41 resultados para egg embryonation


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We investigated the effect of suspended sediments on the vital rates of the copepods Calanus finmarchicus, Pseudocalanus sp. and Metridia longa in a Greenland sub-Arctic fjord. The fjord had a gradient of suspended particulate matter (SPM) with high concentrations (>50 mg/L) in the inner fjord due to glacial melt water runoff. Laboratory experiments showed that when feeding on the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii specific ingestion rates were low at high concentrations of suspended sediment for C. finmarchicus (>20 mg/L) and Pseudocalanus sp. (>50 mg/L), while no effect was found for M. longa. For C. finmarchicus, a relatively constant fecal pellet production (FPP) and fecal pellet volume suggested ingestion of sediment, which probably led to reduction in egg production rates (EPRs) at high sediment concentrations. For Pseudocalanus sp., FPP decreased with increasing sediment concentrations, while no effect was observed on EPR. No significant difference was observed in FPP for M. longa feeding on the diatom T. weissflogii compared to the ciliate Strombidium sulcatum. The study shows that high sediment concentrations influence the capability of carbon turnover in C. finmarchicus and Pseudocalanus sp., while M. longa appears to be more tolerant to high sediment loads. Therefore, high concentrations of SPM could potentially influence the species composition of glacially influenced fjords.


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The pre-bloom grazing and egg production rates of Calanus finmarchicus were studied at in situ temperature and chlorophyll concentration during spring on North Atlantic cruise. The sampled transects covered the Iceland, Irminger and Labrador basins.


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1. In Polar Regions, the extent and dynamics of sea-ice are changing. This affects the ocean productivity which consecutively impacts plankton communities and polar top predators like penguins. Yet, the underlying behavioural and physiological mechanisms remain poorly understood. 2. Here we monitored the ecophysiological responses of Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) pairs during two seasons of contrasting timing of sea-ice retreat. Beside classical breeding parameters like foraging trip duration, body mass and reproductive success, we also investigated food-related stress (via plasma corticosterone concentration), nutritional state (via metabolite levels) and the use of penguins' habitat (via blood isotopic values). 3. Body mass and reproductive success remained unchanged but foraging trips were shorter when sea-ice retreated earlier. Constant plasma corticosterone concentrations indicated that none of the feeding conditions resulted in a food-related stress. However metabolite levels were lower when sea-ice retreated early, suggesting that the foraging performance and the quality/quantity of food differed. Indeed isotopic ratios indicated that coastal prey like fish contributed more to the penguins' diet when sea-ice retreated prematurely. 4. The early sea-ice retreat was related to higher chlorophyll concentrations, known to favour krill recruitment. Paradoxically, this was not associated to a higher krill contribution in the penguins' diet. We propose that a shift in the phytoplankton quality (rather than quantity), affecting krill recruitment, forced penguins to switch to more available prey like coastal fish. 5. In some Antarctic regions, sea-ice is retreating earlier and earlier. In the present study, even though the timing of sea-ice retreat and the consecutive ocean productivity differed drastically between the 2 years, Adelie penguins were not severely affected because they were able to adjust their at-sea behaviour and thus maintained their body condition and reproductive success unchanged. 6. This suggests that the timing of sea-ice retreat does not represent an important threat to populations of Adelie penguins at least as long as alternative resources are still available and other environmental parameters like winter sea-ice extent are not dramatically altered.


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Egg and pellet production of Calanus finmarchicus was measured at 6-h intervals at all stations during the second leg of the cruise. Calanus was collected at the surface 150-m using a WP2 plankton net, and incubated in chl-max water for 24-h. Each 6 hours females were transferred to a new food solution and eggs and pellets were counted. In the end of the experiment, females were measured for prosome length. The purpose of the exercise was to calculate the minimum carbon consumption of Calanus, and how large proportion of ingestion is egested as fast sinking fecal pellets, and when.


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Zooplankton samples were taken in five depth strata using a Multinet type Midi, with 50 µm nets. The samples were taken during the second leg only, three times at station 1, two times at station 2 and once at station 3. Zooplankton were identified to species / genus and life-stage, and at least 300 individuals were counted per sample. 10 individuals of each stage / species were measured and the numbers of eggs counted.


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The ingestion on ciliates and phytoplankton dataset is based on samples taken during April 2008 in Northern Aegean Sea, the area influenced by the Black Sea water outflow. A Lagrangian experiment was established and copepod ingestion was estimated from experiments performed at stations according to the different positions of drifters during the cruise. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 20 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Centropages typicus and Calanus helgolandicus according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000). The egg production dataset is based on samples taken during April 2008 in Northern Aegean Sea, the area influenced by the Black Sea water outflow. A Lagrangian experiment was established and copepod egg production was estimated from experiments performed at stations according to the different positions of drifters during the cruise. Egg production rates of the dominant calanoid copepods were determined by incubation of fertilised females (eggs female/day) collected in the 0-20m layer. Copepod egg production was measured for the copepods Centropages typicus, Calanus helgolandicus. On board experiments for the estimation of copepod egg production were taken place. For the estimation of copepod production (mgC/ m**2 /day), lengths (copepods and eggs) were converted to body carbon (Hopcroft et al., 1998) and production was estimated from biomass and weight-specific egg production rates, by assuming that those rates are representative for juvenile specific growth rates (Berggreen et al., 1988).


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This dataset based on samples taken during October 2008 in Dardanelles Straits, Marmara Sea and Bosporus Straits at the third priority stations. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 50 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Oithona spp., Clausocalanus furcatus, Acartia clausi and Oncaea spp. and in one cladoceran species Penilia avirostris according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Egg production rates of the dominant calanoid copepods were determined by incubation of fertilised females (eggs/female/day) collected in the 0-20m layer. Copepod egg production was measured for the copepods Clausocalanus furcatus, Paracalanus parvus,Acaria clausi. On board experiments for the estimation of copepod egg production were taken place. For the estimation of copepod production (mg/m**2/day), lengths (copepods and eggs) were converted to body carbon (Hopcroft et al., 1998) and production was estimated from biomass and weight-specific egg production rates, by assuming that those rates are representative for juvenile specific growth rates (Berggreen et al., 1988).


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The phytoplankton dataset is based on samples taken during March-April 2008 in Libyan Sea, Southern Aegean Sea and Northern Aegean Sea. Ingestion rates were estimated from experiments performed at all the third priority stations during the cruise according to DoW of Sesame project. Copepods for the experiments were obtained with slow non-quantitative tows from the upper 100 m layer of the water column using 200 µm mesh size nets fitted with a large non-filtering cod end. For the grazing experiments we used the following copepod species: Calanus helgolandicus and Centropages typicus according to the relevant reference (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Copepod clearance rates on ciliates were calculated according to Frost equations (Frost 1972). Ingestion rates were calculated by multiplying clearance rates by the initial standing stocks (Bamstedt et al. 2000). Egg production rates of the dominant calanoid copepods were determined by incubation of fertilised females (eggs/female/day) collected in the 0-100m layer. Copepod egg production was measured for the copepods Eucalanus monachus, Centropages typicus and Calanus helgolandicus. On board experiments for the estimation of copepod egg production were taken place. For the estimation of copepod production (mg/m**2/day), lengths (copepods and eggs) were converted to body carbon (Hopcroft et al., 1998) and production was estimated from biomass and weight-specific egg production rates, by assuming that those rates are representative for juvenile specific growth rates (Berggreen et al., 1988).