74 resultados para delirium superimposed on dementia


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A sediment core from the West Spitsbergen continental margin was studied to reconstruct climate and paleoceanographic variability during the last ~9 ka in the eastern Fram Strait. Our multiproxy evidence suggests that the establishment of the modern oceanographic configuration in the eastern Fram Strait occurred stepwise, in response to the postglacial sea-level rise and the related onset of modern sea-ice production on the shallow Siberian shelves. The late Early and Mid Holocene interval (9 to 5 ka) was generally characterized by relatively unstable conditions. High abundance of the subpolar planktic foraminifer species Turborotalita quinqueloba implies strong intensity of Atlantic Water (AW) inflow with high productivity and/or high AW temperatures, resulting in a strong heat flux to the Arctic. A series of short-lived cooling events (8.2, 6.9. and 6.1 ka) occurred superimposed on the warm late Early and Mid Holocene conditions. Our proxy data imply that simultaneous to the complete postglacial flooding of Arctic shallow shelves and the initiation of modern sea-ice production, strong advance of polar waters initiated modern oceanographic conditions in the eastern Fram Strait at ~5.2 ka. The Late Holocene was marked by the dominance of the polar planktic foraminifer species Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, a significant expansion of sea ice/icebergs, and strong stratification of the water column. Although planktic foraminiferal assemblages as well as sea surface and subsurface temperatures suggest a return of slightly strengthened advection of subsurface Atlantic Water after 3 ka, a relatively stable cold-water layer prevailed at the sea surface and the study site was probably located within the seasonally fluctuating marginal ice zone during the Neoglacial period.


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Paleomagnetic analysis of sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 133, Site 820, 10 km from the outer edge of the Great Barrier Reef, is undertaken to investigate the mineral magnetic response to environmental (sea level) changes. Viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) of both multidomain and near-superparamagnetic origin is prevalent and largely obscures the primary remanence, except in isolated high-magnetization zones. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary cannot be identified, but is expected to be below 120 mbsf. The only evidence that exists for a geomagnetic excursion occurs at about 33 mbsf (-135 k.y.). Only one-half the cores were oriented, and many suffered from internal rotation about the core axis, caused by coring and/or slicing. The decay of magnetic remanence below the surface layer (0-2 mbsf) is attributed to sulfate reduction processes. The magnetic susceptibility (K) record is central for describing and understanding the magnetic properties of the sediments, and their relationship to glacio-eustatic fluctuations in sea level. Three prominent magnetic susceptibility peaks, at about 7, 32, and 64 mbsf, are superimposed on a background of smaller susceptibility oscillations. Fluctuations in susceptibility and remanence in the ôbackgroundö zone are controlled predominantly by variations in the concentration, rather than the composition of ferrimagnetics, with carbonate dilution playing an important role (type-A properties). The sharp susceptibility maxima occur at the start of the marine transgressions following low stands in sea level (high d18O, glacial maxima), and are characterized by a stable single-domain remanence, with a significant contribution from ultra-fine, superparamagnetic grains (type-C properties). During the later marine transgression, the susceptibility gradually returns to low values and the remanence is carried by stable single-domain magnetite (type-B properties). The A, B, and C types of sediment have distinctive ARM/K ratios. Throughout most of the sequence a strong inverse correlation exists between magnetic susceptibility and both CaCO3 and d18O variations. However, in the sharp susceptibility peaks (early transgression), more complex phase relationships are apparent among these parameters. In particular, the K-d18O correlation switches to positive, then reverts to negative during the course of the late transgression, indicating that two distinct mechanisms are responsible for the K-d18O correlation. Lower in the sequence, where sea-level-controlled cycles of upward-coarsening sediments, we find that the initial, mud phase of each cycle has been enriched in high-coercivity magnetic material, which is indicative of more oxic conditions. The main magnetic characteristics of the sediments are thought to reflect sea-level-controlled variations in the sediment source regions and related run-off conditions. Some preliminary evidence is seen that biogenic magnetite may play a significant role in the magnetization of these sediments.


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Hole 823A covers the upper 120 m (Subunits IA and IB) of Site 823 at the bottom of the Queensland Trough. This hole contains an abundance of gravity-flow deposits, but is thought to have a monotonic age sequence. Above 32 mbsf, a strong, stable (normal) magnetic remanence having a relatively small viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) is seen. Below 32 mbsf, the sediments are subject to widespread VRM, which appears to obliterate the primary magnetization and precludes identification of the Brunhes/Matuyama boundary. Progressive alternating field (AF) demagnetization is limited to low fields (typically <400 Oe) by the weak magnetization in these sediments. As a consequence, the possibility of a high-coercivity component of primary magnetization cannot be ruled out. Lowrie-Fuller tests indicate that this VRM overprinting does not have a multidomain origin. An approximately linear relationship exists between median destructive field (MDF) and the logarithm of the natural remanent magnetization (NRM). Carbonate dilution does not appear to be a dominant factor in controlling variations in concentration-dependent magnetic parameters, such as magnetic susceptibility. The sedimentological distinction between Subunits IA and IB does not show up in the magnetic record. However, a sharp change in magnetic properties does occur at 32 mbsf, with low background magnetizations below this level and high background magnetizations above it. The boundary coincides with a change from thick (>10 cm thick) to thin (<10 cm thick) turbidite deposition, and is also near the boundary separating the sulfate-reduction zone in the upper part of the sequence from the sulfate-free zone beneath. The abrupt nature of the magnetic boundary is evidence that nannofossil subzone CN14b is not condensed, but is missing in a hiatus at 32 mbsf. Nine peaks have been identified in the susceptibility (K) record that are superimposed on ôbackgroundö signals. ARM/K ratios are uniformly low for the background sediments below 32 mbsf, intermediate for strong susceptibility peaks, and high for background sediments above 32 mbsf and weak susceptibility peaks. Comparisons with results from Site 820 suggest that (1) the background sediments above 32 mbsf and the weak susceptibility peaks carry a stable single-domain magnetization, and (2) the high susceptibility peaks are caused by the addition of a superparamagnetic contribution. Expectations are that the distinctive features of the Hole 823A magnetic record are linked to major environmental changes.


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Late Cretaceous fish debris from Demerara Rise exhibits a dramatic positive excursion of 8 e-Nd units during ocean anoxic event 2 (OAE2) that is superimposed on extremely low e-Nd(t) values (-14 to -16.5) observed throughout the rest of the studied interval. The OAE2 e-Nd excursion is the largest yet documented in marine sediments, and the majority of the shift is estimated to have occurred over <20 k.y. Low background e-Nd values on Demerara Rise are explained as the Nd isotopic signature of the South American craton, whereas eruptions of the Caribbean large igneous province or enhanced mixing of intermediate waters in the North Atlantic could have caused the excursion.


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At least two transient events of extreme global warming occurred superimposed on the long-term latest Paleocene and early Eocene warming trend in the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) (or ETM1 ~55.5 Ma) and the Elmo (or ETM2 ?53.6 Ma). Other than warmth, the best known PETM is characterized by (1) significant injection of 13C-depleted carbon into the ocean-atmosphere system, (2) deep-sea carbonate dissolution, (3) strong biotic responses, and (4) perturbations of the hydrological cycle. Documentation of the other documented and suspected "hyperthermals" is, as yet, insufficient to assess whether they are similar in nature to the PETM. Here we present and discuss biomagnetostratigraphic data and geochemical records across two lower Eocene successions deposited on a continental margin of the western Tethys: the Farra and Possagno sections in the Venetian pre-Alps. We recognize four negative carbon isotope excursions within chron C24. Three of these shifts correlate to known or suspected hyperthermals: the PETM, the Eocene thermal maximum 2 (~53.6 Ma), and the informally named "X event" (~52.5 Ma). The fourth excursion lies within a reverse subchron and occurred between the latter two. In the Farra section, the X event is marked by a ~0.6 per mil negative carbon isotope excursion and carbonate dissolution. Furthermore, the event exhibits responses among calcareous nannofossils, planktic foraminifera, and dinoflagellates that are similar to, though less intense than, those observed across the PETM. Sedimentological and quantitative micropaleontological data from the Farra section also suggest increased weathering and runoff as well as sea surface eutrophication during this event.


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Volcaniclastic sediments of North Aoba Basin (Vanuatu) recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 show a mineralogical and chemical overprint of low grade hydrothermal alteration superimposed on the primary magmatic source compositions. The purpose of this study was to identify authigenic mineral phases incorporated in the volcaniclastic sediments, to distinguish authigenic chemical and mineralogical signals from the original volcaniclastic mineralogical and chemical compositions, and to determine the mechanism of authigenic minerals formation. Mineralogical, micro-chemical and bulk chemical analyses were utilized to identify and characterize authigenic phases and determine the original unaltered ash compositions. 117 volcaniclastic sediment samples from North Aoba Basin Sites 832 and 833 were analyzed. Primary volcaniclastic materials accumulated in North Aoba Basin can be divided into three types. The older basin-filling sequences show three different magmatic trends: high K, calc-alkaline, and low K series. The most recent accumulations are rhyodacitic composition and can be attributed to Santa Maria or Aoba volcanic emissions. Original depositional porosity of volcaniclastic sediments is an important factor in influencing distribution of authigenic phases. Finer-grained units are less altered and retain a bulk mineralogical and chemical composition close to the original pyroclastic rock composition. Coarser grained units (microbreccia and sandstones) are the major hosts of authigenic minerals. At both sites, authigenic minerals (including zeolites, clay minerals, Mg-carbonates, and quartz) exhibit complex zonation with depth that crosses original ash depositional boundaries and stratigraphic limits. The zeolite minerals phillipsite and analcime are ubiquitous throughout the altered intervals. At Site 832, the first zeolite minerals (phillipsite) occur in Pleistocene deposits as shallow as 146 meters below seafloor (mbsf). At Site 833 the first zeolite minerals (analcime) occur in Pleistocene deposits as shallow as 224 mbsf. The assemblage phillipsite + analcime + chabazite appears at 635 mbsf (Site 832) and at 376 mbsf (Site 833). Phillipsite + analcime + chabazite + thomsonite + heulandite are observed between 443 and 732 mbsf at Site 833. Thomsonite is no longer observed below 732 mbsf at Site 833. Heulandite is present to the base of the sections cored. The zeolite assemblages are associated with authigenic clay minerals (nontronite and saponite), calcite, and quartz. Chlorite is noticeable at Site 832 as deep as 851 mbsf. Zeolite zones are present but are less well defined at Site 832. Dolomite and rare magnesite are present below 940 m at Site 832. The coarse-grained authigenic mineral host intervals exhibit geochemical signatures that can be attributed to low grade hydrothermal alteration. The altered intervals show evidence of K2O, CaO, and rare earth elements mobilization. When compared to fine-grained, unaltered units, and to Santa Maria Island volcanics rocks, the altered zones are relatively depleted in rare earth elements, with light rare earth elements-heavy rare earth elements fractionation. Drilling at Site 833 penetrated a sill complex below 840 m. No sill was encountered at Site 832. Complex zonation of zeolite facies, authigenic smectites, carbonates and quartz, and associated geochemical signatures are present at both sites. The mineralogical and chemical alteration overprint is most pronounced in the deeper sections at Site 832. Based on mineralogical and chemical evidence at two locations less than 50 km apart, there is vertical and lateral variation in alteration of the volcaniclastic sediments of North Aoba Basin. The alteration observed may be activated by sill intrusion and associated expulsion of heated fluids into intervals of greater porosity. Such spatial variation in alteration could be attributed to the evolution of the basin axis associated with subduction processes along the New Hebrides Trench.


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Regional weathering intensity must have changed dramatically at high latitudes during the Quaternary as a consequence of repeated continental glaciation. Investigation of these glacial/interglacial changes at high temporal resolution is possible with the recent development of Pb isotopes in FeMn oxyhydroxide phases as a proxy for region-specific weathering intensity, where increases in the radiogenic component are thought to correspond to increased continental weathering fluxes. Here we present a Pb isotope record sourced from the FeMn oxyhydroxide fraction in marine sediments from IODP Sites U1302/3 on Orphan Knoll (~3500 mbsl, NW Atlantic), spanning the last 37 ka. Located at the eastern edge of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS), Site U1302/3 is well-placed to monitor changes in weathering intensity associated with LIS glacial history. Overall, the data show a close correspondence to local surface water d18O, with least radiogenic values during times of heavy d18O (glacial maximum) and most radiogenic values during times of light d18O (Holocene). This supports the prediction that weathering intensity in glaciated regions of the North Atlantic correlates with the exposure age of glacial debris. Superimposed on these background trends are extreme radiogenic excursions (e.g. variation in 206Pb/204Pb from ~19.2-21.0) contemporaneous with Heinrich events and the Younger Dryas. These data are substantially more radiogenic than existing records from the NW Atlantic, and most likely represent episodes of exceptionally high inputs of pre-formed FeMn oxyhydroxides during drainage of the LIS. Due to its extreme isotope composition, at least in the NW Atlantic region, Pb would appear to be a good proxy for the fluxes of weathered continental material and perhaps, by inference, nutrients to the surface ocean


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Magnetic fabrics of serpentinized peridotites are related to anisomorphic magnetite formed during serpentinization. In the less serpentinized facies they are, however, mainly mimetic of the high temperature deformation prior to serpentinization. In more serpentinized peridotites, the magnetic fabrics, related to magnetite veins which are more developed in this case, are superimposed on mimetic fabrics. Remanent properties, hysteresis loop parameters, and Curie temperatures were measured. Natural remanent magnetizations (NRM) have crystallization remanent magnetic (CRM) origin. Measured magnetic parameters suggest that pseudo-single domain (PSD) grains of magnetite are present in samples with low degree of serpentinization. The samples with high degree of serpentinization contain mainly multi-domain (MD) magnetite grains.


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High-resolution bio- and chemostratigraphy of an earliest Pliocene section from ODP Site 652 indicates that postflood paleoceanographic conditions in the Tyrrhenian Sea can be sub-divided into two discrete intervals. The first is manifested by an acme of Sphaeroidinellopsis spp., increasing carbonate contents, and a progressive decrease upsection in both the d13C and dl8O values of the planktonic foraminifera. The lower part of the acme interval contains unusual surface-to-bottom water isotope gradients suggesting a stratification of two water masses. Normal gradients in the upper part of the acme interval suggest a well-mixed water body. Between the end of the acme interval and the MP11/MP12 boundary, denoted by the first occurrence (F.O.) of Globorotalia margaritae, a migrational first appearance, there was a catastrophic collapse of the gradient marking an onset of the second post-flood interval. The disintegration of habitable conditions is suggested by a sharp decrease in carbonate content and the disappearance of the benthonic assemblage, which is subsequently replaced predominantly by Uvigerinapygmea, indicative of cold, low-oxygenated bottom waters. The introduction of benthonic species denoting well-oxygenated bottom conditions occurs within the lower MP12 zone. Superimposed on these overall trends are shorter term, warm-cold cycles, which are interpreted as orbitally induced, climatic fluctuations. Correlative studies of the less complete earliest Pliocene sections from ODP Holes 653B and 654A confirm these interpretations. A scenario derived from an integration of all the stratigraphic data indicates that normal paleoceanographic conditions were operating in the Tyrrhenian Sea only approximately 250,000 yr after the cessation of Messinian evaporative conditions at the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. The post-flood interval is marked by an initial period of gradual infilling, the Sphaeroidinellopsis spp. acme interval, followed by a disintegration of oceanographic conditions and a second recovery period. A sudden influx of cold, deep Atlantic waters into the Tyrrhenian Sea, resulting from a major tectonic break in the Gibraltar sill, may have caused this catastrophic reversal in the orderly recovery of normal paleoceanographic conditions in the post-flood period.


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A high-resolution sedimentary record from the subarctic Malangen fjord in northern Norway, northeastern North Atlantic has been investigated in order to reconstruct variations in influx of Atlantic Water for the last 2000 years. The fjord provides a regional oceanographic climatic signal reflecting changes in the North Atlantic heat flux at this latitude because of its deep sill and the relatively narrow adjoining continental shelf. The reconstructions are based on oxygen and carbon isotopic studies of benthic foraminifera from a high accumulation basin in the Malangen fjord, providing subdecadal time resolution. A comparison between instrumental measurements of bottom water temperatures at the core location and the reconstructed temperatures from benthic foraminiferal d18O for the same time period demonstrates that the stable isotope values reflect the bottom water temperatures very well. The reconstructed temperature record shows an overall decline in temperature of c. 1°C from c. 40 BC to ad 1350. This cooling trend is assumed to be driven by an orbital forced reduction in insolation. Superimposed on the general cooling trend are several periods of warmer or colder temperatures. The long-term fluctuations in the Malangen fjord are concurrent with fluctuations of Atlantic Water in the northern North Atlantic. Although they are not directly comparable, comparisons of atmospheric temperatures and marine records, indicate a close coupling between the climate systems. After ad l800 the record shows an unprecedented warming within the last 2000 years.


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The marine laboratories in Plymouth have sampled at two principle sites in the Western English Channel for over a century in open-shelf (station E1; 50° 02'N, 4° 22'W) and coastal (station L4; 50° 15'N, 4° 13'W) waters. These stations are seasonally stratified from late-April until September, and the variable biological response is regulated by subtle variations in temperature, light, nutrients and meteorology. Station L4 is characterized by summer nutrient depletion, although intense summer precipitation, increasing riverine input to the system, results in pulses of increased nitrate concentration and surface freshening. The winter nutrient concentrations at E1 are consistent with an open-shelf site. Both stations have a spring and autumn phytoplankton bloom; at station E1, the autumn bloom tends to dominate in terms of chlorophyll concentration. The last two decades have seen a warming of around 0.6°C per decade, and this is superimposed on several periods of warming and cooling over the past century. In general, over the Western English Channel domain, the end of the 20th century was around 0.5°C warmer than the first half of the century. The warming magnitude and trend is consistent with other stations across the north-west European Shelf and occurred during a period of reduced wind stress and increased levels of insolation (+20%); these are both correlated with the larger scale climatic forcing of the North Atlantic Oscillation.


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Celebes Basin sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 767 (Leg 124) containing both marine and terrestrial organic matter have been investigated through palynofacies and geochemical analyses. The main degradation processes affecting or having affected organic matter are recorded in the sedimentary column as shown by ammonium, phosphate and sulfate pore-water profiles, and by petrographic and geochemical analyses of sediments. In the upper part of the sedimentary section (down to 200 mbsf), the decrease of the ratio of total organic carbon to sulfur (TOC/S) with depth, generally related to the sulfate reduction process, is accompanied by an increase of framboidal pyrite content in the marine organic matter, and by an increasing amount of amorphous marine organic matter relative to the total organic matter. However, as the terrestrial organic input also varies with depth, dilution effects are superimposed on diagenesis. This continental supply affects the TOC/S ratio by increasing total organic carbon and decreasing the ability of the bulk organic matter to be metabolized through sulfate reduction. A positive relationship between the TOC/P ratio and the amount of degraded organic matter of marine origin clearly displays the effect of an organic source on the composition of the sediment. Each lithostratigraphic unit possesses its own characteristics in terms of composition and preservation of organic matter. The effects of diagenesis can only be appreciated within a single lithostratigraphic unit and mainly affect the less-resistant marine organic matter.


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Based on benthic foraminiferal delta18O from ODP Site 1143, a 5-Myr astronomical timescale for the West Pacific Plio-Pleistocene was established using an automatic orbital tuning method. The tuned Brunhes/Matuyama paleomagnetic polarity reversal age agrees well with the previously published age of 0.78 Ma. The tuned ages for several planktonic foraminifer bio-events also agree well with published dates, and new ages for some other bio-events in the South China Sea were also estimated. The benthic delta18O from Site 1143 is highly coherent with the Earth's orbit (ETP) both at the obliquity and precession bands for the last 5 Myr, and at the eccentricity band for the last 2 Myr. In general, the 41-kyr cycle was dominant through the Plio-Pleistocene although the 23-kyr cycle was also very strong. The 100-kyr cycle became dominant only during the last 1 Myr. A comparison of the benthic delta18O between the Atlantic (ODP 659) and the East and West Pacific (846 and 1143) reveals that the Atlantic-Pacific benthic oxygen isotope difference ratio (Delta delta18OAtl-Pac) displays an increasing trend in three time intervals: 3.6-2.7 Ma, 2.7-2.1 Ma and 1.5-0.25 Ma. Each of the intervals begins with a rapid negative shift in Delta delta18OAtl-Pac, followed by a long period with an increasing trend, corresponding to the growth of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet. This means that all three intervals of ice sheet growth in the Northern Hemisphere were accompanied at the beginning by a rapid relative warming of deep water in the Atlantic as compared to that of the Pacific, followed by its gradual relative cooling. This general trend, superimposed on the frequent fluctuations with glacial cycles, should yield insights into the processes leading to the boreal glaciation. Cross-spectral analyses of the Delta delta18OAtl-Pac with the Earth's orbit suggests that after the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation at about 2.5 Ma, obliquity rather than precession had become the dominant force controlling the vertical structure or thermohaline circulation in the paleo-ocean.


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A moderate-resolution isotope stratigraphy (with an average of one sample per 17,500 yr.) derived from the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina (or Cibicides), the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, and calcareous nannofossil concentrates is presented for the entire Quaternary (and latest Pliocene) section of mid-upper bathyal calcareous oozes from DSDP Site 593, western Challenger Plateau, south Tasman Sea. Superimposed on a trend of gradually increasing average delta18O values through the Pleistocene, reflecting the progressive buildup of polar ice sheets, is a record of highfrequency but generally low amplitude (0.5-1?) isotope fluctuations in the early Quaternary (1.9-1.0 m.y.), followed by a greatly increased intensity (1.5-2.0 ?) of glacial-interglacial fluctuations during the late Quaternary (< 1.0 m.y.). The standard late Quaternary isotope stages 1 to 24 are mainly resolvable. Significant excursions in both delta18O and delta13C values at various times during the Quaternary are suggested to be due to periodic, fundamental changes in ocean circulation properties over the plateau. For example, intensified upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Waters during several glacial periods is indicated by the convergence of benthic and planktonic foraminiferal delta18O data, and productivity variations may account for certain delta13C spikes in the record. With increasingly higher resolution analysis this core will provide a useful Quaternary isotope reference section for southern temperate waters in the southwest Pacific, centered on New Zealand.


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Bedding dips in the CRP-3 drillhole were determined in three ways: (1) analysis of a dipmeter log, (2) identification of bed boundaries on borehole televiewer log images, and (3) identification of bed boundaries on digital images of the outer surfaces of oriented cores. All three methods determine both dip magnitude and downdip azimuth of bedding. Dipmeter results document variations in bedding dip throughout the logged interval (20-902 mbsf), whereas core and televiewer results are available at present only for selected depth intervals. Dipmeter data indicate that structural dip is remarkably constant, at 21° dip to azimuth 65°, throughout the Tertiary shelf section, except for the top 100 m where dips appear to be 5-10° shallower. This pattern, in conjunction with the systematically increasing dips throughout CRP-2A, suggests that the growth faulting active during CRP-2A deposition began during the final period of deposition at CRP-3. Normal faults at 260 and 539 mbsf in CRP-3 exhibit neither drag (localized dip steepening) nor significant changes in structural dip across them. Oriented core and televiewer analyses, covering a total of 200 m in the interval 400-900 mbsf, indicate bedding patterns that confirm the dipmeter results. The doleritic breccia at the base of the Tertiary section has steeper dips than overlying structural dips, possibly indicating a sedimentary dip to ENE in these fan sediments. Dip directions in the underlying Devonian Beacon sandstone are surprisingly similar to those in the overlying Tertiary section. Superimposed on the average Beacon dip of 22° to the ENE are localized tilts of up to 20°, probably caused by Tertiary fracturing and brecciation rather than original sedimentary dip variations.