70 resultados para White-matter


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Rates of organic matter (OM) transformation within the production-destruction cycle of the White Sea were estimated on the basis of measured activity values of redox enzymes of the electron transport system and of hydrolytic enzymes (phosphatase and protease). It was found that OM oxidation processes were the most intensive in the Kandalaksha Bay, while minimum oxidation rates were characteristic of central parts of the Dvina and Onega bays. It was revealed that the highest rates of phosphate mineralization were characteristic of the central part of the sea and near-mouth areas of the Onega and Kandalaksha bays, with the lowest rates in the Dvina Bay. During the period of intense primary production when resources of inorganic phosphorus were practically depleted, high rates of phosphate regeneration were observed. It was shown that populations of micro- and zooplankton in the White Sea were characterized by low activation energies of the principal metabolism reactions (3-6 kcal/mol), which allowed these populations to provide exchange intensity comparable to that of inhabitants of warm waters during all the seasons.


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A multidisciplinary oceanographic survey of the White Sea was carried out in the Gorlo Straight, Basin, and Kandalaksha Bay regions including estuaries of Niva, Kolvitza and Knyazhaya rivers. Hydrophysical study in the northern part of the Basin revealed long-lived step-like structures and inversions in vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, which formed due to tidal mixing of saline and cold Barents Sea waters and warmer White Sea waters in the Gorlo Straight. Biological studies revealed the main features of spatial distribution, as well as qualitative and quantitative composition of phyto- and zooplankton in all studied areas; tolerance of main zooplankton species to fresh water influence in estuaries was shown. Study of suspended matter in estuaries clearly demonstrated physicochemical transformations of material supplied by the rivers. Data on vertical particle flux in the deep part of the Kandalaksha Bay showed difference between the upper and near-bottom layers, which could result from sinking of spring phytoplankton bloom products and supply of terrigenic suspended matter from the nepheloid layer formed by tidal currents.


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Data are presented on concentration and composition of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HC) in water, suspended matter (collected with a Juday net and by a separator), and in bottom sediments of the White Sea. It was found that during the last years the level of aliphatic HC concentrations in waters of the White Sea (aver. 18 µg/l) practically did not change and was comparable with average concentrations in shelf areas of the World Ocean. In water and bottom sediments distribution of HC is determined by discharge of river marginal filters. Here sedimentation of the bulk of anthropogenic HC occurs. That is why a grain-size controlling factor is not active in the zone of the river depocenter (in particular, of the North Dvina River). The same reasons most probably may explain differences in degree of geochemical relationships between contents of TOC and HC in suspended matter and bottom sediments. After passing through marginal filters natural HC are dominant in all migration forms.


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Concentrations of organic and mineral nitrogen and phosphorus in waters from different types of bays were determined during summer of 1987. Content of organic nitrogen in surface waters reached 80-97% of total; content of mineral phosphorus was 60-100%. Concentrations of N_org and P_org in deep waters decreased to 70 and 40%, respectively. Distribution of organic matter in the bays was controlled by river run-off.


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Iron and manganese in bottom sediments studied along the sublatitudinal transect from Kandalaksha to Arkhangelsk are characterized by various contents and speciations depending on sedimentation environment, grain size of sediments, and diagenetic processes. The latter include redistribution of reactive forms leading to enrichment in Fe and Mn of surface sediments, formation of films, incrustations, and ferromanganese nodules. Variations in total Fe content (2-8%) are accompanied by changes in concentration of its reactive forms (acid extraction) and concentration of dissolved Fe in interstitial waters (1-14 µM). Variations in Mn content in bottom sediments (0.03-3.7%) and interstitial waters (up to 500 µM) correspond to high diagenetic mobility of this element. Changes in oxidation degree of chemical elements result in redox stratification of sediment strata with maximum concentrations of Fe, Mn, and sulfides. Organic matter of bottom sediments with considerable terrestrial constituent is oxidized by bottom water oxygen mainly at the sediment surface or in anaerobic conditions within the sediment strata. The role of inorganic components in organic matter oxidation changes from surface layer bottom sediments (where manganese oxyhydroxide dominates among oxidants) to deeper layers (where sulfate of interstitial water serves as the main oxidant). Differences in river runoff and hydrodynamics are responsible for geochemical asymmetry of the transect. The deep Kandalaksha Bay serves as a sediment trap for manganese (Mn content in sediments varies within 0.5-0.7%), whereas the sedimentary environment in the Dvina Bay promotes its removal from bottom sediments (Mn 0.05%).


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A technique of zooplankton net sampling at night in the Kandalaksha and Dvinskii Bays and during the full tide in the Onezhskii Bay of the White Sea allowed us to obtain "clean" samples without considerable admixtures of terrigenous particulates. Absence of elements-indicators of the terrigenous particulates (Al, Ti, and Zr) in the EDX spectra allows to conclude that ash composition of tested samples is defined by constitutional elements comprising organic matter and integument (chitin, shells) of plankton organisms. A quantitative assessment of accumulation of ca. 40 chemical elements by zooplankton based on a complex of modern physical methods of analysis is presented. Values of the coefficient of the biological accumulation of the elements (Kb) calculated for organic matter and the enrichment factors (EF) relative to Clarke concentrations in shale are in general determined by mobility of the chemical elements in aqueous solution, which is confirmed by calculated chemical speciation of the elements in the inorganic subsystem of surface waters of Onezhskii Bay.


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The paper reports data on concentrations of organic compounds (organic carbon, lipids; aliphatic hydrocarbons, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) in snow, ice, and sub-ice waters from the mouth of the Severnaya Dvina River in March 2005-2007 and the Kandalaksha Gulf (Chupa Bay) in March 2004. It was established that organic compounds are accumulated in snow and the upper ice layer near Archangelsk city. Distribution of molecular markers indicates that pollutions were mainly caused by local fallouts. In the Chupa Bay organic compounds are concentrated in the lower ice layer; it is typical for Arctic snow-ice cover. High contents of organic compounds in the snow-ice cover of the White Sea are caused by pollution of air and water during the winter season.