206 resultados para borehole carbon correction factor (avogadro units)


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Two cruises were carried out during the Austral spring-summer (November 1995 - January 1996: FRUELA 95, and January - February 1996: FRUELA 96), sampling in Bellingshausen Sea, western Bransfield Strait and Gerlache Strait. We investigated whether there were any spatial (among locations) or temporal (between cruises) differences in abundance and biomass of microbial heterotrophic and autotrophic assemblages. Changes in the concentration of chlorophyll a, prokaryotes, heterotrophic and phototrophic nanoflagellates abundance and biomass were followed in the above mentioned locations close to the Antarctic Peninsula. Parallel to these measurements we selected seven stations to determine grazing rates on prokaryotes by protists at a depth coincident with the depth of maximum chlorophyll a concentration. Measuring the disappearance of fluorescent minicells over 48 h assessed grazing by the protist community. From prokaryotes grazing rates, we estimated how much prokaryotic carbon was channeled to higher trophic levels (protists), and whether this prokaryotic carbon could maintain protists biomass and growth rates. In general higher values were reported for Gerlache Strait than for the other two areas. Differences between cruises were more evident for the oligotrophic areas in Bellingshausen Sea and Bransfield Strait than in Gerlache Strait (eutrophic area). Higher values for phototrophic (at least for chlorophyll a concentration) and abundance of all heterotrophic microbial populations were recorded in Bellingshausen Sea and Bransfield Strait during late spring - early summer (FRUELA 95) than in mid-summer (FRUELA 96). However, similar results for these variables were observed in Gerlache Strait as in spring-early summer as well as in mid-summer. Also, we found differences in grazing rates on prokaryotes among stations located in the three areas and between cruises. Thus, during late spring-early summer (FRUELA 95), the prokaryotic biomass consumed from the standing stock was higher in Bellingshausen Sea (26%/day) and Gerlache Strait (18-26%/day) than in Bransfield Strait (0.68-14%/day). During mid-summer (FRUELA 96) a different pattern was observed. The station located in Bellingshausen Sea showed higher values of prokaryotic biomass consumed (11%/day) than the one located in Gerlache Strait (2.3%/day). Assuming HNF as the main prokaryotic consumers, we estimated that the prokaryotic carbon consumed by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) barely covers their carbon requirements for growth. These results suggest that in Antarctic waters, HNF should feed in other carbon sources than prokaryotes.


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A high-resolution, accelerator mass spectroscopy 14C dated sediment record from the Sulu Sea clearly indicates that the Younger Dryas event affected the western equatorial Pacific. Planktonic foraminiferal delta18O and abundance data both record significant changes during Younger Dryas time. In particular, a 0.4 per mil increase in the delta18O value of Globigerinoides ruber and the reappearance of the cool water planktonic foraminifera, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, occur during the Younger Dryas at this location. These isotopic and faunal changes are a response to either surface water temperature or salinity changes, or some combination of the two. Changes in surface salinities could have been accomplished through either local or global processes. Intensification of the monsoon climate system and increased precipitation at approximately 11 ka is one mechanism that may have resulted in local changes in salinity. A meltwater pulse derived from the Tibetan Plateau is another mechanism which may have caused local changes in salinity. The presence of the Younger Dryas in the tropical western Pacific clearly indicates that this climatic event is not restricted to the North Atlantic or high latitudes, but rather is global in extent.


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During the early Pliocene warm period (~4.6-4.2 Ma) in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific upwelling region, sea surface temperatures were warm in comparison to modern conditions. Warm upwelling regions have global effects on the heat budget and atmospheric circulation, and are argued to have contributed to Pliocene warmth. Though warm upwelling regions could be explained by weak winds and/or a deep thermocline, the temporal and spatial evolution of the equatorial thermocline is poorly understood. Here we reconstruct temporal and spatial changes in subsurface temperature to monitor thermocline depth and show the thermocline was deeper during the early Pliocene warm period than it is today. We measured subsurface temperature records from Eastern Equatorial Pacific ODP transect Sites 848, 849, and 853 using Mg/Ca records from Globorotalia tumida, which has a depth habitat of ~50-100 m. In the early Pliocene, subsurface temperatures were ~4-5°C warmer than modern temperatures, indicating the thermocline was relatively deep. Subsurface temperatures steeply cooled ~2-3°C from 4.8 to 4.0 Ma and continued to cool an additional 2-3°C from 4.0 Ma to present. Compared to records from other regions, the data suggests the pronounced subsurface cooling between 4.8 and 4.0 Ma was a regional signal related to restriction of the Isthmus of Panama, while continued cooling from 4.0 Ma to present was likely related to global processes that changed global thermocline structure. Additionally, the spatial evolution of the equatorial thermocline along a N-S transect across ODP Sites 853, 849 and 848 suggests an intensification of the southeast trades from the Pliocene to present. Large-scale atmospheric and oceanographic circulation processes link high and low latitude climate through their influence on equatorial thermocline source water regions and consequently the equatorial thermocline. Through these low latitude/high latitude linkages, changes in the equatorial thermocline and thermocline source water played an important role in the transition from the warm Pliocene to the cold Pleistocene.


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In this study, retrievals of the medium resolution imaging spectrometer (MERIS) reflectances and water quality products using 4 different coastal processing algorithms freely available are assessed by comparison against sea-truthing data. The study is based on a pair-wise comparison using processor-dependent quality flags for the retrieval of valid common macro-pixels. This assessment is required in order to ensure the reliability of monitoring systems based on MERIS data, such as the Swedish coastal and lake monitoring system (http.vattenkvalitet.se). The results show that the pre-processing with the Improved Contrast between Ocean and Land (ICOL) processor, correcting for adjacency effects, improve the retrieval of spectral reflectance for all processors, Therefore, it is recommended that the ICOL processor should be applied when Baltic coastal waters are investigated. Chlorophyll was retrieved best using the FUB (Free University of Berlin) processing algorithm, although overestimations in the range 18-26.5%, dependent on the compared pairs, were obtained. At low chlorophyll concentrations (< 2.5 mg/m**3), random errors dominated in the retrievals with the MEGS (MERIS ground segment processor) processor. The lowest bias and random errors were obtained with MEGS for suspended particulate matter, for which overestimations in te range of 8-16% were found. Only the FUB retrieved CDOM (Coloured Dissolved Organic Matter) correlate with in situ values. However, a large systematic underestimation appears in the estimates that nevertheless may be corrected for by using a~local correction factor. The MEGS has the potential to be used as an operational processing algorithm for the Himmerfjärden bay and adjacent areas, but it requires further improvement of the atmospheric correction for the blue bands and better definition at relatively low chlorophyll concentrations in presence of high CDOM attenuation.