46 resultados para Walton, John K
Results of conventional K-Ar dating on five samples from two sites from the Izu-Bonin forearc are presented. Two samples recovered from a volcanic edifice and overlying sediments drilled on the western side of the forearc basin (Site 792) indicate a basement age of 34 Ma. This is consistent with early Oligocene biostratigraphic ages from the overlying sediments. Three samples from the basement of Hole 793B at the center of the basin are not analytically distinguishable, with a best age of 27.1 +/- 0.6 Ma. This is slightly younger than the 30-33 Ma biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic estimates from the overlying sediments, suggesting that alteration processes have lowered the apparent K-Ar ages. These ages suggest that syn-rift volcanism occurred in a forearc location during the middle Oligocene.
Paleontological, stable isotopic, trace elemental abundance, and magnetostratigraphic studies have been performed on limestones spanning the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary transition at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 807C. Paleontological evidence exists for considerable resedimentation, which we attribute to the fact that Hole 807C is located in a basement graben. Age estimates based on planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, as well as magnetostratigraphy, indicate that sedimentation rates could have been on the order of 12-14 m/m.y. This is significantly higher than those documented in other important Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and ODP Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sections using the same age control points (e.g., DSDP Hole 577 and ODP Hole 690B), although not as high as those documented from DSDP Hole 524. The expanded nature of this succession has resulted in the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary d13C decrease occurring over approximately a 9-m interval. Ir analysis of these sediments do not show a single large anomaly, as has been found in other Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary sections, but trivial background levels instead. Ce data support the hypothesis that this section has been expanded by secondary sedimentological processes.
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9702
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9711
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9512
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-0327
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9505
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9601
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9609
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during John P. Tully cruise STNP-9618