24 resultados para earthworm humus


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Both the olivine-hearing tholeiite basalts of the island and the brown soils which have developed on the basalts contain 2-20% of a swelling clay mineral. It emerges from chemical, optical, X-ray diffraction and differential thermal analytical studies that this clay mineral is a Mg-rich, Fe2+ and AI-bearing tri-octahedral smectite, e. g. Mg-saponite. Due to petrographic and crystal chemical properties the saponite should have been formed by hydrothermal alteration of the primary Mg-Fe-minerals olivine and clinopyroxene. The soils consist of plagioclase, saponite and goethite which has been formed by chemical weathering within the soils. In the uppermost layer some of the soils contain humic substances and phosphatic material, the latter may be related to the recent production of guano.


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The study was carried out on the main plots (Main Experiment) of a large grassland biodiversity experiment, the Jena Experiment. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. This data set consists of standard deviation (SD), mean and stability (stab) of soil microbial basal respiration (µl O2/h/g dry soil) and microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil). Data were derived by taking soil samples and measuring basal and substrate-induced microbial respiration with an oxygen-consumption apparatus. Samples for calculating the spatial stability of soil microbial properties were taken on the 20th of September in 2010. Oxygen consumption of soil microorganisms in fresh soil equivalent to 3.5 g dry weight was measured at 22°C over a period of 24 h. Basal respiration (µlO2/g dry soil/h) was calculated as mean of the oxygen consumption rates of hours 14 to 24 after the start of measurements. Substrate- induced respiration was determined by adding D-glucose to saturate catabolic enzymes of microorganisms according to preliminary studies (4 mg g-1 dry soil solved in 400 µl deionized water). Maximum initial respiratory response (µl O2/g dry soil/ h) was calculated as mean of the lowest three oxygen consumption values within the first 10 h after glucose addition. Microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil) was calculated as 38 × Maximum initial respiratory response according to prelimiray studies.


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The study was carried out on the main plots (Main Experiment) of a large grassland biodiversity experiment, the Jena Experiment. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. This data set consists of standard deviation (SD), mean and stability (stab) of soil microbial basal respiration (µl O2/h/g dry soil) and microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil). Data were derived by taking soil samples and measuring basal and substrate-induced microbial respiration with an oxygen-consumption apparatus. Samples for calculating the temporal stability were taken every year in May/June from 2003 to 2014, except in 2005. Oxygen consumption of soil microorganisms in fresh soil equivalent to 3.5 g dry weight was measured at 22°C over a period of 24 h. Basal respiration (µlO2/g dry soil/h) was calculated as mean of the oxygen consumption rates of hours 14 to 24 after the start of measurements. Substrate- induced respiration was determined by adding D-glucose to saturate catabolic enzymes of microorganisms according to preliminary studies (4 mg g-1 dry soil solved in 400 µl deionized water). Maximum initial respiratory response (µl O2/g dry soil/h) was calculated as mean of the lowest three oxygen consumption values within the first 10 h after glucose addition. Microbial biomass carbon (µg C/g dry soil) was calculated as 38 × Maximum initial respiratory response according to prelimiray studies.


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Bereits im Jahre 1956 wurde bei Baugrund-Aufschlußbohrungen für das zweite Kurmittelhaus in Bad Bramstedt bei einer Serie von 11 Bohrungen - ausgeführt durch die Firma Fritz Eising K. G. in Hamburg - in drei benachbart gelegenen Bohrpunkten an der südlichen Ecke des Gebäudes in einer Teufe von ca. 10 m u. T. eine offensichtlich organogene Schicht von ca. 2 m Mächtigkeit erbohrt. Eines dieser Bohrprofile hat folgenden Aufbau: -5,8 m Fein-Mittelsand, -7,7 m Mittelsand, Fein-Mittelkies, -10,0 m Mittelsand, wenig Kies, -12,0 m Gyttja, -15,0 m Mittelsand, Grobsand. Die bereits wiedergegebene Teufenangabe ist insofern recht interessant, als im Jahre 1966 bei der Brücke über die Bramau bei Hitzhusen, demnach in der Talaue der Bramau in einer Teufe von 8,55 m ebenfalls eine Gyttja erbohrt wurde. Die Tiefenlagen beider Vorkommen scheinen sich demnach relativ zu entsprechen. Das gesamte Profil bei Hitzhusen ist in einigen Punkten abweichend ausgebildet und enthält vor allem noch ein zweites Gyttja-Band in 11,25 m Teufe. Im Einzelnen wurde hier durch die Bohrfirma Paul Hammers A. G., Hamburg, diese Schichtfolge angetroffen: -1.55 m Fein-Mittelsand, Humus, -3,10 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, Steine, etwas Lehm, -4,50 m Mittel-Grobsand, -7,20 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -8,00 m Grobsand, -8,55 m Grobsand, Kies, -8,65 m Schluff-Gyttja, -9,70 m Fein-Grobsand, -10,25 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -10,75 m Mittel-Grobsand, -11,25 m Mittel-Grobsand, Schluffstreifen, -11,40 m Schluff-Gyttja, -12,10 m Mittelsand, -12,30 m Mittel-Grobsand, Kies, -17,85 m Geschiebemergel. Die gewonnenen Proben der Schluff-Gyttjen wurden näher untersucht. Da es sich in beiden Fällen um geringmächtige Lagen handelt (0,1 m resp. 0,15 m), und das Material durchaus als stark feinsandig bis schluffig zu bezeichnen ist (das spricht für eine wesentlich schnellere Sedimentation, als die einer reinen biogenen Gyttja), ist der Effekt einer 'Mischprobe' weitgehend ausgeschlossen. Außerdem lagen die Proben - obgleich wahrscheinlich mit einem Ventilbohrer gefördert - als relativ ungestörte Brocken mit erhaltengebliebener Feinschichtung vor. Auf den Schichtflächen waren gröbere Pflanzenreste erkennbar (in der Tabelle angegeben). Der sehr hohe mineralische Anteil läßt zunächst den Verdacht auf sekundären Pollen aufkommen. Keines der beiden pollenanalytisch ermittelten Vegetationsbilder liefert dagegen irgendeine Bestätigung hierfür.


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The study was carried out on the main plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. We tracked soil microbial basal respiration (BR; µlO2/g dry soil/h) and biomass carbon (Cmic; µgC/g dry soil) over a time period of 12 years (2003-2014) and examined the role of plant diversity and plant functional group composition for the spatial and temporal stability (calculated as mean/SD) of soil microbial properties (basal respiration and biomass) in bulk-soil. Our results highlight the importance of plant functional group composition for the spatial and temporal stability of soil microbial properties, and hence for microbially-driven ecosystem processes, such as decomposition and element cycling, in temperate semi-natural grassland.


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The Kara Sea is an area uniquely suitable for studying processes in the river-sea system. This is a shallow sea, into which two great Siberian rivers, Yenisei and Ob, flow. From 1995 to 2003, the sea was studied by six international expeditions onboard the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov. This publication summarizes the results obtained, within the framework of this project, at the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences. Various hydrogeochemical parameters, concentrations and isotopic composition of organic and carbonate carbon of the sediments, plankton, particulate organic matter, hydrocarbons, and dissolved CO2 were examined throughout the whole sea area at more than 200 sites. The d13C varies from -22 and -24 per mil where Atlantic waters enter the Kara Sea and in the north-eastern part of the water area to -27 per mil in the Yenisei and Ob estuaries. The value of d13C of the plankton is only weakly correlated with the d13C of the organic matter from the sediments and is lower by as much as 3-4 per mil. The paper presents the results obtained from a number of meridional river-sea profiles. It was determined from the relations between the isotopic compositions of plankton and particulate matter that the river waters carry material consisting of 70% detrital-humus matter and 30% planktonogenic material in the river part, and the material contained in the offshore waters consists of 30% terrigenous components, with the contribution of bioproducers amounting to 70%. The carbon isotopic composition of the plankton ranges from -29 to -35 per mil in the riverine part, from -28 to -27 per mil in the estuaries, and from -27.0 to -25 per mil in the marine part. The relative lightness of the carbon isotopic composition of plankton in Arctic waters is explained by the temperature effect, elevated CO2 concentrations, and long-distance CO2 supply to the sea with river waters. The data obtained on the isotopic composition of CO2 in the surface waters of the Kara Sea were used to map the distribution of d13C. The complex of hydrocarbon gases extracted from the waters included methane, C2-C5, and unsaturated C2=-C4= hydrocarbons, for which variations in the concentrations in the waters were studied along river-estuary-sea profiles. The geochemistry of hydrocarbon gases in surface fresh waters is characterized by comparable concentrations of methane (0.3-5 µl/l) and heavier hydrocarbons, including unsaturated ones. Microbiological methane with d13C from -105 to -90 per mil first occurs in the sediments at depths of 40-200 cm. The sediments practically everywhere display traces of methane oxidation in the form of a shift of the d13C of methane toward higher values and the occurrence of autogenic carbonate material, including ikaite, enriched in the light isotope. Ikaite (d13C from -25 to -60 per mil) was found and examined in several profiles. The redox conditions in the sediments varied from normal in the southern part of the sea to highly oxidized along the Novaya Zemlya Trough. Vertical sections through the sediments of the latter exemplify the complete suppression of the biochemical activity of microorganisms. Our data provide insight into the biogeochemistry of the Kara Sea and make it possible to specify the background values needed for ecological control during the future exploration operations and extraction of hydrocarbons in the Kara Sea.


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Beach and salt marsh vegetation of the Uummannaq District, northern West Greenland (c. 70°15' N - 72° N, 49° W - 54° W) was studied 1998 according to the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological approach. Habitat analyses included soil chemistry. Such vegetation locally occurs and is not developed over extensive areas. On gravely stony beaches a Mertensia maritima ssp. maritima community occurs, while a Honckenya peploides var. diffusa community is confined to sandy beaches. The association Honckenyo diffusae-Elymetum mollis Thannh. 1975 is confined to sandy shore walls and low dunes. All vegetation types are assigned to the alliance Honckenyo- Elymion arenariae Tx. 1966, which again is a unit of the order Honckenyo- Elymetalia arenariae Tx. 1966, which is sub ordered to the class Honckenyo-Elymetea arenariae Tx. 1966. On fine sediments along sheltered coasts salt marsh vegetation is locally developed mainly on fiord deltas and outwash plains of small rivers and streams. A distinct zonation pattern in vegetation can be observed from the lower to upper salt marsh: Puccinellietum phryganodis Hadac 1946 association, Caricetum subspathaceae Hadac 1946 association, Caricetum ursinae Hadac 1946 association (all assigned to the alliance Puccinellion phryganodis Hadac 1946) and Festuco-Caricetum glareosae Nordh. 1954 association (assigned to the alliance Armerion maritimae Br.-Bl. et de Leeuw 1936). Both alliances are units of the order Glauco- Puccinellietalia Beeftink et Westhoff in Beeftink 1965, which is assigned to the class Asteretea tripolii Westhoff et Beeftink in Beeftink 1962. TWINSPAN and CCA support the vegetation classification and the CCA with soil chemistry parameters shows that salinity (related to position above MHW) and Ncontent are strongly correlated with the floristical differentiation of the vegetation of the Honckenyo-Elymetea class. In the Asteretea tripolii class, position above MHW (negatively correlated with pH, conductivity and Clcontent) and fresh water supply are likely the main factors, which affect vegetation differentiation. A synoptic survey of vegetation types from Greenland based on published phytosociological tables is presented and distribution of the vegetation types is addressed, just as their position in a circumpolar context. Moreover a Cochlearia groenlandica-Melandrium triflorum community is described as a new vegetation type, occurring on shallow soil on cliffs influenced by salt spray.