31 resultados para boundary elements


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The microstructures, mineralogy and chemistry of four representative samples collected from cores extracted from the Japan Trench during Integrated Ocean Drilling Project Expedition 343, the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) have been studied using optical microscopy, TEM, SEM, XRF, XRD and microprobe analyses. The samples provide a transect from relatively undeformed marine sediments in the hanging wall, to the undeformed footwall material, crossing the thrust interface between the Pacific and North American plate, where the fault slipped during the March 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Our preliminary results suggest that the low strength of JFAST fault gouge material is caused by the high amount of clay minerals (~ 60% smectite, ~ 14 illite). Clay minerals in the décollement (gouge) sample are partly replaced by newly formed manganese oxide, which precipitated from hydrothermal fluids. Dauphine twins were found in quartz grains of the décollement sample suggesting local high stress possible during seismic loading. Other microstructures cannot be assigned unambiguously to co-seismic or a-seismic faulting processes. The observed scaly clay fabric is consistent with observations in many other plate-boundary fault zones. Significant grain size reduction was found in the fault (decollement) zone sample. But a change in lithology of the fault material cannot be ruled out. Microstructures typical for a-seismic deformation like dissolution-precipitation features (e.g. dissolved grain boundaries, mineral alteration) occur in all JFAST core samples, but more frequently in the décollement sample.


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The oldest sediments cored at Site 605 are upper Maestrichtian argillaceous limestone (Hole 605, Subunit VB). The terrigeneous silt content of the uppermost Maestrichtian is quite low, averaging about 3%, whereas the carbonate content is high, usually greater than 60%; the silt contains only traces of glauconite (Site 605 chapter, this volume). Within Subunit VB a K/T boundary was defined by planktonic foraminifers. It was expected to be spread over an extended vertical interval because of the continental margin depositional setting. Examination by the shipboard party showed that the K/T boundary occurs in Section 605-66-1, between 70 and 75 cm. At the contact, the foraminiferal Globigerina pseudobulloides Zone (PIc) and the Coccolith Cruciplacolithus primus Subzone (CPla) overlie, respectively, the Abathomphalus mayaroensis and Nephrolithus frequens zones (Site 605). However, the thin K/T boundary clay, which is always present in complete sections, was not found, indicating either that the K/T boundary clay was not present or, more likely, that it was washed away during the coring operation.


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The timing and nature of the penultimate deglaciation, also known as Termination II (T-II), is subject of controversial discussions due to the scarcity of precisely-dated palaeoclimate records. Here we present a new precisely-dated and highly-resolved multi-proxy stalagmite record covering T-II from the high alpine Schafsloch Cave in Switzerland, an area where climate is governed by the North Atlantic. The inception of stalagmite growth at 137.4 ± 1.4 kyr before present (BP) indicates the presence of drip water and cave air temperatures of above 0 °C, and is related to a climate-induced change in the thermal state (from cold-to warm-based) of the glacier above the cave. The cessation of stalagmite growth between 133.1 ± 0.7 and 131.9 ± 0.6 kyr BP is most likely related to distinct drop in temperature associated with Heinrich stadial 11. The resumption of stalagmite growth at 131.9 ± 0.6 kyr BP is accompanied by an abrupt increase in temperature and precipitation as indicated by distinct shifts in the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition as well as in trace element concentrations. The mid-point of T-II is around 131.8 ± 0.6 kyr BP in the Schafsloch Cave record is significantly earlier compared to the age of 129.1 ± 0.1 kyr BP in the Sanbao Cave record from China. The different ages between both records can be best explained by the competing effects of insolation and glacial boundary forcing on seasonality and snow cover extent in Eurasia.


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 207, on the Demerara Rise in the western tropical North Atlantic, recovered multiple Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary sections containing an ejecta layer. Sedimentological, geochemical, and paleontological changes across the boundary closely match patterns expected for a mass extinction caused by a single impact. A normally graded, ~2-cm-thick bed of spherules that is interpreted as a primary air-fall deposit of impact ejecta occurs between sediments of the highest Cretaceous Plummerita hantkeninoides foraminiferal zone and the lowest Paleogene P0 foraminiferal zone. There are no other spherule layers in the section. In addition to extinction of Cretaceous taxa, foraminiferal abundance drops from abundant to rare across the boundary. Ir concentrations reach a maximum of ~1.5 ppb at the top of the spherule bed, and the Ir anomaly is associated with enrichment in other siderophile elements. We attribute the unusually well-preserved and relatively simple stratigraphy to the fact that Demerara Rise was close enough (~4500 km) to the Chicxulub impact site to receive ~2 cm of ejecta, yet was far enough away (and perhaps sheltered by the curve of northern South America) to have been relatively unaffected by impact-induced waves.