mbsf indicate sedimentation below wave base. Many of the textures in both sand and mud samples show the coarse 'tail' characteristic of ice-rafted debris, but others do not, indicating ice-free periods. Many sandstones below c. 200 mbsf have virtually no silt, but significant amounts of clay (6 to 17%) that is thought to be of post-depositional origin.


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The purpose of this note is to present results of grain size analyses from 118 samples of the CRP-2/2A core using sieve and Sedigraph techniques. The samples were selected to represent the range of facies encountered, and tend to become more widely spaced with depth. Fifteen came from the upper 27 m of Quaternary and Pliocene sediments, 62 from the early Miocene-late Oligocene strata (27 to 307 mbsf), and 41 from the early Oligocene strata beneath (307 to 624 mbsf). The results are intended to provide reference data for lithological descriptions in the core logs (Cape Roberts Science Team, 1999), and to help with facies interpretation. The analytical technique used for determining size frequency of the sand fraction in our samples (sieving) is simple, physical and widely practised for over a century. Thus it provides a useful reference point for analyses produced by other faster and more sophisticated techniques, such as the Malvern laser particle size analysis system (Woolfe et al., 2000), and estimates derived from measurements taken with down-hole logging tools (Bücker, pers. com., 1999).


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Concentrations of major ions, silicate and nutrients (total N and P) were measured in samples of surface water from 28 lakes in ice-free areas of northern Victoria Land (East Antarctica). Sixteen lakes were sampled during austral summers 2001/02, 2003/04, 2004/05 and 2005/06 to assess temporal variation in water chemistry. Although samples showed a wide range in ion concentrations, their composition mainly reflected that of seawater. In general, as the distance from the sea increased, the input of elements from the marine environment (through aerosols and seabirds) decreased and there was an increase in nitrate and sulfate concentrations. Antarctic lakes lack outflows and during the austral summer the melting and/or ablation of ice cover, water evaporation and leaching processes in dry soils determine a progressive increase in water ion concentrations. During the five-year monitoring survey, no statistically significant variation in the water chemistry were detected, except for a slight (hardly significant) increase in TN concentrations. However, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) indicated that other factors besides distance from the sea, the presence of nesting seabirds, the sampling time and percentage of ice cover affect the composition of water in Antarctic cold desert environments.


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The Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) core can enhance our understanding of the relationship between parameters measured in the ice in central Greenland and variability in the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere of the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent land masses. Seasonal (summer, winter) to annual responses of dD and deuterium excess isotopic signals in the GISP2 core to the seesaw in winter temperatures between West Greenland and northern Europe from A.D. 1840 to 1970 are investigated. This seesaw represents extreme modes of the North Atlantic Oscillation, which also influences sea surface temperatures (SSTs), atmospheric pressures, geostrophic wind strength, and sea ice extents beyond the winter season. Temperature excursions inferred from the dD record during seesaw/extreme NAO mode years move in the same direction as the West Greenland side of the seesaw. Symmetry with the West Greenland side of the seesaw suggests a possible mechanism for damping in the ice core record of the lowest decadal temperatures experienced in Europe from A.D. 1500 to 1700. Seasonal and annual deuterium excess excursions during seesaw years show negative correlation with dD. This suggests an isotopic response to a SST/ land temperature seesaw. The isotopic record from GISP2 may therefore give information on both ice sheet and sea surface temperature variability. Cross-plots of dD and d show a tendency for data to be grouped according to the prevailing mode of the seesaw, but do not provide unambiguous identification of individual seesaw years. A combination of ice core and tree ring data sets may allow more confident identification of GA and GB (extreme NAO mode) years prior to 1840.


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The early Eocene epoch was characterized by extreme global warmth, which in terrestrial settings was characterized by an expansion of near-tropical vegetation belts into the high latitudes. During the middle to late Eocene, global cooling caused the retreat of tropical vegetation to lower latitudes. In high-latitude settings, near-tropical vegetation was replaced by temperate floras. This floral change has recently been traced as far south as Antarctica, where along the Wilkes Land margin paratropical forests thrived during the early Eocene and temperate Nothofagus forests developed during the middle Eocene. Here we provide both qualitative and quantitative palynological data for this floral turnover based on a sporomorph record recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1356 off the Wilkes Land margin. Following the nearest living relative concept and based on a comparison with modern vegetation types, we examine the structure and diversity patterns of the Eocene vegetation along the Wilkes Land margin. Our results indicate that the early Eocene forests along the Wilkes Land margin were characterized by a diverse canopy composed of plants that today occur in tropical settings; their richness pattern was similar to that of present-day forests from New Caledonia. The middle Eocene forests were characterized by a canopy dominated by Nothofagus and exhibited richness patterns similar to modern Nothofagus forests from New Zealand.


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It is still an open question how equilibrium warming in response to increasing radiative forcing - the specific equilibrium climate sensitivity S - depends on background climate. We here present palaeodata-based evidence on the state dependency of S, by using CO2 proxy data together with a 3-D ice-sheet-model-based reconstruction of land ice albedo over the last 5 million years (Myr). We find that the land ice albedo forcing depends non-linearly on the background climate, while any non-linearity of CO2 radiative forcing depends on the CO2 data set used. This non-linearity has not, so far, been accounted for in similar approaches due to previously more simplistic approximations, in which land ice albedo radiative forcing was a linear function of sea level change. The latitudinal dependency of ice-sheet area changes is important for the non-linearity between land ice albedo and sea level. In our set-up, in which the radiative forcing of CO2 and of the land ice albedo (LI) is combined, we find a state dependence in the calculated specific equilibrium climate sensitivity, S[CO2,LI], for most of the Pleistocene (last 2.1 Myr). During Pleistocene intermediate glaciated climates and interglacial periods, S[CO2,LI] is on average ~ 45 % larger than during Pleistocene full glacial conditions. In the Pliocene part of our analysis (2.6-5 Myr BP) the CO2 data uncertainties prevent a well-supported calculation for S[CO2,LI], but our analysis suggests that during times without a large land ice area in the Northern Hemisphere (e.g. before 2.82 Myr BP), the specific equilibrium climate sensitivity, S[CO2,LI], was smaller than during interglacials of the Pleistocene. We thus find support for a previously proposed state change in the climate system with the widespread appearance of northern hemispheric ice sheets. This study points for the first time to a so far overlooked non-linearity in the land ice albedo radiative forcing, which is important for similar palaeodata-based approaches to calculate climate sensitivity. However, the implications of this study for a suggested warming under CO2 doubling are not yet entirely clear since the details of necessary corrections for other slow feedbacks are not fully known and the uncertainties that exist in the ice-sheet simulations and global temperature reconstructions are large.


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The European Programme for Ice Coring in Antarctica includes a comprehensive pre-site survey on the inland ice plateau of Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. The German glaciological programme during the 1997/98 field season was carried out along a 1200 km traverse on Amundsenisen and involved sampling the snow cover in pits and by shallow firn cores. This paper focuses on the accumulation studies. The cores were dated by dielectric-profiling and continuous-flow analysis. Distinct volcanogenic peaks and seasonal signals in the profiles served to establish a depth time-scale. The eruptions of Krakatoa, Tambora, an unknown volcano, Kuwae and El Chichon are well-documented in the ice. Variations of the accumulation rates over different times were inferred from the depth time-scales. A composite record of accumulation rates for the last 200 years was produced by stacking 12 annually resolved records. According to this, accumulation rates decreased in the 19th century and increased in the 20th century. The recent values are by no means extraordinary, as they do not exceed the values at the beginning of the 19th century. Variations in accumulation rates are most probably linked to temperature variations indicated in d18O records from Amundsenisen.