32 resultados para community members


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Precise knowledge of the phase relationship between climate changes in the two hemispheres is a key for understanding the Earth's climate dynamics. For the last glacial period, ice core studies have revealed strong coupling of the largest millennial-scale warm events in Antarctica with the longest Dansgaard-Oeschger events in Greenland through the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It has been unclear, however, whether the shorter Dansgaard-Oeschger events have counterparts in the shorter and less prominent Antarctic temperature variations, and whether these events are linked by the same mechanism. Here we present a glacial climate record derived from an ice core from Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, which represents South Atlantic climate at a resolution comparable with the Greenland ice core records. After methane synchronization with an ice core from North Greenland, the oxygen isotope record from the Dronning Maud Land ice core shows a one-to-one coupling between all Antarctic warm events and Greenland Dansgaard-Oeschger events by the bipolar seesaw. The amplitude of the Antarctic warm events is found to be linearly dependent on the duration of the concurrent stadial in the North, suggesting that they all result from a similar reduction in the meridional overturning circulation.


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Based on samples with a 140-liter bottles in the upwelling region of the equatorial Pacific, an analysis was made of vertical distribution of various members of the plankton community of organisms (small and large phytoplankton, bacteria, different groups of protozoans, small and large, mainly herbivorous and predatory, animals). There is a distinct vertical divergence between layers of dominance of groups with similar feeding habits against the background of uneven quantitative distribution. Contrariwise, there are masses of consumers in the layers of high concentration of their potential prey.


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Since marine phytoplankton play a vital role in stabilizing earth's climate by removing significant amount of atmospheric CO2, their responses to increasing CO2 levels are indeed vital to address. The responses of a natural phytoplankton community from the Qingdao coast (NW Yellow Sea, China) was studied under different CO2 levels in microcosms. HPLC pigment analysis revealed the presence of diatoms as a dominant microalgal group; however, members of chlorophytes, prasinophytes, cryptophytes and cyanophytes were also present. delta 13CPOM values indicated that the phytoplankton community probably utilized bicarbonate ions as dissolved inorganic carbon source through a carbon concentration mechanism (CCM) under low CO2 levels, and diffusive CO2 uptake increased upon the increase of external CO2 levels. Although, considerable increase in phytoplankton biomass was noticed in all CO2 treatments, CO2-induced effects were absent. Higher net nitrogen uptake under low CO2 levels could be related to the synthesis of CCM components. Flow cytometry analysis showed slight reduction in the abundance of Synechococcus and pico-eukaryotes under the high CO2 treatments. Diatoms did not show any negative impact in response to increasing CO2 levels; however, chlorophytes revealed a reverse tend. Heterotrophic bacterial count enhanced with increasing CO2 levels and indicated higher abundance of labile organic carbon. Thus, the present study indicates that any change in dissolved CO2 concentrations in this area may affect phytoplankton physiology and community structure and needs further long-term study.


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As the atmospheric CO2 concentration rises, more CO2 will dissolve in the oceans, leading to a reduction in pH. Effects of ocean acidification on bacterial communities have mainly been studied in biologically complex systems, in which indirect effects, mediated through food web interactions, come into play. These approaches come close to nature but suffer from low replication and neglect seasonality. To comprehensively investigate direct pH effects, we conducted highly-replicated laboratory acidification experiments with the natural bacterial community from Helgoland Roads (North Sea). Seasonal variability was accounted for by repeating the experiment four times (spring, summer, autumn, winter). Three dilution approaches were used to select for different ecological strategies, i.e. fast-growing or low-nutrient adapted bacteria. The pH levels investigated were in situ seawater pH (8.15-8.22), pH 7.82 and pH 7.67, representing the present-day situation and two acidification scenarios projected for the North Sea for the year 2100. In all seasons, both automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis and 16S ribosomal amplicon pyrosequencing revealed pH-dependent community shifts for two of the dilution approaches. Bacteria susceptible to changes in pH were different members of Gammaproteobacteria, Flavobacteriaceae, Rhodobacteraceae, Campylobacteraceae and further less abundant groups. Their specific response to reduced pH was often context-dependent. Bacterial abundance was not influenced by pH. Our findings suggest that already moderate changes in pH have the potential to cause compositional shifts, depending on the community assembly and environmental factors. By identifying pH-susceptible groups, this study provides insights for more directed, in-depth community analyses in large-scale and long-term experiments.


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A process of global importance in carbon cycling is the remineralization of algae biomass by heterotrophic bacteria, most notably during massive marine algae blooms. Such blooms can trigger secondary blooms of planktonic bacteria that consist of swift successions of distinct bacterial clades, most prominently members of the Flavobacteriia, Gammaproteobacteria and the alphaproteobacterial Roseobacter clade. This study explores such successions during spring phytoplankton blooms in the southern North Sea (German Bight) for four consecutive years. The surface water samples were taken at Helgoland Island about 40 km offshore in the southeastern North Sea in the German Bight at the station 'Kabeltonne' (54° 11.3' N, 7° 54.0' E) between the main island and the minor island, Düne (German for 'dune') using small research vessels (http://www.awi.de/en/expedition/ships/more-ships.html). Water depths at this site fluctuate from 6 to 10 m over the tidal cycle. Samples were processed as described previously (Teeling et al., 2012; doi:10.7554/eLife.11888.001) in the laboratory of the Biological Station Helgoland within less than two hours after sampling. Assessment of absolute cell numbers and bacterioplankton community composition was carried out as described previously (Thiele et al., 2011; doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53199-5.00056-7). To obtain total cell numbers, DNA of formaldehyde fixed cells filtered on 0.2 mm pore sized filters was stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI). Fluorescently labeled cells were subsequently counted on filter sections using an epifluores-cence microscope. Likewise, bacterioplankton community composition was assessed by catalyzedreporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) of formaldehyde fixed cells on 0.2 mm pore sized filters.


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Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used to investigate the phylogenetic composition of a marine Arctic sediment (Svalbard). Hybridization and microscopy counts of hybridized and 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-stained cells were performed as described previously from Snaidr et al. (1997, http://aem.asm.org/content/63/7/2884.full.pdf). Means were calculated from 10 to 20 randomly chosen fields on each filter section, corresponding to 800 to 1,000 DAPI-stained cells. Counting results were always corrected by subtracting signals observed with the probe NON338. Formamide concentrations are given in further details. FISH resulted in the detection of a large fraction of microbes living in the top 5 cm of the sediment. Up to 65.4% ± 7.5% of total DAPI cell counts hybridized to the bacterial probe EUB338, and up to 4.9% ± 1.5% hybridized to the archaeal probe ARCH915. Besides delta-proteobacterial sulfate-reducing bacteria (up to 16% 52) members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster were the most abundant group detected in this sediment, accounting for up to 12.8% of total DAPI cell counts. Furthermore, members of the order Planctomycetales accounted for up to 3.9% of total cell counts. In accordance with previous studies, these findings support the hypothesis that these bacterial groups are not simply settling with organic matter from the pelagic zone but are indigenous to the anoxic zones of marine sediments. Members of the gamma-proteobacteria also constituted a significant fraction in this sediment (6.1% ± 2.5% of total cell counts). A new probe (GAM660) specific for sequences affiliated with free-living or endosymbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria was developed. A significant number of cells was detected by this probe (2.1% ± 0.7% of total DAPI cell counts), showing no clear zonation along the vertical profile. Gram-positive bacteria and the beta-proteobacteria were near the detection limit in all sediments.